- From: fantasai <fantasai.lists@inkedblade.net>
- Date: Mon, 26 Jul 2021 14:55:27 -0700
- To: www-style@w3.org
========================================= These are the official CSSWG minutes. Unless you're correcting the minutes, Please respond by starting a new thread with an appropriate subject line. ========================================= Web Platform Color API ---------------------- - Discussed the CSSColorValue API and proposed Color API. - RESOLVED: Add Color API for representing color points, separate from CSSColorValue to represent CSS color values - RESOLVED: Color API should handle all the color spaces currently specced for the web platform. ===== FULL MINUTES BELOW ====== <RRSAgent> logging to https://www.w3.org/2021/07/21-css-irc Scribe: fantasai Present: Adam Argyle (Google) Chris Lilley (W3C Team) Elika J. Etemad (W3C Invited Expert) Florian Rivoal (W3C Invited Expert) Lea Verou (W3C Invited Expert) Miriam Suzanne (W3C Invited Expert) Pierre-Anthony Lemieux (MovieLabs) Rossen Atanassov (Microsoft) Tab Atkins (Google) Tess O'Connor (Apple) Web Platform Color API ---------------------- github: https://github.com/w3c/css-houdini-drafts/issues/1047 slides: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-archive/2021Jul/att-0004/Towards_a_Color_API_for_the_Web_Platform.pdf Rossen: Do we have a list of issues to resolve on? lea: Chris and I prepared some slides lea: since last time we discussed was confusing lea: Tab, feel free to interject Rossen: Do we have something we want to resolve? lea: I think it's, do we want to have a separate color API, or do we want to use the CSS color value API for everything in the Web platform lea: Where should work be done, do we have one or two APIs <chris> The readme has some more overview stuff: https://github.com/LeaVerou/color-api/blob/main/README.md Rossen: Motivation kicking off these things was, we had another review of color-related things with the TAG Rossen: at the time it was very apparent that we have more and more color discussion Rossen: they all seem to circle around whether we use color functionality vs type of color vs who is responsible for converting things, who is responsible for caring whether a particular type is safe to take from HTML to Canvas and still making sense Rossen: Hey, can we take a step back and define Rossen: First, there's a lot of science and calculations going into color and defining the functionality of color Rossen: having one place where this is made available to platform would be great Rossen: Then, if we have this functionality and it is well encapsulated with good APIs, how do we create a type of this and where does it go? Rossen: Is it a CSS value, is it an object, etc. Rossen: I'm hoping that here we'll at least arrive and all agree that well, we need all of this stuff Rossen: and also figure out where it all goes lea: Current situation in Web platform is basically passing around strings, so I think we all agree it needs to be improved and become object-oriented chris: worse actually, it was originally srgb, and now trying to pass around wider-gamut colors as srgb strings Rossen: let's start with functionality first Rossen: Chris and lea did a bunch of work to define functionality of color conversion Rossen: and different color spaces Rossen: one of the major functional requirements from this effort Rossen: where is this work currently? lea: Can i switch to the slides? florian: Can you send a copy to www-archive? * smfr can we get the slides link here? -> https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-archive/2021Jul/att-0004/Towards_a_Color_API_for_the_Web_Platform.pdf [slide 2] lea: Colors need to be used as input and output for various APIs (canvas, cssom, input type=color, etc.) lea: also authors themselves want to do things with colors lea: and do many different kinds of color calculations lea: ideally color API would cover all this pal: Who wants to do this? I think most authors don't want to do this. pal: Likely to be doing wrong, even with API pal: so want to establish who wants this lea: some requirements that Chris and I think important for such API lea: It should be color-space agnostic, not privilege e.g. sRGB lea: It should be compatible with HDR lea: It needs to be extensible lea: a native API is less extensible than a library, but good to add extensibility lea: And API should follow layered design lea: so usable by non-experts lea: but also useful for experts chris: This is difference between color library we wrote, and color API for the platform chris: our library had everything we could think of that could be useful chris: tries to do everything out of the box chris: but for color API, should be core set, that you can extend if needed lea: Whole debate started a few months ago because there was a proposal by Canvas to accept and produce CSSColorValue objects lea: This is an abstract CSSColorValue that inherits from CSSStyleValue lea: part of typed OM lea: Multiple subclasses that correspond to specific CSS syntactic constructs lea: e.g. CSSRGB that corresponds to rgb() lea: CSSHSL lea: CSSColor that's a color() function lea: each has different API shapes, getters for each argument lea: also different constructors lea: e.g. accepting red/green/blue positional arguments for rgb lea: There's a color space conversion function lea: it's an early-stage spec, no impls yet lea: Advantage of using it everywhere is there would be only one object lea: and good integration with CSS out of the box. lea: Downsides revolve around the issue that CSS Color Value is designed to represent syntactic constructs lea: not actual color points lea: e.g. there are two variants for rgb lea: one for rgb() function, one for color() function lea: you get different objects for these lea: also it's not a string, but csskeywordvalue lea: and coordinates are values, so need to do color.r.value to read the value lea: because this is all for representing parsed syntax. lea: These are not issues that can be solved by iterating on the API design lea: although it has improved a lot since original design. lea: Because it is exiting for syntactic purposes, lea: if we make it easier to use for color points, it will become more difficult for the uses it was designed for lea: Stepping back, chris and I designed a library for color lea: There was CSS meeting where we resolved to learn from this work and design a color API lea: We drafted a spec https://projects.verou.me/color-api/ lea: ... lea: API has improved quite a lot, even this week, since Tab sent us some very nice feedback lea: Review the design <Rossen> CSS Color Value draft: https://drafts.css-houdini.org/css-typed-om/#colorvalue-objects <Rossen> Color Object draft: https://projects.verou.me/color-api/ <chris> https://projects.verou.me/color-api/ <chris> Draft explainer: https://github.com/LeaVerou/color-api [slide 10] lea: ... lea: Color spaces represented by colorspace object lea: color.alpha is a number lea: right now all mutable, but that's under discussion lea: Color spaces are represented by ColorSpace objects lea: registered in ColorSpace.register() lea: ability to make anonymous would be nice to make happen lea: but difficult to design API to not be less usable for common case lea: Color spaces are represented by ID so don't have to look up objects lea: Color spaces declare their white point, coords, gamut, and conversion code to/from existing space lea: so you declare your base, and provide functions to base and from base lea: This could create a tree of conversions, but in practice it's one or two hops lea: e.g. hsl has base of srgb, but srgb would have a base of xyz lea: I originally designed to have an ICC profile, but that would make everything async lea: so have a separate API that returns a promise to load profile lea: once registered, cannot unregister color profile [slide 12] lea: have getters to get coordinates lea: and set functions to manipulate in any color space, which can be relative lea: can be provided by object literal as well lea: Gamut mapping is optional. Everything is lossless by default lea: Should be able to roundtrip without losses chris: This is needed for non colormanaged APIs e.g. WebGPU chris: if you set up canvas in P3, things might be out of gamut, but need to calculate chris: can always ask to put in gamut if you want lea: There are functions for toGamut mapping lea: by default use LCH chroma, but can be any coordinate in any coordinate space lea: unsure what to do with nonsensical [slide 14] lea: Open questions... lea: How to declare polar color space? lea: What is a color space? lea: Various representations of srgb are all in the same color space, but treated differently... lea: should there be some API level distinction between that and different color spaces? lea: mutability vs immutability lea: But there are some benefits to mutability as well lea: Also how to do HDR tone mapping? lea: and what would be interaction between Color API and CSS, lea: would registered color spaces become available to CSS? lea: do color spaces declared via @color-profile become registered ColorSpace objects once profile loads? Rossen: Thanks for clarifying discussion here and providing a lot of synthesized info Rossen: There's a lot of density Rossen: The two primary questions that I took away from the discussion and overview are <Rossen> Why/who really needs this? <Rossen> Is CSSColorValue of Color object the right way for exposure? Rossen: Challenge by pal, do we really need this? Rossen: that's one we can cover quickly Rossen: other one is, if we can walk away from this discussion with defining if CSS Color Value or Color Object is the right way to move forward Rossen: details can be worked through in GH issues TabAtkins: Earlier I was a pretty big proponent of doing this all in CSS Typed OM space TabAtkins: after more thought and seeing this proposal TabAtkins: I am convinced that, while we have some open issues that I think those are solvable TabAtkins: I think this would present a substantially more usable API TabAtkins: than trying to do it all within TypedOM TabAtkins: And as Lea said, it means we don't have to contort TypedOM to fit these other use cases TabAtkins: I've done a bunch of work with color, would have loved to have an API like this. Rossen: One question, does this render CSS Color Value out of the conversation? TabAtkins: We still need to represent color values in CSS via TypedOM TabAtkins: there's just less pressure to do convenience methods in TypedOM TabAtkins: Some things like converting between functions might still do, but don't have to worry about extensibility to author color spaces. Can leave that to Color API florian: To me the motivation for this makes complete sense florian: but if have both, will they step on each others toes? florian: There's other parts of platform also that consume colors, and we'll need to define what kind of colors they consume. Will it be one kind, both? Do we need conversion functions? florian: If every API consumes both and have conversion functions... should one be a library of the other? TabAtkins: What is the preferred shape for color-consuming functions is a key question TabAtkins: wrt conversions, already define how to create one from the other TabAtkins: but whether we end up preferring one for APIs like eyedropper or whatever TabAtkins: or say that APIs should handle both, is something need to still answer TabAtkins: make sure TAG is aware of this question TabAtkins: If we only do one, I suspect Color API is the one we want to do TabAtkins: but might want to accept both chris: Also point out that while we think of CSS as main consumer, there's also Canvas chris: which has some color spaces not in CSS <chris> sRGB-linear and rec2020-linear are the two I am thinking of here lea: Also .... lea: You can't always derive specific numbers for a CSS color, e.g. can have a calc() expression florian: Can it be resolved down to a single value? lea: What if you have a number that's viewport units divided by pixels? TabAtkins: and if you use 'em' it's element-specific context florian: So you'd need to throw if try to convert and it needs a context but doesn't have one plinss: Wrt API used in other places in the platform, don't have to solve here, can take to TAG plinss: My take is any input probably fine, but output must be Color API plinss: I'm glad to see both these APIs being developed plinss: What I really want is one object that really focuses on doing color right, and one object that does CSS right plinss: overlap, later plinss: I'm fine with one set of classes if it would be good fit for both uses, but I don't think this is the case plinss: ... plinss: color object should be underlying object for doing the work <smfr> my audio is broken, will type <smfr> first comment: <smfr> 1. Should color objects be immutable? <smfr> Much less ambiguity about what happens when live color objects change. <smfr> Maybe design the api initially with immutable colors. <smfr> Mutability brings lots of complexity. TabAtkins: what do you mean? lea: you get a reference to a color object, use it, and someone else changes it, what happens ??: might be useful actually ???: does it animate or what? <smfr> (lost the link) pal: meta question, a lot of this stuff sounds cool and fun, but I'd like to better understand the target applications and users pal: otherwise black hole chris: ... chris: Risk is we get shipping subsets that are useful only for this or that which is shipping pal: Question of mutable vs immutable, how can we answer the question without understanding the use cases? Rossen: So question is, is this behind the Color API itself or CSS Color Rossen: I think we have a pretty good answer Rossen: once this is answered then we can go after your question smfr: If color objects are long-lived and assign them to different things [audio cut] TabAtkins: API that vends a color, or ... hold a reference to that color TabAtkins: automatically changes the color used TabAtkins: we very specifically didn't do that for TypedOM TabAtkins: and I expect we would conclude the same here [smfr continues to have audio problems] Rossen: What I'm hearing is the Color object in the way that was proposed by Lea and Chris in that spec and explainer is the preferred path forward Rossen: Anyone objecting to that path forward? florian: Is the use case question about should we have this at all or about design? Rossen: ok let's take that resolution RESOLVED: Add Color API for representing color points, separate from CSSColorValue to represent CSS color values Rossen: Next question is do we actually need this pal: That's not my question. My question is who are the users? what are the use cases being targetted? florian: Do you question that there are any? Or concerned that if we don't understand the users, we can't do it right? pal: The latter pal: There's many color spaces pal: There's a complete zoo of this stuff, NxN issue chris: No, it's not pal: to convert from any space to any other space TabAtkins: That's what the interconnect space is for pal: [gives some complicated example] pal: How can you go through a connecter space? pal: Like REC709 are defined from camera, so optical to electrical transfer function pal: but inverse is not defined, and depends on context, not just only math pal: all I'm asking is what are the use cases? pal: what are we trying to do? <chris> image referred vs scene referred is what Pierre is referring to here, I think <chris> There are some talks at the Color workshop about this by the way Rossen: one obvious use case is to have an actual object so we don't pass strings which are typeless and lose meaning from one object to the other Rossen: I hope we all agree that this is needed for user point of view and for perf pal: no question there Rossen: whether or not this object needs to cover all possible color spaces and their interaction, I think this is more of your line of questioning pal: wrt string vs object, definitely want an object pal: I think that sounds like a great idea Rossen: so remaining question is, do we have enough use cases that support having color spaces as an API functionality, what are these color spaces, where do we star/tend pal: you define the object pal: question is, do you define reference transformation pal: assume this object has a color space and coords pal: should the web platform define reference transforms between instances of this class associated with various color spaces, and what are they pal: until we've answered what use cases we're targetting will be hard to answer that question pal: easy to go crazy chris: that's why we made this library chris: if just talking about color metric conversion, can have single transform chris: as soon as ... e.g. hdr to sgr, then ... pal: I don't agree, in case of 709 there's not a singe inverse transfer function used today pal: so web could decide to just pick one. And actually that might really help the world. pal: but not something to do lightly pal: really need to understand retargetting lea: it's OK to restrict the scope at first lea: maybe we decide that some color spaces are out of scope for L1 lea: Some are already out of scope for current design, e.g. index colors pal: I really like the suggestion pal: maybe for first pass, just replicate everything in srgb pal: make sure everything works there TabAtkins: CSS is already past SRGB, so already need more pal: ok, then pick that pal: If we all agree to moving from string to object, then validate that and grow from there florian: need object we can do something with <chris> https://www.w3.org/Graphics/Color/Workshop/talks.html chris: In few seconds remaining, questions pal raised, many will be covered in the color workshop ^ <TabAtkins> It sounds like the hard part of Pierre's question is around more exotic spaces anyway, which are *not* going to be supported as built-ins; they could just be added as author-defined ones, where these choices presumably can be made by the author, right? Rossen: proposed path forward of scoping what we can do here Rossen: scoping to CSS is valid path forward, start from there Rossen: where is this work going to happen? chris: currently in private repo... Rossen: ok, open in WICG pal: I think if the goal is to include video and image applications pal: WICG isn't the right place, won't get the right people pal: any color cg or whatever would be good lea: what about a task force? [smfr departs] TabAtkins: Point of WICG is to gather the people you need before you choose a venue pal: But WICG is way too high bandwidth TabAtkins: you don't subscribe to everything, you subscribe to the specific repo lea: We don't need all video people, just a few pal: Happy to point ppl to the repo, but they'll also want to discuss it pal: some issues best discussed live <chris> color cg had a lot of good discussion on related topics already florian: Point of WICG is to be a place for "I haven't created a group yet" chris: ... already has the right people chris: but can't do spec work Rossen: so let's pursue WICG and if it doesn't work, can transition out of there fantasai: Seems like we wanna start with at least covering all the CSS and Canvas color spaces fantasai: So we can resolve on that at least fantasai: Even without drafting up a more extensive use-cases doc fantasai: and then maybe chris, lea, pierre can draft up the explanation of use-cases that pierre is looking for Rossen: Perfect, TAG loves to see use-cases right at front fantasai: So take a resolution? Rossen: objections? RESOLVED: Color API should handle all the color spaces currently specced for the web platform. fantasai: On process, when do you spin out of WICG? Rossen: when we have impl interest fantasai: We often have the case that things spin up in WICG and never spin out florian: Implementer isn't strictly required, just need a community that is happy to charter the work, however you manage to get that. Implementer interest certainly helps with that, but it's not a formal condition. Meeting closed.
Received on Monday, 26 July 2021 21:55:47 UTC