[CSSWG] Minutes Telecon 2023-11-01 [cssom-view] [css-values] [css-grid] [css-pseudo] [css-ui] [css-contain]

  These are the official CSSWG minutes.
  Unless you're correcting the minutes,
 Please respond by starting a new thread
   with an appropriate subject line.


  - RESOLVED: Adopt the naming scheme for future values and as aliases
              for existing values (Issue #9487: checkVisibility options
              have inconsistent naming schemes)

CSS Values

  - RESOLVED: Revert the previous resolution and the serialization for
              spec value is a 3-value serialization (Issue #2274:
              Inconsistent position serialization)
  - RESOLVED: Define how new and old viewport units interact and that
              old units are equivalent to large viewport units (Issue
              #6454: Restrictions on UA-default viewport units
              (unprefixed v*))
  - RESOLVED: We define relationship between ICB, abspos, and fixedpos
              and viewport size as detailed in the comment [comment:
              (Issue #6453: viewport units vs initial containing block)

CSS Grid

  - Added Brandon Stewart as an editor to CSS Masonry spec.
  - RESOLVED: Add row-reverse, column-reverse, and wrap-reverse (Issue
              #3622: Add more directional values to grid-auto-flow)
  - RESOLVED: Add two numbers to the repeat function that when used
              with one of the keywords define a range (Issue #9325:
              Repeat range)

CSS Pseudo

  - RESOLVED: ::backdrop is a tree abiding element. It's tree is a
              sibling of the root tree. It inherits from its
              originating element (Issue #7845: Define ::backdrop)
  - RESOLVED: ::backdrop does not have a ::before and ::after (Issue


  - RESOLVED: Remove the claim that outline-width influences the
              rendering of auto style outlines (Issue #9201: Influence
              of outline-width on auto style outlines)

CSS Contain

  - RESOLVED: @container rule can have just a container name and match
              the closest container with that name (Issue #9192: Make
              `<container-query>` optional in `@container`)


Agenda: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/2023Oct/0013.html

  Tab Atkins-Bittner
  Oriol Brufau
  Elika Etemad
  Robert Flack
  Simon Fraser
  Paul Grenier
  Daniel Holbert
  Dael Jackson
  Vladimir Levin
  Tim Nguyen
  ChangSeok Oh
  Alan Stearns
  Brandon Stewart

  Rachel Andrew
  David Baron
  Jonathan Kew
  Chris Lilley
  Florian Rivoal
  Miriam Suzanne
  Lea Verou
  Sebastian Zartner

Chair: astearns

Scribe: dael

Agenda Setting

  [decided to add Brandon Stewart as editor to the CSS Masonry
      spec (CSS-Grid-3)]

  astearns: Anyone want to propose any changes to the agenda aside from
            skipping item 9?
  [no other changes]


checkVisibility options have inconsistent naming schemes
  github: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/9487#issuecomment-1782109845

  fantasai: We're pretty inconsistent where we have checkOpacity and
            css has checkVisibility. Proposal is to set up naming
            scheme where for CSS
  fantasai: fooProperty for CSS foo property checks. fooBar for CSS foo
            property checking value Bar. For the current values that
            translates to opacityProperty, visibilityProperty, and
  fantasai: Comments on issue that check makes it easier to understand,
            but could lead to checkcheck for things like checkVisibility
  fantasai: Need some consistency so this is proposal
  vmpstr: This is in addition to existing properties as aliases?
  fantasai: Yeah. Others are shipping so we need to keep them
  astearns: Anything new we add will follow this scheme
  astearns: Seeing agreement in issue. Hearing no concerns
  <TabAtkins> +1 to the proposal
  astearns: Proposal: Adopt the naming scheme for future values and as
            aliases for existing values
  astearns: Objections?

  RESOLVED: Adopt the naming scheme for future values and as aliases
            for existing values

  <TabAtkins> vmpstr, yeah, we'll spec it to just be an OR between the
              two aliases for each option

CSS Values

Inconsistent position serialization
  github: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/2274#issuecomment-1783497212

  fantasai: We dug through a lot of serialization issues in the past.
            Most edited in. There was some edits for backgrounds to
            handle 3-value syntax that's not allowed outside of
  fantasai: Decided we would foresee 3 value to 4 value. Looking at
            impl we noticed we have interop with 3-value serialized as
            3-value. Note this is for computed values. For specified
            when serialized out all browsers are serializing out as 3
  fantasai: Proposal is reverting previous resolution and keep what
            browsers are doing now
  astearns: Mainly because this is not a big enough deal to force a
  fantasai: Yeah, we don't have actual problems with serialization. If
            you try and take it and put it into a different property
            there might be problems, but don't do that you're fine. Or
            grab the computed value and it works.
  astearns: Comments?
  astearns: Proposal: Revert the previous resolution and the
            serialization for spec value is a 3-value serialization
  astearns: Objections?

  RESOLVED: Revert the previous resolution and the serialization for
            spec value is a 3-value serialization

Restrictions on UA-default viewport units (unprefixed v*)
  github: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/6454#issuecomment-1251015591

  TabAtkins: A while back when defining the set of viewport units there
             was a question what old version should be. The plain ones
  TabAtkins: Defined as undefined but have to between small and large.
             I believe at the time UAs were inconsistent
  TabAtkins: Now the test we performed seem to show unprefixed is large
             viewport is where people converged. Would like to spec that
  astearns: Comments? Concerns?
  astearns: I see some research. Do we have WPT?
  TabAtkins: I believe research was based on WPT but we can make sure
             to cover
  TabAtkins: Issue is difference between units only shows on mobile,
             but WPT coverage of mobile is underdeveloped. There is
             work on that
  astearns: Proposal: Define how new and old viewport units interact
            and that old units are eq. to large viewport units
  astearns: Objections?

  RESOLVED: Define how new and old viewport units interact and that old
            units are eq. to large viewport units

viewport units vs initial containing block
  github: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/6453#issuecomment-1783581699

  TabAtkins: There was some certain screen sized things related to each
             other. ICB, viewport units, and fixedpos containing block.
  TabAtkins: Appears there is almost perfect consistency. There wasn't
             a few years back, but have converged with one exception.
  TabAtkins: Suggest we spec. ICB is small viewport size. Abspos
             containing block that you get if you have abspos relative
             to no element is also small viewport size. fixedpos if the
             layout viewport which is the dynamic viewport size
  TabAtkins: That's the proposal. ICB is small viewport. fixedpos
             matches dynamic viewport

  astearns: How is Firefox on iOS differing from Safari when they use
            same engine?
  TabAtkins: That's a great question and we don't know, but it was
             definitely doing that. We have no idea. But browsers
             showed different behavior for this test case.
  <smfr> There is some WKWebView and UIScrollView inset stuff that can
         affect this behavior, and they are controllable by the app
  astearns: Okay defining all these relationships. I assume we should
            have WPTs as well
  TabAtkins: Yep. We'll verify that there is
  astearns: And smfr in chat gave us a possibility for why the
  TabAtkins: Yes, I thought stuff outside the web rect might be
             effecting it.

  astearns: Proposal: We define relationship between ICB, abspos, and
            fixedpos and viewport size as detailed in the comment
  <smfr> no concerns
  astearns: Objections?

  RESOLVED: We define relationship between ICB, abspos, and fixedpos
            and viewport size as detailed in the comment

CSS Grid

Add more directional values to grid-auto-flow
  github: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/3622#issuecomment-1777848435

  fantasai: We have a longstanding issue where someone requested
            reverse keywords. iank had raised not having reversing as a
            reason to split masonry and grid. Regardless, seems it
            would be worth adding reverse keywords to auto-flow
  bts: From reading issue a lot of this came from wanting to support
       flex prop in grid. Makes sense to have in masonry too.
  TabAtkins: row and column reverse makes sense. Not sure how
             wrap-reverse would work. Implies we'd create implicit rows
             in negative
  fantasai: Yep, start at bottom of explicit grid
  TabAtkins: That seems fine. Okay. Yeah.
  astearns: Alright. Last time this came through I asked for use cases.
            More detail in the issue so I'm good now
  astearns: Proposal: Add row-reverse, column-reverse, and wrap-reverse
  astearns: Objections?

  RESOLVED: Add row-reverse, column-reverse, and wrap-reverse

Repeat range
  github: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/9325#issuecomment-1777861139

  <TabAtkins> +1 to the proposal, and to making the keyword optional if
              numbers are given (defaulting to auto-fill)
  fantasai: Another issue iank brought up is desire to have repetition,
            example 3 to 5 instead of exactly 5. Seemed useful for grid
            regardless of masonry. Opened issue to propose repeat
            syntax that covers a range. It would be autofill or autofit
            with one or two numbers. If two, first is min and second is
            max. If you only give one it's a max.
  fantasai: One is a max is consistent with how we do multicol. And
            consistent that main problem is too narrow, not too wide
  fantasai: Syntax is re-orderable because generally want to allow
            reordering unless parsing reason not to

  oriol: It seems reasonable to me to be able to spec a min with no
         max. I guess you could do it was calc 1/0 to get infinity.
         Should we add a way to spec min?
  fantasai: You can spec infinity as a keyword. You can spec a keyword
            for no max
  TabAtkins: I agree makes sense to allow unspecified as max so keyword
             makes sense
  fantasai: keyword like 'no-max'?
  TabAtkins: Should go with infinity. Or infinite.
  fantasai: Okay, that's in animation. Good to be consistent
  astearns: If you have a repeat that's repeat(autofill 3) it's a max
            but if you add infinite keyword the 3 is the minimum
  fantasai: If you add a 5 the minimum is 3.
  TabAtkins: Having consistently the first number be the min isn't
             problematic and you can always add a max
  fantasai: I don't think we want to do that because columns we do that
            as a maximum

  astearns: Question do we require 2 numbers
  TabAtkins: In column-count can we do min and max?
  fantasai: Just a max
  TabAtkins: Then I think more comfortable requiring 2
  fantasai: I could live with that.
  fantasai: I think it would be nice to have the one, but if we want to
            require we can do that
  astearns: We can start with both and when there's author experience
            decide if we want to allow a single
  astearns: One question...you talk about this is important for
            masonry, but also important for non-masonry 3?
  fantasai: Yes. Prop is add to grid properties to affect both
  astearns: And we don't have a repeat function?
  fantasai: Repeat can take number or a keyword. This allows you to
            combine both to get a range
  <TabAtkins> I forgot that we could take a number by itself. in that
              case I definitely think the range should require both

  astearns: Proposal: Add two numbers to the repeat function that when
            used with one of the keywords define a range
  astearns: Objections?

  RESOLVED: Add two numbers to the repeat function that when used with
            one of the keywords define a range

CSS Pseudo

Define ::backdrop
  github: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/7845

  TabAtkins: We discussed question 1 at the F2F. 2 and 3 were not
             decided at the time.
  TabAtkins: I don't recall why we stopped at that point
  oriol: I think it was a regular call and we ran out of time

  TabAtkins: Question 2- is backdrop a tree abiding pseudo element? Or
             does it need restrictions
  TabAtkins: Consensus from comments is call it tree-abiding. People
             don't care if it has a before/after. So it's a matter of
             if it's easier to restrict or leave it in
  <ntim> +1 to no before/after
  TabAtkins: Proposal is backdrop is tree abiding and does not have a
             before/after element

  oriol: Concern with tree abiding is we need to define where it's
         originated and there's no clear definition for that. We can
         pick one which is fine but since it's not clear I have a mild
  TabAtkins: That question is question 3. My possible answers are it's
             considered to be from the root or say it's after ::after.
             If you're using counters in the backdrop that's weird. Any
             place is fine. If there is a use case for something like
             counters in backdrop having it treated as child of
             originating element is most sensible
  fantasai: How does it get below the element in order?
  TabAtkins: By virtue of being in the top layer.
  fantasai: So there's magic that puts it below toplayer
  TabAtkins: Yes. Anything that does backdrop also has associated
             toplayer magic
  fantasai: I guess I would have thought of putting it first because it
            paints first. But there's magic either way, because it has
            to also paint below the box
  TabAtkins: We can put it first. Only deal is, I think this only shows
             for counters, but if you want counter on element they're
             incremented by marker or before and being able to see that
             effect would be good
  TabAtkins: That argues for end because not expecting to effect
             anything in element
  astearns: But we don't know why anyone would put counter display in
  TabAtkins: Yeah. But needs a definition
  fantasai: Only time it would matter is if you're increment stuff
            referencing from the element.
  TabAtkins: Not unusual to things incrementing from the before

  astearns: So we can resolve that backdrop is tree abiding?
  TabAtkins: It's tree abiding and it occurs after the ::after of it's
             originating element
  astearns: fantasai you're okay with this?
  fantasai: I think it's okay. Good to check if anyone comes up with
  ntim: Rational to put it after ::after?
  TabAtkins: Needs to live somewhere. For few cases where it matters
             being able to see effects of something that happened in
             element, specifically counter or marker, makes sense to
             have later. But if you've got a reason for earlier it's
  ntim: Okay. No strong opinions. Where is it placed relative to marker?
  fantasai: Should be after. It should be first or last.
  TabAtkins: before and marker are siblings
  fantasai: I don't know if it should be first or last but it has to be
            first or last.

  astearns: If anybody has a strong opinion, please speak up. I think
            I'm ready to resolve it's tree abiding and it's after
            ::after. If that's wrong can open new issue
  ntim: I think WK puts backdrop box as a child of the root element box
  ntim: I don't know how easy it is to make it tree abiding
  <flackr> slight preference for before since after is usually above
  fantasai: I'm a little concerned. Might be better to have in box
            order immediately before
  TabAtkins: For rendering it doesn't matter given we have top layer.
             Making the box generate as a child of the root was
             important before toplayer so it could avoid overflows and
             clips. That's no longer necessary
  ntim: Simpler for WK to put as child of root element because you
        don't have render being in weird places and having to update
        when you append a child inside top layer element. Initial WK
        impl had backdrop as a child of top layer and we moved away
        from that
  ntim: because first of all we have replaced elements that can't have
        children and the code was more complicated to maintain position
  TabAtkins: That was my other suggestion is all backdrops are
             independent trees so they won't see anything from
             documents counters. I'm fine with that too
  ntim: I think that's better for impl purposes
  fantasai: Will they inherit from originating element?
  TabAtkins: Yes.
  fantasai: Okay, otherwise a fragment that inherits from originating
  fantasai: Seems weird to spec out, but I trust you can do it.

  TabAtkins: ntim- to check: if you established a counter on the
             backdrop you wouldn't expect to see it anywhere else?
  ntim: Not really, not
  TabAtkins: Okay, that makes it easier. Separate tree
  astearns: So they are tree abiding elements?
  TabAtkins: They're siblings of the root tree
  oriol: Is it tree abiding if it's a different tree?
  TabAtkins: Tree abiding implies it's a single box you can do stuff
             to. If it is tree abiding you can do CSS stuff like it's
             an element. But if you want to other stuff like width or
             height it's defined how it works. Tree abiding is the term
             we use for those types of things
  TabAtkins: It lives in a tree. Doesn't need to live in document tree.
  astearns: Do we have other tree abiding things not in document tree
  TabAtkins: No. Always time for a first
  TabAtkins: Important part if is it's a rectangle conceptually and can
             be styled like one and unlike a selection that we only let
             a few things apply to
  astearns: Concerns about defining this as a tree abiding element that
            lives in a sibling tree to the root tree
  fantasai: As long as we clarify inheritance
  TabAtkins: Well defined, inherit from their parent.
  fantasai: But they live in the tree exactly where they would inherit
            from. This needs to be clear
  TabAtkins: We had hypotheticals where we discussed this
  fantasai: Those were hypotheticals
  astearns: We'll need to be careful in defining it.
  TabAtkins: I agree that's a good note

  astearns: Proposal: backdrop is a tree abiding element. It's tree is
            a sibling of the root tree. It inherits from its
            originating element
  astearns: Objections?

  RESOLVED: backdrop is a tree abiding element. It's tree is a sibling
            of the root tree. It inherits from its originating element

  astearns: before/after?
  <fantasai> +1 to not having ::before/::after
  TabAtkins: ntim said not allowing is better. Thread was neutral. I'm
             happy to have it say backdrop has no child pseudo elements
             unless otherwise spec
  astearns: Proposal: backdrop does not have a before and after
  astearns: Objections?

  RESOLVED: backdrop does not have a ::before and ::after


Influence of outline-width on auto style outlines
  github: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/9201

  astearns: This was florian
  TabAtkins: Look straightforward
  astearns: Proposal: Remove the claim that outline-width influences
            the rendering
  astearns: Objections?
  astearns: Proposal: Remove the claim that outline-width influences
            the rendering of auto-style outlines

  RESOLVED: Remove the claim that outline-width influences the
            rendering of auto style outlines


How safe is it really to shorthandify properties?
  github: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/8398

  [hunting for the agenda + reason]

  astearns: This isn't the first time we got to it and didn't know what
            to discuss. I suggest we take agenda+ off until we have an
            idea what to discuss.
  fantasai: That's fine. I think it's a non-APAC item. I'd like the
            issue resolved

CSS Contain

Make `<container-query>` optional in `@container`
  github: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/9192

  oriol: I can try to explain, though maybe leaverou would prefer to be
         in discussion
  astearns: Why don't you introduce?
  oriol: In this issue when you have a container @rule there's
         container-query. Idea is make it optional. leaverou proposed
         as a way to have more reasonable defaults for container-query
  oriol: That wouldn't be possible, but still proposing to make it
         optional. Functionality it would have is to apply styles with
         the assumption that a container has a given ancestors name,
         but not giving a condition. I think it's reasonable. not sure
         super useful, but reasonable and not hard to impl
  oriol: Idea is allow to provide a name but with no condition in the
  TabAtkins: How do you conditionalize styles to only apply if ancestor
             has container?
  fantasai: Using @container container name {}
  oriol: The idea is provide the name with no condition. The condition
          would be there is an ancestor with the name
  TabAtkins: Got it. That seems reasonable
  astearns: Is this possible by setting condition to something that
            always evaluates to true
  TabAtkins: Yep. And that seems silly to require
  astearns: Yep, if this exists already and we're making it easier it's

  astearns: Proposal: @container rule can have just a container name
            and match the closest container with that name
  astearns: Objections?

  RESOLVED: @container rule can have just a container name and match
            the closest container with that name

  astearns: I think we're done for the day. Thanks everyone for
            calling in.
  astearns: Next week we will have time to talk about css 4. Una has
            wanted time to present

  fantasai: We're also looking at dates for F2F. Anyone that hasn't
            responded it would be good to get answers
  <fantasai> https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/w3c-css-wg/2023OctDec/0041.html
  <fantasai> RESPOND TO POLL^^^^^^^^
  TabAtkins: I want to tell the admins to get a conference room next

  fantasai: And there's an async resolution out
  <fantasai> https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/2023Oct/0012.html
  <fantasai> async resolution proposal ^

  astearns: Thanks again and we'll talk next week

Received on Thursday, 2 November 2023 23:09:26 UTC