[CSSWG] Minutes Color HDR Breakout 2025-02-12 [css-color-hdr]

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Color HDR Breakout

  - RESOLVED: Add current proposal as a note into the spec (Issue
              #11616: CSS syntax for HDR colors parameterized by
  - RESOLVED: Change high to no-limit (Issue #11698: New values for
              dynamic-range-limit property)
  - weinig will create a PR to clarify the language called out in issue
      #11672 (Clarification on the grammar / spec text for


Agenda: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/2025Feb/0003.html

  Said Abou-Hallawa
  Chris Cameron
  Simon Fraser
  Pierre-Anthony Lemieux
  Chris Lilley
  Cameron McCormack
  Chris Needham
  Alan Stearns
  Nicole Sullivan
  Josh Tumath
  Samuel Weinig

Scribe: joshtumath

Color HDR

CSS syntax for HDR colors parameterized by headroom
  github: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/11616

  ccameron: Taking some ideas in ICC, and also color matching with gain
            map images in ISO
  ccameron: A good way to deal with HDR colors
  ccameron: We're not going to expose headroom directly
  ccameron: recomputing every time there are changes is painful
  ccameron: want to say headroom for this and that, and interpolate
            between the two in UA
  ccameron: the UA and device can limit it
  ccameron: wanted to present the idea. not the definitive way to do it
  ccameron: good to wait until ICC stuff is in a good place
  ccameron: but that's the idea. wanted to see if anyone has thoughts

  ChrisL: I really like the idea
  ChrisL: for SDR, everything relative to medium white
  ChrisL: but HDR there is no single value to use but we can't expose
          the headroom
  ChrisL: in the original proposal, you can say what the headroom is
          for two colors
  ChrisL: but when would it not be 0?
  ChrisL: it's only defined in between. what if headroom is 2 and 4 on
          an SDR display?
  ccameron: It needs to be defined down to 0
  ccameron: I'm still working on proposal for what to do with different
            headroom values
  ccameron: maybe we should build that into the syntax
  ccameron: for images, you can say-- Oh. There is a reason why not to
            have 0
  ccameron: suppose you had content that you don't want to become HDR
  ccameron: is that the most useful thing, I don't know
  ChrisL: We have to define what happens when headroom is 0
  ChrisL: could make the headroom 0 the default value. removes verbosity
  ChrisL: could have n values
  ChrisL: I don't want to make this too complicated. I want it to be
          good enough
  ccameron: I like that idea. I also think that if we workshop this,
            having an initial version with only two values, one
            headroom 0 sounds good
  ccameron: maybe we do want the whole p?? wise thing
  ccameron: it adds complexity, but I'd be happy to leave that out
            for v1
  ccameron: make sure the common case is super simple

  smfr: The color that you render, the commutation of that color takes
        into account screen brightness?
  ccameron: Yes
  smfr: Need to treat it like accent color and not paint it into canvas?
  ccameron: I think canvas right now, it's a snapshot at a fixed
            headroom. not possible to realize values at rendering
  ccameron: so I haven't written this up. but 2d canvas has a headroom
            that's 0 SDR
  ccameron: so maybe render canvas by 2, but you need to tell canvas
            what the effective headroom is
  smfr: So there's no way of using the color painted as a proxy for
        screen brightness?
  ccameron: There better not be!
  ccameron: the goal is to make it so you can't exfiltrate that
  ccameron: you have to re-render your entire page when the headroom
            changes, so we're aligned on that
  smfr: The screen brightness things are ramped
  smfr: I really want to avoid re-rendering on brightness change
  ChrisL: What is the alternative?
  pal: Let the rendering change deal with the viewing environment
  weinig: You can't write arbitrary PQ values
  pal: As long as we allow that, that's fine right?
  pal: you're just writing HDR values and let the renderer deal with it
  pal: as long as that's possible, everything else is optional
  ChrisL: Understand that will be possible but that's not topic
  pal: I think it's important. apps that will want additional control,
       may want this, but otherwise should be able to let renderer do
       its thing

  weinig: I was thinking about this. if getting to parity with what
          images and video can do... if images have to recompute each
          pixel value...
  weinig: then this will have to, too
  <ChrisL> Agree that this is CSS parity for images/video
  weinig: it's as if you have lots of tiny images that you've loaded
          that have metadata with 'between these ranges'
  weinig: comfortable for implementation if it mirrors what images and
          video can already do
  weinig: so I think that should quell smfr's concerns
  weinig: it's something that engines already have to deal with
  weinig: we should discuss alternative of this proposal. new property
          with CSS color values that should be treated as if they are
          HDR values and the system can do whatever tone mapping it
  weinig: I think there are some formats with no color map. system
          decides how to tone map that
  ChrisL: Yes PNG and ???? has that
  ChrisL: it's just the values
  weinig: So I think benefit to having the gain map, matching something
          that uses PQ values directly

  ccameron: Yes absolutely. right now it's going on in ICC where you
            say 'here's my headroom dependent ICC profile'
  ccameron: here's the transformation to get to headroom 3 1 0
  ccameron: my goal with that is that can be something you can attach
            to canvas
  ccameron: 'here's the tone mapping for different headrooms'
  ccameron: and that packet, I'd like to have the same packet between
            video, images, CSS, canvas
  ccameron: so that's another option
  ccameron: perhaps that's better than the suggestion I had
  weinig: We just want to get the model of what's happening in the
          system. something like: you can attach to px some metadata
          about how to tone map
  weinig: and the compositor does it
  smfr: I think both. you map at paint time and re-render the whole
        buffer. I'm not sure whether we redraw in the first case but I
        think we do
  ccameron: For us, if something is in a layer, we can delegate to
            the OS
  ccameron: otherwise we rewrite every pixel when headroom changes
  ccameron: we throttle it
  ccameron: interpolate it out or in
  weinig: But for systems with display lists, etc, they don't have to
          block paint
  weinig: A concern is, if we're privacy minded, we don't leak this
          info through perf characteristics
  ccameron: On some platforms it's observable
  ccameron: but the goal is to push as far down pipeline as possible
  weinig: But if we parallel what images can do, simplifies model

  astearns: Where are we at. can we resolve to adopt?
  astearns: or the idea of a different packet to send around something
            to explore?
  ccameron: I want something written down and give ICC something public
            to point at
  ccameron: it's an idea worth getting out to marinate
  ccameron: get an idea of concerns. but I like the packet idea.
  ccameron: we should try to incorporate that
  weinig: Agreed needs to marinate. let engines experiment to see what
          is feasible
  weinig: Makes a lot more sense to figure out how for images and video
          it will start playing before we tackle this

  ChrisL: Would like to see this in spec so people can see what we're
          looking at
  ChrisL: can't currently make a HDR color
  ChrisL: rather people get to see something
  ChrisL: am rep to ICC. I know they tend to hide things until they're
  ChrisL: these are things to look at, and we need experimentation
          that's coordinated. get a stick in the ground to kick around
  weinig: Maybe we could say in the spec that this is changing
  ChrisL: Yes
  ChrisL: an explicit 'DO NOT SHIP!!!'
  astearns: We can point to the issue and put in a competing proposal

  ccameron: Everyone same page about: on chrome, you specify the color
            and you get something bright
  ccameron: the goal is for that to not be the case. you opt into a
            brighter color is the goal
  ccameron: otherwise you get gamut mapped to SDR
  PROPOSED RESOLUTION: put current proposal in spec with a note that we
      need to solve this and where discussion is happening

  RESOLVED: Add current proposal as a note into the spec

New values for dynamic-range-limit property
  github: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/11698

  said: The current value for dynamic-range-limit is 'high'
  said: we believe UA may want more control based on system conditions
  said: we propose value of auto to pick properties from system
  astearns: There was an issue on auto. I thought you wanted to discuss
            other values first

  said: If we're talking about names, this property name is confusing
  said: if we look at dynamic range, 0 is r.
  said: dynamic range also is ????
  said: high is full brightness, 0 is 0 brightness
  said: I think we should change the names of values to show it's in
        the negative side and limit the ??? of the video
  said: is high high dynamic range or high limit on dynamic range
  said: suggestion of 'none'
  said: I think this is better than existing one
  smfr: Or 'unconstrained'

  ccameron: I wrote the names and with discussion I agree they only
            make sense if you already know what they're doing
  ccameron: I gave three options at F2F that emphasize these are the
            limits the author is placing
  ccameron: so how do you say that the page doesn't want to limit
  ccameron: I agree 'high' is not intuitive
  ccameron: so I am flexible on these terms
  ccameron: I feel unable to give honest assessment. I was hoping we
            could vote or something
  ccameron: issues like auto value come from how these proposed values
            are uncomfortable
  astearns: I prefer no-limit
  smfr: I like background: no-repeat!
  ChrisL: I like no-limit as well

  astearns: Should we resolve on that with option to bikeshed later?
  ChrisL: Three values: you want SDR, as much HDR as you get and 'don't
          go overboard'
  nicole: Could it be 'default'?
  smfr: Only one browser has shipped this
  ccameron: Everyone serving HDR video will get a surprise if we change
            the default behaviour
  ccameron: not shipped yet
  ChrisL: Just saying with no property specified, what do you get?
  smfr: I think we decided at F2F it should be about limiting. Less HDR
        than what the UA could give
  smfr: but maybe you want in an image editor on the web to say full HDR
  smfr: so the OS will constrain how much HDR allowed. and UA.
        constraints may differ depending on in full screen
  smfr: can you say 'go away constraint. I want HDR'

  ChrisL: If you have one prop to limit it to less, and another to get
          more, how do you explain that?
  ChrisL: I'd rather one prop that gives you the full range. sounds
          like an auto value to me
  ChrisL: but I want to express give me it all or tone it down
  ChrisL: and it should be on the same property

  ccameron: The idea of saying I want all the HDR. Would you set that
            on an element?
  ccameron: you're saying 'hey wrap things up'
  ccameron: one thing is when you think you're going in a certain
            headroom at some point in the future, so you could set the
            headroom early to get the effect
  ccameron: or 'I know my page will use headroom 5'
  ccameron: I view that as a hint to the OS of what to do. and asking
            for permission
  ccameron: the OS may want to revoke that
  ccameron: my feeling about the ramping, it's not something-- if we
            attach it to an element, it's not been great
  smfr: That makes sense
  smfr: it's like the wait lock API
  smfr: so the property we're talking about is only a limiting property
  weinig: smfr came to my conclusion
  ChrisL: And I'm on the same page now as well
  smfr: I think we can get back to bikeshedding

  weinig: But auto vs high. I think the default of high or no-limit is
  weinig: everything is inherently 'auto'
  weinig: you say 'I don't need the system to do it'
  weinig: that's a strong thing. you don't want to put in effort to
          make sure images are non HDR
  weinig: you're saying there may be HDR pixels in there but ignore them
  weinig: existing concept of defaulting to 'do what you do' and then
          let the user ramp it down

  smfr: I think there are legacy reason why auto might make more sense
  smfr: historically we've allowed video to be high, but we might not
        want that for images
  weinig: Do images not have high today?
  smfr: We don't have HDR support in mobile safari
  smfr: we want to avoid the HDR in the corner of your eye problem
  weinig: You want to avoid accidental HDR? not annoying the user, the
          user could put 'high' on themselves
  weinig: I don't think having an annoyance as a blocker is going to be
          effective. you could make an accidental prevention thing at

  ccameron: I worry about the auto thing being a way to opt into a quirk
  ccameron: I prefer no limit as a default and the UA performs
            heuristics to make sure HDR is limited by default
  ccameron: if a video occupies x % of pixel area, you let the image
            shine through
  ccameron: I think what limit is imposed by the UA needs to be imposed
            on ????? together
  ccameron: that I think will come back and hurt us
  ccameron: I think best resolution is to say for now, do heuristics
            for video, etc, and then the permission for headroom could
            be something we let pages start doing
  ccameron: I think the opt out option is introducing an inconsistency
            to the model that will tear itself apart
  ccameron: there is a continuum of pages that the author has specified
  ccameron: so basically you specify that and the author says 'I'm
            outside of that continuum'
  ccameron: I think it will cause compatibility issues
  ccameron: I think of it like: a heuristic about the UA is how I'd
            like to accomplish that

  smfr: ccameron said he would like the limits on the whole page, but
        we can't do that because of the legacy video HDR issue
  <ccameron> +1
  pal: I think having the UA police obnoxious content is ??. It's up to
       the author to make a page make sense
  pal: if you don't want an obnoxious ad, don't let them on the page
  pal: it's too late for the UA to deal with it
  <ccameron> and to amplify pal's comment, if we auto-limit things too
             much, then authors will get used to creating too-bright

  weinig: One other option is to think about this from UA stylesheet
  weinig: is there a model where img elements get standard or whatever
          as default. video gets high as default.
  weinig: there are probably some version of this where concept is
          still there but reasonable defaults for UA stylesheet
  weinig: doesn't help people using HDR background image, though
  weinig: someone could still accidentally have a HDR background image

  said: I think you mentioned we should fall back to no limit
  said: but I think opposite. no limit is like auto
  said: some blind heuristics will not be able to do it the same way

  astearns: All of this is intertwined. all the issues.
  astearns: We need to make decisions on these three issues. I don't
            think there's anything where we can say this is the output
            of the meeting
  ccameron: I agree we haven't resolved. I thought at the F2F we agreed
            auto is not needed
  ccameron: It sounds like that wasn't where we got to
  ccameron: names is close to resolution. auto still remains no
  astearns: Can we resolve to change high to no-limit?
  PROPOSED RESOLUTION: change high to no-limit

  RESOLVED: Change high to no-limit

  astearns: I thought this conversation was useful. meet again in two
  <pal> Thanks for the super clear agenda

Clarification on the grammar / spec text for
  github: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/11672

  weinig: So it's just a clarification. whether the mix() function
          should take other mix() functions as the input?
  weinig: and the other ?: could only 1 value in it make sense or
          should min be 2
  ccameron: Could have mix of mix. it seemed simpler to allow you to
            mix one value with itself, and have fewer rules
  weinig: It was more the grammar, maybe a typo. I can do a PR
  ChrisL: Would be good

Received on Friday, 14 February 2025 00:05:48 UTC