[CSSWG] Minutes Telecon 2024-06-26 [cssom][css-rhythm][css-anchor-position][css-view-transitions][css-position][css-contain]

  These are the official CSSWG minutes.
  Unless you're correcting the minutes,
 Please respond by starting a new thread
   with an appropriate subject line.


  - There still is not general agreement on an overall approach to
      shorthandifying properties (Issue #8398: How safe is it really to
      shorthandify properties?). Some group members are proposing a
      general guidance against shorthandifying well-established
      properties, but others preferred investigating mitigation
      strategies to ensure shorthandification was still possible when

CSS Rhythm

  - RESOLVED: Switch block-step-insert margin and padding values to
              margin-box | padding-box and add content-box, with
              attention to impact on aspect-ratio (Issue #10486: Add
              `content-box` to `block-step-insert` so authors can have
              content grow instead of adding space)

Anchor Position

  - RESOLVED: Rename position-try-options to position-try-fallbacks
              (Issue #10395: Rename `position-try-options` to

View Transitions

  - RESOLVED: ::view-transition-old` renders new live image (if
              available) if old element is offscreen at capture time
              (Issue #8282: Ignore offscreen elements from
              participating in transitions)
  - RESOLVED: The geometry animation on the `::view-transition-group`
              pseudo is same as before (Issue #8282)

CSS Position

  - RESOLVED: No change to specification (Issue #8040: Containing block
              of dialog fixed position children)

CSS Contain

  - RESOLVED: Use Chrome/Firefox behavior (Issue #10268: Zoom and
              container queries)
  - florian introduced a possible solution to issue #5648 (contain:size
      shouldn't fragment as monolithic), but there wasn't strong
      implementor interest. The group ran out of time on the call
      before they could discuss the use case further, though.


Agenda: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/2024Jun/0001.html

  Rachel Andrew
  Rossen Atanassov
  Kevin Babbitt
  Oriol Brufau
  Stephen Chenney
  Keith Cirkel
  Emilio Cobos Álvarez
  Matthieu Dubet
  Elika Etemad
  Robert Flack
  Chris Harrelson
  Mason Freed
  Brian Kardell
  Jonathan Kew
  Ian Kilpatrick
  Roman Komarov
  Una Kravets
  Vladimir Levin
  Khushal Sagar
  Miriam Suzanne
  Luke Warlow

  Chris Lilley
  Bramus Van Damme
  Lea Verou

Chair: Rossen

Scribe: chrishtr
Scribe's scribe: fantasai


How safe is it really to shorthandify properties?
  github: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/8398

  fantasai: This was a question we discussed during the F2F
  fantasai: Wanted to follow up and see what the issues are, and what
            it takes to resolve them
  fantasai: in order to make progress
  chrishtr: For well-established CSS properties (have significant usage
            across browsers), it's not worth it to shorthandify them
            after the fact
  chrishtr: so we shouldn't do that
  chrishtr: It's not worth the effort / risk / churn / cost of
            implementation and testing and potential compat risk
  florian: You're right that there is a significant cost, churn, etc.
           and so we shouldn't do it lightly
  florian: but if there are strong reasons for a particular case we
           might want to do it despite the risk and cost
  florian: for such cases we should figure out how to do it, for such
           rare cases

  fantasai: This is a kind of important extension point for CSS, so
            it'd be good to find out how we can make it less risky, in
            cases where it's justified
  rossen: Should we continue such discussion in the issue?
  rossen: or should we accept the proposed resolution, and then
          continue to work on the issue for exception situations?

  <fantasai> https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/8398#issuecomment-2123561486
  fantasai: chris are there issues other than the ones Tab mentioned on
            issue 8398?
  chrishtr: My other concerns are the ones I mentioned in the comment
            (developer confusion/churn, cost of implementation, ...)
  chrishtr: don't know of specific compat risks other than then ones
            mentioned in Tab's comment on 8398 above
  <dbaron> (with the caveat that I think the description of the first
           of Tab's 2 issues is more complicated than what Tab
           described, as we discussed at the face-to-face)

  flackr: Maybe we could resolve not to do standard shorthandification,
          but if there was a way we can do it that avoids compat risk
          we could accept that?
  fantasai: If we don't have a mitigation then it would have to be on a
            case-by-case basis
  <emilio> +1 to fantasai

  oriol: Wondering what is meant by "well-established", maybe we could
         experiment with a specific case and learn more?
  chrishtr: What I meant by well-established is a CSS property that has
            been around a while and is relatively widely used on sites
  oriol: For particular cases it's still possible it wouldn't break
  oriol: Is the position that implementations don't want to take the
  chrishtr: Yes, Chrome would prefer to spend its effort elsewhere

  florian: Not shorthandifying would lead to us introducing more
           longhands when designing new features, for example we often
           design a simpler feature in the first iteration
  florian: whereas shorthandifying we'd potentially be able to have
  florian: Think we should still try to find mitigations
  <fantasai> +1 florian, we've done this multiple times
  florian: We shouldn't do things with risk without limitation, but
           shouldn't ban it either
  florian: Don't think we should ban it
  flackr: Don't think anyone is proposing a ban
  florian: Proposed resolution would amount to a ban?

CSS Rhythm

Add `content-box` to `block-step-insert` so authors can have content
    grow instead of adding space
  github: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/10486

  fantasai: This is an issue from Jen where she pointed out that
            block-step-insert has two values: margin and padding.
            pointed out use cases for content.
  fantasai: These names don't align with other naming
  <fantasai> block-step-insert: margin | padding
  <fantasai> block-step-insert: margin-box | padding-box | content-box
  fantasai: Propose to change to add the -box suffix and also include
            the content variant
  <florian> +1

  rossen: Sounds reasonable, don't know why we didn't do content before
  fantasai: Just because it's an early spec, probably accidental
  lwalrlow: Has any implementation shipped?
  fantasai: No
  lwarlow: Cool, then sounds good

  iank: Does setting this property effectively override aspect-ratio
        for an image?
  fantasai: Yes. But maybe it shouldn't, good point?
  iank: If it doesn't override aspect-ratio, how does it work with the
        original use case mentioned?
  fantasai: If you set a fixed width it's like setting a height which
            affects aspect-ratio
  fantasai: but if width were auto then maybe it makes sense for it to
            pass through
  iank: Stretch is also involved
  iank: for grid and flex
  fantasai: Currently this property doesn't apply to flex or grid, but
            might happen in the future
  iank: Concerned about all sorts of complications for replaced elements
  fantasai: Should probably enter the algorithm in a similar place to
            min-height and min-width
  iank: Just needs to be documented explicitly in the spec as to where
        it is in the order of operations. Probably twice, similar to
  fantasai: Should be doable for block flow, but flex and grid could be
            more complicated
  iank: More concerned about replaced elements than flex or gird
  fantasai: Will write up proposed edits and send to you (iank) for

  rossen: Are we good to go for the proposed resolution?
  fantasai: Yes, just need to be careful about replaced element

  RESOLVED: Switch block-step-insert margin and padding values to
            margin-box | padding-box and add content-box, with
            attention to impact on aspect-ratio

Anchor Position

Rename `position-try-options` to `position-try-fallbacks`
  github: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/10395

  fantasai: When we were designing position-try longhands, the
            reordering option reordered all of the options
  fantasai: Now it's really just fallbacks that are there - just the
            base style and the current trys
  fantasai: Suggesting we could rename to fallback to reflect this
  <miriam> +1 it's clearer
  <emilio> +1
  <lwarlow> +1 from me
  <bkardell> +1 (I was a 👍 on the issue already)
  una: Wanted to say that I don't necessarily have strong opinions on
       this, but Tab did. Move to next meeting?
  rossen: Seeing strong consensus here, can always re-open. Any other
          concerns from anyone?

  RESOLVED: Rename position-try-options to position-try-fallbacks

View Transitions

Ignore offscreen elements from participating in transitions
  github: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/8282

  khush: This is a continuation of something discussed at the F2F
  khush: We had a high-level resolution that we should avoid capturing
         things offscreen, and in particular not capture images for them
  khush: Today I'd like to go into UA styles for this
  khush: for something in the old and new state, proposal is that we
         keep size animations
  <fantasai> +1
  khush: Another question was whether to keep the pseudo element for
         the old thing. Propose to keep it because there developer code
         expects it
  khush: "there is developer code that expects it"
  khush: Think there would be less of a compat risk if the new image
         had something instead of nothing?
  khush: By default you get a cross-fade in these cases, but don't want
         to do that and instead just show the new image
  khush: Propose that there be a 0->0 opacity animation for the old and
         1->1 for the new. Reiterating that all this is to minimize
         compat risk.
  khush: Also propose removing mix-blend-mode: plus-lighter
  khush: For exit animations, seems less clear
  khush: in these case you're animating an element that has no content
  khush: One option is to generate a new pseudo and animations are
         technically there but irrelevant but it doesn't exist, another
         option is to have no pseudo

  fantasai: I agree that the option about not generating a pseudo is a
            bad option, we shouldn't do that
  fantasai: As for generating the pseudo but having no image backing
            it, the whole point is for cases where it's offscreen
            before and after right?
  khush: Propose we do it based only on the old state, because it has
         to be done at the beginning of the animation.
  khush: Even for cases where things animate on screen it seems ok to
         skip the image because the user never saw the old content
  flackr: Reason to keep around the pseudo is because the developer
          might have animation keyframes for it
  fantasai: The alternative would be that the old pseudo has no image
            and the new one is 1->1. Either way you're just showing the
            new image
  flackr: Default behavior is the same in either case
  khush: That's why I'm lukewarm on it, because it's hard to say what
         is less compat risky without deeper analysis
  fantasai: Would it be a problem if we set up the cross-fade animation
            as normal?
  khush: If you set up the cross-fade as normal, then you're assuming
         the pseudos are all set up and it cross-fades?
  khush: Yes, but it makes it harder to optimize out in the browser
  fantasai: If it's really needed for optimization that's fine, but
            otherwise just due to implementation complexity..

  vmpstr: We can probably optimize the animation by detecting this
  khush: If we keep the default cross-fade it is harder to detect...
  vmpstr: Harder optimization but plausible to do so
  khush: If needed I can find a hack to optimize
  flackr: From a developer perspective it's better not to have
          animations be different in these situations
  khush: Remaining questions is just about not having cross-fade, and ?
  khush: Ok resolving on the first two question and then investigating
         implementability of avoiding cross-fade changes
  <flackr> +1
  <khush> `::view-transition-old` renders new live image (if available)
          if old element is offscreen at capture time

  RESOLVED: ::view-transition-old` renders new live image (if
            available) if old element is offscreen at capture time

  <khush> The geometry animation on the `::view-transition-group`
          pseudo is same as before.

  RESOLVED: The geometry animation on the `::view-transition-group`
            pseudo is same as before.

CSS Position
  scribe: flackr

Containing block of dialog fixed position children
  github: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/8040

  chrishtr: I propose closing this no change to specification
  chrishtr: We resolved 9939 at the F2F, having to do with static
            position. Given that, emilio mentioned he's good with this
            resolution given that change.
  chrishtr: There's no changes for fixed pos elements in top layer,
            they'll continue to be according to their position in the
            layout tree as re-positioned
  Rossen: Any objections?

  RESOLVED: No change to specification

CSS Viewport & Contain
  scribe: chrishtr

Zoom and container queries
  github: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/10268

  emilio: What Firefox and Chrome are doing for container queries and
          zoom in terms of coordinate space makes sense
  rossen: Propose to specify the Chrome and Firefox behavior
  rossen: Would like to hear from WebKit
  matthieu: Don't have a strong opinion, if what Chrome and Firefox are
            doing makes sense then let's go with that

  RESOLVED: Use Chrome/Firefox behavior

CSS Contain

contain:size shouldn't fragment as monolithic
  github: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/5648

  florian: We previously deferred this issue to contain level 2
  florian: Idea is that size containment has two requirements: if it
           has size containment and it's in the context of
           fragmentation, then you don't want content in the box to
           change the size of the sum, and not change the size of each
  florian: For the first, it's good enough for it to always have a
           fixed size
  florian: However where you fragment and size of fragments depends on
           the content of this box
  florian: To avoid this problem we defined size containment to force a
           monolithic behavior
  florian: This suffices, but may be too restrictive
  florian: e.g. if you have a box that is tall enough to have 4 but
           have 5 and then could have two columns of 2.5, but with
           monolithic it'd be wasting space?
  florian: Suggestion is to introduce a concept "quasi-monolithic" that
           has most but not all of the concepts of monolithic
  <florian> Quasi-monolithic boxes are similar to monolithic boxes:
  <florian> forced breaks within a quasi-monolithic box must be ignored
            by the box’s own fragmentation context
  <florian> quasi-monolithic boxes should not be fragmented
  <florian> if a quasi-monolithic box needs to be fragmented, the box
            is sliced at a point which does not depend on the box's
            content, only on its size and its position within its
            fragmentation context.
  <florian> However, unlike monolithic boxes, when a quasi-monolithic
            box is thus broken up, its content may be fragmented and
            laid out normally within each of the fragments instead of
            being graphically sliced—although graphically slicing is
            also allowed.
  florian: The difference between quasi-monolithic and monolithic is
           that you can fragment within the child boxes (?)
  florian: Browsers would gain more options for how to spread content,
           which might be better for printing and multicol readability
  florian: Should we allow this new thing in the spec? Give up?

  dholbert: You mentioned that quasi-monolithic boxes should avoid
            being fragmented. Wondering what that means in the
            situation of a quasi-monolithic box of 1/3 page height but
            it just barely goes off the end, should we move the whole
            thing to the next page or cut it?
  florian: Should avoid fragmenting if possible but some leeway
  florian: Don't remember how much leeway there is

  iank: I'd err on the side of keeping it monolithic for now.
  iank: not hearing strong developer feedback
  iank: In some cases Chromium is the only implementation that treats
        break-inside as non-monolithic. Advised people to use contain:
        size for some cases.
  iank: Prefer no change to spec for now

  <dholbert> correcting earlier notes, iank had actually said "Chromium
             is the only implementation to treat `break-inside:avoid`
             as monolithic"

  florian: If there is no implementer interest then perhaps we should
           just close the issue
  florian: but wanted to raise this because developers might want that
           fragmentation, and used container queries and the result was
           monolithic that could be bad. Maybe better to offer
           implementation options?

  miriam: We're running into a case where people set containment
          explicitly, and where they set it implicitly (e.g. via
          container queries). For container queries the minimum
          containment required is desired. Maybe there is a way to
          address that with new modes or keywords.

Received on Wednesday, 26 June 2024 23:22:57 UTC