[CSSWG] Minutes New York F2F 2022-08-02 Part III: CSS Color [css-color]

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CSS Color

  - Discussed syntax of color-contrast() function.
  - RESOLVED: Whatever keywords for foreground/background are named,
              they are are required (Issue #7359)
  - RESOLVED: Keywords TBD (Issue #7359: color-contrast() should
              distinguish foreground and background)
  - RESOLVED: No keyword ahead of algorithm list (Issue #7359)
  - RESOLVED: Rename to contrast-color() (Issue #7557: Rename
  - RESOLVED: Make candidates optional, use white / black if there's no
              available options that pass the contrast test (Issue
              #7345: Make color-contrast() candidates optional)
  - RESOLVED: We have an unspecified default, the best available to the
              UA, which gets updated, only allowed when there aren't any
              candidates. If you include any candidates, algorithm is
              mandatory (Issue #7361: color-contrast() default
  - RESOLVED: When calculating color contrast between pairs of semi
              transparent colors, if the background is opaque, UAs
              should alpha blend the foreground on the background and
              use that as the foreground color. If the background is
              also semi-transparent, it would be alpha blended first
              with an opaque color TBD (Issue #7358: color-contrast()
              should take transparency into account)
  - RESOLVED: Amend previous resolution, the canvas color in previous
              resolution is TBD (rather than opaque version of
              foreground) (Issue #7358)
  - RESOLVED: No change (Issue #7556: Behavior of color-contrast() when
              no level is specified)
  - RESOLVED: Punt for now, revisit later (Issue #7360:
              color-contrast() should support ranges of candidate
              colors, not just discrete color candidates)
  - RESOLVED: Defer for now (Issue #5153: color-contrast() with
              automatic continuous lightness adjustment)


Agenda: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/projects/30

Scribe: emilio
Scribe's scribe: fantasai

CSS Color

color-contrast() syntax to distinguish foreground and background
  github: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/7359

  <fantasai> Suggestion is
    color-contrast([over|under] <color> <contrast-algo>+, <color>#)
  emilio: why a +
  fantasai: Because they're space-separated
  una: example w/ colors?
  <fantasai> color-contrast(over white wcag2(AA), blue, red, green)
  astearns: Which of blue, red, green looks best over white
  una: I read white as foreground
  TabAtkins: Proposition first because of gradients
  una: Here I expect location + color value
  fantasai: We intended to read not as a param but a proposition
  bramus: Why not background/foreground rather than over/under?
  astearns: That also has the same issue
  fantasai: We could do that
  <smfr> color-contrast(blue, red, green over white using wcag2(AA))
  una: I can see where it's coming from but I don't know...
  chris: Not sure it has the same ambiguity
  <dbaron> this is why I like color-contrast(white over [blue red
           green], wcag2(AA))
  <emilio> +1 to dbaron

  lea: Can be contrast for icons too right?
  chris: The algorithm is only about text

  <smfr> I suggest color-contrast(blue, red, green over white using
  fantasai: We generally put arbitrary long lists at the end
  <lea> +1 to fantasai

  una: I'd make contrast algorithm first
  una: So wcag2, white over blue, green, red
  TabAtkins: The algorithm could be typed first
  fantasai: Everything before the first comma can be reordered
  <una> so you could write: `color-contrast(wcag2(AA) white over, red,
        blue, green)`

  chris: Algorithm can specified against the target, what if you don't
         have a target contrast?
  <lea> Could we maybe use a keyword before <contrast-algo>+ ? E.g.
        using <contrast-algo>+? color-contrast(using wcag2(aa) ...)
  <fantasai> color-contrast(over white wcag2(), red, blue, green)
  <fantasai> or
  <fantasai> color-contrast(over white wcag2(max), red, blue, green)
  <TabAtkins> not `white over`, that would be invalid
  <TabAtkins> specifically because the order you put it in reverses the
  <TabAtkins> (`over white` and `white over` read as exactly opposite
  <dbaron> (because they are opposite things!)
  una: Over before the value is hard to read
  dbaron: I think the bracketed list was nice but some people don't
          like that
  fantasai: I think syntax here should parallel gradients
  lea: also color-mix()

  emilio: Given confusion about ordering of stuff, can we choose some
          fixed order?
  emilio: If you can reorder this stuff, we are getting confused
  TabAtkins: Preposition and color have a fixed order
  TabAtkins: but algorithms can be moved around

  emilio: Why do we want to specify multiple algorithms?
  TabAtkins: Example was, if tomorrow someone comes up with the best
             contrast algorithm that works perfectly
  TabAtkins: but you also need to satisfy WCAG2 for legal reasons
  TabAtkins: you will need to specify two algorithms
  chris: 2 algorithms or multiple?
  TabAtkins: 1 or more
  TabAtkins: you have to pass all the thresholds
  TabAtkins: If they disagree on white or black, we prioritize the
             first specified algorithm
  una: Wouldn't that give us the same problem with color list last?
  fantasai: They're not comma-separated, and you will likely only have
            one or two
  una: Could space-separate color list
  TabAtkins: That would prevent us from adding any parameters to the
             list, which I don't think we want to do

  <astearns> I think I'd prefer `white background` and `white
             foreground` meaning the color is in that slot
  astearns: I'm not happy with the proposition, I'd rather have a noun
  astearns: because it's not misinterpretable
  fantasai: do we want to go for the full word of just fg/bg?
  * bramus had same concern as astearns
  una: don't mind that
  una: I think it's more readable because color is first
  <lea> not abbreviations please!
  bramus: background / foreground is clearer to me
  <bkardell> color-contrast(black foreground wcag(), red, blue, yellow)?
  <bkardell> is that the suggestion?

  una: If we're having foreground/background what about if you have a
       border or so?
  fantasai: I think you pick your contrast algorithm and pick something
  fantasai: usually it's not equal amounts of colors
  fantasai: so that's what you'd use as background

  lea: Given most contrast algos don't distinguish background/
       foreground, could we have a default?
  lea: so that we don't need to specify?
  chris: So the first one can be one of them?
  TabAtkins: What about the algo that does care?
  TabAtkins: Why not make it grammatically required? Some algos don't
             care numerically but
  dbaron: Why not make it grammatically required (just for the
          algorithms that require it)?
  lea: Also can we not do bg/fg (abbreviations)?

  lea: Also can we have a keyword before the algorithm so it's easier
       to read?
  TabAtkins: We usually don't do that unless needed for disambiguation
  TabAtkins: Proposal is a keyword to separate the algos from the rest
             of the stuff, like put the keyword "using" in front or so
  fantasai: we don't need it so I don't think we should add it
  TabAtkins: agreed
  <bramus> `color-contrast(<color> [background|foreground] using
            <contrast-algo>+, <color>#)` then?
  <una> +1

  dbaron: What I was suggesting is to require foreground / background
          only when using an algorithm that needs it, otherwise optional
  lea: That's what I meant
  TabAtkins: So it'd be grammatically invalid to not provide it?
  dbaron: Yes
  <TabAtkins> color-contrast([ [ <color> [background|foreground] ] &&
              <contrast-algo>+ ], <color>#)`

  una: Related to the following question, auto would always require it
  florian: Some algorithms require foreground/background, are there
           other things?
  chris: Not so far
  chris: There's a proposal to add a third color which is the surround
  florian: e.g. to get a numerical value of wcag you don't need
           font-size, but AA/AAA does
  florian: Does that become an input?
  chris: That's a good question and I think background/foreground is
         reasonably special
  florian: I suspect font-size is quite special too?
  TabAtkins: You can specify the level as well
  florian: If you know the font-size
  fantasai: Since the algorithm takes params we could communicate there

  lea: It'd make the grammar harder to define that as a conditional
  TabAtkins: We'd define it in prose
  TabAtkins: A bit annoying
  lea: If we use a default we don't have that problem
  TabAtkins: Yeah but that means that people will forget and get
             confusing answers
  lea: Maybe mandatory everywhere?
  TabAtkins: Yeah
  fantasai: I think that'd be fine
  <smfr> what is being made mandatory?
  <emilio> smfr foreground/background
  <fantasai> smfr, whether the base color is background or foreground
  <chris> smfr for algorithms that need it, which color is background
          and which is foreground

  dbaron: I think right now there's only one algo that needs it and is
          still in flux
  TabAtkins: I think intuitively, the fact that a lot of algos don't
             use it is clear that they are garbage, because changing
             foreground and background significantly changes the
             perception of contrast
  <lea> +1 to TabAtkins
  <dbaron> ok, makes sense
  lea: Can we resolve about making bg/fg mandatory?

  bkardell: Lots of the examples colors are just color names
  bkardell: Part of the reason we're doing it at runtime is that you
            might not have known inputs
  bkardell: I think the complex case is when you don't have a single
            color background
  bkardell: e.g. if you look at the screen what the color name should
  TabAtkins: Nobody has put down an algorithm to do that easily
  bkardell: I think I disagree
  TabAtkins: In any case it's a much more complex problem
  <una> real example, say a button: `color-contrast(lightblue
        background using wcag2(AA), royalblue, navy, darkblue)`
  <lea> una: `using` was rejected
  fantasai: I'm happy to make things mandatory, but I'm against adding
            more boilerplate
  TabAtkins: That's why I was going for fg/bg
  lea: over/under aren't that much typing
  TabAtkins: Less clear
  florian: front/back?
  fantasai: That'd work for me
  una: Issue isn't the naming, was the position

  astearns: proposed resolution is that the first part of the syntax is
            color with front/back, applying to that color
  fantasai: As long as they're reorderable?
  <una> `color-contrast(lightblue back wcag2(AA), royalblue, navy,
  <dbaron> do we want to consider fore/back rather than front/back?
  <una> dbaron -- I think that `fore` might be more confusing
  <TabAtkins> color-contrast( [ <color> && [front | back]? &&
              <algo>? ], <color># )
  <lea> TabAtkins: <algo>+, not ?
  <TabAtkins> yes, right, typo on my part

  smfr: I think having the fore/back not applying to the chosen colors
  smfr: logically I'd think "the color I wanna choose is the front
  astearns: So you'd like the modifier in the color list?
  florian: We had the same problem with gradient direction, to top
           left, or from top left?
  smfr: I kinda prefer under/over but we rejected that so...
  TabAtkins: Curious about why you think over/under apply to a
             different thing than front/back
  smfr: because it's like writing an english sentence, over <foo> I can
  <lea> yeah, I also liked that over/under read more like natural
        language :/
  una: that's why I preferred using too
  <TabAtkins> color-contrast{start:<color>, position:[front|back],
              choices: <color>+ }
  <dbaron> IMO, "white front" is natural language but "front white" is

  <fantasai> 1. over/under
  <fantasai> 2. front/back
  <fantasai> 3. something else
  <florian> 2
  lea: What were arguments against over under again?
  chris: Confusing order
  una: You could reorder the first three values
  fantasai: We wouldn't allow to reorder that
  fantasai: in gradients we do the same
  <smfr> I like ‘over|under <color>'
  <emilio> +1 smfr
  <lea> +1 smfr
  <una> 2
  <lea> 1
  <bramus> 2
  <TabAtkins> 2
  <emilio> 1
  <fantasai> 1
  <astearns> 2
  <chris> 2
  <miriam> 1
  <smfr> 1
  <dbaron> abstain
  <bkardell> abstain
  <emeyer> abstain
  <dholbert> abstain
  <dbaron> (BTW, with my [] suggestion there's an only-over option
           where you could write "green over [red white blue]" or "[red
           white blue] over green".)

  astearns: No consensus
  <dbaron> (6 votes for #2, 5 votes for #1, 4 abstain... since some
           people voted with /me and weren't logged)
  una: Core issue is do we want to make sure it's required?
  lea: We concluded it should be required
  TabAtkins: Proposal to keep keywords undefined
  TabAtkins poll authors then come back

  RESOLVED: Keywords undefined
  RESOLVED: Whatever keywords for foreground/background whatever they
            are are required
  RESOLVED: No keyword ahead of algorithm list

  TabAtkins: Next is comma separation between color list and the rest
  chris: If I have `over white, green, red, blue` it looks confusing
  chris: I don't think it makes sense
  chris: That'd look awful
  TabAtkins: It'd have the keyword before
  fantasai: Agree it's a problem
  dbaron: Same
  florian: Not sure what's better
  <TabAtkins> precedence for / is that it's weaker than commas when
  <TabAtkins> we have several properties using that
  lea: Right, alternatives are not better
  astearns: proposal to punt
  astearns: (until keywords are decided)

Rename color-contrast()?
  github: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/7557

  lea: Right now color-contrast sounds like it returns a contrast, not
       a color
  <smfr> +1 to lea
  smfr can we change the name? color-contrasting / contrasting-color?
  <dbaron> I like contrasting-color()
  <fantasai> contrast-color()
  fantasai: I don't like adding ing
  lea: I think contrast-color works fine
  una: I like it
  <miriam> +1
  astearns: objections?
  <ydaniv> +1
  chris: I think we had them and then we harmonized with color-*
  chris: but agree it's better the other way

  RESOLVED: Rename to contrast-color() (discussion in #7359)

  <lea> so it will basically be only contrast-color(over var(--color))?
  <TabAtkins> yes
  <una> I love the usefulness of `contrast-color(over var(--color))`

color-contrast() default algorithm
  github: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/7361

  fantasai: (1) use UA chosen algo that can change over time
            (2) wcag2 forever
            (3) always require name of algo
            (4) algo keyword mandatory for now, pick a default later
            (5) do UA chosen algo, but only allow syntax without
                candidates--so always returns either white or black
  fantasai: for (5) so you don't have these more subtle color
  fantasai: We can use wcag2 by default now and change it, without more
            subtle changes

  chris: I disagree with lots, first that white / black are not much
  florian: It won't chose between brand color and something else
  chris: wcag2 default is problematic. We already have a formal
  TabAtkins: To get around that we can leave the algo undefined to UA
  <lea> if we can also provide the algorithm, we've just resolved #7345
  florian: It's probably good to not say it's WCAG, which means people
           wouldn't rely on it for legal reasons
  astearns: So with option five you it's invalid if you provide
  fantasai: Yes
  astearns: If we go for (5) we also go for (4) when we have candidates?
  fantasai: Yes

  lea: Wanna point out since we are about to resolve in the simplified
       form, if we can also provide an algorithm, can we resolve #7345
       first that allows us to avoid candidates?

Make color-contrast() candidates optional
  github: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/7345

  fantasai: Proposed resolution is that candidates are optional and
            default to white and black
  una: Sounds good, it simplifies the function. We've talked about
       future-proofing and verbosity I think this is perfect, and I
       think "I just want good contrast" will be a large use case
  <lea> color: lab(contrast-color(over var(--color) l a b / .8);
  emilio: what happens if you have one candidate?
  TabAtkins: you just get white/black if you fall off the list
  <lea> emilio: if that passes, it's returned, otherwise you get white
        or black

  RESOLVED: Make candidates optional, use white / black if there's no
            available options that pass the contrast test

color-contrast() default algorithm (continued)
  github: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/7361

  una: I really like having no algorithm specified, just the value you
       want contrast against
  emilio: If you fall off the list, do you implicitly end up with white
          and black and if white passes contrast testing...?
  TabAtkins: No, you take the one that's more contrasting
  chris: They're not tried in order, just either give me white or black
  TabAtkins: if you want to specify the order, give a list
  <lea> emilio: this is why it's not unfortunate that we're maximizing:
        color: color-mix(contrast-color(over var(--color), var(--color)

  dbaron: Open to default in the future right?
  TabAtkins: yes
  <dbaron> (I was responding to a statement of the proposed resolution
           that wasn't minuted.)

  florian: So options are either contrast-color(over ...), or
           contrast-color(over foo <algo>, a, b, c..) right?
  astearns: Objections with going with (4) + (5)
  Proposed: We have an unspecified default, the best available to the
      UA, which gets updated, only when there aren't any candidates. If
      you include any candidates, algorithm is mandatory
  <fantasai> contrast algorithm is optional, and defaults to the best
             available to the UA (which gets updated over time), if no
             candidate colors are specified

  RESOLVED: We have an unspecified default, the best available to the
            UA, which gets updated, only allowed when there aren't any
            candidates. If you include any candidates, algorithm is

  <br size=20min>

color-contrast() should take transparency into account
  github: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/7358

  lea: Current draft doesn't mention transparency
  lea: most contrast arguments ignore it
  lea: If foreground is semi-transparent some algorithms make it work,
       otherwise ignore it
  lea: When you have a range of contrasts there's no answer

  lea: One option would be using the minimum contrast
  lea: For wcag there's work to compute min/max contrast
  lea: if foreground is transparent but background is opaque you can
       alphablend but in the background case it's not so clear cut...

  florian: For foreground there's an answer. For background, what
           authors should be supplying is not the possibly
           semi-transparent background color of the element, but rather
           the composited background against which the foreground will
           be seen. It's not necessarily easy for authors to figure
           what that is, but that's the only thing that makes sense.
           The color-mix() function might help.

  dbaron: First intuition is that having a background that's not opaque
          should be a syntax error
  dbaron: wrt contrast ranges, maybe alpha-compositing background with
          alpha over foreground with no alpha might give you the
          minimum contrast, but might vary per algorithm
  fantasai: Was gonna suggest the same, composite semi-transparent
            background over foreground color would give you the worst
            case scenario
  fantasai: If both semi-transparent it gets extra-exciting, maybe
            composite against black?
  lea: Not sure how we'd specify this so that semi-transparent is
  TabAtkins: In prose
  lea: Compositing on black might give you the max contrast

  chris: If you have stuff like iframes that are transparent, does that
         allow you to find the background behind the iframe
  TabAtkins: Not doing that, there's no way to know what the color will
             be used on

  emilio: Making it invalid at syntax time sounds nice, but not
          possible in the presence of currentColor
  emilio: Offhand, I don't expect this to be a super common thing to
  emilio: doing what fantasai and dbaron suggested seems a reasonable
          compromise to me
  dbaron: What I was suggesting if they are both not opaque was to take
          the foreground, modify alpha to be 1, then composite the
          background on top
  dbaron: then compare foreground composited against that
  dbaron: That was my intuition for the worst case
  fantasai: [sanity-checks that]
  <TabAtkins> composite foreground over background over (fg with alpha
              set to 1)
  <lea> no need for color-mix(), relative color syntax can do that: lab(
        from foreground l a b / 1)
  dbaron: new_bg = alpha(fg, 1.0); background = composite(bg, new_bg);
  emilio: The goal is to make both opaque
  emilio: so you need to composite on top of the new background that's
  dbaron: This is sort of speculative, we should work it out in an issue
  astearns: Well this would be the issue
  dbaron: Underlying question is "does this give you the worst case?"
  lea: Intuitively it seems like it might

  fantasai: So generically, we have a canvas that is the foreground
            with alpha 1, then we draw the background, then the
  fantasai: if everything is opaque then it all works out easily,
            otherwise you need to do some compositing
  <TabAtkins> foreground compared against (bg on top of opaque fg)
  florian: Sounds like it gives a clear answer, not sure it's a great
  TabAtkins: How can you get a less contrasting color with the
             foreground than the foreground itself
  <dbaron> It's probably not the absolute minimum for all algorithms,
           but it's probably close.

  emilio: I'm not sure it'll be the least contrasting color
  emilio: the least contrasting option would be the compositing the
          background with the foreground maxed out
  TabAtkins: That's the suggestion
  emilio: But that's not quite the same
  emilio: The least contrasting option with the foreground is the
          foreground itself
  emilio: okay, yeah
  emilio: If you apply the background, then, yes, that should give you
          the worst. Nevermind.
  dbaron: I'm not sure it's the least contrasting. if you state it like
          fantasai where you have three layers
  dbaron: the contrast aren't uniform with blending
  dbaron: so I think there's variations where this might not work
  <lea> FWIW this was the research I had done 10+ years ago on min/max
        WCAG contrast:
  <lea> I can't at a glance tell if the formula for min contrast is
        what dbaron is proposing

  florian: Other concern is that if we manage to find the least
           contrasting situation, we might fall back to black / white
           unnecessarily, as what's behind the semi-transparent
           background might not at all be that worse case scenario
  fantasai: I think dbaron's proposal is the best option, I propose to
            spec it and let people tell us why we're wrong
  <lea> +1 fantasai

  emilio: I think what I was thinking is along the lines of what dbaron
          thought earlier
  emilio: the worst contrast is when the blend of the background color
          and the color below it is exactly the foreground
  emilio: using the foreground color itself doesn't give you the worst
  emilio: Suppose you have a red foreground, opaque red
  emilio: and you have semitransparent white background
  emilio: Can you get a way such that compositing semitransparent white
          will end up red?

  RESOLVED: When calculating color contrast between pairs of semi
            transparent colors, if the background is opaque, UAs should
            alpha blend the foreground on the background and use that
            as the foreground color. If the background is also
            semi-transparent, it would be alpha blended first with an
            opaque version of the foreground

  TabAtkins: A medium gray foreground, half-transparent black
             background, clearly the worst contrast is putting it over
  TabAtkins: putting over medium gray is not as bad
  emilio: It's probably good enough
  florian: Could also just put white or black as the backdrop,
           depending on color scheme
  emilio: [missed]
  emilio: Gecko does have some contrast checks for selection
  emilio: What we do in the case of semitransparent backgrounds is
          using the default background
  <TabAtkins> Notably the worst case here is 50% transparent background
              as it gets more or less transparent, the answer becomes
  emilio: Basically composite with canvas, can guarantee it's opaque
  emilio: Simpler answer, maybe more correct
  TabAtkins: How about we resolve for now that we'll adopt this
             approach with a color TBD
  TabAtkins: Could still use examples and thought

  RESOLVED: Amend previous resolution, the canvas color in previous
            resolution is TBD (rather than opaque version of foreground)

Behavior of color-contrast() when no level is specified
  github: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/7556

  lea: Right now per spec if no level is specified (wcag()), behavior
       is to get the most contrasting color, vs if you provide a level
       (wcag(aa)) you get the first that passes
  lea: I think that's a bit inconsistent, ignores preference order
  lea: Not sure what use cases it covers
  lea: and is inconsistent with general use of functional notations
       where if you omit something it defaults to something
  lea: So basically magic
  fantasai: Not magic
  lea: It's magic in the sense that there's no way to pass an argument
       to do the same

  emilio: I think I agree, either choosing a reasonable default or
          making the level mandatory are both reasonable options
  astearns: Are the levels fixed?
  emilio: They depend on the algorithm
  astearns: Seems slightly better in the sense that if we add a level
            behavior doesn't change?
  TabAtkins: Not really, if we're choosing a default. I prefer making
             it mandatory because the level depends on your use case.
             People might not understand them but at least it's
             affirmative action, not "I wrote the shortest thing"

  chris: You increase contrast so that legibility improves and reading
         speed improves, up to a point, so there's an argument to be
         made that there's an optimal contrast
  fantasai: But optimal isn't gonna be any of the minimums that we have
  fantasai: I think the behavior of picking the max is reasonable, and
            if we want a keyword to represent we can add it
  fantasai: and there are use cases for having a bunch of colors and
            picking the best, and defining what an optimum contrast is
            not feasible
  fantasai: so I'd rather stick with the max behavior, and if we want a
            max keyword I won't object

  chris: I don't think you really responded to my point
  fantasai: If you have infinite colors to choose from I agree with
            you, but we're choosing between two or maybe three colors
            from the author
  miriam: Does this mean that on this case we won't ever fall back to
          white / black?
  fantasai: Yes
  emilio: If you don't specify any color you pick between white / black
  fantasai: Yes, if there's any explicit colors you choose among them

  dbaron: I think we're discussing two things
  dbaron: One is that the syntax is confusing because it switches
          between modes
  dbaron: The other is that the other mode is not useful
  dbaron: One way to fix the former might be to have two different
  fantasai: I'm not sure they're sufficiently different to warrant 2
            different functions
  fantasai: I'm fine adding a max keyword

  lea: People with dyslexia actually find very high contrasting text
       harder to read, so more contrast might not be better
  lea: but as una has mentioned already, authors not always want the
       highest contrast
  lea: they have preferences
  lea: Also I don't think authors will provide only a couple colors,
       but will choose a span of colors
  lea: Also it was pointed out that this mode is a bit inconsistent
       when where you specify a level you can always fall back to white
       and back
  lea: like if you have blue and dark blue
  fantasai: That might be what you want if your color is not for text
  lea: But I think that default is not reasonable

  fantasai: If the author doesn't want maximal contrast they should not
            pass white/black to the list, this default always chooses
            one of the provided colors, is easy to understand
  fantasai: You might not want the maximum contrast, but wanting the
            maximum inside a set is reasonable
  fantasai: and getting the first that passes the bar might not always
            be what you want
  astearns: If we go with what's specced now that's a lot easier to
            understand than picking a level and find a reference, and
            see why you're getting a particular color

  emilio: I think we're in agreement that the mode that fantasai
          describes is reasonable
  emilio: There are use cases for that, nobody's disagreeing right?
  emilio: The question is whether it should be the default
  emilio: It's a bit weird that you pass an argument and it changes,
          maybe we pass the algorithm as a keyword rather than a
          function? But I guess some algos want parameters...
  <lea> wcag2(max) sounds like it gets you the maximum wcag contrast
        (21). Perhaps it should be a preamble modifier

  florian: Agree with fantasai that it's useful behavior. I think
           either this is the default mode when there's no threshold,
           or there's no default and you must specify a threshold or
           invoke the mode with a keyword
  florian: having something else be the default feels very arbitrary
           and possibly wrong
  <fantasai> +1
  emilio: Agree

  lea: One thing I pointed out in irc is that if we make it a max
       argument looks like it gives you a maximum contrast (21) which
       you can always get with white and black
  lea: should it make a different modifier?
  fantasai: I propose we keep it the default and if we find a good
            explicit syntax for that we add it

  RESOLVED: no change

representing ranges of colors in color-contrast()
  github: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/7360

  lea: There's a discontinuity between how designers design UI and how
       the contrast-color() function works
  lea: They often have a base color and adjust coordinates (usually
       lightness) to get sufficient contrast
  lea: Right now it's possible but you'd need to provide a bunch of
       colors to simulate a range
  lea: it'd be nice if you could simplify that usage
  lea: Not sure if it would need special syntax, or even if we want to
       do this
  lea: We might want to punt on it and do it only if people actually do

  dbaron: When you suggested syntax, before you said gradient my
          initial reaction was to use the interpolation syntax
  dbaron: I think you could reuse the interpolation syntax without
          specifying the end
  dbaron: it's basically gradient without direction / radial stuff
  dbaron: Other thought is that this is difficult to explain with
          multiple contrast functions
  dbaron: if you specify something that's a range of color we specify
          the order in which you process them in
  lea: I think before we dive down into details we should decide if we
       want to pursue this
  lea: what that syntax would look like is secondary

  emilio: I think I'd rather punt on it for now
  emilio: There are a bunch of things to figure out, e.g. what are the
          steps you use for lightness?
  emilio: What's the resolution of all the colors you try?
  emilio: You may try 1000s of colors to find something
  emilio: seems a bit unpredictable, perf-wise
  emilio: I guess you can binary search, maybe?
  <astearns> evaluating all the colors for multiple algorithms seems
  emilio: Assuming contrast is always increasing or decreasing
  emilio: so unless we find people actually doing this,
  emilio: if you pass 1000 colors, then worst case you evaluate 1000
  <dbaron> yeah, I think you can't assume that contrast is always
  emilio: For now I'd rather defer this
  emilio: I'd rather get the bits we know we want right, and then if we
          want to extend, we can always do it

  TabAtkins: You can't assume contrast is monotonic if you interpolate
  TabAtkins: so sampling frequency becomes important
  TabAtkins: so I say we punt for now
  <lea> I actually agree

  RESOLVED: Punt for now, revisit later

color-contrast() with automatic continuous lightness adjustment
  github: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/5153

  lea: So this is similar to the previous problem we discussed where
       you have a given color and you want to lighten or darken it
       enough so that you get decent contrast
  lea: I think in this case the contrast does tend to be monotonic
  lea: so you might be able to binary search
  lea: We could punt as well for now
  TabAtkins: I don't think this one is problematic but might be worth
             punting for the moment
  miriam: I think this is useful, it's something that a preprocessor
          can do in a bunch of cases, but it's ok if we delay it
  astearns: People want to ship contrast-color() so the simpler the
            better for now

  emilio: Was going to mention, what we use internally for a lot of
          these use case
  emilio: it's not lightness, luminance more generally
  emilio: In order to replicate a default color palette with an
          arbitrary accent color
  emilio: we have a function to adjust the function to a given luminance
  TabAtkins: That's just relative color syntax
  emilio: I think unless we have any pressing issue, I vote to punt
  emilio: This seems extremely similar to what we discussed
  emilio: so maybe punt

  RESOLVED: Defer for now

Received on Tuesday, 30 August 2022 23:33:20 UTC