[CSSWG] Minutes Anchor Positioning Breakout 2023-08-23 [css-anchor-position]

  These are the official CSSWG minutes.
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Anchor Positioning

  - RESOLVED: Add border, padding, and margin properties to position
              fallback rules (Issue #9195: Allow more properties in
              position fallbacks)
  - RESOLVED: Make the anchor-name property a comma-separated list of
              idents (Issue #8837: Ability for a single element to have
              multiple anchor names)
  - RESOLVED: Add a separate property (can bikeshed name in future),
              not merely a shorthand, but interacts with inset
              properties in current draft (Issue #9145: Grid-based
              anchoring syntax?)
  - RESOLVED: inset-area causes 'auto' keywords of inset to resolve to
              appropriate anchor() functions (TBD at computed or used
              value time) (Issue #9145)
  - RESOLVED: Accept proposal in the draft with details to be worked
              out over time (Issue #9196: Alternative syntax for auto
              position fallback)


Agenda: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/2023Aug/0010.html

  Tab Atkins
  David Baron
  Emilio Cobos Álvarez
  Elika Etemad
  Robert Flack
  Mason Freed
  Chris Harrelson
  Daniel Holbert
  Xiaocheng Hu
  Ian Kilpatrick
  Florian Rivoal
  Jen Simmons
  Alan Stearns
  Nicole Sullivan
  Miriam Suzanne
  Lea Verou

Chair: astearns

Scribe: dbaron

Anchor Positioning Breakout

Allow more properties in position fallbacks
  github: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/9195

  astearns: See if we can resolve this in 5 minutes?
  TabAtkins: Currently position fallback has a limited set of things
             you can put in it. There are use cases for more properties.
  TabAtinks: Originally limited for simplicity of implementation.
             Original goal of things that could be done late in layout
             cycle, without changing overflow.
  TabAtinks: border/padding/margin don't cause new problems that
             changing positioning properties do already. Also seem
             necessary for many things.
  TabAtinks: different margins or different borders depending on
  TabAtinks: So we're suggesting to add the box properties (border,
             padding, and margin) into list of allowed properties.

  dbaron: All border properties, including stuff like border-image?
  TabAtkins: Yeah

  astearns: Any objections to adding border padding and margin
            properties to position fallback rules?
  emilio: Not an objection, but doesn't that mean that you can trigger
          image loads as a result of this?
  emilio: Either need to load the border-image eagerly or it flickers
  TabAtkins: Known issue with background image that only triggers on
  TabAtkins: We should probably do something about it, but doesn't need
             to be addressed now
  emilio: Fair enough
  astearns: Any objections to add these properties?

  RESOLVED: Add border, padding, and margin properties to position
            fallback rules

Ability for a single element to have multiple anchor names
  github: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/8837

  TabAtkins: Right now spec is written so an element can only have
             anchor name. Might want to allow something to be multiply
             named for different contexts. You *can* work around it,
             but it can be annoying. No reason to not allow multiple
             anchor names, not difficult in any way. So want to make
             anchor-name property a comma-separated list of names.
  TabAtkins: fantasai said comma-separated
  fantasai: Yes, we should try to be consistent

  RESOLVED: Make the anchor-name property a comma-separated list of

  TabAtkins: There's a sub-discussion: at the moment, with only one
             possible anchor name, it's unambiguous dealing with
             implicit anchors. If you give something an anchor name....
             er, wait. There's something at the end of Roman's issue.
             It's either invalid or we'll deal with it later.

Grid-based anchoring syntax?
  github: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/9145

  TabAtkins: One of the interesting parts of alternative proposal was
             grid-based syntax for positioning things. Some folks on
             our team found that more understandable at least in simple
             cases. I don't have a problem with this, easy to map in to
             existing model. Uses one of four easily-addressable lines
             you can get with inset and anchor properties.
  TabAtkins: So proposal here is to add a new 'inset-area' property
             that's a pure shorthand property, taking the grid syntax
             from the proposal (without the extra fallback bit), and
             expands into the four insets that would correspond to.
  TabAtkins: So saying 'top center' would expand to (missed)
  TabAtkins: A few other options we could go for. Could merge it into
             the inset syntax itself. Should be grammatically distinct
             from 1-4 anchor values. Wouldn't be able to serialize it
             back out in that case which might be annoying.
  TabAtkins: Maybe less of a problem than a shorthand-only property

  florian: In terms of translating to inset properties this seems to
           work. One thing I'm not sure about: in the grid-based
           proposal there were align-content/justify-content keywords
           resolving differently depending on which grid area you slot
           into. Does that still work?
  TabAtkins: That still works fine. The default one is you want to be
             flush to the anchor if you're in one of the outer cells.
             You get that behavior by default... because top was auto
             and bottom was 0 you get positioned flush with the anchor.
             The same applies all the way around.
  TabAtkins: I don't believe we end up needing any special alignment
             behavior... I think everything we need pops out.
  TabAtkins: But if necessary we could add more magic to alignment

  fantasai: I'm ok with trying to do this. I don't think it gets all
            the usability advantages of the other proposal. Just making
            it a shorthand doesn't give you the ability to list
            fallbacks; you just get one position out of it. That was an
            easy way to do fallback behavior in the other proposal.
  fantasai: Another issue is that align-self and justify-self have both
            a start and a self-start keyword. Writing mode of self
            versus containing block. Usually want the containing block.
            When resolving shorthands during the cascade, we don't know
            what the containing block is. Cascade mapping always done
            using writing mode of element itself. So don't have ability
            to position based on container's writing mode (or, in
            theory, even anchor's writing mode). Could do that in a
            keyword-based syntax.
  fantasai: In a keyword based syntax resolve the value at computed
            value time. But when resolving the directional properties,
            in the cascade, we don't have the full style information so
            the only writing mode we can reference is the element
  fantasai: That's one thing that doesn't work with shorthanding.
  fantasai: Third thing this doesn't address is the ability to
            conditionally style absolutely positioned element or its
  fantasai: Because there's a concept of which slot you're in that's a
            higher level concept than which coordinates you end up,
            that allows conditional styling using either pseudo-classes
            or @container rules.
  fantasai: That allows styling depending on where it ends up. Even if
            you specify a logical position you can select based on a
            physical position.
  fantasai: Can style based on left/right/bottom/top even if it was
            specified as 'start start'.
  fantasai: That was an advantage of having something conceptual in the
            other proposal rather than being syntactic sugar.
  fantasai: That allows some of the extra power in that proposal.
  TabAtkins: First and third points about fallback and conditional
             styling would be downstream issues. I want do solve those
             as well...
  TabAtkins: For number 2, being able to expand based on container
             rather than self writing mode -- that's a good point and a
             little problematic.
  TabAtkins: I wonder if we want to solve that instead by having
             inset-area not be a shorthand, but instead be preserved,
             and have it provide different anchor values when the
             anchors are auto.
  TabAtkins: This can be late enough that we'd have appropriate writing
             mode information.
  <florian> +1
  TabAtkins: The author experience should be essentially identical

  astearns: Would that also solve the fallback thing?
  TabAtkins: It could, but I want to address fallback separately as a
             different issue. I want to make sure we have a fallback
             story for anything. Open to idea of inset-area doing
             fallback, but want to make sure we're not inconsistent
             with rest of fallback.
  <iank> likely should be fine to resolve insets based on an additional
         property during layout time.

  fantasai: I didn't quite understand what TabAtkins is proposing.
  TabAtkins: inset-area no longer a shorthand, just a separate property
             (same grammar). Effect would be that if insets are auto,
             it provides insets. So by default you'll be put in the
             right grid cell. In theory you could override them. If you
             want to put something roughly in this grid area and then
             tweak, I think it's useful to say 'right' is this
  fantasai: Brings up another issue with other proposal... select a
            grid area, and insets would inset in *from that*. Allowed
            for a lot less math for common/intermediate cases.
  fantasai: ... this allowed making percentages relative to the outer
            track, which gave some abilities that are possible to do in
            your proposal but messier to express.
  fantasai: ... lets you do many things with less fussing with math
  fantasai: ... Not saying we shouldn't do this... seems like it's an
            improvement over what's there. Happy to accept the changes,
            but not sure it's solving the whole question.
  TabAtkins: Can tweak the position with margin rather than insets.
  TabAtkins: or if you want to rejigger can use calc() of a margin
             minus a value.
  <iank> some of the cases for using insets in the Alt. Proposal aren't
         needed, e.g. can do `left: anchor(center);` , vs. `left: 50%`

  jensimmons: I wonder if it would help if you looked at the code ... I
              think there is something about having a margin and having
              an inset, and having inset insetting from the area that's
              been chosen. E.g., a margin of 1em and an inset of 50%.
              So it fills 50% of the column *and* has a 1em margin so
              it never touches the edge of the viewport. Could use more
              thinking about how to maintain advantages of other
  TabAtkins: I think that case is easy to express in either proposal.
  TabAtkins: doc... hasn't explored (missed)

  astearns: We have a queue... I don't think we're going to get to
            (missed) in the breakout today.
  emilio: I was going to argue against the shorthand, because it needs
          to be parse time rather than cascade time... but that point
          is moot now. I think making it a longhand an affect auto
          inset resolution seems fine.
  emilio: I think a bunch of inset cases that Jen and Tab were talking
          about can be margin: calc(50% + 1em)
  fantasai: They can't

  jensimmons: TabAtkins, can you say more about why inset-area is a
              good name?
  TabAtkins: No strong opinion on the name, first name that came to
  jensimmons: We used position-area. Two thoughts about that: would be
              a longhand (?) within position. What surprises me about
              inset-area as a name is that it ties back to points
              fantasai was making:
  <iank> I don't think we should shorthand `position`
  jensimmons: Ties to a different mental model: I'm going to put thing
              in these cells, and then apply an inset on top of that.
              Whereas inset-area is saying "here's my inset", so you
              don't get inset on top of that. So different
              interpretation for web developers.
  jensimmons: So not sure inset-area is the right name
  TabAtkins: I wanted to keep it under inset since it affects inset
             properties, but not strongly attached.
  fantasai: I think for the definition you're giving it, inset-* makes
            sense, but for the definition we gave I think a non inset-*
            name makes sense.

  xiaochengh: There's an issue if we make inset-area not just shorthand
              but a standalone property: interaction with animations.
              If it's standalone then it's not going to animate at all.
              With anchor functions developers have made demos with
              animations. If we introduce inset-area we'll end up in
              weird situations where you can animate with anchor
              functions but can't animate when inset-area is used.
  TabAtkins: That's true
  fantasai: I don't think that's true -- Tab's proposal was that auto
            keywords of inset would compute differently. Animations is
            based off the computed value. So you'd have auto compute
            through to the correct anchor function, so I think it would
            animate correctly.
  TabAtkins: Yeah, it works if we do it at computed value time -- I
             think we could make that work.
  astearns: Yeah, would need to be specified how animations work with
            values of inset-area
  TabAtkins: Not specifically, just would need to be specified that it
             happens at computed value time so animation behavior falls
  emilio: Not sure how the auto behavior works at computed value time
  fantasai: Not computed to a fixed offset, but compute to an anchor
            function that's specified as something that you can calc()
  TabAtkins: Yeah, every auto anchor will either remain auto, become 0
             or 100%, or become anchor(left/right/top/bottom).
  TabAtkins: Those are values that are interpolable via animations
  emilio: And the anchor() function can be interpolated via calc()?
  TabAtkins: Returns a length
  emilio: Seems sketchy to make computed values of the properties
          depend on each other.
  emilio: Needs to be spec'd really carefully
  emilio: Right now inset:auto always computes to auto always.
          Introducing property dependencies is tricky but not super
  flackr: I think computed value interpolation would be helpful for
          other auto animation cases as well. +1 to pursuing it.
  emilio: Isn't a more general fix making auto interpolable and in
  fantasai: Wouldn't solve this problem because we're trying to make
            the inset-area values interpolable. They're keywords that
            put you into positions in gridded model of relationships to
            anchor. They're keywords and don't compute through to
            anything. By making them influence the inset property's
            auto keyword that's what makes them interpolate.
  fantasai: So if you're partway through a transition between 2 keyword
            values of inset-area, your left value is not auto and
            therefore doesn't reference inset: auto when you're halfway
            between... it's an expression with anchor(left), etc. and
  emilio: Does this mean to animate the inset area you need to set
          transition: inset instead of transition: inset-area? That's
  fantasai: Yeah... or both
  TabAtkins: You want to immediately transition the inset-area so that
             you can get a transition-able change to the insets.

  astearns: We should say we need to solve the animatability and move on
  TabAtkins: Remember the alternate proposal doesn't have animation
  astearns: Back to the queue

  florian: I don't quite know what we'll land on eventually, but in
           spirit of iterating seems like a good idea. One thing that
           seems to have been dropped: in the Apple proposal this
           changed how percentages are resolved. I suspect we can't do
           that on margins. One reason to use insets rather than
           margins is that you can resolve percentages differently on
           them. That seemed useful, but not sure how to resurrect in
           this model.
  florian: ... worth figuring out how.
  TabAtkins: All the examples can be done pretty trivially with inset
             manipulation. I think the percentage behavior was strange
             -- depended on where positioned and I think on what the
             value (?) was.
  <iank> florian: some of the cases which require alt. percentage
         resolution, are easier expressed as `left: anchor(center)` in
         the current proposal
  TabAtkins: Say something was positioned in top center, left: 50% was
             relative to width of the one of the cells... 150% was ...
  fantasai: No
  TabAtkins: Ah, ok, just left and right relative to different things.
  TabAtkins: If we can avoid bespoke percentage behavior I'd
             appreciate it.
  florian: I think we should log this and come back to revisit later,
           and see whether we caught all the things in the other model
           that could be done with percentages to make sure we didn't
           drop something.

  iank: Should make sure cases where you needed left: 50% versus left:
        anchor(center). So cases where you don't need specialized
        percentage resolution.
  fantasai: Works for 50% but not for other values.
  iank: But I think that's the main use case
  jensimmons: Speaking of use cases: a little earlier at the f2f we
              agreed we'd create a shared doc with use cases and code.
              I think somebody at Google started a doc but we couldn't
              find. But we created a new doc on Monday, with just what
              we had collected, so it's quite sparse.
  nsull: I shared an example doc with you last night.
  jensimmons: So we should work on this doc... good idea.
  nsull: I think each model was good at some things and harder to
         express other things.
  nsull: ... and other places where room for improvement. Neat to see
         examples written out.

  fantasai: Just want to +1 to florian. A lot of things to work on but
            happy to make incremental progress. Should be clear that
            we're still exploring how this works, but happy to draft
            exploration into the draft.

  astearns: I think consensus on adding a separate property (can
            bikeshed name in future), not merely a shorthand, but
            interacts with inset properties in current draft. Is that a
            good summary?
  <fantasai> I think for the definition we're discussing here,
             'inset-area' is a reasonable name. Depending where we end
             up, might need to rename.
  <florian> +1

  RESOLVED: Add a separate property (can bikeshed name in future), not
            merely a shorthand, but interacts with inset properties in
            current draft

  astearns: Any other things we should resolve on now?
  fantasai: The current definition is that it causes the auto inset
            keywords to compute to anchor functions
  proposed: The values of this new property cause the auto inset
            keywords to compute to anchor functions
  emilio: I think this is very weird. I think an alternative is if you
          want animations, just use anchor() inside 'inset' properties
  TabAtkins: The reason we shifted away from parse time was to use
             writing mode information. Reason to shift to computed
             value time was for animation.
  TabAtkins: Do you want late but after computed value? Parse time,
             computed value time, or layout/used value time?
  emilio: I'd prefer used value time
  <iank> we can try the used value time initially then see if we get
         author feedback
  TabAtkins: I think they're equivalent in all cases except for
  florian: Inline issue for this: either computed value time which is
           complicated and solves animations, or used value time and we
           need to find another solution for animations
  TabAtkins: Can resolve that it happens at computed value time or later
  <flackr> +1
  astearns: ok, so no resolution on this right now
  <fantasai> PROPOSED: inset-auto causes 'auto' keywords of inset to
             resolve to appropriate anchor() functions (TBD at computed
             or used value time)
  <fantasai> And we might change that definition later, but for now,
             that's what we're at
  <florian> +1
  <emilio> +1

  RESOLVED: inset-area causes 'auto' keywords of inset to resolve to
            appropriate anchor() functions (TBD at computed or used
            value time)

  fantasai: Not 100% sure we want to stay here, but it's where we're
            going now
  TabAtkins: Yeah

  <nicole> Here is a doc of examples we worked through (you'll need to
           ask for access)

Alternative syntax for auto position fallback
  github: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/9196

  TabAtkins: xiaochengh was exploring space for position stuff. While
             thinking about use cases brought up for alternate
             proposal, realized the current stuff we have in the spec
             for auto fallback isn't sufficient. auto and auto-same
             keywords. Current behavior is that they resolve to
             appropriate side of anchor and auto-generate try blocks
             that flip to other side. Only thing changed in try blocks
             are side -- margins don't change as well.
  TabAtkins: That seems less than useful.
  TabAtkins: xiaochengh's alternate proposal is to separate the
             automatic try block generate to an explicit fallback
             property that has keywords that say how to generate the
             fallbacks, a bunch of keywords listed in proposal.
             (flip-both and compass try all 4 possibilities)
  TabAtkins: This affects more than just the inset properties. Also
             affects other box model properties. So margin-bottom after
             a flip-y ends up as a margin-top.
  TabAtkins: This seems substantially better to me.
  TabAtkins: In the simplest cases it's identical, but in nontrivial
             cases it does much better behavior. I'm happy to accept
  TabAtkins: Other use for auto and auto-same keywords -- automatically
             resolving to the appropriate side -- can use in the inset
             shorthand and get all the sides specified. Can keep that
             behavior and rename the keywords to not imply
  TabAtkins: I think this opens up possibilities for more fallback.
             Could build some position-area stuff in here. Could
             specify position-area spots and it could do appropriate
             flipping as well. I think it has growth area to fill in
             remaining fallback cases.

  fantasai: I think this is interesting. I find the auto keywords
            inside ?? to be confusing. I can never remember what the
            auto thing does. Can we use more descriptive keywords?
  TabAtkins: Suggested keywords are same and opposite. So top:
             anchor(same) means top.
  <TabAtkins> top: anchor(same)
  <TabAtkins> means top: anchor(top)
  <iank> we can bikeshed with authors
  fantasai: another idea would be 'inside' and 'outside'
  <fantasai> top: anchor(inside) is top: anchor(top) -- it anchors it
             inside the anchor box
  <fantasai> top: anchor(outside) is top: anchor(bottom) -- it anchors
             it outside the anchor box

  jensimmons: Comparing this idea to current spec, not much to say. But
              comparing to proposal we presented at f2f, the
              higher-level idea of fallbacks. In the position-area/
              inset-area model, where you say you want above, in both
              right and center columns... at the bottom do you want it
              right and center. What if you want above all the way
              across, falling back to just center if below. But maybe
              just flipping is what people usually want. No opinion on
              whether a good iteration on current spec.
  TabAtkins: Three levels of fallback precision: (1) is simply mirror.
             (3) is arbitrary things in next fallback, can use try
             blocks in @position-fallback. (2) between those is to
             adjust as necessary, mostly just moving to different area.
             I think this syntax is extendable to take position-area
             keywords as well.
  TabAtkins: So you could start out as top center and move to bottom
             all and have it work out appropriately, with the necessary
  TabAtkins: I think that ends up addressing your concern.

  jensimmons: I'm not a fan of the try blocks, but maybe a discussion
              for a different day.
  <fantasai> +1
  <nicole> +1
  TabAtkins: We have use cases that you need the try blocks for, but
             ideally we should make it so 80% of cases don't need to
             touch that.
  jensimmons: I wonder if we can iterate to something where people can
              do the complicated stuff without try blocks.

  xiaochengh: Wanted to add something to Tab's second case: a little
              more complicated but not arbitrary: This property can
              also be used in try blocks so that we can auto-generate
              fallback from try blocks. It doesn't eliminate all the
              try blocks but it can significantly reduce the length of
              the try list.

  fantasai: Relationship of this to position-fallback property? Should
            this be a longhand of this or separate properties?
  TabAtkins: What position fallback property?
  TabAtkins: If you don't specify position fallback, these entries get
             auto generated, if you do specify then you ignore it.
  fantasai: Should they then be the same property?
  TabAtkins: Maybe
  xiaochengh: I don't think so -- position-fallback property cannot be
              used in a try block but this property can
  <lea> in general we should avoid designing syntax that just ignores
        specified values, as that tends to lead to author confusion.
        Maybe if we combine both somehow?
  TabAtkins: Setting up one try block with the things you need and then
             saying auto to generate a couple more, that's fair.
  <fantasai> yeah, maybe make position-fallback for both

  astearns: Can we resolve to add to the draft, and add issues such as
            one property or two, how it works in try blocks?
  <lea> I can easily see the auto values being useful both by
        themselves, as well as fallbacks to more specific fallbacks
        specified via @try blocks
  fantasai: I think that's fine if we make it clear there's open

  RESOLVED: Accept proposal in the draft with details to be worked out
            over time

Received on Wednesday, 23 August 2023 23:21:38 UTC