[CSSWG] Minutes Telecon 2022-11-30 Part II: CSS Text, CSS Ruby, CSS Nesting, CSS Tables [css-text] [css-ruby] [css-nesting] [css-tables]

  These are the official CSSWG minutes.
  Unless you're correcting the minutes,
 Please respond by starting a new thread
   with an appropriate subject line.

CSS Text

  - RESOLVED: Accept the text-spacing values for spacing adjustments?
              (Issue #6950: Make ideograph-alpha and ideograph-numeric
              part of text-spacing: normal)
  - RESOLVED: Non-zero padding disables text-spacing adjustment for
              spaces (Issue #6950)
  - A separate issue will be opened to handle space replacements
      (Issue #6950)

CSS Ruby

  - RESOLVED: Only perform whitespace stripping before comparing the
              base and annotation texts (Issue #5995: Should auto-hide
              match use NFKC and/or strip white space?)

CSS Nesting

  - The group reviewed the new proposal for nesting outlined in issue
      #7970 (Yet another nesting proposal). Much like the other
      nesting proposals there was a wide range of opinions on if this
      was the right solution. It will be added to the page of
      as well as considered as one of the options when author polling
      is conducted.

CSS Tables

  - RESOLVED: Close the issue. Lack of interest. (Issue #7340: Allow
              'order' on table columns)


Agenda: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/projects/35

Scribe: fremy

CSS Text

Make ideograph-alpha and ideograph-numeric part of text-spacing: normal
  github: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/6950

  fantasai: text-spacing allows to adjust the spacing automatically at
            punctuation and between scripts
  fantasai: There are two values that adjust of add spaces between CJK
            and alphabetic characters
  fantasai: and between CJK and numbers
  fantasai: Typically, there is a little bit of spacing when this
            happens in practice
  fantasai: but this is not the current default behavior in browsers
  fantasai: The internationalization working group would like this to
            be the default
  fantasai: but there might be compat issues
  fantasai: so, maybe we will have to force authors to change the
            default if they want this

  florian: I think this is desirable
  florian: if you try making a book and you don't to this, you won't
           find a publishers
  florian: adding spans is possible but tedious
  florian: but compat can be problem
  florian: not really in paragraphs
  florian: but in buttons or menus, this might be an issue as the text
           might no longer fit tightly sized components
  florian: I hope I'm wrong, but I am concerned about compat
  florian: but I worry this might to be common unfortunately
  florian: but I don't know how to verify it

  astearns: JLREQ has a comment in the issue that says the behavior is
  astearns: but that they understand the compat issue and are willing
            to accept 0-space as the default
  astearns: so, can we move forward here?
  fantasai: I think we should do this, and use the more conservative
  fantasai: which will not change things too much by default
  fantasai: but we need to see if browsers are willing to do this, and
            how to handle any compat
  astearns: Is there any implementation willing to try this out?
  astearns: pdf processors would probably agree, but they area where
            the compat issues don't exist
  florian: Correct
  florian: Antenna House very likely has it, would be surprised if not

  heycam: So, is the experiment chaining the default behavior, and see
          if something breaks?
  fantasai: Doing it with text-spacing would be better
  fantasai: So we could disable it for a few elements, e.g. pre and
  heycam: Webkit does not support the property
  iank: It's difficult to determine the compat risk
  iank: I worry that changing the default and then using UA
        stylesheets to opt out
  fantasai: No, only opt out special elements like <pre> and <code>
  fantasai: We would not want to opt out the entire page
  fantasai: Otherwise, I agree we should not fold it into "normal"
  iank: Okay

  heycam: Do you support text-spacing in blink?
  iank: No
  heycam: If no one has an implementation, then experimenting would
          require implementation first
  astearns: We could add a note that we are waiting for implementation

  florian: The issue is that pdf renderers will happily use the new
  florian: and if we later find out it doesn't work for the web, we
           forked CSS
  astearns: We could have "auto" depending on the type
  florian: It's still a fork
  iank: Or we decide that print agents enable this in their user agent
  PaulG: One usecase important to note, is AAC with "adapt module"
         extension makes things easier to read for other people
  PaulG: this might cause "script changes" that are not really true in
  PaulG: so this would affect their rendering
  astearns: This is likely true for people to have mixed scripts today
  astearns: and they will have double spacing if we change the default
  astearns: but they could detect and change
  <PaulG> the demo I mentioned:
  fantasai: Symbols and punctuation does not trigger this

  florian: If there is a span with padding, does the separation the
           padding causes text-spacing to be disabled?
  fantasai: We did not think of this yet, but we have other cases
            where we have some rules, so we could add one up
  florian: I think we should do it, so we don't cause double-spacing
           for existing content
  fantasai: Yes
  florian: I would still like browser implementations before going
           further, but I'm okay with just moving forward

  fantasai: Second point I want to cover, if there is non-zero padding
            we should disable this behavior
  fantasai: Third point, if you insert extra spaces to get this
            behavior today, we should take this spacing into account
            so it gets correct in the end
  florian: For CJK this seems rare
  florian: but for French, this might be something we want indeed
  florian: because you need a special space for some cases
  florian: but keyboards don't have the right keys so people use the
           wrong spaces
  florian: so we might want to replace them indeed
  (some discussion about keyboard being wrongs)
  astearns: Any objection to accept this?

  RESOLVED: Accept the text-spacing values for spacing adjustments?

  astearns: Any objection to the second point about paddings?

  RESOLVED: Non-zero padding disables text-spacing adjustment for

  astearns: What about the third?
  fantasai: Let's do it too
  astearns: So, the suggestion is to take spaces into account at the
  fantasai: No, replace it
  astearns: I think there might be cases where the choice is
  astearns: Let's open a separate issue on that
  ACTION: Open separate issue on space replacement
  <RRSAgent> records action 1

  fantasai: Maybe this shouldn't be a default, but something we can
            ask explicitly
  astearns: Let's go to 1 / 8
  florian: Should we resolve on that?
  astearns: We should have an action for that
  florian: Up the editors
  astearns: Anything else on this issue?

CSS Ruby

Should auto-hide match use NFKC and/or strip white space?
  github: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/5995

  fantasai: We have a feature in ruby where if the annotated text and
            the base are identical if they are presented on top of
            each other
  fantasai: but if they are side by side, they are kept for example
  fantasai: the question is "what is identical"?
  fantasai: Should we normalize before doing this?
  fantasai: Should we deal with white space
  fantasai: Should we collapse unicode characters that merge in
            rendering if possible? (NFKC)
  fantasai: but the internationalization group thought it might be too
            aggressive in some cases
  fantasai: They recommended NFC instead
  fantasai: which only deal with things that are simpler (e.g. A + an
            accent vs A accent)
  fantasai: so, do we want to perform NFC before comparing the texts?

  TabAtkins: I support whitespace stripping
  TabAtkins: because it can be due to source code formatting
  TabAtkins: but I don't think we should do NFC because we don't do
             this elsewhere
  TabAtkins: I expect that authors use the same typing convention in
             the same markup
  TabAtkins: we are not comparing html vs css

  florian: I agree about whitespace
  florian: for normalization, I'm less sure
  florian: if one persons types the text, and another the annotations
  florian: NFC is not very aggressive, I think it would make things
           more rational for users
  florian: however, it will be rare I think
  florian: but if it did occur, I think the correct behavior is to
  florian: (so, preference for NFC, but not strong)
  <jfkthame> +1 to nfc

  astearns: Can we resolve on stripping whitespace, and leave off
  fantasai: I think yes, I agree with TabAtkins and Florian: it's
            definitely the right thing to do, but it's also not done
            elsewhere in the platform and is quite rare to mismatch
  fantasai: so it seems ok to drop this

  heycam: This is just a content check, correct?
  heycam: We don't look at display:none etc... ?
  fantasai: We might be looking at display:none?
  florian: but not generated content etc
  heycam: okay, hopefully the spec is very clear on that

  <astearns> jfkthame: would you be OK not doing NFC, or would you
             prefer we resolve to use NFC?
  astearns: reading IRC comments
  <fantasai> [note: those of us on the call are somewhat ambivalent
             about NFC, given pros and cons]
  <jfkthame> astearns: I'd be ok with not, though I think it's less
             good (sorry, in another meeting)
  <heycam> (I kind of don't quite understand the need for this
           automatic hiding, and why the author doesn't use
           visibility:hidden on ruby text that they know is the same
           as the base text)
  <fantasai> heycam, it's because whether it should be invisible or
             not depends on how it's styled
  <fantasai> heycam, and there's no selector for "this is the same
             text as the other thing" :)
  <heycam> ok
  <fantasai> heycam, plus it's what you want by default so we should
             do it by default

  astearns: Okay, since we have lots of doubts on NFC, let's just do
            whitespace and leave if at that
  florian: And also put an action on me to clarify the display:none
  astearns: So, the proposed resolution would be to only perform
            whitespace stripping before comparing the base and
            annotation texts
  astearns: Any objection?

  RESOLVED: Only perform whitespace stripping before comparing the
            base and annotation texts

  <fantasai> "The content comparison for auto-hiding takes place prior
             to white space collapsing (white-space) and text
             transformation (text-transform) and ignores elements (
             considers only the textContent of the boxes)."
  ACTION florian: make sure the way to determine what text we are
         talking about (display:none, etc...)
  <RRSAgent> records action 2

CSS Nesting
  scribe: fantasai

Yet another nesting proposal
  github: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/7970

  plinss: This is something I've been wanting to do since the 90s, and
          immediately ran into problem of conflicts when nesting
          selectors inside a rule that expects properties
  plinss: I understand option 3 is trying to find workaround, and
          option 4 a different approach
  plinss: Wondering what if we turn the problem around entirely
  plinss: and introduce a top-level construct that only contains
          nested rules
  plinss: so never mix properties and rules in a single context
  plinss: My concern with Option 3 is that even if we have a syntactic
          way to disambiguous, that does paint us into a corner
  plinss: harder to introduce new things in the future
  plinss: My proposal is to introduce an @rule, calling @nest
  plinss: and inside that block is nothing but nested rules
  plinss: Can have no selector for a block, and that applies
          properties to the top-level selector
  plinss: No parsing changes, no extra lookahead, no changes to OM,
          easy to explain, no special bizarre syntax rules, just works
  plinss: Downside is you add an extra layer of indenting for
          properties that apply to top-level rule
  plinss: but I don't see that as a problem because I add extra blocks
          to code all the time, modern tools make this easy
  plinss: it's easy to see what happens
  plinss: I think this is much better than adding cognitive load to
          authors, learning weird parsing exception rules

  TabAtkins: As I said in issue, my objection is still that it
             requires a non-local edit
  TabAtkins: Can't just add stuff, need to go back and change the
             existing rule to allow nesting
  TabAtkins: It's a non-trivial bit of work, and is distinct from the
             way that every preprocessor has tried to do things since
             they invented nesting
  TabAtkins: Also, I continue to think that any statement about
             complexity of the rules for Option 3 is overstated, it's
             literally just "does the selector start with an
             identifier? if so need a prefix"
  TabAtkins: not that big a deal to learn or work around
  TabAtkins: Doing non-local edits to add nested rules to something is
             also a cognitive load when making edits in place
  TabAtkins: I don't like it
  TabAtkins: it does have better qualities than some other proposals
  TabAtkins: but it's roughly equivalent to just prepending @nest to
             all rules in terms of overall functionality, just changes
             where @nest shows up basically
  TabAtkins: That's been mildly rejected by authors and WG already,
             would like to avoid
  plinss: On the conflict issue, the point that you're missing is that
          mixing selectors and properties in one block does constrain
          us for future expansion
  plinss: if we ever want to put [missed] in a property block, we
          can't do that
  plinss: I'm very concerned about constraining our ability to expand
          CSS later
  TabAtkins: I share your concern. Still have some room for expansion,
             so I'm okay with it. E.g. if your expansion is after
             property name, can still do that; or if we introduce
             functional notations, we can still do that
  TabAtkins: neither of these would be parsed as a nested rule
  TabAtkins: so think there's still enough space for expansion, in my
  plinss: Also, you can interleave properties and nested rules, how
          does that show up in the OM? Will lose that on
  plinss: my proposal avoids because can't do that
  TabAtkins: Assigning meaning to ordering seems fraught in first
             place, but it does mean when reserialize it'll look
             different from input
  plinss: No functional difference, but authors will order things for
          organizational reasons, and it's a loss to the author if
          lost on reserialization

  <astearns> In option 5 you can still interleave, I think `@nest foo
             { & {} bar {} & {} }`
  <plinss> astearns, yes, but the ordering is preserved because
           they're all style rules
  <astearns> ok

  fremy: I feel like there's a way of serializing this
  fremy: I don't agree that if you allow properties after rules it's
  fremy: it's same as selector with & only
  fremy: It affects ordering
  fremy: If your property defined after a rule doesn't work
  fremy: but that's a different topic, but it's something to consider
  fremy: Other than that, I feel like one positive point from plinss's
         proposal he didn't mention
  fremy: Shared with Option 4
  fremy: It's ability to copy / paste
  fremy: If you nest with Option 3, cannot copy paste without running
         into problems maybe
  fremy: Both this and option 4 have this ability
  fremy: I agree that when you change from one rule to nesting, you
         have to add some stuff before/after, but I think it's worth
         mentioning that for Option 3 that if you go from nesting to
         not nesting or vice versa
  fremy: you need to change things
  fremy: refactoring is a pain in both cases, but it's different kind
         of paint
  fremy: but I wanted to mention this important point
  <tantek> copypaste++ and and also +1 for adding/removing nesting
           without having to rewrite the contents as a design principle

  argyle: I'm confused by the copy/paste scenario? I'm writing CSS
          using nesting 1, 2, 3,
  argyle: I copy paste stuff in and out of scope, in and out of ...,
          just use & everywhere
  fremy: You decided to use & everywhere, but if you remove nesting
         it'll break
  argyle: It only breaks with :has()
  fremy: That's not what I mean, what I mean is if you have a CSS file
         with a lot of rules, they can start with any selector
  fremy: html or p or whatever
  fremy: If you want to take all these rules and nest them, and say
         they only apply in this div with special ID
  fremy: you have to add & to selectors or they will break
  fremy: You can't just copy paste them into the brackets
  argyle: Concern in general, & makes it better and more clear
  fremy: Even if it was required, you would have to add these when you
         paste into nested context
  fremy: When you have a stylesheet with normal selectors, if you want
         to nest this stylesheet, you have to add & before every
         selector or it won't work
  argyle: I would like to see examples
  <fremy> stylesheet was " html { color: red }
  <fremy> if you want to nest this in #id
  <fremy> "#id { html { color: red } }" is not valid
  <fremy> you have to go and edit "#id { & html { color: red } }"
  <fremy> and you have to do that for potentially a lot of selectors

  Rossen: Sounds like some conversation paste each other, but 2-3 line
          example from fremy you will be able to see what he means
          about usability
  argyle: I've been using this stuff, it's not just theoretical
  argyle: I have 100s of lines of nested lines of CSS, I don't find a
          portability issue
  argyle: I don't see what you're talking about
  <fantasai> argyle, you're one of 50% of authors who think it's fine
             to prefix all their style rules everywhere forever with
             &. The other 50% of authors don't want to do this.
  <argyle> I'm in both camps, trying both...

  jensimmons: I really like this option, I like this a lot. I like it
              better than Option 4
  jensimmons: what I would hope is that folks who've done a lot of
              work on this, and advocating to make this reality
  jensimmons: I hope that you are honestly willing to consider these
              other possibilities
  jensimmons: what's interesting about this is that it's a deviation
              from how web developers have thought about nesting from
              e.g. sass
  jensimmons: it is more like writing an @rule and doing stuff inside
              it, instead of having the shape from sass
  jensimmons: but I don't think we should reject out of hand
  jensimmons: there is something elegant of it
  jensimmons: and I think we need to think of the full range of people
              who write CSS, from students to hobbyists to
              professionals that write lots of JS to professionals
              that do other type of software engineering to
              professionals that do [missed]
  jensimmons: want it to be not breaking
  jensimmons: make it easy to understand
  jensimmons: think this proposal is very elegant and straightforward

  miriam: 2 things
  miriam: 1. This proposal is very much like @scope, doesn't have
          scoping aspects but otherwise the shape of it is basically
          identical to scope
  miriam: I don't know if that's positive or negative, but worth
          pointing out
  miriam: I agree with Jen about who we should think about, but also
          with Tab about how this seems problematic
  miriam: copy/paste is pitched as an advantage, but you're not able
          to copy/paste into something not @nest, takes a lot of
  miriam: All of these proposals have tradeoffs, and we keep fighting
          about which tradeoffs, and arguing which are better for
  miriam: I think all of theme are hard for authors, but we need to
          pick one
  fremy: I thought we agreed to make a survey and see what people
         think, but we now have another proposal
  fremy: but we should probably should do that

  Rossen: Agreed
  Rossen: Getting away from topic which is review of this proposal
  Rossen: Appreciate plinss for describing the proposal and its pros/
          cons wrt others
  Rossen: My hope is that we'll get to next step and at some point
          will need to close the door on more options
  Rossen: and start scoping down which we will go with, which will
          work best for authors
  Rossen: with that, I want to move on...
  Rossen: but I want to simply take the conversation down to a closure
          with next steps being, let's figure out what people think
          about these options in a representative way
  Rossen: and then come back to making some choices
  jensimmons: I would really love for us to come to a decision, a
              final decision, by the end of the year. That might be a
              little ambitious
  jensimmons: I do think we're close.
  jensimmons: We could just decide on Option 3 and call it a day, but
              I think we do want to have a bit more debate about 4 or 5
  jensimmons: but I also hear the clock ticking, so would like a
              decision by early January
  Rossen: Appreciate pressure and urgency, and hope we'll have
          something end of year or beginning of next
  Rossen: Ok, let's wrap up this conversation. Thanks plinss for
          bringing this up

  Rossen: One last closing question, do we have a path forward to
          organize non-biased survey, and who would that be?
  Rossen: jensimmons, can you do that? You seem most non-biased :)
  fremy: I think last time miriam, TabAtkins, fantasai and leaverou
         agreed to help
  plinss: I can edit the new proposal into the table
  <fantasai> there was a table in the repo
  <fantasai> -> https://drafts.csswg.org/css-nesting-1/proposals
  ACTION: plinss to update proposals table
  <RRSAgent> records action 3
  ACTION: jensimmons, miriam, leaverou, fantasai, etc. to create survey
  <RRSAgent> records action 4

CSS Tables
  scribe: JakeA

Allow 'order' on table columns
  github: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/7340

  fantasai: Question is whether to ask fremy to draft up a specific
            proposal for applying order to tables
  fantasai: would be restricted within boundaries of a rowspan/
            colspan, can't shuffle those, but in any case we need a
            detailed proposal
  fantasai: and question to WG is do we want a detailed proposal
  <fantasai> ->

  Rossen: Opinions?
  fremy: I think it's a good time to think about it. I'll spend time
         in December working it - eg the table spec & this
  fremy: I think I agree. It doesn't feel like a huge amount of work
  fremy: I think this is a reasonable thing to do

  smfr: I think webkit has a low level of enthusiasm to do this.
  <dholbert> +1 to smfr, I have the same feeling RE Gecko's table code
  smfr: col order has semantic value. I don't think we'd implement
        this any time soon.
  PaulG: MS's spec for focus groups may be impacted by this
  PaulG: Different things may be correct depending on perspective
  Rossen: I see similar reservation from Mozilla

  iank: Q: Would this logic be pre or post col sizing?
  fremy: Before I guess
  iank: We have the newest impl right now. Our proposal would be fine.
        Table code is tricky due to legacy.
  iank: eg how do mergeable columns work? If it's like the order
        property in grid & flex, that's simpler
  iank: If it's pre sizing, it may have unintended effects on space
  iank: If there's a simple way that's clean, that would be fine
  iank: Tables are complicated :D

  fremy: Can we move this to tables 4? That gives time for folks to
         reconsider. Does that make sense?
  iank: That's fine by me
  Rossen: Freshness of impl doesn't impact complexity due to legacy
  Rossen: Let's put it on the backlog. Deal with it later.
  Rossen: Legacy things aren't going to be removed before then
  Rossen: if anyone wants to reopen it, we can
  fantasai: we can reconsider it in the next level
  fantasai: The problem with closing it is it falls off the radar, and
            we lose context, if we don't want to actually reject it we
            should defer rather than closing.

  jensimmons: What's the usecase? We want to reorder the table without
              impacting the semantic order?
  Rossen: That's exactly where there's pushback. I'm in favor of
          closing. Objections?
  Rossen: Sorry, resolution? It's not a path forward we want to adopt
  Rossen: Hearing no objections. Let's close it, and not generate
          activities on it, that won't have impact.
  <jensimmons> Giving authors a way to more easily reorder columns &
               rows is something the web should do! But not in CSS.
  <fremy> @ jensimmons, I think I agree

  RESOLVED: Close the issue. Lack of interest.

  Rossen: Next week we'll have two calls. One in the morning, one
          regular time. One where we go through scroll timeline
          issues. Then later, the APAC call
  Rossen: Thank you for dialing in and getting up early / staying up
          late. Thank you!

Received on Thursday, 1 December 2022 01:30:25 UTC