- From: Dael Jackson <daelcss@gmail.com>
- Date: Wed, 16 Jun 2021 19:01:15 -0400
- To: www-style@w3.org
========================================= These are the official CSSWG minutes. Unless you're correcting the minutes, Please respond by starting a new thread with an appropriate subject line. ========================================= Color Adjust ------------ - RESOLVED: Add new keyword to forced-color-adjust as described above, apply it in UA default stylesheet for SVG root element (Issue #6310: Spec currently breaks use of currentColor for SVG icons in WHCM) CSS Fonts --------- - The group generally felt that 'size-adjust' could be shipped soon (Issue #6371: Is the 'size-adjust' descriptor stable enough to ship?) however they wanted to first get feedback from myles and publish the FPWD for Fonts 5. The goal is to have a draft ready in about a month. - RESOLVED: Switch ic and ch to ic-width/ic-height/ch-width (Issue #6288: Clarify/reconsider interaction of new font-size-adjust options with writing modes) CSS Contain ----------- - RESOLVED: Add style containment back to 'strict' and 'content' values of 'contain' (Issue #6287: 'contain: stricter' like strict + style) CSSOM View ---------- - RESOLVED: Incorporate visualViewport into cssom-view and add bokand as editor (Issue #6339: Merge visualViewport into working group) CSS Transforms -------------- - RESOLVED: Clamp to 1px for both getComputedStyle() and interpolation as well (Issue #6320: clamping of perspective() function to >= 1px should affect interpolation | Issue #6346: clamping of perspective() function should affect resolved value of transform) CSS Flexbox ----------- - RESOLVED: Accept edits [in https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/commit/60ffc4058780d832d880a076fe02788f0cc6e8a7 ] (Issue #5985: Clarify whether collapsed flex items influence the flex container's intrinsic main size) CSS Overflow ------------ - There is some clarification needed for issue #4791 (Scrollable Overflow contributions of zero height/width elements) however the group ran out of time on the call to go into much detail. ===== FULL MINUTES BELOW ====== Agenda: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/2021Jun/0009.html Present: Rachel Andrew Adam Argyle Rossen Atanassov Tab Atkins-Bittner David Baron Christian Biesinger Oriol Brufau Elika Etemad Simon Fraser Chris Harrelson Daniel Hobert Brad Kemper Jonathan Kew Daniel Libby Ting-Yu Lin Peter Linss Alison Maher François Remy Morgan Reschenberg Cassondra Roberts Jen Simmons Alan Stearns Miriam Suzanne Greg Whitworth Scribe: fantasai Scribe's scribe: fremy Color Adjust ============ Spec currently breaks use of currentColor for SVG icons in WHCM --------------------------------------------------------------- github: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/6310#issuecomment-858112357 fantasai: The current proposal is not gonna get us in good shape in all cases fantasai: currently our resolution would not work if the svg has set its color explicitly fantasai: so my new proposal is that if the color is originating from outside the svg then we recolor, but if not then we keep it fantasai: Proposal is to add a new keyword for that magic behavior which depends on the origin of the value of color fantasai: (if you are not inheriting from outside, then we don't reset the color) alisonmaher: I agree with the proposal alisonmaher: only problem I wanted to ask about was whether we can do at computed value time alisonmaher: if we take the used value of the color, might expose the color where otherwise wouldn't TabAtkins: :visited won't be exposed that way TabAtkins: That's done by selector-hacking TabAtkins: and the rest of colors are already automatically exposed via getComputedStyle TabAtkins: because getComputedStyle returns used value of color TabAtkins: so not sure there's info leakage problem Rossen: While we're on the topic, wrt TAG review Rossen: We convinced ourselves that having a grouping of color values that we essentially return just defaults for, and lie about the computed or used values Rossen: colors used for fingerprinting Rossen: could be a good path forward Rossen: These are magic values, you won't get the actual values though getComputedStyle Rossen: benefit of user for privacy fantasai: That's a separate issue, here https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/5710 fantasai: In that issue there are further comments there that says why it's probably not possible fantasai: but this is not linked to our current issue here astearns: If we end up doing anything special for particular sources of colors astearns: If we add this new mechanism, we'd have to do whatever magic here, too fantasai: You'd also have to taint Canvas, and a lot of other things, yeah. astearns: alisonmaher is it enough to note that, whatever protections would end up happening here also? alisonmaher: We're storing [?] in chrome, so would be possible to do at used-value time fantasai: The issue is that would have to track this down the tree fantasai: and this type of tracking is usually done via inheritance fantasai: I don't think implementations have a special inherit for colors alisonmaher: We inherit that info separately in Chromium astearns: So what do we resolve to deal with this fantasai: We need to add a new value fantasai: We need to a new value to forced-color-adjust fantasai: as described in https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/6310#issuecomment-858112357 fantasai: We can call it something else, but need something that behaves like that astearns: New value, not something to add to default? TabAtkins: Yes, absolutely TabAtkins: and needs to be set in default UA stylesheet for SVG root element astearns: Exposed to author styles? TabAtkins: Yes; don't want it to be special unspecifiable magic astearns: So proposed resolution is to add this keyword astearns: and to add that to the default UA stylesheet RESOLVED: Add new keyword to forced-color-adjust as described above, apply it in UA default stylesheet for SVG root element fantasai: Other than this issue <fantasai> https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/labels/css-color-adjust-1 fantasai: we have no other remaining issue for the spec fantasai: so our plan is to make the edit fantasai: publish a new draft fantasai: and ask for last comments before trying to propose to make a recommendation fantasai: So, heads up astearns: And get wide review? fantasai: We already have sent an email in December <fantasai> https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/5768 astearns: Sounds like a good plan CSS Sizing ========== Compressible elements with aspect ratio --------------------------------------- github: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/6341 iank: Added table kinda late, can punt to next week if we want CSS Transforms ============== Clamping of perspective() function to >= 1px should affect interpolation ------------------------------------------------------------------------ github: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/6320 astearns: is dbaron on the call? fantasai: we can skip for a later time CSS Fonts 5 =========== Is the 'size-adjust' descriptor stable enough to ship? ------------------------------------------------------ github: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/6371 jfkthame: We've implemented size-adjust descriptor in Firefox Nightly, and want to know if stable enough if we can ship to release jfkthame: My understanding is that Chrome is also wanting to ship soon <chrishtr> agree it's good to ship fantasai: I think the descriptor is pretty stable fantasai: The way it is defined is standard and I don't anticipate issues fantasai: so I think it's probably fine to ship fantasai: but we need to publish a First Public working draft first fantasai: This could happen very soon astearns: Any other concerns? smfr: Let's ask Myles, he's not here today astearns: Sounds good, also we still need an FPWD <fantasai> https://www.w3.org/TR/css-fonts-5/ <fantasai> 404 ^ astearns: It's most important to publish FPWD, but even for a regular WD would like to publish before group says "you can ship" :) astearns: So let's get edits in and get Myles' comments astearns: but generally seems like it'll be OK jfkthame: Would help to know schedule. fantasai: we can get a draft within a month CSS Contain =========== 'contain: stricter' like strict + style --------------------------------------- github: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/6287 TabAtkins: Some time ago we removed 'style' from set of containments applied by 'strict' TabAtkins: Since at-risk, unsure if FF would implement TabAtkins: no longer at-risk TabAtkins: Question is should we have a keyword that applies 'strict'? TabAtkins: If so, should we add a new keyword or build it back into 'strict'? TabAtkins: chrishtr commented that he thinks it'd be fine to add into existing 'strict', and willing to do experimentation in Chrome fremy: I agree, makes sense to me <dholbert> Sounds fine by me oriol: Wouldn't just be strict, but also ... oriol: content TabAtkins: content used to be 'strict' without 'size', so add to that as well fantasai: sgtm astearns: So proposed resolution is to add back in style containment to 'strict' and 'content' values of 'contain' astearns: Any objections? RESOLVED: Add style containment back to 'strict' and 'content' values of 'contain' <chrishtr> I will get this change made in Chromium asap so we can get canary channel feedback. Will report back if there are any found. CSSOM View ========== Merge visualViewport into working group --------------------------------------- github: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/6339 <TabAtkins> https://wicg.github.io/visual-viewport/index.html TabAtkins: visualViewport spec that allows getting bounds of visual viewport in JS TabAtkins: has been implemented cross-browser for awhile TabAtkins: probably should be on standards-track TabAtkins: suggestion is to put into cssom-view <fremy> LGTM fantasai: Who is gonna be editor? TabAtkins: bokand is editor of visual viewport spec... and is a member of CSSWG TabAtkins: Could just add him smfr: Emilio and I are editors of CSSOM-view, and would appreciate editorial help fantasai: Sounds like a good idea to have one more person on this TabAtkins: chrishtr, can we volunteer bokand? chrishtr: We can try, and if he's busy, we'll find someone else on our staff astearns: So propose to incorporate visualViewport into cssom-view and add bokand as editor RESOLVED: Incorporate visualViewport into cssom-view and add bokand as editor fantasai: One more comment fantasai: It's a bit weird how things happened here fantasai: We are not doing standardization, we are doing documentation fantasai: I don't find this workflow appropriate fantasai: So I agree to do it here, but it's worth noting I think it is not a good workflow fantasai: It's too late to make any changes now, so it's not exactly accurate to say you're shifting it to the CSSWG for the "standardization" process astearns: I agree astearns: That said, it happens, and we can't change it astearns: and documentation is still good TabAtkins: Also, it shipped in multiple browsers TabAtkins: Discussion happened, in another venue TabAtkins: but patent protection was not part of this, and this is not ideal <TabAtkins> Like, look at the issues list, showing definite cross-browser discussion https://github.com/WICG/visual-viewport/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+sort%3Aupdated-desc Transforms ========== Clamping of perspective() function to >= 1px should affect interpolation and clamping of perspective() function should affect resolved value of transform --------------------------------------------------------------- github: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/6320 & https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/6346 dbaron: Discussing 6320 and 6346 together dbaron: Group resolved that values less than 1px should be clamped to minimum of 1px dbaron: At the time, discussed as a render-time clamp dbaron: I tried implementing this. Believe I was the first dbaron: In the process, became clear that the time at which it became clamped was the time you convert to a matrix dbaron: Problem with zero is that it puts infinite components into the matrix dbaron: There are 3 different ways convert to a matrix dbaron: 1) need to render, to find used value dbaron: 2) find resolved value for getComputedStyle() dbaron: computed value of transform function is "as specified with lengths made absolute" dbaron: but resolved value is a matrix dbaron: The third one, which is maybe more interesting, is interpolation dbaron: Perspective function gets interpreted as matrices dbaron: if you were to not clamp, and then interpolate from 0 to 2px, dbaron: entire range of animation would be clamped to 1px during render time, because animating from infinity to 0.5 dbaron: which crosses 1 basically right when it gets to 0.5 dbaron: Conclusion was do the clamp anytime I convert to matrices dbaron: so for getComputedStyle and for interpolation also dbaron: I've already implemented this in Canary ... does anyone think we should do something different? dbaron: Not clear to me what that could be smfr: Seems fine. What happens when perspective property or transform with only perspective, not converting matrices, do we need to describe behavior there? dbaron: For perspective property, group explicitly resolved in 3084 that the animation should be different dbaron: so perspective property should interpret as specified dbaron: 2nd point, spec says that even a perspective() on its own gets interpolated as matrix dbaron: it describes the rules for interpolating matrix and perspective as the same thing dbaron: so decompose and do the pieces dbaron: for perspective it's trivial dbaron: but still the decomposition that gets interpolated is the matrix component, so ?? reciprocal smfr: So that part is affected by your proposal dbaron: Yes smfr: I think it's reasonable smfr: As long as we agree on where conversions to matrices happen dbaron: Issues I filed are in terms of this should happen for interpolation and this should happen or getComputedStyle dbaron: but rational was "wherever convert to matrix" smfr: Sounds fine astearns: So original resolution for 413, did that cover resolved value? dbaron: No, said "for purpose of rendering" astearns: So have a resolution for rendering, and you're saying extend to interpolation and resolved value astearns: Any other opinions? astearns: ... implementation detail? dbaron: When editing spec, I'll see if it makes sense to fit that note in [scribe missed, but guesses note was about the "convert to matrix" rationale] RESOLVED: Clamp to 1px for both getComputedStyle() and interpolation as well dbaron: Possible not web-compatible, but can figure that out when we have data CSS Fonts ========= Clarify/reconsider interaction of new font-size-adjust options with writing modes ------------------------------------------------------------------- github: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/6288 jfkthame: Was working on implementing in Gecko, and it occurred to me that the behavior that falls out for the new ch and ic units probably isn't what we really want jfkthame: If you set font-size-adjust: ch 0.4, for example, and then use vertical writing mode with upright typesetting jfkthame: you'd get completely different scaling jfkthame: Seems that would be unexpected and undesirable jfkthame: Expectation would be that font + font-size-adjust should give consistent results jfkthame: So my suggestion is that it applies in the horizontal axis jfkthame: so not quite the same as the units jfkthame: so maybe need to rename to make more explicit what they are astearns: I think I'd like ch-width name astearns: Very explicit jfkthame: We'd have the option of introducing a ch-height for vertical mode, but usage expected to be quite different fantasai: That would be more difficult than helpful fantasai: The vast majority of the authors won't need that second number fantasai: I would be ok with it if it is optional fantasai: and sets to no effect astearns: I think that was the proposal fantasai: Currently if you wanted to have an effect in the vertical axis, we have a syntax for two values fantasai: The disadvantage of that is that you might want different values for the different axes fantasai: but given few people would want to use two values fantasai: Maybe we should just have one value and be clear about what it means fantasai: and when would you know which one you want, if both are specified? astearns: Were we going to have ic-height and ic-width that can set at the same time? jfkthame: No, just one at a time astearns: So proposed resolution is to replace ic and ch with ic-width ic-height and ch-width astearns: to lock things to the appropriate axis and make that explicit fantasai: The one thing we might consider is adding 'ic' and having it compute to 'ic-width' or 'ic-height' as appropriate to the writing mode and then inherit as that computed value fantasai: Worth consideration, but I haven't thought about it much astearns: But whatever value you add to that ic would be based on one or other metric, so unlikely to have single value that works for both fantasai: unless you're using 1em, in which case no effect except for non-square fonts anyway... jfkthame: [...] jfkthame: Could look into it, but doesn't seem worth the complexity RESOLVED: Switch ic and ch to ic-width/ic-height/ch-width Flexbox ======= Clarify whether collapsed flex items influence the flex container's intrinsic main size ------------------------------------------------------------------- github: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/5985 TabAtkins: Just got approval from dholbert so probably easy TabAtkins: dholbert noticed that collapsed flex items aren't explicitly excluded from intrinsic size calculation TabAtkins: so we updated to explicitly skip those items <fantasai> commits are https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/commit/60ffc4058780d832d880a076fe02788f0cc6e8a7 TabAtkins: We made the fix, just wanted WG confirmation it's OK <cbiesinger> I haven't read the text but your description sounds good astearns: Proposal to accept? RESOLVED: Accept edits CSS Overflow ============ Scrollable Overflow contributions of zero height/width elements --------------------------------------------------------------- github: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/4791 fantasai: Seem to have weird but interoperable behavior here, question was should we spec it iank: Not so weird, we compute the "inflow" bounds iank: ... iank: If you add a transform to the item and move it outside the scrollable area iank: all browsers transform out iank: If something is zero area, it doesn't itself contribute, but it might contribute to "inflow bounds" fantasai: ??? iank: If you have something like a grid area, that's where we determine where to put the "padding" to contribute to overflow iank: Here it's the body element contributing to the scrollable area fantasai: OK, so need to set body to zero to test correctly and issue is invalid? iank: Question of adding to overflow is just if it's empty fantasai: Actually, there is an issue, but it's just that if the border area is empty, we need to exclude from the scrollable area iank: Yea, but also this other thing
Received on Wednesday, 16 June 2021 23:02:12 UTC