- From: Dael Jackson <daelcss@gmail.com>
- Date: Wed, 31 Aug 2022 07:03:10 -0400
- To: www-style@w3.org
========================================= These are the official CSSWG minutes. Unless you're correcting the minutes, Please respond by starting a new thread with an appropriate subject line. ========================================= CSS Sizing ---------- - RESOLVED: Clarify that aspect-ratio:auto doesn't pull aspect ratio from the default object size, it can only pull from an actual loaded resource (Issue #7524: aspect-ratio via width and height attributes doesn't work for <video>) - A new issue will be opened to further discuss the proposal that applying an aspect ratio via aspect-ratio property prevents the natural size from falling back to the default object size. CSS Shapes ---------- - RESOLVED: Update the basic shape functions and update radial-gradient (Issue #824: ellipse() grammar gratuitously inconsistent with radial-gradient()) ===== FULL MEETING MINUTES ====== Agenda: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/projects/30 Scribe: bramus CSS Sizing ========== aspect-ratio via width and height attributes doesn't work for <video> --------------------------------------------------------------------- github: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/7524 TabAtkins: So, the aspect ratio property has the auto keyword and it will take the aspect ratio from the resource otherwise use the other one as the fallback TabAtkins: This works great, except for video TabAtkins: because video does not communicate the aspect ratio TabAtkins: Instead the size is 300 by 150 TabAtkins: and the algorithm will say cool I have an aspect ratio TabAtkins: Needs a small fix, suggested by jaffathecake TabAtkins: New concept of pending your first resource size instead of "do you have an aspect ratio" ask "have you ever received an aspect ratio from your content?" TabAtkins: If not use the fallback from the aspect ratio property TabAtkins: this would fix the problem so that img and videos are not considered to have an aspect ratio until they load their resource TabAtkins: It is flipped when they obtain the aspect ratio TabAtkins: Other reason for a f2f because the relevant algorithms are in images-3 fantasai: Why do we ignore width and height in favor of the 300 by 150? fantasai: If we have better info shouldn't we us that instead? TabAtkins: Correct emilio: To clarify, this only changes behavior before the video loads TabAtkins: Correct <iank> There is also some special behaviour for video image placeholders I think. emilio: I think images are a bit special ?? when there is mapped aspect ratio <emilio> https://searchfox.org/mozilla-central/rev/417eb46de41c31c3223d7b84c275ba56fc7d4343/layout/generic/nsImageFrame.cpp#659-661 emilio: So why don't we do the same for video? emilio: Here is the gecko code for image intrinsic sizing emilio: Fallback has a lot of stuff emilio: but basically intrinsic size is 0 if broken emilio: ??? emilio: Why cant we do same for video emilio: That function does a lot of stuff … once you get to the bottom the intrinsic size of a broken img is 0x0 emilio: Instead of that, have it check if you have an aspect ratio then return no intrinsic size and use the aspect ratio instead emilio: I don't see how that isn't gonna work for video emilio: I think we need just the same check also for video iank: I want to point out that videos are more complicated iank: They define a poster image and we get the aspect ratio from there emilio: We also do that emilio: check the actual video, check the poster, and then the fallback TabAtkins: In the html spec, images do not have a fallback size emilio: Yes, 0x0 TabAtkins: So we do not want that for video fantasai: ??? if you have an aspect ratio use that and not the default object size TabAtkins: Where would this change be? html? emilio: Possibly emilio: If the fallback is defined in html fantasai: It is fine to say the fallback size is what it is fantasai: We should make it clear if the aspect ratio is set, you do not need that fallback size TabAtkins: Yes, you are saying what I suggested Rossen: Everyone is agreeing, which is great Rossen: Other opinions? florian: Given that videos have controls, how realistic is that we can know the aspect ratio without the size? TabAtkins: Controls are overlaid Rossen: Tab, can you verify? TabAtkins: If a video or any replaced element has not yet loaded, then we do not consider it to have an aspect ratio to come from its fallback size fantasai: The default object size should never provide an aspect ratio, it's just a width+height Rossen: No, this is not the case. Rossen: If we have a defined aspect ratio, we do not have a prob? Rossen: We need to figure out in case of auto to fallback to 350 TabAtkins: You should not be doing that, that is the point TabAtkins: If your default sizes are used, do not consider that to provide an aspect-ratio but us the auto Rossen: auto by default? fantasai: 16/9 set … use that initial loaded fantasai: What Tab is trying to say that auto is not giving the aspect ratio, until the resource is loaded TabAtkins: It is what we intended for images, but a clear error we need to fix (in images-3) fantasai: images-3 does not define that TabAtkins: It does ?? with size TabAtkins: The default object size is defined in 2.1 fantasai: sizing rules for replaced elements is not in css-images-3 fantasai: css-images-3 defines sizing algorithms, but not for replaced elements fantasai: it covers things like list-style-image and background-image iank: We may only want to do this for video and ?? elements because there is some funky stuff with object elements Rossen: Object and embed have similar problem which you do not want to change fantasai: We are not gonna run into problems here iank: Any other elements? TabAtkins: Not sure iank: Canvas? TabAtkins: Maybe emilio: <input type=image>, <video>, <img>, <canvas> florian: svg? emilio: No iank: It might take us a while to do because the way our intrinsic logic handles it historically Rossen: ok, thank you Rossen: but shouldn't prevent us from resolving emilio: I don't know if saying getting the aspect ratio from the fallback size or not, or if you have an aspect ratio make sure you do not have a fallback intrinsic size to being with iank: You mean the natural size? emilio: Yeah emilio: I need to check how it works emilio: but we are in agreement emilio: I think you may not want an intrinsic size to begin with iank: (thinks) iank: This will lose the natural fallback sizing as well? emilio: I think it should emilio: I need to check where that makes a diff iank: That will make the diff when you do something like width fit-content iank: in certain circumstances emilio: Maybe yes TabAtkins: Can I interrupt? TabAtkins: Suggestion is to resolve to fix it, without detailing it fantasai: Maybe more precise fantasai: that the auto part only pulls an aspect ratio from an actual resource fantasai: that you do no get it from the fallback size TabAtkins: Sure fantasai: The spec was never intended to pull the aspect ratio from the fallback size fantasai: We should clarify that it doesn't fantasai: It should always fall back to the provide aspect ratio, that the whole point emilio: For iframes? fantasai: No fantasai: They don't get one auto-magically fantasai: same with svg, until you load it Rossen: Back to resolution fantasai: 2 resolutions <fantasai> Proposed: Clarify that aspect-ratio:auto doesn't pull aspect ratio from the default object size, it can only pull from an actual loaded resource fantasai: Proposed: When providing the aspect ratio through the property then you no longer use the default size as your natural size Rossen: So aspect ratio overrides default fantasai: Yeah TabAtkins: Would like to address in separate issue if needed Rossen: First one is easy to resolve on emilio: Poster image? fantasai: That is a loaded resource emilio: But not a video florian: Proposed resolution says a resource fantasai: If video is 16 by 9 and poster 1x1, then loaded poster will give 1 by 1 aspect ratio emilio: ok emilio: we agree on behavior Rossen: Anyone objecting? Rossen: No, ok RESOLVED: Clarify that aspect-ratio:auto doesn't pull aspect ratio from the default object size, it can only pull from an actual loaded resource fantasai: Second one when providing aspect ratio via aspect-ratio property then don't fallback to default object size iank: Unsure about that fantasai: If you want to hang on to the aspect ratio, you have to at least let go of one of the sizes iank: (missed) iank: I think the behavior today you will still size at width 300 and take into account the new aspect ratio, so you wont end up with 150 height iank: and I think that might be fine emilio: Not sure emilio: images may want to overrride that emilio: because their intrinsic size is 0x0 emilio: but video maybe we do not need to change intrinsic size emilio: Consistency would be good though Rossen: So? Rossen: We have resolution for original post Rossen: suggest to open new issue for the 2nd thing Rossen: We can record info there and give iank and emilio time to discuss Rossen: We can come back to this later Rossen: Everyone ok with that? fantasai: ok CSS Shapes 1 ============ ellipse() grammar gratuitously inconsistent with radial-gradient() ------------------------------------------------------------------ github: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/824 Rossen: Last issue astearns: I have one question about latest comment astearns: Jake his example is circle not ellipse astearns: We also cover that? TabAtkins: Maybe? astearns: Does it use nearest/farthest corner? TabAtkins: Yes astearns: So proposal would both cover circle and ellipse astearns: Looking through the issue astearns: we want to change both circle and ellipse in basic shapes to match radial gradients astearns: and I am fine with that astearns: Do we also want to retain the facility that the basic ellipse function has astearns: which is to define an ellipse that is as large as is possible for a given reference box astearns: If we do this then there will be no breakage with current shape ellipses in use astearns: but we would also want to add this to the gradient syntax TabAtkins: Yeah astearns: Fine going either way Rossen: Lets pick one astearns: Do it all <lea> +1 astearns: Update the basic shape functions and update radial-gradient Rossen: Opinions? lea: Yes, do it! Rossen: Objections? RESOLVED: Update the basic shape functions and update radial-gradient Rossen: And that concludes the list of issues [meeting end]
Received on Wednesday, 31 August 2022 11:03:51 UTC