Re: Crying for a client

Antonio Ribalaygua wrote:
> We've developed a map server and currently it supports VML clients (IE5).
> A quick look to SVG spec made me happy, as it includes all of my wishes.
> Well, vector graphics ones. :-)
> We really want to support SVG. All we need is a client to test our output.
> And a simple sample would be welcome as well.

I will be working on some sample output.

No clients have yet been announced, although there are people working on
producing them. But since they have not been announced I can't say which
people or, if they work for a company, which company.

> I read here that Adobe will distribute a plug-in or something. Adobe: Could
> we have it soon?
> I promise to have the server working and an on-line demo in a few days
> after receiving the client.

That would be excellent. However, I suggest that the server should
bemade to generate valid SVG and not work around the particular
capabilities of the first client you get. There will be, in the future,
many clients. Also, be prepared to track developments as the SVG
specification matures over several months.

While you wait for a client, could I ask for your detailed feedback on
the curtrent specification? Glad you liked it overall; I would be
particularly interested to hear of which particular features met your
wishes (so we have feedback that these are definitely required).

> As a contribution to the standard development, I think mapping apps are a
> great benchmark for the format, as they deal with hundreds (or thousands)
> of paths.

Yes, I completely agree and would be very pleased to see your mapping
server support SVG. Will you be at XML Europe 99 in Granada, Spain? I
will be there and would be glad of the opportunity to discuss with you

> By the way, which are Netscape and Microsoft plans about SVG native support
> in their browsers?

You should aske them about that (although they are welcome to announce
support plans in this forum). In general, for customer-driven markets
suchg as consumer software, it is wise to ensure that the vendor knows
about customer requirements for specific features (such as native SVG
support). If you or your clients want to see SVG support, make sure that
browser manufactirers know about this.

Try to see what browsers are in the market (there
are more than two) ;-)


Received on Saturday, 6 March 1999 08:09:08 UTC