CSIRO SVG Toolkit - new release

October 10th Release

CSIRO is pleased to announce the availability of a new
release of the SVG Toolkit (http://www.cmis.csiro.au/svg)

There has been a lot of work on the toolkit in the last
few months and the list of changes is included here. The most
important change is that the toolkit has changed licences,
from a BSD style licence to an Apache style licence. It's
still completely free open-source and the Apache licence
is less restrictive than BSD. We don't anticipate any
issues with this, but please let us know if have some.

New Features/Bug Fixes

- Apache Ant build.xml file included (some directory restructure)
- lots of animation improvements
- added text anchor support (left, right, middle)
- fixed bug in gradients and patterns when using bounding box
- added support for gradient and pattern references
- fixed bug with opacity property when applied to transformed objects
- added cursor support (user defined cursors when over elements)
- lots of CSS style selector improvements
- fixed bug with onload and onunload events
- now handles onmouseover and onmouseout events
- added linking to fragment/view support
- very early start on filters
- new CSS2 release from steadystate.com
- added zoomAndPan disabled/magnify support (don't do zoom yet)
- xml:space attr is now handled
- better manifest file for java -jar startup
- Apache-style license

Existing Features (just in case you've forgotten!)

- Styling with CSS (element and class)
- SVG DOM (java interface)
- CSS Units
- Transformations
- Interactivity through DOM events
- Scripting through Javascript (Rhino engine)
- Paths and Basic Shapes
- Gradients (radial and linear, transforms and spread styles)
- Text (with SVG fonts)
- SVG Font support with the "d" attribute
- Clipping
- Patterns (+ transforms)
- Linking
- Markers and Symbols
- Image embedding (JPG, PNG and SVG)
- Output to multiple image formats (requires Sun's Jimi for
  formats other than JPG)
- Viewing the source SVG in a seperate window

All this and more is available from:

The CSIRO SVG Toolkit is free and open-source (source included in
downloaded package). You need a Java2 runtime environment (developed
and tested with JDK1.3).  Everything else is included in the
distribution, as well as many sample files.

Thanks again to:

- David Schweinsburg (SteadyState) for his True Type
  to SVG font converter and CSS2 engine

Have fun,
Bella and Dean

Received on Tuesday, 10 October 2000 13:23:35 UTC