[CSSWG] Minutes Telecon 2024-12-11 [css-color-hdr][css-display][css-overflow][css-mulitcol][css-scroll-snap][css-fonts][css-viewport]

  These are the official CSSWG minutes.
  Unless you're correcting the minutes,
 please respond by starting a new thread
   with an appropriate subject line.

Adoption of the logo created by the CSS Next CG

  - RESOLVED: WG likes the logo and would like to officially endorse
              it, will investigate what that means (Issue #11193)


  - RESOLVED: FPWD of color hdr (Issue #11344: Time for FPWD)
  - RESOLVED: FPWD of Display 4
  - RESOLVED: FPWD of Overflow 5
  - RESOLVED: FPWD of Multicol 2 (as a full spec, not diff)

CSS Scroll Snap

  - RESOLVED: scrollsnapchanging uses the targeted location for
              targeted scrolls, but does not predict the destination of
              momentum scrolling (uses the current scroll location
              instead) (Issue #10838: Should scrollsnapchanging target
              the currently visible element during flings)
  - RESOLVED: `scroll-initial-target: none | nearest` (Issue #11173:
              scroll-start-target: auto doesn't match general meaning
              of auto)

CSS Overflow

  - RESOLVED: `overflow-clip-margin: content-box` applies to scrollable
              boxes (Issue #10745: Should overflow-clip-margin apply to
              scrollable boxes?)

CSS Fonts & Viewport

  - There was interest in addressing the use case in issue #10674 (UAs
      inconsistent in how OS font settings affect the default font-size
      `medium`) but the group ran out of time before they could reach
      agreement on the best approach. Discussion will continue on


Agenda: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/2024Dec/0005.html

  Rachel Andrew
  Adam Argyle
  Tab Atkins-Bittner
  David Awogbemila
  Kevin Babbitt
  David Baron
  Oriol Brufau
  Keith Cirkel
  Emilio Cobos รlvarez
  Yehonatan Daniv
  Brecht De Ruyte
  Stephanie Eckles
  Elika Etemad
  Robert Flack
  Simran Gill
  Daniel Holbert
  Brian Kardell
  Jonathan Kew
  Roman Komarov
  Vladimir Levin
  Chris Lilley
  Alison Maher
  Romain Menke
  Florian Rivoal
  Cassondra Roberts
  Jen Simmons
  Gaurav Singh Faujdar
  Alan Stearns
  Josh Tumath
  Bramus Van Damme

Scribe: TabAtkins
Scribe's scribe: bramus

Adoption of the logo created by the CSS Next CG
  github: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/11193

  argyle: Let me share my screen a bit
  argyle: We're CSSNext, defining CSS4 and 5 (and 3 right now actually)
  argyle: Trying to resolve all the properties and what space they go to
  argyle: The CSS3 shield logo is everywhere, it was hot a decade ago
          but not now
  argyle: not aging or scaling well
  argyle: There's a lot of other language logos people are actively
  argyle: lot of community suggestions
  argyle: Eventually we went with a more predictable one
  argyle: "we joined the family"
  argyle: [shows the logo]
  argyle: We found fonts with license issues; JS logo is violating its
          font license. We're using an open source font, and a special
          color for CSS
  <emilio> +1 for rebeccapurple :)
  argyle: Logo is rounded corners except one
  argyle: Lots of positivity, thought we could bring it up to CSSWG
  argyle: The red CSS square logo is used for favicons, maybe update
  argyle: (red css logo has contrast issues anyway)
  argyle: So hopefully CSS can get past the 3-shield

  astearns: Outcome we want is a resolution from csswg to adopt this

  TabAtkins: Only feedback in github repo is that logo as presented is
             not usable as a favicon
  TabAtkins: As long as the 16x16 version works for a favicon works,
             I'm in
  argyle: Yup, I've posted the new version, it looks nice at 16x16

  fantasai: Is there some symbolism to using the top-left corner as
  argyle: The original designer just proposed it that way
  argyle: Other logos are pointy
  argyle: We rounded the corners, but as a flair there's one pinched
  argyle: Everyone liked it was more playful than equally rounded, now
          it looks more like a speech bubble
  argyle: So no big meaning, it was just in the original design

  bkardell: Did I hear that we're asking the WG to adopt this?
  argyle: More of an endorsement...
  bkardell: If we do, then the logo has a w3c relationship. We'll need
            to loop in the comms team
  argyle: Maybe licensing, too
  florian: Agree, we should loop in comms and maybe legal
  florian: I think it's pointless to do that if WG isn't interested, so
           we should want to adopt it before we check how to. This
           conversation is useful
  florian: but if we are in support there are probably more steps.
  <bkardell> Yes
  florian: We can give endorsement (though it's not clear our charter
           calls for it). It just won't be the last step
  ChrisL: Comm team is already aware.
  ChrisL: I've gone back and forth. I've asked if they wanted me to
          block or promote, they said no opinion, do what you want
  ChrisL: The red one had no formal process, it just showed up one day

  TabAtkins: The red one came from John Daggett when he was the editor
             of the font spec
  TabAtkins: Might have been me that added it
  argyle: It does pop

  argyle: Closing remarks, this is kinda just a humble offering.
          Pleased it's resonated so far
  argyle: Whenever someone says "copy this CSS from X", they use the
          shield logo, we could do better
  <florian> I like it, FWIW
  <bkardell> yes, I also personally like it fwiw
  argyle: If we do want to make it more official and there's legal
          processes, happy to be involved if needed
  <ChrisL> I like it too

  astearns: proposed resolution: WG likes the logo and would like to
            officially endorse it, will investigate what that means
  <kbabbitt> +1 I like it
  <TabAtkins> +1
  <bkardell> ๐Ÿ‘
  <ChrisL> +1
  <florian> +1
  <joshtumath> +1
  astearns: objections?
  <brecht_dr> +1
  <ydaniv> +1

  RESOLVED: WG likes the logo and would like to officially endorse it,
            will investigate what that means


Time for FPWD
  github: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/11344

  ChrisL: I was prompted for this because ccameron has asked for TAG
          review of one of the parts, seemed like a good time for fpwd
  ChrisL: Spec is in reasonable shape, has some tests. Apparently
          chrome is gonna ship the dynamic-range-limit feature soon, so
          good reason to have it published
  astearns: We already have a resolution to adopt this
  ChrisL: Yes, a while ago
  astearns: Any concerns or questions?
  astearns: Proposed resolution is FPWD of color hdr

  RESOLVED: FPWD of color hdr

  github: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/6900#issuecomment-2532334712

  TabAtkins: Got 3 drafts already were FPWD.
  TabAtkins: First one is display-4. Has two extra additions
  TabAtkins: reading-flow is actively being implemented
  TabAtkins: Interpolating display is shipped
  TabAtkins: Second is overflow-5: all scroll marker stuff from flackr
             for carousels. Talked about those at TPAC. Design is
             fairly stable, but might need some tweaks
  TabAtkins: Finally mutlicol-2 which has column pseudo.
  TabAtkins: Let's just put snapping on mutlicol columns
  TabAtkins: Might do rows later but don't need to wait for that for
  TabAtkins: Those are the additions, and I would like to start them
             being published

  astearns: proposed resolution: FPWD of Display 4
  fantasai: sounds reasonable for FP, there's still open issues to work
            on, but I think publishing makes sense
  astearns: objections?

  RESOLVED: FPWD of Display 4

  astearns: Next, overflow 5
  TabAtkins: Last week Elika mentioned it needed a better intro, I'll
             write it before I hit the publish button
  fantasai: As long as there's an understandable intro, I think this is
            good for fpwd
  astearns: So once there's an updated intro, we'll do fpwd of
            overflow 5
  ChrisL: Tuesday is last day for publication, else it's next year
  ChrisL: and there's a form
  TabAtkins: Will do those today

  RESOLVED: FPWD of Overflow 5

  astearns: Last, Multicol 2
  rachelandrew: It's currently a diff spec, was gonna copy everything
                from multicol 1 so I have the multicol row bit. Should
                I do that first?
  astearns: It's ok to have a diff spec as fpwd
  astearns: Up to editor's discretion
  rachelandrew: Not really any changes to 1, just waiting for a test
                suite followup
  fantasai: I think that would be good
  florian: Yeah, multicol 1 isn't changing fast, not much risk of
           drift. Also yay, multicol in block direction
  rachelandrew: I have a draft.
  florian: Me too, happy that yours is probably better developed
  <kizu> +1 to yay for multicol in block direction
  astearns: So proposed resolution is publish Multicol 2 as full
            spec FPWD

  RESOLVED: FPWD of Multicol 2 (as a full spec, not diff)

CSS Scroll Snap

Should scrollsnapchanging target the currently visible element during
  github: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/10838

  flackr: We defined scrollsnapchanging as using the "eventual scroll
          position". This makes sense for targeted scrolls, but is
          confusing when flinging.
  flackr: We'll predict a position far out, but if you change your
          scroll velocity the identified item jumps back to the one
          currently in view
  flackr: Proposing we change the behavior so that targeted scrolls
          (where we know the intended destination) that we use that
          target (as the spec already says), but for momentum scrolls
          we use the current position, as if you're actively scrolling
          and we don't know where you'll end up
  flackr: This is more intuitive, where the identified item doesn't
          jump ahead of your scroll
  <TabAtkins> +1, this sounds right. I'd expect indicated element to
              gradually move as the fling progresses

  astearns: Are you going to be able to tell what kind of things you're
            getting back?
  astearns: Targeted vs current scroll position?
  flackr: API doesn't differentiate, you just get a currentTarget
  flackr: For all the use-cases we've been talking about this feels
          right, but it's possible we might want something always based
          on the current location.
  flackr: Doesn't make sense to have something always based on target
          location; sometimes you don't have a different target
  flackr: But if we eventually wanted one for the currently-in-view
          thing even during a targeted scroll, we could add it
  astearns: I don't have a particular reason to need it, was just
  flackr: Yeah, for all use-cases we know - carousel, selected UI - it
          makes sense to use current or target as I'm proposing here,
          depending on type of scroll

  astearns: Other questions?
  astearns: Summary?
  flackr: Proposed resolution: scrollsnapchanging uses the targeted
          location for targeted scrolls, but does not predict the
          destination of momentum scrolling (uses the current scroll
          location instead)

  RESOLVED: scrollsnapchanging uses the targeted location for targeted
            scrolls, but does not predict the destination of momentum
            scrolling (uses the current scroll location instead)

scroll-start-target: auto doesn't match general meaning of auto
  github: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/11173

  DavidA: scroll-start-target is set on the child of a scrollable
          container, that makes the container initial scroll to that
  DavidA: Got feedback from the TAG that, looking at the name of the
          property, the -start could be confusing (it's a logical
          direction in other properties)
  DavidA: Also the values are none|auto, was a question about --
          currently auto means the element is a scroll-start target,
          but "auto" usually is used for something more magical
  DavidA: so we're looking for a replacement value name
  DavidA: For property name, scroll-container-target and
          initial-scroll-target are my suggestions. Suggest the
          second one
  <TabAtkins> (yeah, I like initial-scroll-target)
  DavidA: For the values, I'm proposing `none | local`. Proposing local
          because it only effects the nearest scroll container.
  DavidA: In theory, in future we could expand the scope of the
          scrolling target, add "global" or something
  flackr: The thinking is that a value which scrolls all ancestors
          could explain fragment navigation - that does scroll all
          scrollers up to the root
  <TabAtkins> (I think I'd prefer something like "self")

  <fantasai> https://drafts.csswg.org/scroll-animations-1/#scroll-notation
  fantasai: We have scroll() from Scroll Animations. It uses the
            keyword "nearest", we should be consistent with that
  <TabAtkins> +1
  fantasai: For property name, would it make sense to put "scroll"
            first, so scroll-initial-target?
  DavidA: I think scroll-initial-target is fine too
  flackr: Or overflow-initial-target, since most other scrolling
          properties are overflow
  fantasai: We have a lot of scroll-* prefixes, scroll-padding,
            scroll-snap, etc
  flackr: Fair, I do like it being grouped with other scrollers. Though
          it does go on the child rather than the scroll container
  fantasai: Also several scroll-* properties that are, like
  fantasai: I do think these names are better, but we're not clearly
            managing that this is set on the item
  fantasai: I think scroll-margin and scroll-snap-align are a little
            bit indicative, but my initial impression from the property
            name is it's set on the scroll container, and takes some
            reference to a child
  <TabAtkins> (I think scroll-initial-target is reasonably
              child-indicative. not 100%, but doable)
  DavidA: I was thinking scroll-container-target, but not sure if
          that helps

  astearns: I think we're converging, at least for now, on
            scroll-initial-target. Might come up with something
  astearns: Shall we resolve on that?
  <TabAtkins> +1
  <bramus> +1 on nearest
  fantasai: And none|nearest for values?
  DavidA: Yeah
  astearns: So proposed is `scroll-initial-target: none | nearest`
  astearns: Objections?
  <argyle> ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป

  RESOLVED: `scroll-initial-target: none | nearest`

  fantasai: Can we have a comment soliciting better ideas?
  astearns: Specifically about something that might more obviously
            indicate that it's on the child
  DavidA: I can write something

CSS Overflow

Should overflow-clip-margin apply to scrollable boxes?
  github: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/10745

  emilio: Not super high priority, but been agenda for a while
  emilio: I don't think you can get the behavior of some of the
          built-in form controls regarding overflow clipping without
          something like this
  emilio: In particular, textarea clips in the content-box in the
          inline-axis, input also has something weird
  emilio: It seems useful to allow values that make the clip smaller
          than the padding box
  emilio: Per spec it only applies to overflow-clip right now, but I
          think it would be useful on scrollable boxes as well. Was
          wondering about feelings on this

  flackr: I had the impression that we previously wanted to allow
          scrollable content to extend outside the scrolling box
  flackr: A bunch of UI interfaces - you don't want the scrollbar
          larger, but you want content behind the header, etc
  emilio: That seems... maybe doable
  emilio: Would need to think more about that impl wise
  emilio: At that point you may want to change the scrollbar region
          more than the scrolling region itself...
  flackr: Yeah, maybe
  emilio: But I think the uncontroversial thing would be to allow
          things inside the padding box
  emilio: Would look cool to allow positive values, but not sure how it
          would look with borders/etc
  emilio: Maybe that just works?
  flackr: Yeah feels like you'd want it behind the border, in front of
  <TabAtkins> (border is already on top of background)

  vmpstr: Question about scrolling with a mousewheel or trackpad
  vmpstr: If... if the mouse is in padding area does it scroll the
  vmpstr: If the content is outside the scroller, presumably doesn't
  vmpstr: If there's visual information about the content out there, is
          that meant to be scrolled by the mousewheel?
  emilio: I'd like to avoid discussing positive margin right now
          because I haven't thought about it, and it does raise more
  emilio: I think for inner, right now Firefox behavior is to scroll
          when you're in padding box
  emilio: textarea behavior exists now, so we could crib off of that
  emilio: but otherwise yeah, good question

  TabAtkins: So we are only discussing negative values. Does that mean
             positive ones are clamped to 0 at the moment and in the
             future we might allow them?
  emilio: Yes, most reasonable right now. perhaps in the future we
          could add a support keyword
  TabAtkins: It's the ability to detect future support that I am
             worried about, but I think we have the tools to figure
             that out
  <fantasai> spec only allows positive values?
  <fantasai> https://drafts.csswg.org/css-overflow-4/#overflow-clip-margin
  emilio: Currently it's already ignored on scrollable, which has same
          issue if we start doing it
  emilio: but if we need to we can add feature detection as needed

  vmpstr: So positive values grow; we're only discussing negatives that
  astearns: It's possible we'll run into compat issues if people are
            over-applying right now?
  emilio: Potentially, yes. I think it's unlikely, but I've been wrong
  TabAtkins: Can always add an opt-in keyword to the property
  emilio: So if people agree, allowing values that shrink the clipping
          box for scrollable boxes
  emilio: I was just trying to kill the internal mechanism

  TabAtkins: Just to clarify, Elika pointed out in IRC that negative
             values are invalid. We're *actually* just talking about
             allowing the box keywords to work on scrollable boxes,
             which can shrink the clip region to smaller than what it
             currently is
  emilio: It's probably worth having a separate issue for negative
  emilio: I'll file a separate issue

  astearns: So proposed for this issue is to allow
            overflow-clip-margin: content-box to apply to scrollable
  emilio: Preferred is allow use of overflow-clip-margin on scrollers
          that shrink the clipping box
  emilio: That is currently just the 'content-box' keyword
  emilio: but if we allow negatives, it'll be a more general resolution
  astearns: Yeah, but I'd like the shrinking mechanism explored more
            specifically before we allow it generally here. tighter
            resolution for now
  emilio: Fair
  astearns: Objections to allowing content-box value to apply to
            scrollable containers?

  RESOLVED: `overflow-clip-margin: content-box` applies to scrollable

CSS Fonts & Viewport

UAs inconsistent in how OS font settings affect the default font-size
  github: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/10674

  joshtumath: Back in 2019, issue 3708 the WG discussed having support
              for "dynamic type" on iOS
  joshtumath: In OS settings changing the font size and having it
              reflected in the page
  joshtumath: Resolution to have some way to do true font sizes
  joshtumath: but at a f2f there was a comment about general consensus
              for this done with meta-viewport
  joshtumath: A year later this was closed because Safari added a
              per-site setting
  joshtumath: so wanted to discuss this again
  joshtumath: At BBC, had some complaints because some of our apps use
              a webview to embed a browser, and there is no controls to
              change font size in a webview, you have to get that from
              the OS settings
  joshtumath: but there's no mechanism for that
  joshtumath: Would like WG to consider either adopting a meta-viewport
              tag, or some other mechanism

  TabAtkins: At the time it was talked about, did we have the env spec?
             seems like the correct way to inject this info
  keithamus: Last comment was about using env()

  fantasai: I'd like to avoid meta-viewport as much as possible for
            styling, that's not where that info should go
  fantasai: So unless there's a critical reason for it, it shouldn't be
            a solution we reach for
  fantasai: I think it is reasonable to specify that you want the
            system default font size
  fantasai: Already have keywords for system-ui font, etc
  fantasai: So if we can't reuse 'medium', which seems likely, we can
            create a new keyword
  <TabAtkins> +1, yeah duh, just a font-size keyword seems right
  joshtumath: Want to make sure that anywhere we can enable this is
              reflected into MQs with rem units
  joshtumath: If you change root font-size that's not reflected in MQs
  <TabAtkins> Ah, good point
  joshtumath: If I zoom in, that'll affect MQs
  astearns: Is that solveable with CQs rather than MQs?
  joshtumath: It is, but would be a lot of code changes. Reluctant to
              use CQs for everything, still plenty of reasons for MQs
  emilio: Yeah, MQ point makes this moot...
  emilio: Some OS font settings *are* exposed via system fonts. If you
          set `font: dialog` or whatever, they can have different
          computed font-sizes depending on OS settings

  keithamus: Presumably would want to derive other units - is a keyword
             applicable, or want a new dimension?
  keithamus: Might want to clamp, for example

  TabAtkins: I agree. Both MQ point and what Keith pointed out. Need a
             resolvable value, not just a keyword. Don't care if its
             env or unit. env seems semantically more appropriate
  <fantasai> +1 to resolvable font size

  emilio: Re previous point, some OSes don't have a unified concept of
          default size, there are different sizes for different UI
  emilio: Window, perhaps Linux
  emilio: Don't know if we want to account for that

  keithamus: If it's a dimension we'd need to specify what the resolved
             value is, or what the fallback is
  keithamus: If we use env(), can you provide a fallback?
  <TabAtkins> yes, env() has a fallback
  <bramus> `env( <custom-ident> <integer [0,โˆž]>* ,
           <declaration-value>? ) `
  emilio: It does feel a bit weird to have conditionally supported vars
          like that...
  keithamus: I thought not all OSes would want to define that value..
  emilio: More that there's potentially multiple values to expose
  TabAtkins: Advantage of env() is we can easily supply a family of
             keywords if we want
  emilio: Yeah, sorry, having a solution would be great, just pointing
          out complications

  fantasai: Clarifying - is this one font-size, or a variety?
  emilio: That was my point, you put it better
  keithamus: What would the variety of font-sizes be?
  astearns: I think if we depend on what OSes/browses are offering in
            terms of settings
  fantasai: Bigger question - what are authors trying to match
  fantasai: Definitely paragraph text size, good to match the OS
  fantasai: Do we need other things as well?
  keithamus: Good point, there's oftentimes a preference for different
             sizes based on fixed-width fonts
  keithamus: In my system settings there's a bunch

  iank: Main use-case here is body/paragraph text, sites are detecting
        this in the browser today via interesting means
  iank: related to text-auto-sizing
  iank: They want to be able to boost paragraph text size for a11y
  astearns: Hearing we'd like to pursue this as an env() that resolves
            to a length
  TabAtkins: That was answered by MQs and math fns
  fantasai: Why env() not a font keyword?
  iank: Often the case you'd want to change the height of a box/etc
  fantasai: But you could set it on root and use the values
  TabAtkins: Not accessible in rems and MQs.
  fantasai: We could make MQs respond to user's real default size
  TabAtkins: Would be different feature
  astearns: We're over time, take it back to the issue

Received on Thursday, 12 December 2024 00:17:58 UTC