Re: alternative way of doing "fonts"?

Adobe has been on the road recently talking to Web designers about SVG, and
the Web designers have stated that such a feature as you are describing
below is not only desirable but a requirement. 

Both PDF and Flash formats allow fonts to be embedded within the document,
which makes fonts dependable with these formats.  Web designers are
familiar with this approach to embedded fonts and think SVG should have the
same facility. These same designers feel the Web font strategy in CSS2
(using @font-face and url()) hasn't worked so. Because of this, the
designers are telling us SVG should do what PDF and Flash do.

I think the basic message the Web designers are conveying is that fonts
need to work on the Web. Your suggested approach has the very significant
advantage that fonts are guaranteed to work wherever SVG works.


At 10:34 AM 3/5/99 -0800, Andrew Wooldridge wrote:
>One idea I was thinking of was some alternative to just specifying
>fonts. Meaning this:
>in SVG have some way to dynamically replace text info with a vector
>object defined in some library.
>This way someone builds an alphabet of glyphs which then get inserted
>into the places that text would have been in.  For instance
>I have the word "big" and Iwant it to appear in some kind of snazzy
>special font.
>I create vector objects for the "b" the "i" and the "g"  (perhaps even
>the rest of the alpha).
>Then somehow in SVG I have a tag who's contents are "big" but when
>rendered to the screen, the letter b get's replaced by my "b" glyph, the
>letter "i" gets replaced by my "i"  glyph, etc. etc.
>But this stuff would still be recognized in the svg as text so that it
>might be searchable, selectable, etc.
>- Andrew Wooldridge    -     Opinions expressed are my own -
>- -
>- my Q: 11111          -     my ICQ: 6345881

Received on Friday, 5 March 1999 14:52:47 UTC