[css-cascade] Definition of “encapsulation context”


“CSS Cascading and Inheritance” levels 4–6 [1] speak of an
encapsulation context, alas the definition is vague.

The example given, “such as nested tree contexts of shadow trees,”
suggests there are other contexts that make for an encapsulation
context, but it does not clarify what the determining factor is. In
consequence, it seems open, too, whether a declaration would always be
part of an encapsulation context, or if it would not.

(I understand an encapsulation context to be “implied,” but how it’s
defined and scoped exactly isn’t clear when reviewing.)

Is there another section, not showing up in search, that would
clarify, or is (or could) this be clarified in another draft?



[1] https://www.google.com/search?q=site%3Aw3.org+%22encapsulation+context%22

Jens Oliver Meiert
https://meiert.com/en/ · https://mas.to/@j9t

Received on Friday, 15 November 2024 20:38:55 UTC