Re: Call for reference SVG examples!

Kind of a catch 22. Before I start writing SVG files
I'm waiting for a sample browser so I can verify the
syntax and format of the files I write :)

Actually, I am going to try to find some time to write
the SVG drivers for our schematic application. Our 2-d
schematics and x/y plots will only use a small part of
SVG spec though. (16 color grouped rect, polygon, text, etc.).

If it would mean sooner definition, acceptance, and use
of the SVG format, I would vote for keeping the initial
versions of the spec simple. (Animation, filter effects,
etc. can come later.)
Dave Apman (dave.apman[at]
Boeing Applied Research & Technology
Bellevue, Washington USA

Received on Friday, 5 March 1999 14:50:43 UTC