[CSSWG] Minutes Telecon 2024-01-10 [css-compositing][css-conditional][css-view-transitions]

  These are the official CSSWG minutes.
  Unless you're correcting the minutes,
 Please respond by starting a new thread
   with an appropriate subject line.

CSS Compositing

  - RESOLVED: Make lighter defined the way plus-lighter is now defined,
              pending checking some additional tests that might show
              differences (FXTF Issue #448: 'lighter' vs 'plus-lighter')

CSS Conditional

  - RESOLVED: Adopt keyword based feature queries, with names to be
              bikeshedded later, with the expectation that we will use
              them less than 2x per year and test and message their
              addition carefully (Issue #3559: Testing support of
              properties and values with partial implementations)
  - RESOLVED: Add a keyword for alignment on blocks, with the specific
              name TBD (Issue #3559)

CSS View Transitions

  - RESOLVED: 'auto' means push or replace that's not browser UI, or
              traverse with any user involvement, excluding any reloads
              (Issue #8783: Define navigation descriptor for


Agenda: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/2024Jan/0006.html

  Rachel Andrew
  Adam Argyle
  Rossen Atanassov
  Kevin Babbitt
  David Baron
  Andreu Botella
  Oriol Brufau
  Emilio Cobos Álvarez
  Yehonatan Daniv
  Elika Etemad
  Robert Flack
  Paul Grenier
  Chris Harrelson
  Daniel Holbert
  Brian Kardell
  Brad Kemper
  Jonathan Kew
  Ian Kilpatrick
  Peter Linss
  Eric Meyer
  Florian Rivoal
  Vitor Roriz
  Noam Rosenthal
  Khushal Sagar
  Jen Simmons
  Alan Stearns
  Miriam Suzanne
  Bramus Van Damme
  Sebastian Zartner

Chair: Rossen

Scribe: flackr

CSS Typed OM

  Rossen: 2 topics haven't gotten attention in houdini and fxtf, let's
          decide what to do

Make CSSUnitValue use unrestricted double
  github: https://github.com/w3c/css-houdini-drafts/issues/1089

  fantasai: Can we make progress without Tab?
  bkardell: Tab had a proposed resolution
  <Rossen> linked resolution proposal:
  Rossen: [summarizes linked proposal]
  bkardell: TabAtkins believes this is fine for cssom because we have
            the needed types

  emilio: Plain css values in the computed space are not allowed to be
          +/- infinity so it's a bit weird
  emilio: You usually need a calc to have an infinity and it gets
          simplified to a large number when computed, so it might be a
          bit inconsistent
  emilio: Has anyone looked into this?
  Rossen: Tab has, and thinks it's okay
  emilio: If you assign an infinite value to a style map with a
          specified value, what does it turn into? is it implicitly
          wrapped in a calc?
  emilio: It's fine, but perhaps a bit odd that you'd get a calc back
  Rossen: This is the discussion we need to have, let's wait for
          TabAtkins to push this forward since there are concerns
  emilio: Sounds good

CSS Compositing

'lighter' vs 'plus-lighter'
  github: https://github.com/w3c/fxtf-drafts/issues/446

  dbaron: The compositing spec has a list of blend modes, one is
          lighter, one is plus-lighter. The only difference between
          them is that lighter does not clamp the color values to the
          [0, 1] range. It allows the output color to be greater than
          1. It's the only compositing operator that does this.
  dbaron: I.e. only one that can take two colors in [0, 1] range and
          produce values outside of this range.
  dbaron: It's not clear if this is detectable?
  dbaron: In theory there's some color space things that might be able
          to test this
  dbaron: It would be useful to have people aware of the color stuff
          weigh in on what is the right thing here
  dbaron: There's some weigh in but it would be useful to have clear
  dbaron: My inclination is lighter and plus-lighter should be the same
  dbaron: Lighter should be what plus-lighter is
  florian: And get rid of plus-lighter?
  dbaron: Not sure it would be compatible with existing content to do so

  bkardell: On the issue, I saw that checking the 3 impls they're using
            the spec formula for plus-lighter, though may need testing
            using other color space options...
  dbaron: Maybe we should tentatively resolve to make them the same
          unless there's a reason not to
  bkardell: If impls are the same seems like a good idea
  dbaron: They're only the same in so far as I've tested so far
  Rossen: Should we accept the proposal - make them the same?
  <dbaron> Proposed resolution: make lighter defined the way
           plus-lighter is now defined, pending checking some
           additional tests that might show differences

  RESOLVED: Make lighter defined the way plus-lighter is now defined,
            pending checking some additional tests that might show

CSS Conditional

Testing support of properties and values with partial implementations
  github: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/3559

  dbaron: One of the design goals of @supports is we don't want to
          require impls to maintain large sets of data about what is
          supported that's separate from the code which supports the
  dbaron: In the past doing this tends to result in them getting out
          of sync
  dbaron: so we originally defined it in terms of property syntax being
          accepted, and is in sync with a certain definition of whether
          features are supported
  dbaron: @supports has not been very effective for certain types of
          interactions, e.g. a property that was once only supported on
          flexbox being supported elsewhere
  dbaron: People have wanted a syntax for these sorts of interactions
          in a general way. There's no proposal for a general syntax
          that satisfies the original design constraint
  dbaron: The proposal I put in the issue, is that we don't try to
          solve this generally, but add a solution that we use in rare
          cases where we feel it's important with one-off keywords
  dbaron: I propose calling this a feature function where we add a
          keyword for a particular interaction
  dbaron: The idea is we'll use this rarely, e.g. 1 per year is okay, 1
          per month is probably too much
  dbaron: I'd like feedback on the general idea, we can bikeshed names

  florian: One of the other reasons for original design constraint is
           not just that they might eventually get out of sync but
           could initially be out of sync if the detection is done
  florian: you might do one and forget to do the other
  florian: This problem remains with the alternate proposal, as you
           might forget to add the detector
  dbaron: I agree this is a concern, this is part of the reason we want
          to do it rarely and have process / tests to make sure we
          don't forget

  emilio: I agree with the concern, but having an escape hatch for this
          makes sense.
  emilio: The thing florian mentioned has also happened in reverse
          accidentally, e.g. shipping & selector before nesting
  emilio: having this general one-off escape hatch makes sense

  oriol: I'm not a big fan, these features when they're used will
         assumed to be false initially and become true and authors will
         stop checking them. But it's something we'll add to the
         platform and will need to keep these checks even though
         they're sort of obsolete after a while
  oriol: This is an ongoing cost needing to keep around

  rachelandrew: I quite like this. In an ideal world we'd have a more
                general thing, but this doesn't come up often. This
                feels like a pragmatic solution to an edge case that
                comes up once in a while.
  rachelandrew: This gets developers what they need / are asking for.
  rachelandrew: It's also easy to explain to devs
  <bramus> +1 to what rachelandrew said there.

  bkardell: It feels pragmatic and easy enough to explain if it's like
            what dbaron said where we have maybe 1/year. I feel like
            this is the max. If more, this feels like it's not a good
            solution and we need to find the more general way
  bkardell: I'd really like to find the general solution as this is
            only a part of the issue
  bkardell: People want to detect all manner of things
  bkardell: e.g. you should be able to do custom media queries

  SebastianZ: When we introduce such keywords we should also make clear
              these features need to ship together with the keywords,
              clearly stated in the spec

  florian: I think it's interesting bkardell mentioned media queries,
           this might be the generic solution to not solve it directly,
           but detect the behavior of the feature
  florian: We could make all sorts of changes that might need to be
           tested, and could be exposed through a JS media query
  florian: There might be a commonly used library which exposes a set
           of features needed
  florian: I am concerned about the ability to become out of sync and
           start of sync, not objecting though
  <iank> fwiw libraries already use JS tests then add classes on html
         element to say if a particular feature "works"
  <bkardell> if some of those are _very_ common then a solution like
             this could still work - so I don't think they are mutually
             exclusive where we know there is a specific/popular one
             like this necessarily

  noamr: Custom media queries doesn't add much relative to performing
         the test and putting a class or data attribute on the root
  noamr: In general if your test is some JS which deals with the
         document, maybe the whole feature belongs in userspace
  noamr: The user defines it in their own way and doesn't seem to be a
         web platform feature
  bkardell: I don't think they're mutually exclusive ideas
  bkardell: I think we should add a mechanism where people can do this
            in author space and we can decide to add the occasional
            extremely common one

  dbaron: Responding to using data from what authors are doing, we
          would be doing the addition too late and it would be out of
          sync. I see this for cases where we know ahead of time that
          it's going to be a big deal
  <florian> +1 to dbaron
  <bkardell> ok

  Rossen: I'm hearing general support with some concerns with how many
          we'll have, any other comments/concerns?
  fantasai: A common pattern is property X adds to display type Y, we
            should have a consistent pattern for representing these
            cases to avoid each being slightly diff when introduced

  chrishtr: The proposed resolution is dbaron's latest comment, right?
  <fantasai> https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/3559#issuecomment-1868169502
  chrishtr: Adding a custom keyword specific to quirk? assuming so, do
            we know of any case we can put in the spec as a first
  dbaron: I think the first example would be support for alignment
          property on blocks, as this is a thing we're talking about
          doing soon that has this concern
  chrishtr: How about we add this to the resolution with candidate
  fantasai: I think we should have 2 resolutions, one for keyword based
            resolution and one for align on block
  fantasai: For align on blocks, I want to make sure we have a
            consistent pattern
  <chrishtr> @supports (align-content-block-flow)
  dbaron: I'd like to make these two resolutions and have further
          discussion to bikeshed the names
  <fantasai> align-content-on-block

  dholbert: One question, this proposal lets authors opt in to using
            css alignment on blocks, but I don't know if it fixes some
            site that sets * { align-content: center; } and that
            suddenly starts applying to everything
  dholbert: Do we have a similar proposal to address this?
  dholbert: it seems like we may need both in order for these sorts of
            changes to be shippable
  <iank> fwiw we've blocked rolling out align-content:center due to
         some compat issues with large existing sites.
  dbaron: I agree it doesn't address this problem, we need to find out
          whether this will be a problem
  SebastianZ: I also had a proposal for custom support queries. I'll
              create a separate issue for this for discussion. I don't
              want to derail though

  Rossen: dbaron can you summarize resolution?
  Proposed resolution: To adopt keyword based feature queries with
      names to be bikeshedded later.
  Rossen: One of the main concerns was how we keep this to a small
          number, do we want to capture this in the resolution?
  iank: FWIW, it'll be clear when this adds value vs not. These will
        only have value for a couple of years. What most devs use is
        modernized library which have queries for e.g. old grid vs
        new grid
  iank: I suspect we can address this on a case by case basis
  iank: currently for us we blocked align-content on blocks due to
        breaking some sites
  iank: I'm okay with general idea. we'll hear from web devs when this
        will make their lives easier but we shouldn't add this for
        every sub feature we roll out

  Rossen: I propose let's keep a low number and see if we can agree
          on this
  florian: I think there's enough people concerned that we won't be
           tempted to do this too often
  Rossen: Is 2 the right number?
  <dbaron> Proposed resolution: adopt keyword based feature queries,
           with names to be bikeshedded later, with the expectation
           that we will use them rarely and test and message their
           addition carefully

  RESOLVED: adopt keyword based feature queries, with names to be
            bikeshedded later, with the expectation that we will use
            them less than 2x per year and test and message their
            addition carefully

  RESOLVED: Add a keyword for alignment on blocks, with the specific
            name TBD

  Rossen: SebastianZ please go ahead and open the issue you mentioned
          and we can open an issue for names
  dbaron: Separate issue?
  Rossen: If it's going to turn into a thing it will be helpful
  dbaron: Sure

CSS View Transitions

Define navigation descriptor for @view-transition
  github: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/8783

  noamr: We resolved on having a view transition rule with a navigation
         descriptor having values of auto and none for cross document
         view transitions
  noamr: We said in the future we'd resolve on what auto means and
         whether it's the right name
  noamr: Let's figure this out
  noamr: We think any navigation except reload should be considered
         auto and automatically trigger a VT
  noamr: We want to be a bit more aligned with the navigation API.
         Navigations that are not cancel-able should not trigger an
         auto VT
  noamr: This mainly includes browser UI navigations, e.g. typing a URL
         in URL bar
  noamr: The idea is to align more with this, and say auto means any
         navigation that is not browser initiated and any navigation
         that is a traverse navigation (e.g. back/forward)
  noamr: An outlier to both is reloads, we resolved before they
         shouldn't be automatically a VT, but reloading via JS can be
         canceled with the navigation API
  noamr: The proposal is to call this auto, to include any traverse
         navigation, any push/replace navigation that is not browser UI
         initiated, and to discuss whether programmatic reloads should
         be included, probably not

  fantasai: I think saying you can cancel it via JS is not the right
            way to do this. We want this to work for people not writing
            JS. By default we can allow for reloads (programmatic or
            user initiated), but it should be an option
  fantasai: We don't know if the author wants to have something reload
            more invisibly rather than trigger a transition
  fantasai: e.g. navigating from one catalog page to another might look
            like a page swipe but reload shouldn't. auto shouldn't
            include these cases and the author should request it

  noamr: Programmatic reloads are JS to begin with. We don't know what
         people use them for. You probably wanted a reload pattern in
         your application or because you reach a certain state want to
         force a reload
  noamr: The idea of hanging off of what can be cancelled via JS kind
         of made sense for navigations initiated from JS
  fantasai: The person writing the JS might not be the same person
            writing the CSS
  fantasai: The person designing the transitions needs to be able to
            design this independently
  noamr: Do people have views about excluding browser UI initiated
  fantasai: This seems vague, there's a lot. Does this include back/
  noamr: No, anything except traverse
  noamr: e.g. bookmarks, typing in url bar, extensions etc
  fantasai: What is traverse? for clarity
  noamr: Traverse is going back/forward in history or clicking
         something through the history list

  Rossen: What about meta tag refresh?
  noamr: That would be a reload, or a replace if it goes to a different
  noamr: So that's equivalent to a programmatic replace so it wouldn't
         be considered browser ui
  noamr: It would have a VT
  Rossen: So on every refresh in fantasai's example you'd be flipping
  noamr: Yes, because it's like a regular replace navigation
  fantasai: So to summarize, you want to introduce a keyword that says
            every navigation initiated by the user or the page except a
            reload of the page, or a browser UI navigation that is not
            a history traversal
  noamr: The keyword means any navigation that is not browser UI plus
         any browser UI traverse (i.e. including links, back/forward,
         forms, meta redirect)

  khush: This keyword called user involvement, is an existing thing in
         the spec we're leaning on. Script, activation behavior and
         browser UI
  khush: Script is like using history api or navigation api
  khush: Activation behavior is where <a> activation triggers navigation
  khush: Browser UI is interaction with browser UX to trigger navigation
  khush: The desire here to align with the nav API is that it's a bit
         weird to trigger a VT from a navigation you can't observe via
  khush: in that we haven't exposed it to script normally
  khush: Also you can't customize it via JS, so there will be problems
         with not being able to customize it
  khush: So I have concerns with only being able to customize it via css
  khush: html has 4 keywords, push, replace, reload and traverse
  khush: If navigation type is push or replace, and user involvement is
         not browser UI
  khush: One class of navigations is your type is push/replace and
         involvement is not browser UI, i.e. script or activation
         behavior, this is included
  khush: For traverse, the html spec has a special carveout because
         authors often want to include these. For this it should be
         allowed even if browser UI was involved
  khush: The fact that you can observe it helps customize
  <khush> In summary, auto would match: Any traverse navigation. Any
          push or replace navigation whose user involvement is not
          browser UI.

  Rossen: Does this satisfy concerns / questions?
  fantasai: Yes, and last category is reload.
  fantasai: I think we should exclude reload in all modes
  noamr: Resolution would be auto means push or replace that's not
         browser UI, or traverse with any user involvement, excluding
         any reloads
  <fantasai> flackr++

  RESOLVED: auto means push or replace that's not browser UI, or
            traverse with any user involvement, excluding any reloads

Received on Thursday, 11 January 2024 23:23:44 UTC