[CSSWG] Minutes Telecon 2024-10-16 [css-inline][css-anchor-position][css-pseudo]

  These are the official CSSWG minutes.
  Unless you're correcting the minutes,
 Please respond by starting a new thread
   with an appropriate subject line.

CSS Inline

  - RESOLVED: Make property text-box-edge inherited (Issue #10904: Is
              `text-box-edge` inherited or not?)
  - RESOLVED: 2 values are required unless the single value provided
              can be doubled (Issue #10703: The behavior when one value
              is specified for `text-box-edge`)
  - RESOLVED: We allow mix-and-match syntax for <text-edge> keywords
              (Issue #10713: Allow re-ordering of <text-edge> keywords)
  - RESOLVED: Revert the previous resolution: allow all combinations
              for `text-box` (Issue #10748: Disallow `auto` in
              `text-box` shorthand)
  - RESOLVED: text-box-trim trims inline to the text-box-edge;
              otherwise use the line-fit-edge; both for sizing and for
              painting (Issue #10834: Inline boxes and line-fit-edge vs

CSS Anchor Positioning

  - RESOLVED: When an anchor position element is first rendered or
              change fallback position, use the current scroll offset
              to calculate its position area (Issue #10999: Better
              handling of scroll position for fixpos elements on first

CSS Pseudo

  - fantasai introduced issue #11038 (Should the "first formatted line"
      propagate into a different BFC?) during the last few minutes of
      the call so that there can be further discussion on the issue or
      in a future meeting.


Agenda: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/2024Oct/0006.html

  Rachel Andrew
  Rossen Atanassov
  Tab Atkins-Bittner
  David Baron
  Kevin Babbitt
  Oriol Brufau
  Emilio Cobos Álvarez
  Yehonatan Daniv
  Matthieu Dubet
  Elika Etemad
  Robert Flack
  Mason Freed
  Daniel Holbert
  Jonathan Kew
  Roman Komarov
  David Leininger
  Romain Menke
  Fernando Serboncini
  Jen Simmons
  Miriam Suzanne
  Josh Tumath
  Bramus Van Damme

  Lea Verou

Scribe: matthieud

CSS Inline

Is `text-box-edge` inherited or not?
  github: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/10904

  fantasai: This is about inheritance of text-box-edge
  fantasai: We split the text-box-edge into 2 properties
  fantasai: koji thinks both properties should inherited (currently one
            does not the other)
  fantasai: Various scenarios seem to indicate that inheritance makes
            more sense for Jen
  fantasai: The proposal is to make text-box-edge inherit
  fantasai: When trimming, we use the value of text-box-edge on the
            containing block of the line box affected
  fantasai: If you set text-box-trim on an article and heading says
            trim to ex, then you will trim the top of the first line to
            ex, and the bottom of last line to ideographic

  kizu: I have some concerns
  kizu: being inherited makes it very powerful
  kizu: It could break some content inside (cf STP)
  kizu: We will need to provide at least some author guidance to set it
        on the smallest element possible, otherwise component inside
        will be trimmed
  fantasai: No text-box-trim will NOT be inherited, only text-box-edge
  fantasai: This change would allow the box closest to the line box
            would have the priority about what edge to trim to
  fantasai: if you have text with mixed writing mode, this change allow
            the closest box to the text to decide the edge which is
  kizu: Makes sense
  kizu: I don't see any issue if text-box-trim stays non inherited

  florian: Makes sense to me
  florian: particularly about block boxes
  florian: because text-box-trim also applies to inline, how it works
  fantasai: text-box-edge previously also changes the way line
            calculation is done, but it has been moved to line-box-edge
  fantasai: text-box-edge has no effect on an inline of any other box,
            except if this box has text-box-trim also
  florian: Makes sense that it doesn't apply, but what happens when it
           applies ? the inline would use the value of text-box-edge
           itself, not the container?
  fantasai: Yes
  florian: I support the proposal

  RESOLVED: Make property text-box-edge inherited

The behavior when one value is specified for `text-box-edge`
  github: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/10703

  fantasai: koji got developer feedback about when only one value
            specific for text-box-edge it's confusing that it defaults
            to text edge for the unspecified
  fantasai: The reason the default is text because it's always valid,
            conservative value
  fantasai: The other current keyword like alphabetic trim aggressively
  fantasai: We should not change the default for this reason
  fantasai: but we can require 2 keywords
  <kizu> +1 to requiring both
  fantasai: In any case when that keywords can't be double (like `cap
            cap` is not valid)
  florian: The original design makes sense but not gonna object to

  PROPOSAL: 2 values are required unless the single value provided can
      be doubled
  <florian> 0

  RESOLVED: 2 values are required unless the single value provided can
            be doubled

Allow re-ordering of <text-edge> keywords
  github: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/10713

  fantasai: A question about syntax
  fantasai: Currently syntax requires the first keyword for the
            top-edge and second for bottom edge
  fantasai: We could change the syntax to be re-orderable
  fantasai: cap and ex are always on top side
  fantasai: alphabetic always on bottom
  fantasai: It could be more explicit and re-orderable
  fantasai: We could also change the keywords to be more explicit
  fantasai: Does it makes a better syntax ?
  <fantasai> "text ideographic" vs "text-top ideographic-bottom"
  fantasai: example "text ideogrpahic" is less clear than "text-top
  fantasai: Choices: no change ? switch to explicit keywords syntax ?
            allow both syntax (because no ambiguity) ?
  <fantasai> https://www.software.hixie.ch/utilities/js/live-dom-viewer/saved/13205

  kizu: I like order independence
  kizu: Could we do the same for `position-area` ?
  kizu: If we can disambiguate it makes sense to make them re-orderable
  matthieud: It is always implied, no? Trying to summarize
  fantasai: So kizu is voting for the third choice (mix and match)
  matthieud: Can decide at parsing time?
  fantasai: Right

  RESOLVED: We allow mix-and-match syntax for <text-edge> keywords

Disallow `auto` in `text-box` shorthand
  github: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/10748

  fantasai: Disallow allow in text-box shorthand because it comes for
            text-box-edge property
  fantasai: Because `text-box: auto` is confusing
  fantasai: `text-box: trim-both` is the same and clearer
  fantasai: We should revert the previous resolution and allow all
  fantasai: We should at least allow `auto` to be combined
  <fantasai> text-box: <'text-box-trim'> || <'text-box-edge'>

  RESOLVED: Revert the previous resolution: allow all combinations for

  <fantasai> https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/10748#issuecomment-2339570832
  fantasai: When it is appropriate to disallow a longhand value in a
  fantasai: Would introduce ambiguity in parsing, could be blocking for
            the future, how readable is it
  fantasai: We should have a very clear reason when we disallow a
            longhand value in shorthand
  fantasai: Careful about `auto` keyword also
  fserb: Would this be a principle?
  fantasai: Yes
  fantasai: Do we anticipate having a keyword `auto` for `text-box`
            (not the one from `text-box-edge`)?
  <astearns> Something to add to
  fantasai: This would be a good reason to disallow
  florian: No reason in this specific case
  florian: Should we upstream that to the "tag design principals"
  <fantasai> https://wiki.csswg.org/ideas/principles

CSS Anchor Positioning

Better handling of scroll position for fixpos elements on first layout
  github: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/10999

  TabAtkins: Anytime you do something which respond to scroll state, it
             is generally do on compositor thread
  TabAtkins: so no layout or ok do be a frame delayed
  TabAtkins: anchor-positioning is careful about being mostly doable on
             compositor except some spec defined part
  TabAtkins: This is about one specific section: customizable select is
             not responding to scrolling as much as it could
  TabAtkins: cf link comment
  <TabAtkins> https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/10999#issuecomment-2415284548
  TabAtkins: If you scroll the viewport, and reopen the popup, you
             don't get what is expected (the second image)
  TabAtkins: It doesn't look very right because currently spec mandates
             that the calculation is done on the initial position
  TabAtkins: We generally need this restriction
  TabAtkins: Some cases we should remove it though: when first creating
             boxes or when doing fallback
  PROPOSAL: change the rule for calculating position-area: when an
      element is first rendered or switch from fallback, calculate its
      position form the current scroll offset, not the initial scroll
  TabAtkins: We need this to make customizable select correct otherwise
             it's very weird (specially when they start off screen)

  emilio: Same similarity with last remember size stuff
  emilio: Not objecting, we need the details very well defined
  flackr: One case I'm worried is if you scroll up, recomputing the
          size based on current scroll, it would then fit and you don't
          want it to try to resize using the original position area
  TabAtkins: When you trigger fallback it might move to a new fallback
  flackr: Reusing the first position would be bad
  TabAtkins: It could be weird, we need to treat this size as tainted
  flackr: We need to do something to force it to a different fallback
  flackr: like not recomputing the available area
  TabAtkins: Stuff about remembering fallback ???

  kizu: +1
  kizu: I got this issue
  TabAtkins: How solved it statically or a frame delayed ?
  kizu: It was dynamic, and it would be better if static
  kizu: We are using a library for this: they are dynamic
  kizu: static is better here
  TabAtkins: Everybody is okay with this approach

  RESOLVED: accept what TabAtkins said in the thread with caveat from
            here. When an anchor position element is first rendered or
            change fallback position, use the current scroll offset to
            calculate its position area

CSS Inline Continued

Inline boxes and line-fit-edge vs text-box-trim/edge
  github: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/10834

  fantasai: We split 1 property into 2
  fantasai: One detail we should clarify: when you paint an inline box
            what edge to you use to paint the box
  fantasai: When text-box-trim is on, we should use the edge to paint
            the background
  fantasai: What edge do we use to size the text?
  fantasai: Do we use the painted edge ? or we still size it against
            the line-fit-edge?
  fantasai: If text-box-trim is off, and we have border/background,
            what edge to we draw them? (line-fit or text edges)
  fantasai: In the new line box model, we want to use the visible edges
            of the box to show the contribution of the box
  fantasai: To be consistent, text-box-edge should trim an inline box
            according to text-box-trim. If not, the edge use for
            drawing and sizing is the edge specified by line-fit-edge
  fantasai: Otherwise that creates inconsistency between box used for
            sizing and box used for background
  PROPOSED: text-box-trim trims inline to the text-box-edge; otherwise
      use the line-fit-edge; both for sizing and for painting (except
      when line-fit-edge is normal and we do the weird old thing)

  RESOLVED: text-box-trim trims inline to the text-box-edge; otherwise
            use the line-fit-edge; both for sizing and for painting

CSS Pseudo

Should the "first formatted line" propagate into a different BFC?
  github: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/11038

  fantasai: text-box-trim feature really on concept of first formatted
  fantasai: also first-line and first-letter rely on this
  fantasai: To what extend are the allowed to intrude into a new
            formatting context like flex, grid, multicol
  fantasai: We need to think about use cases
  fantasai: Possible easy answer: they don't (current implementation)
  fantasai: In the past, people used ??? to create a new formatting
  dbaron: Some case makes sense, other are problematic
  dbaron: The weirdest is when a new formatting context has multiple
          stuff at the top
  dbaron: like multi column or grid
  dbaron: Whether that justifies to make it not work with all new
          formatting context is another question
  dbaron: But I think it's weird to apply it to the cases where there
          are multiple things at the top or bottom
  florian: first-line, first-letter, text-box-trim should have the same
           behavior which is ???
  <dbaron> (This seems different from first-line and first-letter in
           this regard.)
  <fantasai> dbaron, I think it might make sense to apply it to all of
             the things at the top
  <fantasai> dbaron, but definitely not just one of them

Received on Wednesday, 16 October 2024 23:40:58 UTC