Re: <image xlink:href="foo.svg"/>

Jan, you wrote:

>This line is simple ignored (as far as rendering is concerned) both in
>the IBM (v0.3) and CSIRO (0.6) svg-viewers. Has the specs been changed
>with respect to <image> and svg-files? Or does anybody know of a tool
>that can handle this case? Or maybe somebody has gotten the above
>mentioned viewer to work with .svg files? Does anybody have any
>experience with this funcionality they could share?

Yes, we did not yet add this support to the IBM SVGView tool. I am out at a
conference this week but I'll take a look at adding this in an upcoming
release. Thanks for the e-mail as it helps to know what people aree trying
to use when prioritising features to add etc.


Kelvin Lawrence
IBM Emerging Technologies Team

Received on Monday, 1 November 1999 15:23:09 UTC