[CSSWG] Minutes Cupertino F2F 2023-07-21 Part III: Transforms, Text, Syntax, Overflow & Contain [css-transforms] [css-text] [css-syntax] [css-overflow] [css-contain]

  These are the official CSSWG minutes.
  Unless you're correcting the minutes,
 Please respond by starting a new thread
   with an appropriate subject line.

CSS Transforms

  - The WG discussed adding longhands for the translate -x -y -z,
    rotate -angle -axis, scale -x -y -z properties, and was in favor
    theoretically, but since these would add complexity to
    a performance-sensitive feature and the use cases presented so far
    were not very strong, the WG resolved not to add them (for now).
    (Issue #7646: Syntax of individual transforms should reflect
     general CSS syntax)

CSS Text

  - RESOLVED: Accept proposal (Issue #8972: Reconsider atomic inlines
              overriding GL/WJ classes)
  - RESOLVED: Add a control that is either a property or a value that
              causes UAs to make the last line longer than it would've
              originally done unless that was a bad idea (Issue #3473:
              Preventing too-short final lines of blocks (Last Line
              Minimum Length))

CSS Syntax

  - RESOLVED: Accept parsing behavior change as described in issue
              (Issue #8834: Review requested of new Parsing text)
  - RESOLVED: Republish CSS Syntax as CRD

Overflow & Contain

  - The issue in #9003 (Setting containment on root should not make
      scrolling impossible) does need to be addressed, but the group
      needs to think more about expected behaviors before resolving.


Agenda: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/projects/38

Scribe: florian

CSS Transforms

Syntax of individual transforms should reflect general CSS syntax
  github: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/7646

  bramus: Individual transforms property now exist, and help author
          with control over their animations
  bramus: Now people want more granularity, like translate-x, -y, etc
  TabAtkins: I'm fine with that
  TabAtkins: The other part was the logical transforms
             (translate-inline, etc)
  TabAtkins: that I'm against, because we don't have logical
             transforms, and thus nothing to map them too cleanly
  bramus: that's ok

  fantasai: Do we want to just add those?
  TabAtkins: Not part of this issue

  SebastianZ: How about scale-x, scale-y, and the same for rotate
  TabAtkins: They were deliberately omitted from the transform
             properties, because there's no obvious correct order
  TabAtkins: Sorry, skew was omitted
  flackr: Does rotate have a long hand?
  TabAtkins: You'd have rotate-axis and rotate-angle

  flackr: When you create an animation with these now separate props,
          it might be surprising to authors:
  flackr: if they set translate-x in the first and last keyframe, and
          -y in the middle, they'd only get the transition on the -
  TabAtkins: That seems fine
  fantasai: If you want the other behavior, then just put the necessary
            properties in the relevant keyframes
  flackr: Seems fine, never mind
  bramus: The current standalone properties have enabled that, so it
          would be the same
  TabAtkins: Animating on the separate properties and the joint ones
             give different results

  astearns: Proposal: translate, rotate and scale have long hands
  TabAtkins: translate -x and -y, rotate -angle -axis, scale -x -y -z
  <TabAtkins> (and translate-z)

  flackr: Is it well defined how we interpolate from one rotation angle
          to another?
  TabAtkins: I forget what the answer is, but yes, it's in the spec

  SebastianZ: Why rotate-angle and rotate-axis when we have rotate-x,
              rotate-y and rotate-z as functions
  TabAtkins: There are multiple results depending on the order when you
             combine them, so it'd be ambiguous
  TabAtkins: So if you do want to do independent rotations, use

  RESOLVED: Add the longhands to these properties as discussed above

  fantasai: Should we take up this comment as its own issue
            which is filed at https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/1544
  dbaron: I'm not sureā€¦
  dbaron: I am concerned about the complexity this adds. Need to think
          about it.
  astearns: How about you comment on the issue after reviewing that
  fantasai: Wanted to comment the logical part of this problem
  astearns: It is a separate issue, and the agenda is already too
            crowded so no

CSS Text

Reconsider atomic inlines overriding GL/WJ classes
  github: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/8972

  fantasai: We have a problem that line breaking around images is weird
  fantasai: Web pages expect images to introduce a line breaking
  [fantasai summarizes the issue]
  fantasai: The proposal is that for Unicode characters with non
            tailorable line breaking properties, other than NBSP,
            should be honored and take precedence
  florian: +1

  iank: Not too familiar with the implementation details, will sync
        with Koji before a definite answer
  iank: seems ok
  fantasai: Main concern is probably not implementation complexity, but
            web compat, but it seems ok here
  iank: Is there any complexity with reordering controls
  fantasai: There's only a handful of characters
  fantasai: should not have any effect on bidi
  iank: Seems fine, just want to check with Koji
  Rossen: can we resolve on it, and you bring it back if there's
          an issue

  hober: Similar to Ian, I want to talk internally, like with the books
  hober: can bring it back later if we have additional feedback

  RESOLVED: Accept proposal

CSS Transforms

Syntax of individual transforms should reflect general CSS syntax
  github: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/7646

  dbaron: I don't see a whole lot in terms of usecases
  dbaron: It seems we want to do this for completeness and consistency
  dbaron: but the cost seems high
  dbaron: because you need to support animating them on separate
  dbaron: not theoretically hard, but adds complexity to a performance
          sensitive path
  dbaron: would be ok given strong use cases, but otherwise, the cost
          might be too much
  TabAtkins: We'd go from 3 properties to 7
  hober: I share dbaron's concern, but would defer to Simon if he has
         an opinion
  dbaron: Not absolutely opposed to doing this, but want a stronger
          justification than has been given so far, given the cost
  bramus: I remember requests, but not what the motivating use case was.
  Rossen: The proposal is to revert the previous resolution

  RESOLVED: Undo previous resolution, do not add the longhands to the
            rotate, translate, and scale properties

CSS Syntax
  scribe: fantasai
  scribe's scribe: emilio

Review requested of new Parsing text
  github: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/8834

  TabAtkins: As part of refactoring for nesting, I realized that there
             is some common structures we could use to make more sense
  TabAtkins: This results into 1 non-editorial change
  TabAtkins: Rules that previously only contained rules, like @media,
             previously used an algorithm that only cared about rules,
             not declarations
  TabAtkins: now that they do care about declarations, at least in
             nested form -- ideally top-level form parses the same way
             -- and that causes an error-recovery change
  TabAtkins: specifically ...
  <TabAtkins> @media { garbage; bar {...} }
  TabAtkins: this ^ previously would have resulted in a single rule,
             "garbage; bar { ... }"
  TabAtkins: now it results in two statements, a "garbage;" statement
             and a "bar { ... }" statement
  TabAtkins: only affects when there's a semicolon
  TabAtkins: but changes parsing on existing stylesheets
  TabAtkins: Question is if that's OK

  florian: So you say previously we wouldn't discard "garbage;" and
           keep "bar { ... }"
  florian: that seems better, but is it Web-compatible?
  TabAtkins: Suspect so, since only small cases
  florian: Doesn't seem unlikely people will put in a media query and
           forgot selector and then add full rules with a selector
           later, and the garbage which used to gobble up next rule and
           thereby disabled it
  florian: no longer disables it
  florian: seems plausible that it could be written by accident
  florian: Let's try, but it would be possible it causes problems

  emilio: Fact that nested and unnested parse differently seems super
          weird, so +1 to try fixing this
  emilio: I *think* that's how I implemented in Firefox, but might have
          been conservative when implementing, don't remember
  Rossen: Hearing support, any reasons to not resolve?

  RESOLVED: Accept parsing behavior change as described in issue

  TabAtkins: Can I republish Syntax?
  TabAtkins: All the changes should be captured in Changes list; will
             double-check before publishing
  TabAtkins: still need to do review of tests that might need changing,
             but that's separate
  Rossen: Any objections to new CR?

  RESOLVED: Republish CSS Syntax as CRD

Overflow & Contain

Setting containment on root should not make scrolling impossible
  github: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/9003

  miriam: Decided with container queries not to have container on root
  miriam: but said authors should be able to set root as container, and
          be able to query it similar to media queries with some
          advantages of it being an element
  miriam: but it doesn't quite work
  miriam: because if you set size/layout containment on root element
  miriam: the overflow property propagates to the viewport, but size/
          layout containment causes the root to not have any scrollable
  miriam: So we need to either say, when you set containment on root,
          the overflow property doesn't propagate to root and get
  miriam: or we propagate containment to the viewport
  miriam: Not sure if that means anything other than "it doesn't apply
          to the root"

  florian: I believe the first one has a well-defined behavior that's
  florian: One thing that makes it ok is that when we no longer
           propagate to viewport, the the viewport gets default value
           of 'overflow' which resolves to auto on the viewport
  florian: therefore if the root itself would overflow the viewport,
           you get scrollbars to see all of it. It might be odd, but
           you can access all the content

  fantasai: I think that having the containment and overflow apply to
            the root element would be pretty terrible
  fantasai: because if you do size/layout containment you get 0-height
            and no overflow
  fantasai: if you also have paint containment you also clip
  fantasai: if you compensate by making the root element larger
  fantasai: then you have a scrollbar which is inside the border edge
            of the root element rather than attached to the viewport
  fantasai: which is also not great
  fantasai: I think the first option is terrible and we should
            propagate containment to the viewport
  miriam: You would likely uses 100% rather than 100 vh
  miriam: but it's only minimally better
  miriam: I agree that the other is nicer for authors
  Rossen: Would that be compatible? then percentages on body would
          resolve (which wouldn't previously)

  iank: Containment on root is probably pretty rare in the web
  iank: remind me the syntax?

  emilio: What's the difference between propagating containment to the
          viewport rather than just not applying containment to the
  miriam: It establishes a container for querying.
  miriam: @container [...]
  emilio: so the size of the root...
  emilio: what you want isn't the root element box size, it's the
  miriam: I was assuming you'd get the root size, but in general what
          the author would do is size the root to 100% so they can get
          the viewport size
  miriam: The difference between that and media query is that you can
          use actual font sizes (for font units)
  miriam: other than that you want a container that's a fallback for
          everything for the page
  emilio: Isn't the fallback already the root?
  miriam: No, there is no default
  miriam: We intentionally didn't, because there are cases where it
          would be surprising if you didn't expect it

  florian: So, size containment doesn't mean size to zero. It means
           size as empty
  florian: Most typically case is querying width, so empty isn't zero
  florian: it would work better than viewport, because if there are
           margins etc, then you are considering those
  florian: in the block axis, yes, you would size the root to zero
  florian: but is it that bad?
  florian: I'm not sure the scenario is that bad as imagined

  emilio: Fallback is for container units but not container queries?
  emilio: that's a bit weird
  miriam: Yes
  emilio: Ignoring containment on root to make this work seems sketchy
  emilio: I am a bit torn

  dbaron: I'm struggling at this point to understand the ways in which
          ignoring containment on the root and propagating to the
          viewport different
  dbaron: (other than for container establishing effects)
  dbaron: though I guess they differ because of the size of the root,
          but unsure what that means for effect on developers
  emilio: Is alternative to this to provide an opt-in to fall back to
          viewport somehow?
  emilio: If we didn't do the fallback because we think it's
          confusing.. then what makes it not confusing would be having
          an opt in
  iank: It's confusing if you're writing these rules and you don't
        expect it to resolve yet because you haven't specified a
        container, and then it suddenly resolves
  miriam: If you're mainly using CQ on small things, and end up not
          being in a small thing and get a very large result
  miriam: can be confusing
  miriam: but in other cases want the nearest container, and in that
          case want the fallback
  miriam: if you added containment on root, you can add a name so that
          you can reference it
  miriam: if you're in control you can handle both use cases, if not
          can only handle one

  [fantasai gets tapped to speak]
  fantasai: Don't know what to say
  florian: Put you on the queue about the scenario you were concerned
  florian: not sure what happens
  fantasai: Containment works in both axes right?
  florian: Not necessarily, if you only do it on one axis doesn't
           collapse to zero
  florian: in the block direction if you set it to a 100% shouldn't it
           be fine
  florian: If we propagated neither overflow nor containment, shouldn't
           it work?
  florian: You'd set the block size to 100%
  fantasai: If the content needs to scroll you wouldn't be using the
            viewport scroller but an internal scroller
  fantasai: Is it the same?
  emilio: It's not the same. There are UA features that only work on
          the root scroller, like marking find-inpage things, etc.
  smfr: Another difference is background-attachment fixed is optimized
        for root scrolling

  Rossen: Let's take the issue back to GH and talk about it there, once
          we have a path for resolution we can bring it back
  <miriam> hopefully we can get some good conversation and a resolution
           soon - because the longer we wait, the more likely we
           develop compat issues

CSS Text

Preventing too-short final lines of blocks (Last Line Minimum Length)
  github: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/3473

  myles: This is a small issue ....
  myles: We have had many requests throughout the years where
         typographers and designers have come to us and show us a
         paragraph on the web page
  myles: they'll point to last line and say, 'this last line is tooooo
  myles: This has a name, it's called orphans and widows
  myles: also term has two meanings
  myles: CSS has support for the other meaning (pagination)
  myles: but for this one, doesn't
  myles: This is one of our highest requested text-related features
  myles: so it would be cool if CSS could solve
  myles: Problem here is that last line is too narrow, so get wide
         paragraph and maybe one word on last line. Looks bad
  myles: More nuance, but what I will say is, I think there's two
         potential solutions
  myles: one is a new property, and one is a change to value space of
         `text-wrap: pretty`
  myles: so could invent a new property or add a thing that when you do
         pretty, try to focus on the last line

  florian: text-wrap: pretty solves this and more, and is expensive
  florian: and that's important
  florian: If it wasn't expensive, just using pretty would be fine
  florian: there are terrible solutions to this problem
  florian: If you implement one that is "good enough"
  florian: is there enough perf difference with pretty that it's worth
           a separate control
  hober: Very significant perf difference
  myles: Naive implementation of pretty is exponentially bad perf
  myles: whereas an algorithm that just focuses on this problem would
         be at worst linear, but almost constant time

  iank: Yes, expensive, but we might have different perspectives on how
        expensive we're willing to tolerate for pretty
  iank: lot of nuance there, let's not get into it now
  iank: From our perspective, if there is a control, it would be nice
        if it could also control pretty
  iank: fundamentally, pretty does have a lot of knobs like "how much
        to bias for x consideration"
  myles: If independent control for last line and pretty, browser could
         see and modify pretty to focus on last line
  iank: Potentially
  myles: That sounds great

  nicole: I wanted to ask, how many lines would be impacted by that
  myles: I think we're flexible here, not super clear what the spec
         should say
  myles: if we were to implement this, first version would start at 1
         line and then iterate from there and see if need to increase
  <astearns> -1 to only stealing words from one line
  nicole: Similar to headline balancing?
  iank: Not really
  hober: Taking a first pass would only use one line, but I can imagine
         empirically discovering that we can tolerate 3-4 and might
         have a spec, but let's not prematurely decide

  florian: Are you aiming for a yes/no property or are you thinking of
           giving author control like at least 3em or at least 30%
  myles: Flexible
  myles: Firstly, we know using words is wrong
  myles: not clear, in i18n context, what exactly a word is
  myles: from implementation perspective, can make a boolean
  myles: If authors need more control, can add
  myles: When authors request this, they usually request a percentage
  myles: e.g. at least 50%
  iank: Is that what they actually want, or think that's the tool that
        indesign provides...
  myles: I don't know, but my proposal is a boolean switch
  myles: and as implementations progress, we can see if that makes
         sense or not
  smfr: Should we just resolve on adding a property without specifying
        if boolean or not?

  astearns: For a property that does only this one thing
  astearns: I would advocate strongly for just a boolean switch
  astearns: Anything more finely grained is really going to have to be
            weighed against other line-breaking considerations
  astearns: and needs to modify results of pretty
  astearns: If we're separating the two, then the simple thing, should
            just be a boolean

  florian: I think I support this because of the perf difference
  florian: but even then it does feel like it's a variant of pretty,
           you've decided what you care about
  florian: so is it really separate from pretty?
  * fremy wanted to say the same thing

  fantasai: There are a lot of knobs that factor into pretty and a lot
            of them are already separate knobs
  fantasai: In level 4 or some other we had word-spacing and
            letter-spacing give you the optimal value but we also allow
            a range for the line-breaker to play with
  fantasai: that's a factor into the line breaker
  fantasai: same for hyphenation controls
  fantasai: these are already split out into multiple controls
  fantasai: Turning on pretty shouldn't need to re-declare your controls
  fantasai: so should cascade separately
  fantasai: I agree with myles, we should have this tweak
  <florian> [Florian is convinced]
  fantasai: I'd like something that can be applied to the single-page
            HTML spec and not spin for 10 minutes

  fantasai: I also agree with astearns that you have to look at more
            than one line
  fantasai: A boolean switch is fine but we should define this thinking
            of extending it to percentages too
  fantasai: If we spec it out we need to pick a name that's gonna work
            for both
  <myles> sooooo `minimum-last-line-length: normal | auto [maybe more
          in the future]`

  fremy: I have a similar thought, that just looking at one line
         doesn't cut it
  fremy: you will end up with a triangle. If you have only two lines
         it's fine, if you have three, you'll have a long first line,
         then a smaller second line, and even smaller third line. Very
  fremy: So in a way I'm struggling, if you have elements with more
         than two line, oh an implementation can produce good results
         without balancing lines from where it's stealing the words
  fremy: I don't think I can see how to make it different from pretty
  fremy: if you're doing that you're back with pretty
  astearns: I am convinced that there is a faster linebreaking
            algorithm that would only do this and not look at the full
            "pretty" penalty values
  astearns: it doesn't have to be as expensive as the full pretty
            implementation to do just this one thing
  iank: But you can bias the pretty implementation
  <astearns> I absolutely agree that we should avoid introducing the
             line wrap triangle shapes that fremy described

  iank: One thing on controls, it's not clear how this control would
        apply to `text-wrap: balance`
  fantasai: It wouldn't
  myles: `balance` will win. it handles last line by itself
  iank: It feels to me that we have at least 3 line-wrapping
        algorithms, might have others in the future
  iank: This control wouldn't affect balance
  fantasai: It also doesn't affect nowrap
  iank: Sure
  iank: I somewhat agree with fremy that you might be getting into
        pretty territory
  iank: I'm not convinced by the global control argument
  hober: If setting balance means it doesn't apply, then you aren't
         setting whatever this is
  hober: you're not setting it if you're not setting `text-wrap:
  <ntim> +1 to what hober said

  nicole: Does anyone want orphans? is anyone like "I want to turn off
          nice ending to my text"
  astearns: Yes, because you will get faster text composition

  florian: I suspect we all agree, but will say explicitly, when that
           is turned on it is a request for the browser to *attempt* to
           make the last line not terrible
  florian: but if can only do this by making some other line terrible,
           shouldn't do it
  florian: Also agreeing with Tess that it's also a text wrap value
  florian: and can have it as an additional keyword
  myles: Requested resolution isn't any particular grammar

  ntim: I want to echo what Tess said, it feels like text-wrap extension

  fantasai: So all of this is why I did not want this in text-wrap
  fantasai: whether and how you are wrapping should be separate
  fantasai: because they needs to cascade separately
  <florian> +1
  fantasai: You want to set the controls in a single place in your
  <astearns> and if we want this to be extensible as a text-wrap:
             pretty control it needs to be separate
  fantasai: This needs to be a separate thing and honestly I think
            `pretty` should have as well
  fantasai: I think this gets into how we're wrapping and that should
            only set once
  <fantasai> This is why I was against "text-wrap: pretty" as a syntax
             in the first place

  Rossen: Let's pause for a second. There's a clear proposal for a
          clear problem
  Rossen: There are also ideas about how to do it performantly...
  Rossen: We have plenty of engineers on the room, and we're getting
          into how to solve the issue, let's not do that
  Rossen: Let's go through the queue if you want to discuss syntax or
          how to solve it
  fantasai: What's the proposed solution?
  Rossen: To have a property or a value that solves this problem in a
          more performant way to pretty

  <florian> I think we should open a separate issue to move "balance |
            stable | pretty" out of text-wrap, and probably add
            "avoid-orphans" there

  SebastianZ: Iterating on nicole's question
  SebastianZ: If the algo can be made pretty fast, why can't it be the
  SebastianZ: We also have text-decoration skip-ink
  SebastianZ: but it was worthwhile having as a standard
  Rossen: Let's close that bridge when we get to it

  PROPOSED: Add a control that is either a property or a value that
            causes UAs to make the last line longer than it would've
            originally done unless that was a bad idea

  RESOLVED: Add a control that is either a property or a value that
            causes UAs to make the last line longer than it would've
            originally done unless that was a bad idea

  <br until=3:10>

Received on Sunday, 10 September 2023 15:50:32 UTC