[CSSWG] Minutes Telecon 2023-08-09 [css-view-transitions-2] [css-color-4] [css-backgrounds] [css-pseudo]

  These are the official CSSWG minutes.
  Unless you're correcting the minutes,
 Please respond by starting a new thread
   with an appropriate subject line.

View Transitions

  - The group discussed the three options to address issue #8048
      (Declarative Cross-document View Transitions) that emerged from
      the F2F.
  - There was some pushback on using media queries, but not an
      immediate alternative so people will continue gathering ideas in
      the issue. Feedback on which CSS pattern to use for customization
      is particularly necessary.

CSS Color

  - RESOLVED: Add light-dark() function that returns a color based on
              the color scheme (Issue #7561: Add a function to allow
              authors to specify colors reacting to `color-scheme`)
  - RESOLVED: No (further) change (Issue #8629: Computed value and
              serialization of `Infinity` and `NaN` in color functions)

CSS Backgrounds

  - RESOLVED: Close no change (Issue #8026: Add slashes between
              individual `border-color` values)

CSS Pseudo

  - RESOLVED: All 'display' values other than 'none' or 'contents' on
              '::backdrop' compute to 'block' (Issue #7845: Define


Agenda: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/2023Aug/0003.html

  Rachel Andrew
  Rossen Atanassov
  Tab Atkins
  Mike Bremford
  Oriol Brufau
  Emilio Cobos Álvarez
  Yehonatan Daniv
  Elika Etemad
  Mason Freed
  Paul Grenier
  Daniel Holbert
  Jonathan Kew
  Vladimir Levin
  Noam Rosenthal
  Khushal Sagar
  Miriam Suzanne
  Bramus Van Damme
  Sebastian Zartner

  Florian Rivoal

Chair: Rossen

Scribe: fantasai

View Transitions

Declarative Cross-document View Transitions
  github: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/8048

  khush: Last time discussed lots of good feedback.
  khush: Main issue is figuring out declarative feedback for doing
         cross-document navigation transitions
  khush: Sub-cases are same-origin vs same-site navigation
  khush: Same-document it's just syntactic sugar, can do via JS API
         in L1
  khush: but nice to have
  khush: First, if we go for simplest opt-in, binary yes/no allow/
  khush: but a bunch of cases have different parameters, and authors
         may want to decide opt-in based on what navigation corresponds
  khush: additionally there are some parameters to decide what
         transition looks like
  khush: i.e. what elements animate independently, or how to style the
  khush: same-document / cross-document / same-origin / same-site
  khush: You call document.startViewTransition, generally that should
         be opt-in
  khush: but we found some cases where someone might want to disable
         transitions for prefers-reduced-motion
  khush: and declarative syntax makes this easy
  khush: For navigation, might want different animation depending on
         type of navigation
  khush: e.g. forward vs back
  khush: There's also replace navigation, and push navigation
  khush: Lastly, which page are you going to.
  khush: e.g. clicked item in the list, decides UI of next page, want
         to customize based on that
  khush: From all these cases, if there are some which are mutually
         exclusive, only thing that needs to impact opt-in
  khush: wouldn't change opt-in depending on same-document vs
         cross-document, don't need to change if the DOM looks the same
  khush: In that case, have it be opt-in
  khush: but if based on that you want to customize transition, e.g.
         back vs forward, change direction that content slides

  khush: Let's make that something that can be used to customize all
         CSS, not just this opt in
  khush: I thought at first to use an @media query
  khush: noam proposed using pseudo-classes instead
  khush: and there's precedent for doing this with @page at-rule
  khush: Right now 3 proposals
  khush: 1. Use @media queries for deciding navigation back/forth/
         specific URL
  khush: also whether initiated via script, etc. All these cases are
         expressed as tokens in the opt-in rules
  khush: @view-transition takes a parameter, 'transition-trigger', and
         you can specify various tokens for allowing
  khush: Previously we discussed having reloads disabled by default,
         but with this syntax it's hard
  khush: It seems to imply reload
  khush: Second tries to solve that by saying that we can add another
         parameter to the at-rule, which is just 'reload', allow/
         disallow; initial value can be disallow
  khush: only reason to do this is that media queries, they don't add
         any specificity, so can't add a UA style rule that says "don't
         trigger for reload"
  khush: Later on, one suggestion from SebastianZ to include reload
         token within the 'transition-trigger' list itself
  khush: technically not mutually exclusive, because same-origin or
         cross-document is [missed]
  <TabAtkins> Wait, can't you tho? We don't need specificity, just
              order of appearance, right?
  <TabAtkins> Ah tho if the author turned on some navigations that
              would override the "not on reload" rule then
  <vmpstr> any author opt-in would override the reload "opt-out"
  <vmpstr> yeah exactly
  khush: but we're not aware of use cases where people would want to do
         differently for cross-document vs same-document reload
  khush: Last option was using pseudo-class, use @view-transition but
         you can add a pseudo-class which is a mapping to the
         navigation type
  khush: then we can add a UA style rule @view-transition :reload { [no
         transition] }
  khush: It will have more specificity, so UA rule would win
  khush: Because of that I'm liking this option the most

  noamr: Want to add that this conversation came from F2F where we were
         asked to think ahead to features we wanted in View Transitions
  noamr: even though all we want to do in L2 is the simple opt-in
  noamr: idea that we think ahead to how things look like
  noamr: In all those options, the first version is very similar
  noamr: where we have a view transition rule and inside of it a
         navigation trigger etc.
  <TabAtkins> hmmm, I might suggest making the property
              comma-separated, one keyword per - then you can add
              additional features (like reload) to each iteration.
  <TabAtkins> trans-trigger: none | [ [reload | no-reload] ||
              <transition-type> ]#

  emilio: I wanted to mention that media queries seem like an odd
          choice here
  emilio: feels cleaner to just extend the rule to allow selecting the
          cases you want
  emilio: Media queries you can do anything inside them, not just view
          transition rules
  emilio: so unclear when that applies
  emilio: do we need to do a full style update?
  emilio: so it feels like an odd choice, so if we need to add this
          kind of selector capability, extending the rule itself seems
  <TabAtkins> Bringing in specificity for the rule itself seems a
              little more complex than we need, and it seems strange to
              promote reload, specifically, to be the thing promoted to
  emilio: Other thing to mention, we have a kind of precedence for this
          kind of stuff with scroll-behavior
  emilio: it was mentioned that what you want to do is e.g. disable
          imperative animations
  emilio: stylesheet would override
  emilio: that's not how scrollIntoView etc works
  emilio: so might want to be consistent with that

  SebastianZ: Noam pointed out important thing, this is divided into
              3 pieces
  SebastianZ: URL, type, and mechanism
  SebastianZ: was thinking about, maybe they shouldn't be part of the
              prelude but rather different descriptors
  SebastianZ: so have a descriptor for each of these pieces
  SebastianZ: so you'd have a type descriptor that takes "reload |
              travers | etc"
  SebastianZ: a descriptor for same-origin / cross-origin
  SebastianZ: and a descriptor for the mechanism itself

  fantasai: Wanted to point out that in the cascade, origin is more
            powerful than specificity
  fantasai: so even if specificity of the :reload pseudo-class is
            higher UA origin would override
  fantasai: I also want to agree with emilio wrt stashing this on a
            media query
  fantasai: SebastianZ's idea of encapsulating all these in descriptors
            makes sense, it's like @font-face
  fantasai: the other thing authors might want to control is defining
            the type of navigation based on the URL
  fantasai: and you might want to have that centralized
  fantasai: that way when you need to update any of these types of
            navigations you don't need to go through everything to
            update the URL list everywhere
  fantasai: I think it would be useful to style based on the class of
            view transition (author-defined class)

  noamr: Idea of having descriptor for transition class or group,
         equivalent to how we would do it in SPA, like a parameter to
  noamr: in this case, we can't have other descriptors for URL origin
         for navigation type
  noamr: because they would interfere with each other
  noamr: that's why I want outside the braces, as part of pseudo-classes
  noamr: If this is a back navigation, use this transition
  noamr: if it is a ???, then don't allow cross-origin
  noamr: It needs to be outside so we can style navigations based on it
  noamr: so what's outside is the navigation type and origin, and
         inside is only the mechanism
  noamr: something that shouldn't affect the styling, but only be a
         trigger boolean opt in

  khush: Question for fantasai and emilio
  khush: You mentioned you don't like idea of media query or
  khush: but if I want to add a view transition class name based on
         what type of transition it is
  khush: how would I go about doing that?
  khush: either can specify any CSS rule, or ...
  khush: any suggestion other than MQ or pseudo-class? How would they
         specify different `view-transition-name`?
  <fantasai> Good question... I don't have a good answer.

  Rossen: Doesn't seem we're ready for resolution, but getting some
          sense of direction
  Rossen: Seems like it should continue in the issue
  khush: Can take to issue
  khush: What I'm stuck on is what CSS concept to use on customization
  khush: If someone could put some thoughts, that would help move the
         issue forward
  <khush> Thank you!

CSS Color

Specified value for color when calc() is used
  github: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/8318

  emilio: Clamped at specified value time in the past, unsure if we can
          change. Not sure about hsl() etc.
  emilio: but we may want something special for rgb()
  emilio: might be able to change what spec requires, but also not
          super excited about it
  emilio: all browsers are interoperable right now on the weird thing
  TabAtkins: No strong opinion, but in some cases impossible to resolve
             calc() until later time
  TabAtkins: current spec rules define that
  TabAtkins: I'm OK to define earlier resolution behavior for certain
             color functions
  TabAtkins: but suggest take it back up once there's a concrete
             proposal for what to do
  TabAtkins: Given Chris isn't here, would prefer to have a proposed
             resolution prepared

Add a function to allow authors to specify colors reacting to
  github: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/7561

  emilio: Discussed briefly in F2F
  emilio: Tab's proposal about having a variable-like thing ...
  emilio: I'm not sure this is ready for resolution. I added Agenda+
          F2F and we didn't remove.

  TabAtkins: I'm happy to discuss my proposal. Two things to consider
  TabAtkins: The first and easiest one is, just having a color function
             that responds to color scheme
  TabAtkins: this doesn't require anything fancy
  TabAtkins: Proposed syntax is ...
  <TabAtkins> color-scheme( <color>#{2} | [ <custom-ident> <color>
              ]#{2,} )
  TabAtkins: You can either provide two colors
  TabAtkins: or provide color scheme ident and color pairs
  TabAtkins: This matches behavior of existing function that browsers
             have access to
  TabAtkins: I know that Chrome and Firefox have something like a
             light-dark() function
  TabAtkins: it's simply a color, goes where colors go, responds to
             color scheme
  TabAtkins: other one is if you want to do other stuff, e.g. turn
             shadows on
  TabAtkins: and that requires var-like semantics
  TabAtkins: but simple color one will solve a majority of cases we
             care about here and be very simple

  fantasai: If you only spec 2 colors, and we later introduce a new
            color scheme, what happens?
  TabAtkins: Suggest to default to "light"
  TabAtkins: same issue applies with the list option
  TabAtkins: in that case, maybe choose first one. or maybe choose
             "light" if specified

  fantasai: One of the nice things about chrome's internal function is
            that it makes very explicit what goes where
  fantasai: like minmax() in grid
  fantasai: so I understand that at some point for more schemes we want
            to tag individual values
  fantasai: but currently we just have light and dark
  fantasai: I think it's a lot better to have light-dark like chrome has
  fantasai: At some point in the future that could become effectively
            syntactic sugar for a more-comprehensive function
  fantasai: but even if we have that we could have a light-dark() since
            that's the more common thing
  <TabAtkins> I'm fine with `light-dark()` even if we have more schemes
              in the future, it's still a reasonable name.

  bramus: I want to support what fantasai said, start with light-dark()
          and have it be syntactic sugar for color-scheme() or whatever
          in the future
  bramus: Internally Chromium had light-dark-color(), but then changed
          to light-dark() which allowed using in properties other than

  TabAtkins: I'm fine with light-dark() as a name. That's still fine
             if/when we do define more color schemes
  TabAtkins: For having a second function that has var-like semantics,
             but can do anything ...
  TabAtkins: makes sense to me, but that should be a separate thing so
             that we have a well-defined <color> that can be accepted
             in places that accept colors
  <fantasai> +1

  emilio: Should we resolve on light-dark-color() and potentially
          extend to more color schemes or value types in the future?
  <emilio> I'd go just for light-dark() as a name fwiw
  <emilio> but light-dark-color() wfm

  Rossen: Proposed resolution is to add a light-dark() or
          light-dark-color() color ... extend for other color schemes

  dholbert: If we do want to add an additional function name,
            light-dark() sounds like a more generic thing
  dholbert: so might want to use light-dark-color() for the
            color-specific thing
  <TabAtkins> light-dark-value() for the "anything" one?
  dholbert: but that's just naming thing
  fantasai: Thought about what dholbert just said, but the color is
            going to be by far the most commonly used thing
  fantasai: so might make sense to have light-dark() for color and
            something longer for the value syntax
  dholbert: makes sense
  fantasai: poll on the name?
  Rossen: Let's pick one and discuss in the issue.
  <TabAtkins> (and note proposals to, say, name nth-value() to grab an
              arbitrary value from the list. "value" as an indicator of
              arbitrary, var-like behavior is somewhat leaned toward as
              a pattern.)
  <TabAtkins> 1) light-dark-color()
  <TabAtkins> 2) light-dark()

  POLL: 1) light-dark-color 2) light-dark
  <fantasai> 2
  <emilio> 2
  <TabAtkins> 2
  <bramus> 1
  <miriam> either
  <dholbert> 2, per fantasai's note on making-the-common-thing-easy
  <rachelandrew> 2
  <oriol> abstain
  <masonf> 2

  bramus: What about schemed-color() etc.? Would we then have
          schemed-color() map to light-dark() and schemed-value() to
          light-dark-value() ?
  TabAtkins: More color schemes in the future, but light-dark is just
             for these schemes
  bramus: Returns a color?
  TabAtkins: Yes. If we want value, we can use light-dark-value()

  RESOLVED: Add light-dark() function that returns a color based on the
            color scheme

CSS Backgrounds

Add slashes between individual `border-color` values
  github: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/8026

  SebastianZ: My point was that we're adding more features to the
              border-color shorthand
  SebastianZ: to make the syntax more future proof, I suggested to
              change the syntax for when using features to add slashes
              between the different values for different sides
  SebastianZ: or could be something else, but we already use slashes in
              border-image and grid-area
  SebastianZ: We already added stripes() function, for example; this
              would make it clearer that they are different values

  fantasai: I don't think this is necessary, because stripes() is
            an image
  fantasai: I think if we're going to make border-color more
            complicated we might want to pull it out into different
  fantasai: if we want to provide something like you'd do with
            backgrounds then we should have something else
  fantasai: in most cases I don't anticipate that people will mix
            stripes() with other things
  <oriol> +1 to elika

  Rossen: Seems like good reason to not do this just yet
  Rossen: SebastianZ, anything to add?
  Rossen: otherwise we can resolve no change for now
  SebastianZ: I think it's fine. My suggestion was to make it
              future-proof now rather than later
  Rossen: Proposed resolution is no change
  Rossen: we can return to it later if needed

  RESOLVED: Close no change

CSS Color

Computed value and serialization of `Infinity` and `NaN` in color
  github: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/8629

  TabAtkins: Question was about if understanding of how infinity and
             NaN showing up in color functions should be serialized at
             various value stages (and handled in general)
  TabAtkins: does run into question of whether to do earlier resolution
             for color functions
  TabAtkins: but aside from that
  TabAtkins: if you put an infinite calculation into an rgba(), the
             behavior is well-defined: clamp to the allowed range
  TabAtkins: I think for rgba() it's 0-255
  TabAtkins: at at least computed value time
  TabAtkins: specified value time is separate issue
  TabAtkins: negative infinity clamps to zero
  TabAtkins: and NaN becomes zero when it escapes a calculation tree
  TabAtkins: That's all defined now
  TabAtkins: so unless there is any disagreement on these cases, we can
             confirm no change
  TabAtkins: and close the issue
  TabAtkins: Only thing left is separate issue of whether we eagerly
             simplify certain math functions in some cases
  TabAtkins: but that's a separate issue
  fantasai: Separate issue is filed?
  TabAtkins: Yes
  <TabAtkins> (the separate issue is #8318)
  <TabAtkins> (#4 on the agenda this week, we skipped it because
              no Chris)
  Rossen: proposed resolution is no (further) change

  RESOLVED: No (further) change

CSS Pseudo

Define ::backdrop
  github: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/7845

  <TabAtkins> https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/7845#issuecomment-1507536451
  TabAtkins: Some questions about how ::backdrop should work in the tree
  TabAtkins: First, should it be forced to 'display: block !important'
             in the UA stylesheet?
  TabAtkins: Doing so avoids some follow-up questions
  TabAtkins: Given it's just designed to put color behind an element,
             seems unlikely that giving it any other display type would
             ever matter
  TabAtkins: so first question is, can we force it to 'display: block'?

  oriol: I disagree with this
  oriol: because I think that 'display: none' makes sense
  oriol: I would be fine would be saying that all values except 'none'
         and maybe 'contents' compute to 'block'
  oriol: but I wouldn't do this with a UA !important rule
  TabAtkins: Another possibility is to lean on 'content: none', which
             would cause it to not generate
  TabAtkins: so we don't need 'display: none' to make it disappear
  oriol: I guess that could work
  oriol: but 'display: none' tends to work on pseudo-elements
  oriol: but I guess 'content: none' could address the use case
  TabAtkins: But we could also do special computation rule

  emilio: My question was same as Oriol
  emilio: is there a use case to set 'none'
  emilio: but I'd rather magically turn to block than rely on 'content:
  emilio: but as long as 'none' works, fine to make everything else a
  TabAtkins: proposed that all values other than 'none' or 'contents'
             values compute to 'block'

  RESOLVED: All 'display' values other than 'none' or 'contents' on
            '::backdrop' compute to 'block'

Received on Wednesday, 9 August 2023 23:12:14 UTC