Crying for a client

We've developed a map server and currently it supports VML clients (IE5).

A quick look to SVG spec made me happy, as it includes all of my wishes.
Well, vector graphics ones. :-)

We really want to support SVG. All we need is a client to test our output.
And a simple sample would be welcome as well.

I read here that Adobe will distribute a plug-in or something. Adobe: Could
we have it soon?

I promise to have the server working and an on-line demo in a few days
after receiving the client.

As a contribution to the standard development, I think mapping apps are a
great benchmark for the format, as they deal with hundreds (or thousands)
of paths.

By the way, which are Netscape and Microsoft plans about SVG native support
in their browsers?

Saludos, Toņo.
Antonio Ribalaygua
XYZ Sistemas Industriales, S.A.
ICQ 12791190

Received on Friday, 5 March 1999 19:29:15 UTC