[CSSWG] Minutes Cupertino F2F 2023-07-21 Part I: Values, Scroll Animations [css-values] [scroll-animations]

  These are the official CSSWG minutes.
  Unless you're correcting the minutes,
 Please respond by starting a new thread
   with an appropriate subject line.

CSS Values

  - RESOLVED: WG considered parent() and decided to stay with inherit()
              (Issue #2864: inherit() function: like var() for parent
              value, for any property)
  - RESOLVED: Define inherit() on custom properties only, as a step
              towards full thing (Issue #2864)

Scroll Animations

  - RESOLVED: Close no change (but without prejudice, examples in the
              future can change it) (Issue #8688: Scroll and view
              timelines should be active in non-printed media)
  - RESOLVED: A timeline-scope also prevents the timeline from being
              scoped even higher (Issue #8915: Blocking effects of
  - RESOLVED: contain:style prevents timeline names from leaking out
              past it (Issue #8915)
  - RESOLVED: Don't add any additional keywords to timeline-scope for
              this use-case (for now) (Issue #8915)
  - RESOLVED: Put view-timeline-inset into the view-timeline shorthand
              (Issue #8926: view-timeline-inset as part of
              view-timeline shorthand?)


Agenda: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/projects/38

  Rachel Andrew, Google
  Tab Atkins, Google
  David Baron, Google
  Oriol Brufau, Igalia
  Federico Bucchi, Apple
  Stephen Chenney, Igalia
  Mu-An Chiou, Ministry of Digital Affairs, Taiwan
  Emilio Cobos, Mozilla
  Yehonatan Daniv, Wix
  Matthieu Dubet, Apple
  Elika Etemad, Apple
  Rob Flack, Google
  Megan Gardner, Apple
  Sammy Gill, Apple
  Daniel Holbert, Mozilla
  Brian Kardell, Igalia
  Jonathan Kew, Mozilla
  Ian Kilpatrick, Google
  Una Kravets, Google
  Vladimir Levin, Google
  Peter Linss, Invited Expert
  Theresa O'Connor, Apple
  ChangSeok Oh, ByteDance
  François Remy, Invited Expert
  Florian Rivoal, Invited Expert
  Cassondra Roberts, Adobe
  Vitor Roriz, Apple
  Noam Rosenthal, Google
  Khushal Sagar, Google
  Jen Simmons, Apple
  Alan Stearns, Adobe
  Miriam Suzanne, Invited Expert
  Bramus Van Damme, Google
  Sebastian Zartner, Invited Expert

Scribes: fantasai & TabAtkins

CSS Values

inherit() function: like var() for parent value, for any property
  github: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/2864

  lea: As pointed out, we already resolved to do it
  lea: but might be a good strategy to split out into parts
  lea: There was a lot of use-cases for custom property inheritance, it
       has defined serialization and a lot of uses
  lea: and precedent in container queries of starting with cascading
       properties, even though plan is to expand later
  lea: Another possibility could be to have custom properties plus a
       restricted set of regular properties in L1
  lea: The advantage is it covers more use-cases, the disadvantage is
       it's harder for authors to understand which is which
  lea: but that's a problem with any allowlist, and there's several in
  lea: So I lean toward custom properties + restricted allowlist of
       regular properties
  lea: It would also be nice to resolve on a name, the issue still
       doesn't reflect consensus
  lea: Seems consensus leans toward parent
  lea: If that's the case, would be good to record a resolution

  bramus: Wanted to ask about naming towards parent()
  bramus: That might imply from some non-native speakers to select the
          direct parent?
  dbaron: That's exactly what it means
  bramus: Won't walk up to ancestors?
  TabAtkins: It will inherit, so get the value from the parent
  <TabAtkins> (I still like inherit(), but I'm happy with parent() )

  <lea> fyi list of proposed names here:

  fremy: I think parent() is fine
  fremy: Only thing I wonder if instead we can do var() with parent as
         first keyword
  fremy: then easy to add new sources later
  fremy: It's a bit longer though
  <TabAtkins> var(parent --foo)
  fremy: Just want to propose that but don't have a strong opinion
  fremy: but parent() doesn't express that it's a variable
  lea: Relating it to var() makes it sound like it's only for custom
  <astearns> +1 lea
  lea: but the goal is to extend to all properties
  lea: highly unlikely that var() wil extend to all properties
  <TabAtkins> right, impossible
  fremy: fine by me, if no objection to parent()

  astearns: other opinions?
  oriol: About naming issue, I do like inherit() as a function
  oriol: we already have the 'inherit' keyword
  oriol: so this is an obvious extension to it
  oriol: Why add a completely different keyword
  oriol: inherit also looks at the parent
  <fantasai> +1 to oriol's argument
  <Rossen> +1 to inherit
  <lea> inherit was a poor name, but I can see the argument for

  astearns: Any other opinions about inherit() , parent() etc?
  dbaron: I think I might have a slight preference for parent() because
          inherit() is about taking the value from the same property
          and copying from parent to child
  dbaron: but this is more general, says take the value of that
          property to use in this parent
  astearns: So argument for consistency is less because slightly
            different interpretation?
  dbaron: That said not a strong preference
  lea: The way I see inherit is, by default the default argument is the
       property itself, therefore can omit parens
  lea: whereas if you use a different property, you need to add parens
       and put as argument
  <fremy> if there is no strong preference, maybe we can strawpoll and
          just take the most popular one?

  POLL: 1. inherit() 2. parent()
  <bramus> 2
  <oriol> 1
  <fantasai> 1
  <Rossen> 1
  <dbaron> 2
  <fremy> 1
  <SebastianZ> 1
  <astearns> 1
  <ydaniv> 1
  <bts> 1
  <TabAtkins> 1 or 2
  <lea> abstain
  <changseok> 1
  <miriam> either
  <dholbert> abstain
  astearns: not seeing a reason to change
  PROPOSED: WG considered parent() and decided to stay with inherit()

  RESOLVED: WG considered parent() and decided to stay with inherit()

  astearns: You were arguing for doing just custom properties, or just
            custom properties and small subset, or doing all at once
  dbaron: To be clear, talking about source property, not the property
          you're using the function in
  lea: Want to hear from implementers

  astearns: Option to do custom properties now and rest later makes
            some sense to me
  astearns: I'm less convinced about small subset
  <fantasai> +1 to astearns
  <emilio> +1
  astearns: Why should we do that?
  lea: Primary issue with arbitrary properties is primarily shorthands,
       and a lot of use cases (if not most) that don't require them
  lea: so I suspect we can cover a fairly large percentage of use cases
       by having a well-selected allow-list
  lea: while not needing to solve serialization
  lea: but I'm not an implementer, great to hear from someone who is

  emilio: Not particularly about shorthands, but let's consider a
          single example
  emilio: You have font-family, and browser disagree whether to
          serialization as ident or string
  emilio: and how you do that changes where it's valid to use
  emilio: I think some properties first is a lot more controversial
  emilio: for variables, you just have the tokens the author wrote, so
          no disagreements between browsers
  fantasai: That's a large QA project, to get 100% interop on all
            serializations of all possible values in all properties
  fantasai: [explains]
  dbaron: We could get a bunch of the work done to detect differences
          by writing a fuzzer, with WPT as input
  dbaron: then we could look at how much work it is
  fremy: We tried when we did TypedOM, and ended up not finishing
         because so big
  TabAtkins: Big, but also I had other things to work on
  TabAtkins: wasn't like it was unsolveable
  iank: It's solveable, but non-trivial amount of work

  astearns: Just so I'm clear on the inherit question
  astearns: if we don't allow non-custom properties at the outset,
            people can work around it by setting a value on a var, and
            using inherit on that var
  TabAtkins: yes
  <TabAtkins> (finding a good allowlist is nearly the same work as
              finding all the differences and working toward fixing
  astearns: proposed to resolve on custom properties only at the outset

  RESOLVED: Define inherit() on custom properties only, as a step
            towards full thing

Scroll Animations

Scroll and view timelines should be active in non-printed media
  github: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/8688

  flackr: We previously decided that for printing purposes it doesn't
          make sense to have scroll animations be inactive
  flackr: We defined it in a way that it disables for all paged media
  flackr: Wondering if it makes sense to have these still run for paged
          media that can change its behavior, like a progress bar on an
  <astearns> +1 for enabling on interactive paged media devices
  flackr: So I propose we support it for paged media generally, just
          not for printed media

  fantasai: My concern with this is authors are very likely to write
            scroll animations that don't work if you don't have
            continuous media
  fantasai: Like a page might be halfway thru an animation's progress
  fantasai: So it won't look good
  fantasai: While an author is more likely to write their page in a way
            that works if scroll animations don't work at all
  fantasai: Lots of reasons to do that
  fantasai: but writing the page so that it makes sense when you happen
            to paginate halfway thru an animation, it's not likely
  fantasai: We could define a page timeline for these kinds of things
            which would have discrete steps
  fantasai: but I'd rather the author have an explicit understanding
            that it has discrete points, it's not continuous

  astearns: kneejerk reaction to limit features for paged media because
            people could get it wrong
  astearns: I'd rather allow people to do things for devices that are
            capable of it, and let them deal with the authoring
            problems of writing for both continuous and paged
  astearns: There are some things you can do in desktop that look bad
            in mobile, but we don't disable them there
  fantasai: When you don't design for mobile we lay out into a wide
            viewport because pages *do* break badly
  fantasai: So people don't usually design for print, but it still
            generally works
  fantasai: But with a scroll animation if you're animating an element
            halfway into view, and that's where the page break happens,
            you can't see the element
  fantasai: If we have a page timeline, and your animations happen to
            work for both continuous and discrete, you can just switch
            your timeline
  fantasai: But if we generally apply a continuous animation to paged
            it'll usually break, I think
  flackr: It's not arbitrary, it's consistent with a browser
  flackr: I'm curious where you'll get 90% is broken
  fantasai: Not sure, you'll frequently have problems. Imagine a
            paragraph, page break in there, it's 60% in view
  fantasai: you'll have 60% opacity because it fragmented there
  fantasai: and you can't read it
  fantasai: and that's just opacity, if you do fancy transforms or
            whatever the interim state can be unreadable

  flackr: I was wondering if people would be using view timelines on
          things that could be fragmented, and I guess the answer is yes
  flackr: My other concern is that having a different type of timeline
          is simple for scroll timeline, but do we need something else
          for view timeline or do VT just not make sense in paged media?
  flackr: I think it's easier for authors to turn them off with an MQ
          if they're likely to break
  fantasai: They're not gonna do that, they're just not gonna think
            about it
  <bramus> +1 to fantasai there

  ydaniv: Usually people don't animate things that are fragmented
  ydaniv: They animate things that they know are gonna stay on the
          screen as a unit
  ydaniv: In the case of paged media, isn't that closer to having
          reduced motion?
  ydaniv: If you had something and it was completely disabled, then you
          end up with something broken
  astearns: Not sure I understood
  ydaniv: If someone made a scroll animation for their page but it's
          completely disabled on paged media, and the animation was
          supposed to bring things into view
  ydaniv: so my intuition is that it should behave more like having
          reduced motion
  astearns: Ah so someone might author a scroll animation and they know
            they should turn it off for reduced motion, and they'll
            deal with that case, but they won't think about paged media

  bramus: I agree with fantasai that authors won't think about this
  bramus: I thought her example of animating the opacity was a great
          example, if you respected that during printing you could end
          up with what looks like an empty page
  flackr: And that's if you animate something that can fragment as it
          comes into view
  flackr: I'm okay with leaving it off, I just wanted to bring it up
          with the WG

  astearns: And we can leave it like this until someone asks for
            animations on an eink device or something
  fantasai: I think it would be great to have animations on paged
            media, it would just have to handle the fact that it's
            paged and discrete
  <fantasai> Like, I'm pretty sure a lot of the stuff on NY Times will
             break if you try to print it, without explicit
             accommodations for printing. NY Times probably has a print
             stylesheet, but most websites won't

  florian: I was thinking fantasai's earlier analogy with mobile
           content was good
  florian: It's possible to have a good mobile design but by default
           it's broken, so we instead render like a desktop by default
           and let you opt into the good behavior
  florian: So similar here so it's off by default but you can opt into
  florian: You mentioned that since it's paginated it might be too hard
           to get it right so we just shouldn't do it
  florian: But if people *can* get it right we should let people opt in
  fantasai: I think until we have an example, like the NYT has a bunch
            of animated scrolling articles
  fantasai: If they wrote it naively, what would they get out of it?
  fantasai: I think it would be broken
  florian: Right I think it would be broken by default, so turn it off
           by default
  florian: so I support it being off by default and having an opt-in
           would be nice. But we can add the opt-in for later
  astearns: There is an example in the NYT with fragmented regions and
            hand-coded scroll animations that works great
  fantasai: Yeah that's great, but they wrote it specifically for a
            fragmented context, it wasn't just a continuous media
            animation that was run thru the paginator

  flackr: Was thinking about detecting when an animation was declared
          in an MQ for paged media, and having it carry a flag that
          lets it work
  flackr: The nice thing is that it's not additional syntax
  TabAtkins: I would really like to avoid attaching state to something
             being in a media query
  TabAtkins: we avoided in the past to avoid media queries implying
  TabAtkins: there might be reasons for it
  TabAtkins: but want to avoid
  TabAtkins: If we want an opt in, let's have an explicit opt in
  TabAtkins: e.g. Opera used to do stuff with paged media and projection
  florian: Projection MQ was weird, it made you go full screen or
           something like that?
  <myles> +1 to avoiding logic of the form "if this was defined in a
          media query, take a different behavior"
  TabAtkins: presence of MQ at least doesn't change your styles

  fremy: Do we have any paged media that's implemented in any browser?
  fantasai: Yeah, when you print
  fremy: Besides that, we already have agreement on it not working when
         we print
  flackr: Yeah that was the previous resolution
  astearns: Think we're circling a bit, the resolution is to keep it
            turned off for all paged media, even if it's interactive
  astearns: for now
  astearns: So any objections to closing no change?

  RESOLVED: Close no change (but without prejudice, examples in the
            future can change it)

  * fantasai also does not want to figure out the interaction of paging
             and fragmentation
  <fantasai> Like as you page, the fragmentation changes, because you
             animated the height of something is ... really terrifying

Blocking effects of timeline-scope
  github: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/8915

  fantasai: I just wanted to confirm with the WG the behavior
  fantasai: The timeline-scope property is defined to pull the scope of
            a timeline name up to an ancestor, which makes it available
            to a larger subtree
  fantasai: As we were drafting, Robert clarified that it also blocks
            the timeline from being pulled further up into a higher
  fantasai: so I'm just confirming that it desired behavior
  fantasai: and second to ask if we want to add keywords to make this
            blocking behavior work for all timeline names on an element
  flackr: The motivation is that if you define a timeline scope for an
          element, you're isolating the effects of the timeline named
          there from affecting anything outside that element
  flackr: so it's similar to containment in a way
  fantasai: So any thoughts or comments about this blocking behavior?
  fantasai: if it seems good we can resolve on that
  <TabAtkins> (don't really have an opinion, seems fine)
  astearns: Objections?

  RESOLVED: A timeline-scope also prevents the timeline from being
            scoped even higher

  fantasai: Do we want to add keywords that add this scope-blocking on
            all possible names in a subtree, or all names declared by
            the element with timeline-scope?
  fantasai: So if you're doing a bunch on a subtree, you want none of
            the timeline names to escape the subtree, you don't want to
            list them all out
  fantasai: or if you're declaring several that you want to be scoped
            but you don't want to block your children from lifting
            their scopes, maybe a local thing
  astearns: Apologies, not actually clear what this would do, I assume
            Rob and others have an opinion?
  fantasai: Will explain again. If you declare scroll-timeline on a
            scroller it's available to its descendants only
  fantasai: If you want that timeline available higher, you have to use
            timeline-scope on an ancestor referring to it, then it's
            visible to the scoping element's descendants.
  fantasai: The blocking effect we just talked about means it can't go
            even higher
  fantasai: [explains in more detail]
  fantasai: If you want to encapsulate all the possible scrollers
            inside you, you might not know all the names on your
  fantasai: if you're in a component or whatever
  fantasai: Some higher element in your chain might say
            "timeline-scope: foo" and not be looking for your "foo"
            timeline, but another one it knows about. But it finds
            yours instead.
  fantasai: To prevent this you have to preemptively timeline-scope all
            of your names.
  fantasai: So do we want to make this easier

  flackr: It feels a bit odd to re-use timeline-scope for this since
          you're not raising the scope
  flackr: could we say contain:style prevents the leakage or would that
          be too restrictive?
  fantasai: Think that's a good idea anyway
  flackr: If we need that, do we need a timeline-scope:all?
  fantasai: We might be able to get away without it, yeah
  <TabAtkins> I agree that contain:style should prevent names
              leaking out
  <TabAtkins> that's the point
  flackr: So that's my proposal, use contain:style
  fantasai: Sounds good
  astearns: Yeah makes sense
  <ydaniv> +1

  astearns: Any other opinions?
  astearns: Objections?
  emilio: Are there use-cases for scoping timeline names but not
  astearns: Whether or not there is, should contain:style scope both
  emilio: It should yeah
  astearns: So I think we can resolve on contain:style and then your
            question is about maybe still adding a separate control
  astearns: So any objections to contain:style?

  RESOLVED: contain:style prevents timeline names from leaking out
            past it

  astearns: So emilio's question is an argument for adding a keyword to
            do just the one thing
  astearns: I can't immediately think of a case where you'd want to do
            them separately
  fantasai: If we did add the keywords, I just thought of 'contain-all'
            and 'contain-self'
  astearns: I suggest we leave the keywords out until we have evidence
            that just using contain:style is insufficient
  flackr: If we did have an "all" on timeline scope, I'd also expect
          them to raise the scopes they captured
  fantasai: Yeah that's why I thought of the "contain-*" names to
            separate them a little more from that concept
  flackr: Ah right. But for now I think we're comfortable with not
          doing this
  fantasai: so proposed resolution is to not add keywords for now
  astearns: Objections?

  RESOLVED: Don't add any additional keywords to timeline-scope for
            this use-case (for now)

  <fantasai> Side comment: 'contain: style' should probably also affect

view-timeline-inset as part of view-timeline shorthand?
  github: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/8926

  fantasai: When I drafted up the view-timeline stuff I wasn't sure if
            we wanted *-inset to be part of the shorthand or not
  fantasai: Currently it's not and this issue is open for discussion
  fantasai: The reasons either way is:
  fantasai: if it's better for the insets to be reset every time the
            author changes the timeline name, it should be in the
  fantasai: if it's better for them to cascade independently they
            should stay separate
  fantasai: Since I didn't know which was better I opened the issue

  flackr: I'm not aware of strong use-cases for it cascading
  flackr: and not having it part of the shorthand is an ergonomic issue
  flackr: so I'm in favor of it being in the shorthand

  TabAtkins: I agree with what flackr just said
  <SebastianZ> +1 on what flackr said.
  TabAtkins: I suspect that if you change what you pay attention to,
             you probably want insets adjusted as well
  TabAtkins: when specifying first time, you probably want to specify
             insets together in one declaration
  TabAtkins: Also, if no great reason to make exception to the 'all
             longhands with this prefix are part of the prefix
  <ydaniv> +1 on adding
  bramus: I was also wanting it in the shorthand for all those reasons

  fantasai: I think having "auto" become the initial value for this
            property removes a lot of the reasons to have it cascade
            independently, since it refs scroll-padding and that
            alleviates a lot of the concerns
  astearns: So proposed resolution is to put view-timeline-inset into
            the shorthand
  astearns: Objections?

  RESOLVED: Put view-timeline-inset into the view-timeline shorthand

  <br dur=30min>

Received on Sunday, 10 September 2023 15:49:42 UTC