Re: [www-svg] <none>

Thanks for pointing these things out. It looks like Appendix H needs some 
major updating. The SVG working group will coordinate with the WAI team on 
how to properly update the appendix.

Jon Ferraiolo
SVG Editor
Adobe Systems Incorporated

At 07:55 PM 11/2/00 -0500, KAMTHAN pankaj wrote:
>SVG 1.0 Specification (November 2, 2000)
>Appendix H: Accessibility Support
>H.1 says:
>"The W3C Note "Accessibility Features of SVG" [not yet published]
>explains in detail how the requirements of the three guidelines apply
>to SVG."
>H.2 says:
>"This section explains briefly how authors can create accessible SVG
>documents; it summarizes "Accessibility Features of SVG" [not yet
>1. The note mentioned above been published; see
> .
>2. Is Appendix H really needed now (that we have the aforementioned
>note published)? (I understand that it is not normative.)
>3. Why are the checkpoints and corresponding priority levels not mentioned
>in H.2? For example, "Provide text equivalents for graphics" would fall
>into Checkpoint 1.1 and [Priority 1], respectively.
>Pankaj Kamthan

Received on Thursday, 2 November 2000 20:13:53 UTC