[CSSWG] Minute Telecon 2025-01-22 [css-env][cssom-view][selectors][css-text][css-anchor-position]

  These are the official CSSWG minutes.
  Unless you're correcting the minutes,
 please respond by starting a new thread
   with an appropriate subject line.

Upcoming F2Fs

  - The spring F2F will be April 15 to 17
  - There is a poll for dates for the summer F2F. Group members are
      asked to fill in their availability.

CSS Environment Variables

  - RESOLVED: Adopt safe-area-max-inset-* values (Issue #11019: Maximum
              safe area inset values to allow sliding bottom bar)


  - RESOLVED: enum ScrollIntoViewContainer { "all", "nearest" },
              defaulting to `all`, expanding to element in the future
              if needed (Issue #9452: Option for scrollIntoView that
              doesn't propagate to ancestors)


  - RESOLVED: UAs MUST preserve user privacy (Issue #11151: Proposal:
              Update :visited language to state UAs must preserve user

CSS Text

  - There wasn't a strong preference between the two options for issue
      #9724 (What does the `white-space-collapse` apply to when
      white-space trimming/positioning) will be written up in advance
      of the F2F. This will allow the authors to gain feedback on ease
      of implementation before selecting one option.

Anchor Position

  - RESOLVED: Close no change (Issue #10831: `anchor()` Fallback type
              inconsistency vs WPT)


Agenda: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/2025Jan/0013.html

  Rachel Andrew
  Adam Argyle
  Rossen Atanazzov
  Tab Atkins-Bittner
  Kevin Babbitt
  David Baron
  Andreu Botella
  Oriol Brufau
  Stephen Chenney
  Keith Cirkel
  Emilio Cobos Álvarez
  Elika Etemad
  Robert Flack
  Simon Fraser
  Paul Grenier
  Daniel Holbert
  Brian Kardell
  Jonathan Kew
  Roman Komarov
  Alison Maher
  Florian Rivoal
  Gaurav Singh Faujdar
  Alan Stearns
  Miriam Suzanne
  Josh Tumath
  Bramus Van Damme

  Lea Verou

Scribe: joshtumath

F2F Scheduling

Spring F2F

  alisonmaher: Converging on dates April 15th to 17th
  <astearns> +1 to confirming those dates
  tabatkins: In April I'm only available first week
  <alisonmaher> https://app.rallly.co/invite/VFdy8sxOY2WU
  tabatkins: April 15th is week with most yeses. The no is me
  tabatkins: vacation for 3 weeks in April
  Florian: second week clashes with AC meeting
  astearns: main difference is that we loose either tabatkins or Lea
  astearns: we'll lose someone important either way
  Rossen: we're going to lose both Chris and Lea. So let's do tentative
          15th to 17th

  Rossen: alisonmaher, when is confirmation of space?
  alisonmaher: I can email everyone this week depending on what works
               out with the booking

Summer F2F

  astearns: TabAtkins had a question
  <TabAtkins> * Jun 23-27
  <TabAtkins> * Aug 18-22
  <TabAtkins> * Aug 25-29
  TabAtkins: Summer? I have not looked into bookings. Does anyone have
             problems with these weeks.
  Rossen: The weeks and times are in IRC. Please take a look if you
          have any hard blocks during those weeks.
  Rossen: Please reach out to TabAtkins and discuss.
  <fantasai> -> https://app.rallly.co/poll/j2QtO5IYmIOI
  TabAtkins: Will be somewhere in continental Europe.
  <astearns> thanks for working on this, Tab

  Rossen: So, again, call to action is look at poll posted or
          timeframes in the minutes. Reach out to TabAtkins or fill out
          poll directly.
  schenney: If you do sign in, you can change your vote later.
  Rossen: Let's proceed with rest of the agenda.

CSS Environment Variables

Maximum safe area inset values to allow sliding bottom bar
  github: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/11019

  flackr: The safe-area-inset allows authors to know what portion of
          their content might overlap content they're not in control of
  flackr: e.g. the camera
  flackr: Lets authors know when it goes over the safe area, but this
          changes dynamically
  flackr: this requires re-layout. I would like to add a maximum safe
          inset area
  flackr: to allow it to slide in from the side of the screen to cover
          the inset space
  flackr: In particular, this is giving you the safe area you would
          have at large viewport sizes
  flackr: when viewport is small, less of your content is reaching the
          edge of the screen so it's less likely to go under native
          controls and things
  flackr: when the viewport grows to the large size, it will go under
          the camera
  <TabAtkins> +1, this sounds reasonable to me.

  emilio: It looks reasonable
  emilio: I was trying it out in Chrome for Android and don't get the
          safe area jump you are trying to fix
  flackr: This is behind a bunch of different feature flags
  flackr: as your controls slide away, the viewport would grow also
          underneath the switcher bar
  <bramus> Chrome flags:
  emilio: Recomputing environment variables can be expensive.
  emilio: Keeping track of what uses each variable. but yeah this might
          be a reasonable way of fixing it.
  flackr: We can use the approach suggested in the issue to optimize it
  flackr: treat it like a position: sticky type effect
  emilio: But you still need to update the style of elements. you could
          implement smarter tracking

  smfr: With Apple we're fine with this
  smfr: Something I thought of is that when they change there will be a
        resize event. But will there be an event for this to know it's
  flackr: It's already dynamic but I'm proposing adding a static value

  bramus: I took it for a spin and I think it will work out nicely,
          solve author problems

  Rossen: OK, the summary of the proposal is to adopt the
          max-safe-area-inset values
  flackr: wasn't sure if it should be safe-area-max
  <bramus> safe-area-max-inset?
  Rossen: safe-area-max?

  RESOLVED: adopt safe-area-max-inset-* values


Option for scrollIntoView that doesn't propagate to ancestors
  github: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/9452

  flackr: scrollIntoView is a useful API
  flackr: Does the right thing for common use cases. but propagates all
          the way up chain to scroll root
  flackr: So the proposal is to add a container property to the dict
          added to scrollIntoView
  flackr: It would use Tab's proposal here for the common ancestor
          about what to scroll into view
  flackr: The main reason was to make it easy to refer to your own
          scrolling ancestor.
  flackr: So you'd say container.target and it would refer to nearest
  flackr: I'm also fine with it just using the container. but then we
          have to answer what happens if the container is not actually
          an ancestor
  flackr: You could just do nothing because that's what you've asked for
  flackr: TabAtkins' suggestion is simple to use, but container is not
          quite the right name
  Rossen: the top scrolling ancestor of the container?
  <TabAtkins> X.scrollIntoView(container:Y), finds the nearest common
              scrollable ancestor of X and Y

  emilio: I think I was going to drop a similar question. Ancestor in
          the DOM sense or layout tree sense?
  emilio: or maybe we need to... we have a switch to not scroll
  emilio: I think what you want is to scroll to the first scrollable
  emilio: let's say you have a fixedpos element
  emilio: it does not scroll with the rest of the content
  flackr: It would follow the scroll parent chain?
  emilio: A layout ancestor.
  emilio: so let's say if you scroll it on a popover.
  emilio: that seems reasonable, but container is a misnomer. maybe
  emilio: but we have the scroll parent API
  flackr: we have a separate issue to add scroll parent to the element
  <bramus> https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/1522 is that issue
  flackr: we have offset parent, which is close
  emilio: Should we add something to skip over overflow: hidden stuff,
          but I can see you want both
  bramus: They should use overflow: clip in that case

  smfr: I agree with emilio. Should shadow roots be a boundary as well?
  smfr: and at least in WebKit, scrolling goes across iframe boundaries
  smfr: it surprises me because ???
  flackr: I thought chrome changed that to not propagate across iframe
  argyle: On codepen, the reproduce ability is available
  argyle: you'll see the iframe scroll into view and you'll know it's
          the child iframe. it's kind of the issue
  smfr: I have a feeling that's cross origin. maybe I'm thinking of
  bramus: Yes I think so
  <smfr> if Chrome did change the cross-origin iframe behavior, I'd
         like that to be raised in a CSS issue and specified
  Rossen: But the point is righteous. allowing to escape iframes or
          cross-origin iframes, sounds like reasonably in scope
  flackr: I think it's a different issue
  flackr: the issue of smfr is iframes, it's scrolling and hijacking
          frames that are unrelated.
  <bramus> +1 on it being a different issue
  <argyle> +1, two great different issues we should fix
  Rossen: but should be tackled in a separate issue. very related

  emilio: So we could still at least agree that this doesn't work when
          the container you pass in comes from a separate document
  emilio: smfr had a question about shadow root
  emilio: they don't have boxes so they don't apply here?
  emilio: depending on how we do this, scroll parent API has to
          retarget stuff from inside to outside shadow trees
  emilio: the scroll only on the first ancestor would get you ???
  emilio: so I wonder if we should do more research for that situation
  emilio: the closest scroller, if it's in the shadow tree, do you want
          the container inside your tree
  emilio: I don't think you want to get it without conversions, to get
          an element from a shadow tree
  flackr: I guess in a way, you can scroll up to the ????
  emilio: You need a way of avoiding scroll parent in the shadow root
  emilio: that may be an issue with shadow parent rather than this issue
  flackr: We should have an API for that that expands to specifying a
          container in the future
  <emilio> maybe we have an enum Container { "all", "first" }, then
           optionally make it `(Container or Element) container;` in
           the future
  <flackr> I would say nearest instead of first

  argyle: 100+ on this. it makes scrollIntoView unusable because of the
          side effects
  argyle: maybe tag the containers with CSS. we indicate a scroll into
          view mechanism
  argyle: then you declare on any container that you know of.
  flackr: I disagree because that would change things like scrolling to
          an anchor link
  flackr: could spec it not to but maybe it would be weird, affect some
          APIs not others
  flackr: agree with emilio's suggestion changing first to nearest
  emilio: sounds good

  bramus: Could have default value being document root element
  bramus: As smfr said in IRC, could continue this at F2F
  flackr: That could be breaking. we could change what all does
  Rossen: I want to see if we can resolve
  Rossen: instead of deferring to F2F
  Rossen: We can agree to adopt it as currently specified
  <flackr> Proposed resolution: Add container: 'all' | 'nearest' with
           default value 'all'
  <emilio> PROPOSED: enum ScrollIntoViewContainer { "all", "nearest" },
           defaulting to `all`, expanding to element in the future if
  flackr: Scroll parent ancestry
  emilio: Not if the block is not scrollable
  smfr: Does it work in the popover case?
  emilio: It would scroll the viewport, but that would be outside of
          the scroller
  emilio: we should define this so that it works properly in that case.
  smfr: OK
  Rossen: Sounds like it's resolved

  RESOLVED: enum ScrollIntoViewContainer { "all", "nearest" },
            defaulting to `all`, expanding to element in the future
            if needed

  <emilio> We should probably follow-up with issues for iframe and
           overflow-hidden tweaks

  scribe: emilio

Proposal: Update :visited language to state UAs must preserve
    user privacy
  github: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/11151

  TabAtkins: Won't go over background of visited privacy leaks
  TabAtkins: Last year Kyra Seevers started to take up the project to
             close that loophole
  TabAtkins: since them we've been happy with the experiment
  TabAtkins: Now we have a useful privacy-preserving visited
  TabAtkins: we'd want to expand that language
  TabAtkins: to make it more strict, from "may" to "must" help preserve
  TabAtkins: That might be not matching :visited at all, or might be
             doing something clever
  TabAtkins: Idea is to add an appendix with our approach too
  <astearns> +1 to must
  emilio: +1
  Rossen: Objections?

  RESOLVED: UAs MUST preserve user privacy

  <fantasai> sgtm
  ChrisL: Any impact on WPTs?
  TabAtkins: It must be a visual test to come up in WPT
  iank: Not many, must be reftests
  emilio: and reftests might not be reliable (assume sync queries of

CSS Text

What does the `white-space-collapse` apply to when white-space
  github: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/9724

  andreubotella: We have hanging and conditionally-hanging glyphs
  andreubotella: you can only hang at the end of a line
  andreubotella: and you can have unconditional hanging spaces before
                 hanging spaces
  andreubotella: in which case if you grow the size of the line box
                 there'd be a point where you reach the end of the
                 conditionally hanging spaces and then all the spaces
  andreubotella: I have a demo in the issue
  andreubotella: [screenshares
  andreubotella: question is are we fine with that behavior?

  florian: This can happen with different white-space-collapse at the
           end of the line
  florian: can't think of when this would happen in real content
  florian: another alternative would be that unconditionally-hanging
           followed by conditionally-hanging spaces all behave as
  florian: I don't think this matters in practice
  florian: the demo makes it the more obvious interpretation of the spec
  florian: I think we could do that
  <astearns> I think I prefer the proposal to propagating conditionality
  andreubotella: The reason this would be rare in practice is that in
                 order to have unconditional hanging spaces _before_
                 conditional you need to have combination of these
                 values and characters such as ideographic spaces
  florian: Right, just a mix of ideographic and regular spaces won't
           cause this, you also need different white-space-collapse

  emilio: Unless this really matters for some use-case, I think this
          is fine
  emilio: I'd be a bit skeptical of introducing this kind of "how you
          hang depends on how things after you hang" that Florian
  emilio: so unless that behavior is really important for some
          realistic use-case, I think what you suggest is fine

  fantasai: I feel the second definition florian gave seemed simpler?
  fantasai: so I lean towards that
  fantasai: but I agree it doesn't really matter in practice, so
            whatever is more straight-forward
  andreubotella: Yeah I guess whether you hang at all depends on what's
                 after or how you hang seems fine
  florian: What's harder to implement
  andreubotella: Don't know off the top of my head
  fantasai: Can ask internally
  fantasai: agree to whatever is simpler
  astearns: So we can resolve either with whatever is simpler or with
            no change
  fantasai: Can we put option a and option b together and just ask for
            impl feedback?
  florian: Last comment in the issue does contain that but can clarify
  fantasai: Let's get those options together and poll at the end of
            the F2F

CSS Anchor Position

`anchor()` Fallback type inconsistency vs WPT
  github: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/10831

  TabAtkins: In this issue it was raised that there's an inconsistency
             with the spec that says `<length-percentage>` on the
  TabAtkins: anchor and anchor-size are both `<length>`s
  TabAtkins: so type wise they should be valid fallback
  TabAtkins: so afaict there's no inconsistency

  RESOLVED: Close no change

Received on Friday, 24 January 2025 00:29:14 UTC