[CSSWG] Minutes Telecon 2022-09-28 [css-grid] [css-flexbox] [css-sizing]

  These are the official CSSWG minutes.
  Unless you're correcting the minutes,
 Please respond by starting a new thread
   with an appropriate subject line.

CSS Flexbox & Grid

  - RESOLVED: Draft reading-order (minus source value) into
              css-display-4 ED (Issue #7387: Providing authors with a
              method of opting into following the visual order, rather
              than logical order)

CSS Flexbox

  - RESOLVED: Flex baselines take flex ordering into account so first/
              last use roughly *physical* directions (Issue #7776: Flex
              container baselines with reverse direction)
  - Issue #7774 (Flex container baselines with "flex-wrap:
      wrap-reverse" present) requires clarifying edits that you should
      be using writing-mode order.

CSS Sizing

  - RESOLVED: Last remembered size uses the "stitch together in block
              axis" bounding box (Issue #7598: Last remembered size
              when fragmented?)


Agenda: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/2022Sep/0016.html

  Rachel Andrew
  Jake Archibald
  Rossen Atanassov
  Tab Atkins
  David Baron
  Oriol Brufau
  James Craig
  Yehonatan Daniv
  Elika Etemad
  Robert Flack
  Bryan Garaventa
  Chris Harrelson
  Brad Kemper
  Jonathan Kew
  Ian Kilpatrick
  Peter Linss
  James Nurthen
  Florian Rivoal
  Khushal Sagar
  Alan Stearns
  Miriam Suzanne

  Daniel Holbert

Chair: Rossen

Scribe: jcraig

  <RRSAgent> logging to https://www.w3.org/2022/09/28-css-irc

CSS Flexbox & Grid

Providing authors with a method of opting into following the visual
    order, rather than logical order
  github: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/7387

  <chrishtr> Welcome ARIA!

  rachelandrew: Several requests over the years
  rachelandrew: css says stick with document order... works in most
  rachelandrew: but with grid in particular, can be a disconnected from
                the sighted focus or AT, screen reader...
  rachelandrew: My initial proposal, can the author opt in to "visual"
                order instead of Dom/source
  rachelandrew: fantasai proposed a more refined order
  <fantasai> my proposal Rachel mentions is here:
  <fantasai> rachel's use case analysis is here:
  rachelandrew: so we need a way to define reading order if not logical
                in the DOM

  scribe: fantasai
  scribe's scribe: jcraig

  chrishtr: Specific proposal from fantasai on August 16th (see above)
  chrishtr: candidate for resolution
  chrishtr: affects focus order and reading order simultaneously

  jamesn: Just want to confirm it's for grid/flex, not abspos etc?
  rachelandrew: Yes, you can get disconnected order in abspos
  rachelandrew: but I don't see people building entire layouts using
  rachelandrew: things like grid-auto-flow: dense are cases where the
                won't know where things are
  rachelandrew: so scoping down
  <TabAtkins> They are reordering, *and* we have a reliable way of
              knowing the order they're producing (as opposed to abspos/
  jamesn: Support scoping down, just wanted to confirm

  iank: Question, in flexbox there's various mechanisms to switch the
  iank: e.g. flex-wrap: reverse
  iank: would this affect that as well?
  rachelandrew: I think so, should behave similar way as when you have
                one of the grid values that allows reordering
  iank: if logically it looks like you're following the different order
  iank: but worth coming up with use cases to check
  <TabAtkins> Yes, I think they'd also reorder per the reading order of
              the writing mode on the element, I'd think.
  * fantasai disagrees actually

  Rossen: fantasai, can you give an overview of the proposal?
  Rossen: particularly effects on flex/grid and also on abspos
  Rossen: if mostly reviewing, don't need thorough minuting
  <fantasai> https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/7387#issuecomment-1217193918
  fantasai: Reviewing this proposal to add a reading order property
            with values: source (DOM), auto, default, would follow
            rendering order but not in cases that authors could not
            predict. final value: an integer that affects keyboard order
  fantasai: Could also use it differently than the order property....
            or use reading order in layout mode... so abspos elements
            reading order could be modified by the order value.
  fantasai: IMO author predictable layout methods should not be covered
            by auto... maybe a different keyword, but not by default
  fantasai: e.g. if you're reversing the order, that doesn't mean there
            is no order,. should follow the layout.
  Rossen: How does this impact reading order vs focus management
  fantasai: Randomizing layout models indicate that the underlying
            order of the items doesn't matter, so in this case we want
            the UA to make the reading order match the visual order.
  fantasai: but if it's not randomizing, the source potentially has
            meaningful order and we should preserve that unless
            specifically overridden by the author
  fantasai: reading order vs focus management... different ways to
            manipulate the default.... linear forwards or backwards
  fantasai: linear order is an artifact of the @@@ order
  fantasai: there should not be a disconnect between the order we
            choose for the reading order and the focus order
  Rossen: suppose I have items with tabindex, I swap the visual order,
          what happens
  fantasai: interaction with tabindex needs defining... explicit
            tabindex should be respected
  <chrishtr> +1 to tabindex taking precedence

  iank: Property does 2 things, work at different levels
  iank: e.g. reading-order, works at the container level
  iank: I think it's a mistake to also bundle the 'integer' variant on
        top of that
  iank: it seems to me that it operates on the item instead
  iank: so if we want the integer variant, that should likely be a
        separate property
  fantasai: Think of the value similar to z-index: auto versus integer
  iank: Would then need to set on every item?
  fantasai: I see that's an unsolved issue... integer versus auto can't
            be resolved at the element level
  fantasai: Could drop the source value unless someone really wants it
  fantasai: Could be useful as separate properties in case you want to
            define them independently
  iank: Are valid use cases for source order
  iank: core use cases for column-reverse is chat bubbles that
        propagate upwards
  iank: but you're saying that doesn't affect it ...
  iank: I think I'll need to see all the interactions written down
  iank: before I can evaluate it as a whole
  iank: lots of subtle interactions here

  jcraig: I agree lots of subtleties in the layout examples
  jcraig: Some of the other subtleties mentioned last night are what's
          supposed to happen to either a keyboard user's focus or an AT
          user's focus, such as screenreader
  jcraig: not detectable
  jcraig: What happens when the order changes on the fly?
  jcraig: Use cases were based on dynamic interaction of values of
          these orders might change
  jcraig: What happens to the users keyboard focus or AT focus, when
          metaphorical rug gets pulled out?
  jcraig: If JS interaction, author should maybe call .focus() after UI
  jcraig: but in this case, not a CSS method for doing this
  jcraig: do we expect this to be primary rendering layout in CSS and
          then need to follow up with focus method afterwards?
  jcraig: or other interactions?
  jcraig: can change
  fantasai: Focus should stay on the same element. But its relative
            order to other elements around it
  fantasai: Only have a problem if you remove the element you're on
  jcraig: Afraid there's some unpredictable cases, e.g. you tab through
          and get stuck in a loop
  jcraig: so interactions where we might not be able to rely on it
  jcraig: could maybe get a good default
  jcraig: when that happens, maybe call focus()
  jcraig: I'm just worried about a layout method that changes
          reading/kb/AT order not tied to a JS call (e.g. focus()) that
          would not to be used to correct it

  rachelandrew: In terms of having all of the likely combinations that
                might want to assess, would it be helpful for me to do?
  rachelandrew: Discussed with Chrome DevRel
  rachelandrew: would it be helpful to come up with the different
                combinations of things are that people could see this
                being used for?
  jcraig: that would be great
  chrishtr: I suggest possible resolution, in general this is a good
            idea, need to work out the details, so go work it up in a
            draft spec
  jcraig: happy to work on the list with rachelandrew
  jcraig: and try to throw in as many AT challenges as I can

  fantasai: Suggest drafting into css-display-4
  fantasai: (which doesn't yet exist)
  <chrishtr> display-4 SGTM
  fantasai: then we can work on details, evaluate, and decide if we
            like it
  Rossen: Opinions from others?
  BGaraventa: I do agree with what you've been talking about, just read
              through the bug, and there are some things I'm not
              familiar enough that I can't provide info on, but like
              idea of moving this
  BGaraventa: One scenario is that basically curious how it works with
              ARIA widgets, e.g. listbox that has options
  BGaraventa: style various list items, once you add aria roles to it
  BGaraventa: I'd be happy to be part of future discussion if that's
  Rossen: Thanks, helpful
  Rossen: Anything else on this topic?
  Rossen: We have concrete direction
  Rossen: Talked about this in 2015, glad to see we've got a direction

  RESOLVED: Draft reading-order (minus source value) into
            css-display-4 ED

  <rachelandrew> thanks all, I'll start a list and ping people to
  Rossen: Ok, back to our regularly scheduled CSS topics. ARIA folks
          are welcome to stay or leave

CSS Nesting

FPWD of css-nesting-1

  chrishtr: Apparently already in FPWD

CSS Flexbox
  Scribe: TabAtkins

Flex container baselines with reverse direction
  github: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/7776

  iank: At TPAC we did a bunch of baseline stuff
  iank: Today, if we have flex-direction:*-reverse, we will take the
        first baseline from the first in DOM order, the "logical" first
  iank: this is interoperable across all browsers
  iank: The spec doesn't say this, I believe it says to take
        flex-direction into account, which means browsers are all wrong
  iank: We're willing to make this change, I don't have strong opinions
  fantasai: I think the spec change makes sense, if you ask for
            last-baseline you want the baseline at the bottom, not the
  fantasai: So I think that makes the most sense
  iank: It'll likely be compatible
  iank: One possible case is people doing column-reverse and having
        overflow propagate things upwards, so the "first" thing will be
        way up in the overflow area and get clamped to the block-start
  fantasai: They're probably not asking for baseline alignment in these
            cases, so probably fine?
  iank: Yup, just a subtle side effect, I'm fine with it
  <TabAtkins> I'm fine with this.

  RESOLVED: flex baselines take flex ordering into account so first/
            last use roughly *physical* directions

Flex container baselines with "flex-wrap: wrap-reverse" present
  github: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/7774

  iank: Similar to the last, but I don't think this is in the spec
  iank: You can have flex: row wrap-reverse, so the lines are inverted
  iank: Currently impls will take the last baseline from the visually
        last line
  fantasai: I think this is basically the same as the previous, and the
            spec says "startmost" or "endmost", so that's already in
  TabAtkins: startmost and endmost have strict meanings
  <fantasai> https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/995
  fantasai: Actually I think it's somewhat unclear, "start" is a little
            ambiguous with "flex-start" in Flexbox
  fantasai: So we should do some clarifying edits
  fantasai: But yeah, if we're accounting for flex-direction we should
            absolutely do flex-wrap as well
  fantasai: they're together
  fantasai: So we should make sure the spec is clear about this
  fantasai: Might have forgotten to clarify that it was a flex vs
            writing mode
  fantasai: I think it's clear that you do both of them with the same
            set of directions, the spec just isn't entirely clear that
            you should be using writing-mode order rather than flex
  <fantasai> "RESOLVED: take the visually first line when considering
              baseline alignment in flexboxes"
  <fantasai> from the issue
  <TabAtkins> (I disagree and think it's correct as is, but am fine
              with making it more explicit)

CSS Sizing

Last remembered size when fragmented?
  github: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/7598

  oriol: Continuing discussion
  oriol: What size to record as last remembered size when there's
         multiple fragments?
  oriol: In discussion, preferred behavior was taking all frags into
         account, but we weren't sure if that was possible
  oriol: The ResizeObserver API supposedly only returned the first
         fragment size
  oriol: but in Blink, while a single size is exposed, it's not the
         first fragment size as the spec says; instead it's the sum of
         the block sizes of the fragments
  oriol: So perhaps by accident, the last remembered size is behaving
         as we desired in blink already
  oriol: So I implemented a way in RO to track size per fragments, not
         enabled yet but used by last remembered size
  oriol: So impls have this behavior we thought was better in
         discussion, so I think we can resolve on this
  oriol: Precisely, the last remembered block size will be the sum of
         the fragment block sizes, while last remembered inline size is
         the max of the fragment inline sizes
         (As if pasting all the fragments together block-wise, then
         taking bounding box)
  <iank> that sounds good to me - its a long standing issue that we
         aren't taking the max.

  Rossen: I'm assuming that, without knowing current impl, what we used
          to have in Edge especially for variable-size frags was we
          used bounding box of all fragments as the size
  Rossen: What I'm hearing is matching that
  TabAtkins: No, that's not right
  TabAtkins: The summary that I put in is right, it's as if you too all
             the fragments, pasted them together, and then took the
             bounding box
  TabAtkins: not take the bounding box as they exist on the page
  Rossen: That's what I meant to say
  oriol: [missed, something about columns]

  iank: This sounds good to me
  iank: Note that we need to ignore repeated things like table headers
  fantasai: Do we?
  Rossen: And box-decoration?
  iank: Repeated table headers, for example, if you take the stitched
  iank: the table header won't vary between the fragmentainers
  iank: So if you have a repeated frag you just want to take the first
  iank: It's an edge case tho
  Rossen: What about border-decoration:repeat?
  Rossen: Are you ignoring the borders along the slices?
  <bradk> box-decoration: clone
  oriol: Re: decos, we're remembering content size, so it's not
         including the borders
  oriol: Re: tables, the last remembered size is only used when the
         element has size containment, and I think tables can't have
         size containment so it doesn't matter in practice

  Rossen: Stepping back, proposal sounds good. Think there will be some
          details as we implement.
  Rossen: But I think the path forward sounds good
  Rossen: Thoughts or objections?

  RESOLVED: Last remembered size uses the "stitch together in block
            axis" bounding box

  fantasai: We've had interesting conversations about ResizeObserver
  fantasai: Many inconsistencies between planned and implemented
  fantasai: Who's working on this?
  TabAtkins: ResizeObserver has new editors
  oriol: I can try to drive something to make the spec handle different
         fragments, like what I implemented in Firefox
  oriol: But there are unclear details
  fantasai: We also have a previous discussion, maybe from A Coruna,
            about this?
  oriol: I think we have a resolution that API should extend to expose
         fragments, it's just not clear how to do so in some cases
  fantasai: Think we discussed an array of fragments, we just didn't do
            that in first version because it shipped before review
  oriol: Yes, impl currently returns an array that has 1 item, in FF
         it's the first...
  Rossen: Wait is this part of the topic?
  fantasai: My point is just that we're basing decisions on
            ResizeObserver but ResizeObserver is shaky, and we haven't
            followed up on resolutions we made for ResizeObserver.
  oriol: emilio
  oriol: is the new editor
  oriol: I added some RO issues to the agenda, hopefully we can handle
  oriol: I can try to change the spec to handle fragments
  <fantasai> Having the first item in the array be the sum of all
             fragments makes *no sense*
  <fantasai> Either it's not an array and it's the sum of all
             fragments, or its an array of multiple items each
             representing a fragment
  Rossen: Ok, please do that and raise issues if there are any new

Received on Wednesday, 28 September 2022 23:40:46 UTC