[CSSWG] Minutes Telecon 2022-12-07 Late Call [css-scroll-animations]

  These are the official CSSWG minutes.
  Unless you're correcting the minutes,
 Please respond by starting a new thread
   with an appropriate subject line.

Scroll Animations

  - RESOLVED: Accept the proposal in
              (Issue #5653: Order of pause, setTimeline) [proposal:
              set the timeline first, then pause, as the pause being
              applied in the same update as the new animation-timeline
              implies to me that it is meant to pause in the new
  - RESOLVED: Animation events fire for scroll linked animations as
              defined by web animations spec (Issue #4324: Should
              animation events fire every time active range is left/
  - RESOLVED: Add auto as default value (Issue #6530: Should the
              initial value for animation-duration be auto?)
  - RESOLVED: Have parsing with fixed order of name and axis (Issue
              #7627: `scroll-timeline` and `view-timeline` shorthand
  - RESOLVED: Animation range and animation delay are separate things
              that compound (Issue #7901: What's the point of
  - RESOLVED: Add length % to animation-range to be used as offsets
              (Issue #7575: Bring back Scroll Offsets)
  - RESOLVED: Scroll animation is inactive when denominator is 0
              (Issue #7778: currentTime when scroll range is 0 (again))


Agenda: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/2022Dec/0005.html

  Rossen Atanassov
  Tab Atkins
  Brian Birtles
  Yehonatan Daniv
  Elika Etemad
  Robert Flack
  Simon Fraser
  Dael Jackson
  Cameron McCormick
  Florian Rivoal
  Miriam Suzanne
  Bramus Van Damme

Chair: Rossen

Scribe: dael

Agenda Setting

  Rossen: Before we get going, do we have any changes of order for the
  fantasai: Did we want to go through my drafted agenda list or yours?
  Rossen: Oh there's more in yours

  fantasai: Do we want to timebox some of the straightforward issues?

Scroll Animations

Order of pause, setTimeline
  github: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/5653

  <Rossen> https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/5653#issuecomment-1271689506
  Rossen: There's a link to the proposal ^
  flackr: If you're using scroll linked animations with css it's
          possible to switch timeline and change place date in same
          update. Need a well defined order
  flackr: Chrome and Gecko both set timeline first and then apply
          paused play state which is observable so what to define that
  Rossen: Any feedback?
  Rossen: I see Boris from Gecko seemed to have same preference
  flackr: I also think it's more dev friendly because play state
          change feels it should be related to new timeline
  Rossen: Objections?

  RESOLVED: Accept the proposal in

Should animation events fire every time active range is left/reentered?
  github: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/4324

  <fantasai> Proposal:
  flackr: An open question we had lingering about with a scroll linked
          animation you can repeatedly enter before or after phase by
          scrolling. As defined this fires animation events. Should it?
  flackr: birtles and I chatted and we think it seems reasonable to
          fire events as define. Proposal is events fire for scroll
          linked animations as specified
  flackr: Second part we can take up separately
  Rossen: I see some back and forth on this. Anyone want to express
          other opinions?

  Rossen: Taking the silence as no additional opinions
  flackr: Animation events fire for scroll linked animations as
          defined by web animations spec
  Rossen: Objections?

  RESOLVED: Animation events fire for scroll linked animations as
            defined by web animations spec

  flackr: Second part, CSS animations have an animationstart event.
          Web animations have a ready promise which is not quite the
          same. Ready would resolve once.
  flackr: Would it be useful to add a start event that developers
          could use to trigger on same condition. Every time you go
          from before animation is active to when it's active
  birtles: I think you need something if it's possible to finish and
           then go unfinished; good for authors to detect. Don't know
           it's a start event because that would relate to the delay.
           Maybe just an active event. Need to define some way for
           authors to know it goes from finished to not finished
  flackr: Sounds like something we should come up with ideas and bring
  flackr: Let's stick with first resolution and move on
  bramus: Wondering how that would work with various phases. I'm okay
          if we come up with some ideas to discuss

Should the initial value for animation-duration be auto?
  github: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/6530

  <Rossen> https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/6530#issuecomment-1308954151
  flackr: css animations spec the initial value to be 0sec but times
          don't make sense for scroll linked animations. In web
          default was auto
  flackr: First is we should support auto in css animations because
          that's what we use to map to a range of scroll or view
  <bramus> +1
  birtles: For background I think we added auto to web animations
           because we anticipated group effects where duration
           stretches to fill the group

  heycam: What is the effect of specifying animation duration of some
          other value?
  flackr: Currently have spec that if all durations are time based we
          convert to relative proportions of animation. This doesn't
          work for 0
  flackr: And this is in web animations 2 spec
  flackr: Not sure if we want to keep that or remove, but hope is most
          devs use auto which we convert to timeline specific
  heycam: Yeah was just wondering if it's sensible to use specific
          time values. It's something authors will want to do and in
          that case is 0 sec useful. Sounds like no for 0
  flackr: Right, 0 is not really something that should produce an

  ydaniv: Did you also consider allowing length and duration?
  flackr: There is a separate issue filed for this.
  ydaniv: But it's not colliding?
  ydaniv: There's no collision between using auto as the initial
  flackr: No, there should be no issue with using initial if we do
          length. Computed value of auto is 0 if they're not part of a
          group so we would just be saying computed value is whatever
          makes sense for a scroll linked animation
  flackr: Proposal is that's 100%

  Rossen: Other opinions?
  flackr: Two proposals, one is add auto. auto as initial is separate
  flackr: I would like both
  bramus: I would like auto to be the default because if you set an
          animation timeline you need to change animation duration to
          1 sec or non-0 for animation timeline to work which is weird
          for author. For auto you don't need that
  flackr: That's exactly why I want auto as initial
  Rossen: Proposal: Add auto as default value
  Rossen: Objections?

  RESOLVED: Add auto as default value

`scroll-timeline` and `view-timeline` shorthand syntax
  github: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/7627

  Rossen: Who can summarize?
  <fantasai> -> https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/7627
  bramus: I can. In the spec there's a difference between scroll- and
          view-timeline argument order.
  bramus: Proposal was to have them use same syntax
  <fantasai> scroll/animation-timeline: <name> || <axis>
  <fantasai> scroll/animation-timeline: <name> <axis>?
  fantasai: Other point you raised is timeline name and axis are in
            same namespace. I put this on agenda to ask WG if we
            should require an order and require name always? We could
            change the current syntax
  fantasai: Other ways to disambiguate but asking if this is what we
            want to do or something different

  bramus: One question on proposed new is there is no slash separator
          but container queries requires one after the name. Seems
          like a difference
  miriam: Likely because you can have multiple names
  bramus: Don't think we want to allow multiple names on scroll
          timeline, do we?
  fantasai: Do it with a comma separated syntax and axises are listed
            with name. Container property doesn't have that; doesn't
            tie two properties with lists. Only one type of containment
  fantasai: Here we have a list of timelines that have their own
  flackr: I'm in favor of fixing the order
  <bramus> +1
  Rossen: Any opposing opinions?
  Rossen: Proposal: Have parsing with fixed order of name and axis
  Rossen: Objections?

  RESOLVED: Have parsing with fixed order of name and axis

  Rossen: fantasai anything else on this?
  fantasai: nope

Bring back Scroll Offsets
  github: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/7575

  Rossen: This is a fairly long issue
  <Rossen> Initial Proposals Summary:
           Key follow-up comments:

           Second Proposals Summary:
           Key follow-up comments:

  Rossen: You can follow initial proposals and key follow-ups from
          there ^

  bramus: With the previous iteration of scroll linked animations that
          use scroll linked timelines and this is not in the re-write
  bramus: A few suggestions, 8 Nov comment from fantasai summaries.
          Add a length % for animation-delay and animation-duration.
          That way you can drive scroll linked animation over
          specified distance
  Rossen: On this side of the pond the comment is on Nov 7

  birtles: I'm not opposed to adding the different units to delay.
           Concern I raised is architectural. From API PoV there's 3
           pieces, timeline, animations, effects. In css animations it
           is blurred where delay is part of effect.
  birtles: Architecturally would like effect separate so you can reuse
           it. That was the initial idea for the API.
  birtles: I was a little concerned about putting in a delay because
           that's part of effect and makes it harder to reuse
  birtles: One thought I just had there is another issue about overlap
           between animation range and delay. Was wondering if there's
           a possibility to use animation range for this and have
           animation range apply to animation and animation delay
           apply to the effect. If we could satisfy the use case
           though that. Just a thought
  bramus: That would still allow % for length but not delay
  birtles: I wondered if it applies to animation not effect would be
           architecturally more suitable

  flackr: I think this does make use cases possible. I don't have any
          objection to it. Only concern is that delay does have units
          and it's time and they don't convert to the timelines of the
          effects. Have architectural breakage no matter which way we
          go. Not opposed, but don't think can avoid mixing units
  birtles: I think % have slightly different case to vh units. If you
           can have effects defined in terms of % that's more
           reusable. If you have an effect that interpolates between
           these values over a range in the abstract and than
           animation maps to concrete.
  birtles: % units and the general case of lengths I'm not opposed.
           Nice if authors can achieve this without painting into a
           corner where they can't reuse the effect

  fantasai: Two comments. 1 in terms of % I think % and absolute units
            need to be mixed. Sometimes you want absolute shift and
            sometimes you want relative and we combine. I don't think
            only % would work
  fantasai: I think before we resolve we should jump to next issue,
            discuss, and then bring those decisions to this
  flackr: You were concerned about reusability. The length values when
          used on a time-based timeline compute to 0 so the value are
          as effective as if they're in separate property. I think
          it's as reusable either way except you can't have a separate
          time-based delay
  flackr: Also think delay is times so we will have to support % and
          times. It's hard to have a single unit world
  birtles: With regards to fantasai point of absolute and relative I
           agree. We have absolute and relative times if we have %
  birtles: Regards to reusability, on the original proposal there were
           3 suggestions put forward. The third you can see the
           keyframes is unaffected. I guess that's an example of what
           I mean by reusable. It's only the second where keyframes
           change so maybe not important
  bramus: In the 3rd example that uses animation timeline offsets?
  <bramus> https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/7575#issuecomment-1207786782
  birtles: Yes
  birtles: I was saying it's possible to use a % on an effect and an
           absolute unit on the mapping at the animation level so you
           can have lengths, 90 vh on the animation, and then map to %
           on effect so you can combine absolute units with % without
           introducing diff length types

  flackr: In a previous breakout session and then with the group we
          resolved to have range-based offsets in keyframes which is
          also a modification to keyframe spec that is incompat with a
          time-based animation
  flackr: Based on a strong dev demand to have animation with entry
          and exit effect that are dynamic calc of points in scroll
  flackr: Feel like that ship has sailed a bit to keep everything as %
  flackr: I think for simple animations you will be able to reuse
          them. For things linked to position on length-based timeline
          it's not portable
  birtles: Yeah, maybe ship has sailed. Would be nice to have
           animation tied to mapping, but maybe too late
  birtles: Other thing is was thinking with this use case we could
           realize without going further. But maybe say that's how
           things work now. Fair enough

  fantasai: My suggestion is pause the conversation, switch to next
           topic. I think a couple of these ideas are linked to next
  Rossen: We can do that unless everyone feels we're getting toward
  Rossen: I see birtles moved himself along
  birtles: If next issue is related we should do that first

What's the point of animation-range?
  github: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/7901

  <Rossen> https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/7901#issuecomment-1325538928
  fantasai: When we were trying to figure out how to attach an
            animation to different ranges, named ranges in the
            timeline. Entry phase, exit phase, and the like and want
            to attach to some
  fantasai: We allowed keyframes to take a named range as well a % to
            represent progress into the range to be able to built
            animation that crosses ranges.
  fantasai: Also wanted to take existing keyframes and attach to a
  fantasai: Did that with animation-delay as a way of indicating where
            we wanted to attach it. Could give a named range and %
            into the range as delay
  fantasai: That has weird ergonomics for author. Want to attach to
            entry phase and set animation delay to entry. Reason why
            we have animation range property is to make it feel less
  fantasai: Becomes a question if we think about interaction what
            makes the most sense. flackr comment has several ways to
            make them intersect or have different responsibilities

  flackr: I can present options 1 & 2. Option 1 is keeping things
          close to today. animation-delay only specifies start delay.
          Proposal is turn that into a shorthand for start and end
          delay. preserve single value for compat
  flackr: It was accept timeline-range in each. animation-range is for
          the case you want to cover a complete range.
          animation-range: enter sets it to enter 0% enter 100%
  flackr: Option 2 is closer to preserve existing delay as is and
          introduce animation range where you can spec a range, range
          start, range end and it maps to internal values. Effectively
          makes animation-delay somewhat of a legacy property because
          only specs start and range is everything delay does
  fantasai: Third option is animation-delay and animation-range take
            effect at same time. Range set the range and delay is an
            inset into that time
  fantasai: animation-range:entry and animation-delay:<value> I start
            that value into the range.
  fantasai: I think that has an advantage that it keeps delay simple
            and reasonable interaction between delay and range.
  fantasai: I think those are the proposals on the issue
  fantasai:  My preference is 3rd
  flackr: I prefer 3rd as well

  birtles: I think we should think about why introduced group effects.
           Animation delay is relative to parent effect where if you
           have a sequence and delay b it'll offset start relative to
           a. Then what would an absolute delay mean? Or a range? We
           should think about that
  birtles: Maybe we would decide they should be separate and delay is
           effect and range is animation as a whole

  bramus: To make sure I understand, proposal is to set an
          animation-range to entry and then set an animation-delay to
          25% 75%. Is that correct?
  birtles: That sounds like what it would be. Animation-range applies
           first and puts on timeline
  flackr: Slight correction. You probably didn't mean 75% end delay.
          Animation-delay:end is same meaning where it's amount of
          time after effect. 25% 25% would do what you expect
  <bramus> Got it

  fantasai: Suppose in future have named, time based ranges. And you
            say you want to animation this during window. Express the
            delay in ms and you can do start and end and ms cut into
            it. If we add length-based you could also cut in with a
  fantasai: I think we still want to allow range to be entry 10% or
            whatever so you would add up %. If doing time + % it
            points to the point you've described. You add additional
            padding with the delay
  Rossen: I'm trying to make sense of the silence. Looks like "okay"
  flackr: I think option 3 sounds good and might be better for
          previous issue
  Rossen: Proposal?
  fantasai: Animation range and animation delay are separate things
            that compound
  Rossen: Additional opinions or objections?

  RESOLVED: Animation range and animation delay are separate things
            that compound

Bring back Scroll Offsets
  github: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/7575

  Rossen: Let's see if we can resolve on this one
  flackr: Given that animation-range specifies the range the animation
          runs in, if we add length as well I think it solves use case
          and don't need lengths added to delay
  birtles: I think that's good. Good to push it down the road and
           consider how it interacts with group effects
  fantasai: Proposal: Add length % to animation-range to be used as
  Rossen: Objections?

  RESOLVED: Add length % to animation-range to be used as offsets

  <birtles> ("Pushing it down the road" here refers to adding lengths
            to animation-delay)

currentTime when scroll range is 0 (again)
  github: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/7778

  <Rossen> https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/7778#issuecomment-1313875566
  flackr: Previously we defined scroll timeline to be inactive when
          scroll range was 0 to avoid divide by 0. This is a slight
          amendment because many cases where you don't end up with
          division by 0. Examples in proposal
  flackr: Let's define calc and say animation is inactive if
          denominator is 0.
  Rossen: Thoughts or objections on this one? Scroll animation is
          inactive when denominator is 0

  RESOLVED: Scroll animation is inactive when denominator is 0

  Rossen: Still 3 issues on this agenda. More to discuss but this was
          great progress. Thank you all for joining, thank you
          fantasai for organizing the agenda.
  Rossen: Have a great day, everyone.

Received on Friday, 9 December 2022 23:36:09 UTC