- From: Dael Jackson <daelcss@gmail.com>
- Date: Wed, 16 Nov 2022 19:51:30 -0500
- To: www-style@w3.org
========================================= These are the official CSSWG minutes. Unless you're correcting the minutes, Please respond by starting a new thread with an appropriate subject line. ========================================= Administrative -------------- - The group will meet next week. November 30 will be a longer meeting. - plinss gave an update on the server work done to add stability and what is left to do. Media Queries ------------- - There is still discussion necessary on issue #7306 (Move the definition of "display mode" back to Manifest spec) about if this should be generalized before a resolution can be reached. CSS Contain & Sizing -------------------- - RESOLVED: Take second solution for this case. Update the last remembered size if element doesn't skip its contents (Issue #7807: content-visibility: auto kinda broken by not using last remembered size with contain: size) CSS Values ---------- - Issue #3320 (Clarify fragment URLs resolve against the current tree, not document tree) needs more discussion about the motivation behind the behavior before a resolution can be reached. - RESOLVED: Add this definition to values-4 and evaluate new definition against existing test suite (Issue #5210: Define when border rounding happens, and to which properties it applies) CSS Contain ----------- - There was disagreement on the value changing fragmentation as proposed in issue #5648 (contain:size shouldn't fragment as monolithic) as well as how common the use case will be once container queries are more common. Discussion will continue on github. ===== FULL MEETING MINUTES ====== Agenda: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/2022Nov/0007.html Present: Adam Argyle Rossen Atanassov David Baron Oriol Brufau Tantek Çelik Daniel Clark Emilio Cobos Álvarez Elika Etemad Paul Grenier Daniel Holbert Brad Kemper Jonathan Kew Chris Lilley Peter Linss Morgan Reschenberg Florian Rivoal Alan Stearns Miriam Suzanne Lea Verou Eric Willigers Regrets: Tab Atkins Yehonatan Daniv Vladimir Levin Eric Meyer Khushal Sagar Bramus Van Damme Chair: astearns Scribe: dandclark Administrative ============== astearns: We will have a meeting next week. We'll see how many people we get. We'll figure out an agenda to fit the people there. Regular call next week, longer call at end of month. astearns: We're skipping #12 due to lack of people on the call. Rossen: If you have agenda items to be part of long call, please mark them. At this point we have ~60 issues. Won't be able to cover all. So mark issues that are a must to cover. astearns: So please help figure out what is a must-cover for the long call. Rossen: We have 3 agenda f2f topics that are leftovers from the past. Please go ahead and add Agenda+ F2F Media Queries ============= Move the definition of "display mode" back to Manifest spec ----------------------------------------------------------- github: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/7306 ericwilligers: The motivation is the webapps wg will be writing definitions for more display modes. Makes sense for them to vote on modes and their positions. ericwilligers: uncontroversial in webapps wg florian: There's editorial and substantive aspects to this. Substantive aspect is that while most display modes are only invoke-able by app manifest, there's at least one that I'm not sure if should be. that's fullscreen. florian: If you invoke UI to switch viewport to full screen, should this be recognized as full screen? florian: When you're in full-screen mode, you're in full-screen mode regardless of how you got there. If you want full-screen mode to be strictly about the manifest, can do what was suggested. florian: But if you want media queries to be generalized, we can move the bulk of what's here to the spec but might need to leave a bit behind in media queries. <tantek> +1 I think I'm agreeing with florian, which is to keep the more abstract (non-manifest-specific) definitions in MQ5 Ericwilligers: Manifest might say fullscreen but you're not in that mode at the moment ??? This would be similar to standalone. I think uncontroversial that if you start in browser and go to fullscreen, it should go to fullscreen. Don't think there's a problem. Distinction between what manifest says and what the browser's doing. florian: Two nuances, we agree on first but not sure on second. If you have manifest but mode isn't active, what counts is what's actually active. If you don't have manifest, and you put browser in full-screen, I think you're saying you agree full screen mode should apply. We agree. But PR to put it back to the web manifest spec doesn't agree. ericwilligers: We can quickly resolve this afterward, test what the browsers do. florian: Do we want to generalize this to be more applicable broadly? <tantek> +1 worth generalizing florian: If we accept PR as is, applies to web manifest only, but it's worth generalizing ericwilligers: I don't see any problems florian: We need some things in both specs. IF only need this to apply to webapp manifest, almost everything should move there. Only need cross-referencing. florain: To apply more broadly, need some definition in media queries. astearns: Do we resolve to accept PR now? astearns: ...and then track remaining work in this issue or another? Or not accept PR yet? ericwilligers: Resolve to have remainder here florian: Not sure, e.g. definition of display-mode itself. If this notion is broadly applicable, not sure if should move. rossen: This conversation suggests this isn't ready to merge. Close but not quite. Take this extra time with florian and come back when it's ready? ericwilligers: I guess we can do that <tantek> +1 Rossen. Iterate on the PR and re-review next week? astearns: Take the time to hammer it out and we'll take it up again CSS Contain & Sizing ==================== content-visibility: auto kinda broken by not using last remembered size with contain: size ------------------------------------------------------------------ github: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/7807 oriol: content visibility: auto, elements either enter screen or get out of the screen, can loose size containment, which changes size oriol: Problem if you have scrollbar oriol: Changing size of elements can change scrollbar thumb size. Added ???-auto. Stabilizes content-visibility: auto oriol: ... is triggering non-stable behavior. Have example in issue. < describes example in the issue>. Basically as elements gets in or out of the screen, is switching between 100-115 pixels. Getting instability when should be stable. oriol: So 2 possible solutions. 1st is changing requirement for using last remembered size. Now checking element is skipping contents. Instead check content visibility but still check size containment. oriol: If content-visibility: auto ??? would still be able to use last remembered size. 2nd possibility is changing requirement for using last remembered size. oriol: ???? So if the element is skipping contents, use last remember size. If not skipping contents, update last remembered size. oriol: Vlad likes both but leans towards second. oriol: I don't have strong opinion between the 2. oriol: Anyone else have 3rd possibility to propose? florian: I agree 2nd is the better one. But thinking longer may have different opinion. astearns: proposed resolution: take second solution for this case. Update last remembered size if element doesn't skip its contents. RESOLVED: Take second solution for this case. Update the last remembered size if element doesn't skip its contents. CSS Values ========== Clarify fragment URLs resolve against the current tree, not document tree ----------------------------------------------------------- github: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/3320 fantasai: Short version of problem is there was resolution to change how fragment urls are handled when fragment url is changed. fantasai: e.g. using <base href>. But most implementations don't follow that, so not sure if we want to keep. Need implementers to review. fantasai: Different engines doing different things. emilio: I think what FF and Blink do is consistent with other things. Like other specs, SVG and stuff that should behave consistently for base URI case. emilio: Whatever we do should also check...is the WebKit behavior consistent here? <tantek> +1 emilio, what FF + Blink do seems both consistent and interoperable, can we resolve on that being what we want? <fantasai> https://www.w3.org/TR/css-values-4/#local-urls fantasai: Pasted link to what spec currently says. fantasai: I'm not convinced this is what we want to do, and it's certainly not what's implemented. emilio: Resolving against node tree is a bit undefined I think. Also I'm pretty sure we don't use StyleSheet owner node. emilio: I suspect blink does the same, so it's tricky emilio: I guess that's the intention for ShadowDOM. * fantasai thinks the example is particularly illustrative tantek: I would flip question around. Are there objections/problems from web dev perspective to how it's implemented? If there are no problems, makes sense to resolve and move forward. Spec is behind, fix the spec accordingly. fantasai: This is a change from L3 that was requested. Not convinced this is what we need to do. tantek: I mean behind reality. This has happened before. <fantasai> I would say it differs from reality, it's not *behind* reality. astearns: So the question is should resolve fragment against node tree or current tree? emilio: The tree we're resolving against, is it correct? And are base URIs taken into account? I think they should be, agree with fantasai that it's weird they're not. emilio: There's also trickiness in shadowDOM behavior. emilio: Not sure we match with spec here. astearns: I assume motivating bit is what we do with shadowDOM, given linked issues. astearns: Don't know enough about this to have good idea of what direction to take. fantasai: Might make sense to kick to f2f tantek: To decide, is the methodology. Define from 1st principles or based on interoperable implementation behaviors. I'm OK with either approach but that's high level question to settle first. astearns: Closing to take back up in a couple weeks. I will ping ryosuke to try to get more details. Administrative ============== plinss: We got funding to do server work. Old server is quite old, debian release 3 major releases back. Building new server and migrating rather than update old. plinss: New server has the fundamental infra. That's been migrated over. Migrated SQL DB which was what kept falling over. plinss: Running old software but running DB from new server. Haven't had issues since doing that. Also fixed bugs causing background processes to crash plinss: So stable now, but performance not great. Getting hit by webcrawlers. Work there is to switch draft server over. plinss: Fun problem is that there's lots of interdependent services, hard to move some but not all. plinss: They're on python2, PHP5, need to be updated <fantasai> strong +1 to serving flat files fantasai: I made updates to inline layout that haven't shown up. When do we expect it to catchup? plinss: Didn't know it was behind, looking, I see an issue. It'll start generating now. chris: Thanks for that work. Downtime is much less now. My question is bout test suite, also hosted there. That's a separate piece of work? plinss: Yes. Current funding covers server upgrade and porting python 2-3, ???, mercurial to git update. Don't have budget for updating tests. plinss: Can take simple bugs, but don't have current funding to rebuild test build system etc plinss: Everything we have will be migrated though chris: For some specs, results out of date for 2 years. Any modified since then are incorrect. chris: Is that something could expect to be fixed? plinss: All fixable but depends on the problem. Are problems will build system not running to completion I'll look at. Depends on if this is simple bugfix or something more fundamental. chris: So we'll look for future update when you're done plinss: We have a gitea and drone server. If you want more control than github offers, or CI that github doesn't offer, we have that available now. florian: The calendar file is unreliably available. Sometimes you get 500 error. Aware of that? plinss: Not aware, send me a note. Not hosted as current infra. Calendar is hosted from w3ctag.org server. CSS Values ========== Define when border rounding happens, and to which properties it applies ----------------------------------------------------------------------- github: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/5210 <fantasai> -> https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/5210#issuecomment-1292794138 dbaron: There have been differences in how border rounding works between impls. dbaron: Traian landed change to make Chromium match webkit, gecko. dbaron: we think border-rounding is interop now. dbaron: given this, and that there's dependency on it which may increase, we should spec it. dbaron: emilio opened this 2+ years ago, does he have anything to add? emilio: <missed> dbaron: In last comment I attempted to write definition in spec language. Other folks from other engines should look. If we're ok with it, lets move forward and try to spec it. emilio: I was misreading, I think that definition is correct. astearns: This is matching existing tests? dbaron: Yes there are various tests. I think there are a bunch of wpt tests for this behavior. dbaron: I know when Traian was making chromium changes, making changes caused Chromium to fail some existing tests. Encouraged him to test only interoperable behavior. asterns: Proposed resolution: Add this definition to spec and evaluate new definition against existing test suite. fantasai: Propose to add to values-4 dbaron: <missed> I don't strongly about which spec, I leave to editors. asterns: Proposed resolution: Add this definition to values-4 and evaluate new definition against existing test suite. RESOLVED: Add this definition to values-4 and evaluate new definition against existing test suite. <dbaron> (and the issue should have links to the WPT PR) CSS Contain =========== contain:size shouldn't fragment as monolithic --------------------------------------------- github: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/5648#issuecomment-1240067326 florian: Situation is size containment has requirements about fragmentation we need to satisfy for it to work. florian: Reused frag. of monolithic elements because if fulfilled reqs but it does more. Solves problem but with unnecessary side effects. Can we relax solution to solve problem without side effects? florian: Size containment requires size of element doesn't change when content changes, and if element is fragmented, size of fragments don't change florian: Could have first without second if move fragmentation point florian: By saying size-contained element is monolithic, do get that property. florian: Slice the element <missed> and that solves the problem. florian: If the element contains content, maybe interesting in some scenarios the boxes themselves to that but the content is allowed to fragment in fixed-size fragments. florian: If have 3 lines of text in element and frag point is in middle of second line, take the entirety of second line and put it in next fragment florian: 2nd and 3rd line could fit in second fragment without overflow <dbaron> sounds a lot like printing on paper florian: Could be interesting to allow browser to either slice or allow content, but allow fragmentation within these sizes. florian: Should we do this? I don't think any browser does now. florian: But could be interesting to allow them to <iank> I slightly prefer leaving as is iank: The way that balancing works is that it does need to know about contents and where you slice iank: and that has dependency on height. Also engines don't implement fragmentation primitives well. Hesitant about adding another iank: especially for such a narrow use case iank: So prefer leaving it miriam: As container queries becomes more popular, how much of an edge case [connection lost] iank: This is only needed when got full size containment or containment in block axis iank: Not needed in inline axis, which is dominant case for container queries florian: I think that's true, haven't thought about it a lot florian: way I was proposing to address was to invent something to size the content the same; don't require but allow normal fragmentation florian: It's just an allowance, don't have to take it florian: Theoretically it would be fine. But only worth speccing if there's interest in pursuing it. florian: Another solution is to defer it and look again in 5 years florian: Not time sensitive since it's an allowance only anyway iank: Don't have immediate interest. Prefer leaving as monolithic at the moment. Can change later if there's demand. iank: There's demand for strongly making elements monolithic. iank: Which capability doesn't exist now. iank: There are cases where break inside avoid <missed>. I can raise separate issue about that florian: My sense is for this issue, defer it long term. Nothing wrong with proposed solution but no point if no one wants to do it. florian: Can close issue, or mark deferred. fantasai: If want to allow in future, should put it in spec, otherwise people won't know we considered it. fantasai: If think it's bad idea, should close no change iank: Not sure if good or bad idea. It's ehhh. <tantek> do we already link to it in-context in the spec as an open issue? so implementers can be more aware of it? fantasai: People make web page, use containment stuff. Then try to print the doc. Do we think it's best to cut lines in half? fantasai: I expect contain to be used all over the place. So significant amount of printed content will be cut in half. iank: Disagree with premise. Inline size containment will be used heavily, but full size containment not that prevalent. <chris> Haven't seen bisected lines of text on printing since, like, Netscape 2 or something astearns: Out of time. Will leave issue and keep discussing.
Received on Thursday, 17 November 2022 00:52:33 UTC