[CSSWG] Minutes Telecon 2024-01-17 [css-viewport][css-mediaqueries][selectors][css-nesting][css-contain][css-sizing]

  These are the official CSSWG minutes.
  Unless you're correcting the minutes,
 Please respond by starting a new thread
   with an appropriate subject line.

CSS Viewport

  - RESOLVED: Create FPWD for css-viewport-1
  - RESOLVED: Publish FPWD for css-viewport-1

Media Queries

  - RESOLVED: Adopt picture-in-picture media query (Issue #9260: Add
              display-mode for document picture-in-picture)
  - RESOLVED: Remove requirement for the ua stylesheet rule for
              inverted-colors (Issue #9674: Inverted-colors media
              feature can cause problems on semi-transparent images)


  - RESOLVED: No change to :has() behavior (Issue #9422: Is it
              intentional that :has(:is()) is different from :has()?)
  - RESOLVED: Close issue #5684 (What is the reasoning for ignoring
              default namespaces only on the subject for :is() /
              :where() / :not()?) with no change

CSS Nesting

  - RESOLVED: Contextually-invalid selectors have a specificity of zero
              (Issue #9600: Specificity of contextually-invalid

CSS Contain & Sizing

  - RESOLVED: Add ScrollIntoView to the definition of relevant to the
              user, should also affect ancestors (Issue #9337:
              ScrollIntoView a descendant of element with


Agenda: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/2024Jan/0009.html

  Rachel Andrew
  Adam Argyle
  Tab Atkins-Bittner
  Kevin Babbitt
  David Baron
  Oriol Brufau
  Emilio Cobos Álvarez
  Yehonatan Daniv
  Matthieu Dubet
  Elika Etemad
  Robert Flack
  Daniel Holbert
  Jonathan Kew
  Vladimir Levin
  Chris Lilley
  Peter Linss
  Eric Meyer
  Alan Stearns
  Miriam Suzanne
  Bramus Van Damme

  Chris Harrelson
  Lea Verou

Chair: astearns

Scribe: Frances

CSS Viewport

Republishing Tasks Permathread
  github: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/6900#issuecomment-1894132753

  astearns: First on the Agenda is FPWD for css-viewport-1
  Emilio: Something might be worse than doing, but we can republish it.
          Place for things in the spec that are linkable.
  astearns: Inclined to publish now and zoom stuff later.

  PROPOSAL: Publish FPWD for css-viewport-1

  Florian: Section 3 viewport, is it light?
  astearns: We already published the section
  astearns: Any objections?
  astearns: None and resolved.

  RESOLVED: Create FPWD for css-viewport-1
  RESOLVED: Publish FPWD for css-viewport-1

Media Queries

Add display-mode for document picture-in-picture
  github: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/9260

  <TabAtkins> https://github.com/WICG/document-picture-in-picture
  TabAtkins: There is a spec for the

  PROPOSAL: Add display-mode for document picture-in-picture

  Emilio: A lot of the preexisting values for this would be reasonable.
          How do the values intersect such as in full screen?
  TabAtkins: Mutually exclusive, if not right, we can figure it out.
  Emilio: Not opposed. Probably file an issue in a variety of cases.
  TabAtkins: Reviewed by people, about 60 issues.
  astearns: A couple avenues such as specifying what's there in the
            wiki-spec and take on the issues or in the repository
  TabAtkins: All picture-in-picture api, displayed as pip or not?
  astearns: Any other comments on taking on a picture-in-picture media

  PROPOSAL: Adopt picture-in-picture media query
  astearns: Any objections?

  RESOLVED: Adopt picture-in-picture media query

Inverted-colors media feature can cause problems on semi-transparent
  github: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/9674

  astearns: Next issue is about Inverted-colors media feature
  Emilio: Seemed familiar, spec has ui style that manually applies a
          filter to an image and a picture and video and so on. Seems
          good but it is a problem for a bunch of images, if images
          with same color as text it is invisible. Agree to not
          inverting and react to preferences themselves.
  Emilio: Unfortunate for visual images, makes sense to not invert
          because aligns with how we treat other user preferences.
  <TabAtkins> +1 in general, auto-responding to the query is confusing
              (especially when there's a mix of behaviors between
              browsers, ugh)
  emeyer: Had to do uninverting and reinverting, browser should not be
          trying to guess. Authors should deal with them and not at
          browser level.
  <kbabbitt> +1 to favoring author control
  argyle: Chrome has tried automatic dark-mode, not to just invert, but
          intelligently invert. Should leave the value in the authors
          control, many edge cases and nesting scenarios.

  PROPOSAL: Remove requirement for the ua stylesheet rule for
  astearns: Any objections or comments?

  RESOLVED: Remove requirement for the ua stylesheet rule for


Is it intentional that :has(:is()) is different from :has()?
  github: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/9422

  Emilio: Feels weird to make :has() to escape the scope of the
          subject, fine with no change, slow path in every engine if
  astearns: Is there something we can put in the specification to make
            it more clear?
  Emilio: Clarifying is good
  TabAtkins: Behavior is what you get when combining two features. If
             something that can be added, put in the spec.
  astearns: Any other comments?

  PROPOSAL: No change to :has() behavior
  astearns: Any objections?

  RESOLVED: No change to :has() behavior

What is the reasoning for ignoring default namespaces only on the
    subject for :is() / :where() / :not()?
  github: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/5684

  astearns: Namespaces for :is() / :where() / :not()
  Emilio: Compat-wise is probably okay, Tab's answer is good but weird
          that nested selector list has weird parsing behavior.
  TabAtkins: Context if you write a selector without a namespace, with
             a url, will apply namespace to all selectors unless
             specifically overridden, even non type selector in the
             element name.
  <TabAtkins> a.foo
  <TabAtkins> a:is(.foo, .bar)
  <TabAtkins> foo|a:is(.foo, .bar)
  TabAtkins: Issue is if you start with a .foo and then want to have
             foo or a bar class, normally second selector matches same
             or more elements. In presence of default namespace
             selector, it might not.
  <TabAtkins> foo|a.foo => foo|a:is(.foo, .bar)
  TabAtkins: If it wasn't for the special case, they could get the
             default namespace rather than .foo namespace. Selector
             might not match anything. Do not apply now special
             namespace rule to their arguments.
  <TabAtkins> foo|a.foo
  <TabAtkins> foo|a:nth-child(n of .foo)
  TabAtkins: Some related issues about other spots such as nth child of
             the selector. Expect to match all elements, with default
             namespace rule, it might not match anything.
  TabAtkins: Alternative is if you don't want backwards incompatible,
             can remove default namespace rule to only use when there
             is a type selector. Namespaces in general are rarely used
             across css, could fix by removing the special rule.

  Emilio: What is the implementation style of the rule?

  dbaron: Probably well implemented for :not for the subject part of
          it. When you talk about a type selector, should be explicit
          about whether or not you're including universal selectors.
  TabAtkins: Default selector is a universal selector
  dbaron: :hover and *:hover would now be different, which is a little
  Oriol: If using featureless element, need to use universal selector
         to match them.
  Emilio: Only on quirks mode?
  Oriol: For :hover, they are the same except for some cases can add
         universal selector to change the meaning.
  TabAtkins: :host and *:host might not match a featureless element.
  Emilio: Ignore default namespace unless global or type selector.
  TabAtkins: We can close the issue with no change and open another
             issue with changing the underlying rule entirely to be
             mutually exclusive with some of the other issues with the
             :is rule, need to be consistent and intuitive. Why do we
             have the rule in first place need to explain.
  astearns: Need to describe if backwards compatible.

  Emilio: Do we want it in the right most compound, why only in the
          right most compound?
  TabAtkins: The one that is selecting the element, namespace rule
             probably invented to restrict to the default namespace,
             would make slightly harder to use the selector?
  dbaron: Might be a function of how the selectors evolve over time,
          not taking combinators, and now taking them.
  TabAtkins: Does make sense to apply to all components.
  dbaron: Rule to not apply to is part after last combinator makes
  TabAtkins: Intuition is to use :is and :where as syntax rules, such
             as preceding combinator, treated same as outer
  dbaron: When there is a default namespace, should only be applied in
          one place in the selector for a particular element, so if
          you're overriding it you don't have to override it the same
          way in both places.
  dbaron: Right now outside of :where and not inside
  dbaron: Also, regarding :has(), I can certainly see :has() working
  Emilio: :has is different, is doesn't match. nth is different from
          :where. Interesting to see where in browsers it's
          implemented, possible non intentional implementation.
  Emilio: Fine with no change, can address in another issue. Might not
          be specific to Firefox. We could try simplifying it.

  PROPOSAL: Close issue #5684 no change
  astearns: Can make the rule consistent, open a new issue on backwards
            compatibility or remove rule entirely
  ACTION: TabAtkins to create a new issue for removing the rule

  RESOLVED: Close issue #5684 with no change

CSS Nesting

Specificity of contextually-invalid selectors
  github: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/9600

  Emilio: About what happens when nesting invalid pseudo-element. Keeps
          sort of being valid, reuse selector from the outside.
          Behavioral specificity of nesting doesn't seem defined.
  <TabAtkins> I have no opinion on this issue, happy to clarify/edit
              whatever the group wants.

  matthieu: Weird that specificity is taken in account. Keep invalid
            selector, we don't take specificity in account.
  Emilio: Seems fine to me, would make behavior of nesting and not
          nesting as consistent, makes sense. Part of the way to
          prevent is by sharing memory, need to make specificity not
  astearns: Defining a behavior shouldn't have too much backwards
            compatibility risk possibly.
  Emilio: Right now are consistent in reusing the specificity, other
          cases like :has(:has)
  astearns: Any other comments or questions?

  PROPOSAL: Specify contextually-invalid selectors via nesting
  Emilio: Nesting doesn't have specificity at the moment.
  PROPOSAL: contextually-invalid selectors have a specificity of zero
  Matthieu: Specific wording?
  Emilio: Make it behave the same as the regular selector list

  RESOLVED: contextually-invalid selectors have a specificity of zero

CSS Contain & Sizing

ScrollIntoView a descendant of element with content-visibility:auto
  github: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/9337

  Emilio: Some interoperability, need to generalize to arbitrary
          ancestors. ScrollIntoView should update layout to scroll into
          view to be visible.
  astearns: Change definition relevant to the user to add a condition
            via ScrollIntoView to be relevant.
  Emilio: Make all ancestors relevant as well.
  flackr: Might not fully fix problem, scrolling away from is also
          visibility:auto, other content might change
  Emilio: Ideally it shouldn't
  flackr: Scrolling may pass over other content
  Emilio: If scrolling to the hundredth item and scrolling into view,
          make hundredth item relevant and the ancestors. The siblings
          from 50 to 100 might not be relevant to the user and can
          change size.
  flackr: We need to be adjusting the scale-target
  astearns: Not an issue with the proposed resolution
  flackr: Instead of calculating target, we can update the target with
          the location. Such as when the target scrolls into view.

  vmpstr: Can ScollIntoView without an animation, still need the
          resolution. The position of the element may be locked in
          size-overflow, and might not approach the viewport.
  vmpstr: Content-visibility:auto state changes, might fire an event in
          those cases.
  flackr: Reasonable argument for accepting proposed resolution,
          possible other resolutions.
  astearns: Any other comments?

  PROPOSAL: ScrollIntoView a descendant of element with
            content-visibility:auto relevant to the user, should also
            affect ancestors.

  RESOLVED: Add ScrollIntoView to the definition of relevant to the
            user, should also affect ancestors

Received on Thursday, 18 January 2024 00:18:35 UTC