[CSSWG] Minutes Telecon 2023-05-10 [css-contain] [css-ui] [css-view-transitions] [css-color]

  These are the official CSSWG minutes.
  Unless you're correcting the minutes,
 Please respond by starting a new thread
   with an appropriate subject line.

Upcoming F2F

  - RESOLVED: Tue-Fri July 18-21, Apple location in California

CSS Contain

  - RESOLVED: Proceed with ResizeObserver solution in HTML spec (Issue
              #8542: content-visibility: auto visibility check timing
              needs details)


  - RESOLVED: Add a new property (provisionally "form-sizing: normal |
              contents") that turns off the "half-replaced" sizing of
              form controls and makes them content-based like normal
              elements (Issue #7542: Allow <textarea> to be sized by

View Transitions

  - RESOLVED: Extend view transitions to cover cross-document
              same-origin navigations (Issue #8804: Support
              ViewTransitions for same-origin cross-document

CSS Color

  - RESOLVED: Make color-mix() and RCS using rgb, hsl and hwb return
              round-trippable, unbounded results in color(srgb ...)
              (Issue #8444: Allow out-of-gamut HSL/HWB colors
              (previously "Move gamut mapping to a future spec"))


Agenda: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/2023May/0011.html

  Rossen Atanassov
  Adam Argyle
  Tab Atkins
  David Baron
  Oriol Brufau
  Emilio Cobos Álvarez
  Yehonatan Daniv
  Elika Etemad
  Robert Flack
  Daniel Holbert
  Brad Kemper
  Jonathan Kew
  Ian Kilpatrick
  David Leininger
  Chris Lilley
  Peter Linss
  Florian Rivoal
  Khushal Sagar
  Miriam Suzanne
  Bramus Van Damme
  Lea Verou

  Rachel Andrew

Chair: Rossen

Scribe: bramus

Upcoming F2F

  rossen: Mail on private list with f2f details
  <dbaron> https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/w3c-css-wg/2023AprJun/0076.html
  fantasai: Need to resolve on date and location
  fantasai: Best option tue-fri at Apple location in SV
  <dbaron> so Tue-Fri July 18-21
  <khush> Does mon-thurs work?
  <khush> Same week

  rossen: Is going to be only f2f besides tpac, so want to add some
          extra time for talks
  rossen: Questions to hosts about masking protocol, food, etc. –
          conversation must happen.
  chris: and disability
  <fantasai> Likely sunnyvale
  <fantasai> possibly cupertino

  khushal: Is mo-thu also an option?
  rossen: It was a less desired option.
  rossen: Let's resolve on this, so ppl can book flights
  rossen: I will work with tess and miles to get all the other details
  rossen: Thanks to fantasai for hard work behind the scenes

  RESOLVED: Tue-Fri July 18-21, Apple location in California

CSS Contain

content-visibility: auto visibility check timing needs details
  github: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/8542

  emilio: General proposed idea of merging with resize observer makes
  emilio: sounds like a good plan
  emilio: Needs to be done in the HTML spec instead of CSS I think
  rossen: Ok
  rossen: Not hearing any objections from google side
  rossen: Proposed resolution to proceed with ResizeObserver solution
          in HTML spec
  emilio: HTML spec would have to reference contain spec but dont
          think extra work in css specs is needed
  rossen: Objections?

  RESOLVED: Proceed with ResizeObserver solution in HTML spec


Allow <textarea> to be sized by contents
  github: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/7542

  tabatkins: Had discussion about ability to autosize … we landed on
             few possible options
  tabatkins: One is we do simply define that min-content and related
             keywords when used on … will flex the content size as if
             they were normal elements
  TabAtkins: Option 2 is to add new keywords that mean that, so
             current behavior would not change
  TabAtkins: Option 3 is we add a new property that toggles these
             elements into behaving like elements filled with their
  TabAtkins: I believe that option 1 is a no go. These existing
             keywords are used quite widely and would be incompatible
             in practice
  TabAtkins: Real concern is new keyword on sizing props or with a
             separate property toggle
  TabAtkins: I believe that fantasai prefers keyword based, and iank
             prefers option 3
  TabAtkins: There are a number of places in the sizing algos that
             invoke min-content behavior implicitly
  TabAtkins: e.g. textarea width 100% in table
  TabAtkins: This means that there are lot of cases that would
             implicitly trigger the older non-content aware behavior
             if we gave authors access to these keywords
  TabAtkins: If we have a way to say 'act like a normal element' it
             would be fine.
  TabAtkins: iank's experiment turned out to confirm this, and its a
             trivial implementation, and its predictable
  TabAtkins: 'just act like a normal element' switch seems like to be
             the right way
  TabAtkins: other ways would be hard to predict
  TabAtkins: Would like to move into direction of a form-sizing

  lea: Do we know option 1 is not feasible with facts or are we just
  TabAtkins: I have not looked at the data, but am virtually certain
             that it'll break things
  TabAtkins: min-content is used fairly regularly, and might also be
             used on inputs and could thus break the page
  iank: Other concern is typically inputs are used heavily in
        enterprise usecases, and we sort of have an analysis blind
        spot, can't entirely rely on http archive data
  lea: If compat is not an issue, is then option 1 better for authors?
  lea: Maybe we should explore if these concerns are founded? or add
       UA css?
  lea: Just thinking out loud
  TabAtkins: Option 1 and 2 are pretty bad on how often we invoke
             intrinsic layout algos

  emilio: I agree that going for the toggle seems like the most
  emilio: To what extent do we want to create this toggle? only
          intrinsic sizing? replacing-ness? would they respect display?
  emilio: toggle seems most reasonable but would like more details
          on it
  emilio: I guess that can be figured out
  iank: Toggle would only trigger normal intrinsic sizing behavior, so
        auto would not be semi-magic anymore
  iank: Would change compressibility (?)
  emilio: Seems easier to implement and reason about
  <lea> would all three approaches also work for adjusting <input>
        width by its contents?
  <emilio> lea: yes (afaict)

  oriol: 4th option? would not require any new value
  oriol: Reminds me of what happens when adding size containment with
  oriol: UA CSS? authors could override
  oriol: seems like less compat issues
  iank: Does not work because some elements are a fixed length, but
        others are not (depending on UA)
  iank: Some are content based with an implicit minimum

  <bradk> Is this just for text-entry controls, or for buttons, etc
          too? Presumably not for iframes?

  Rossen: Looks like we are circling around toggle option
  emilio: Maybe we can also use this prop to remove min line height of
  emilio: Can be discussed at other time
  emilio: Its needed for compat
  iank: We will likely get an implementation up, and then work through
        the inputs one by one
  iank: Should look at line height thing indeed

  Rossen: Let's try to resolve
  <bradk> +1 for toggle
  fantasai: I have doubts
  fantasai: Trying to understand all the compat impact
  fantasai: Ok with resolving, but unsure about the direction we are
            about to take
  Rossen: My understanding was you were proponent for option 3
  TabAtkins: Nope, other way around
  iank: Using auto sizing breaks option 1 and 2 very easily
  iank: eg inputs in table
  iank: Lot of magic needed for 1 and 2

  Rossen: Lets make progress here, can always revert
  <TabAtkins> proposed resolution: add a new property (provisionally
              "form-sizing: normal | auto") that turns off the
              "half-replaced" sizing of form controls and makes them
              content-based like normal elements
  <Rossen> add a new property that toggles these elements into
           behaving like elements filled with their content.
  Rossen: Not hearing objections

  RESOLVED: Add a new property (provisionally "form-sizing: normal |
            contents") that turns off the "half-replaced" sizing of
            form controls and makes them content-based like normal

View Transitions

Support ViewTransitions for same-origin cross-document navigation
  github: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/8804

  khush: Goal of issue is to start working on cross-document support
         for View Transitions
  khush: Want to walk everyone to overall approach, to later turn in
         more concrete spec test
  khush: Lot of details need to be sorted out
  khush: Issue contains links to sub issues
  khush: Also want to start an L2 of the spec for this feature, as its
         a fairly big thing
  Rossen: Makes sense, can we timebox to 5 minutes?
  Rossen: I don't want to deep dive in all subissues
  khush: I'll try
  khush: ** goes over issue **
  khush: That's it

  khush: Looking for feedback and resolution on L2
  Rossen: Do you have tag review?
  khush: Yes, for same-document API. Don't have explicit tag review
         for MPA, but want to get rough outline first and then present
         tag review
  Rossen: Please start tag review ASAP. This is going to have a lot of
  Rossen: Lots of security/privacy concerns will most likely arise
  Rossen: You don't need an ED, only an explainer
  khush: We are not targeting for cross-origin navs. explainer will
         make that explicit

  Rossen: Any reasons not to continue this proposed outline?
  <TabAtkins> Lot of details to nail down, but I'm very happy with the
              initial work.
  Rossen: This is only a beginning
  Rossen: Any objections to cover cross-doc same-orig navs?
  Proposed resolution: Extend view transitions to cover cross-doc
      same-orig navigations

  RESOLVED: Extend view transitions to cover cross-document
            same-origin navigations

  Rossen: Maybe in L1, though?
  khush: ** asks details on L1/L2 distinction and CR process **
  fantasai: ** spills the details **
  khush: thanks

Allow out-of-gamut HSL/HWB colors (previously "Move gamut mapping
    to a future spec")
  github: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/8444

  <Rossen> https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/8444#issuecomment-1518663196
  chris: For round tripping we will allow …. that is not up for
         discussion but it does not work.
  chris: Can we relax that?
  chris: Proposal is that instead we return color[srgb] which allows
         the round tripping
  chris: It is a breaking change in WPT though
  chris: Did not hear any negative feedback so far

  Rossen: Opinions other than
  iank: Not sure anyone from google has seen this
  chris: It is a google proposal
  iank: Ah, missed that

  emilio: It seems reasonable, but concerned about color-mix but that
          has shipped in Safari and is implemented in Chrome
  <argyle> shipped, test it here https://color-mix.style
  emilio: For color-mix result depends on the colors being legacy ones
          or not?
  emilio: Maybe we can do "if the colors are relative"?
  emilio: We return legacy rbg if you mix legacy rbg
  chris: Problem is if you mix in HSL and get OOG color, it does
  emilio: But only happens if you mix legacy colors in HSL?
  chris: I believe so, yes
  emilio: I guess not clamping would be … if we can get away with
          returning color() it might be OK
  chris: We have to say what happens in the spec
  emilio: No strong opinions as long as its consistent

  Rossen: The more we prolong this, it will get worse
  Rossen: Any objections to chris's proposal?
  emilio: Only in hsl?
  chris: rgb, hsl, and hwb
  chris: Inputs to mix in HSL can be anything
  chris: If you mix in hsl, output needs to be hsl, and wil serialize
         as rgb
  emilio: I thought we serialize as a color fn
  <TabAtkins> I think you've gotten pretty confused Emilio - `color-mix
              (hsl ...)` currently will resolve to an HSL color
              (serialized with `hsl()`).
  <emilio> TabAtkins: oh, I thought we didn't serialize those as
           hsl(...) at all
  <TabAtkins> once they're resolved to a definite color they gotta be
              serialized as *something*
  <chris> yeah and they get serialized as legacy rgb(r,g,b)
  <emilio> ISTR at the point I wrote the gecko issue I wrote it so
           that we serialize in color(srgb...)
  <emilio> But that changed apparently, ok

  Rossen: Let's move on
  Rossen: proposed resolution: make color-mix() and RCS using rgb, hsl
          and hwb return round-trippable, unbounded results in
          color(srgb ...)

  RESOLVED: Make color-mix() and RCS using rgb, hsl and hwb return
            round-trippable, unbounded results in color(srgb ...)

  Rossen: Might consider Scroll-driven breakout
  Rossen: Otherwise can start with scroll-animations next week

Received on Wednesday, 10 May 2023 22:55:58 UTC