wmf2svg and svgImage

These are 2 java classes that I have created for converting a windows
matafile into an SVG and for rendering an SVG.

This is work in progress. Results so far include a reasonable SVG file
as well as a decent visual rendering of the same file.

See http://www.blackdirt.com/graphics/svg/ for source code and samples.

test.svg was created using test1.wmf as input to wmf2svg.

That was done using:
java wmf2svg test1.wmf x > test.svg

I'll clean this up so that the second argument is the output file name.

svgImage.jpg shows the current results of running svgImage.  svgImage is
a component that plays an svg file.  I added  main method to handle
testing.  I used IBM's xml4j and I am very happy with the functionality
and ease of use.

java svgImage test.svg

That's it,
Please comment on what I am totally missing.

If anyone has sample svg files, send them on and I will attempt to
upgrade the software to handle more sophisticated examples.

  Carmen Delessio

Received on Monday, 10 May 1999 00:57:22 UTC