Free Implementation of SVG Viewer

Hello SVGers.

I would like to announce another open source
svg viewer, written in Java. It handles a large
amount of the SVG specification, including 
shapes, paths, most styles (eg. fills, stroke and
join types, linear and radial gradients), text with
font styles, most transformations and images.

You need a Java2 JDK (we use Java2D) and the Sun
ProjectX XML library (available free).

The SVG Viewing library in the package is mostly
complete - but the application needs to be cleaned
up a bit (it really just opens a file and then
lets you zoom and pan). I will make an applet 
version to embed in web pages soon.
The entire package is getting quite big now.

If you want to download and play, the
web site is:

There you will find a page describing the parts
of the specification we handle and some demonstration

Dean Jackson
CSIRO Mathematical and Information Sciences

Received on Wednesday, 21 July 1999 03:33:54 UTC