Re: <image xlink:href="foo.svg"/>

At 07:50 PM 11/1/99 +0200, Markku Savela wrote:
>Uhh.. this just prompts me to ask about..
>> > <image x="50" y="50" width="100" height="100" xlink:href="foo.svg"/>
>Why is there a need for "xlink:" in above? plain "href" should be
>enough, "xlink:" seems totally unnecessary!
>...or, is this something brought to us by XML?

It's one of the ugliest bits brought to us by the latest version of the
XLink working draft (, not XML 1.0 itself.  The
previous version of XLink provided tools that let you use attribute names
like href and src, making it a lot nicer to integrate with existing usage.
The new version requires that you use namespaces (hence xlink:) and their
particular vocabulary (hence href instead of src).  

It looks clunkier and it's harder to integrate, but I'm told it's
"progress".  Oh well.

Simon St.Laurent
XML: A Primer, 2nd Ed.
Building XML Applications
Inside XML DTDs: Scientific and Technical
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Received on Tuesday, 2 November 1999 10:42:19 UTC