- From: Dael Jackson <daelcss@gmail.com>
- Date: Wed, 15 Jan 2020 19:32:45 -0500
- To: www-style@w3.org
========================================= These are the official CSSWG minutes. Unless you're correcting the minutes, Please respond by starting a new thread with an appropriate subject line. ========================================= F2F Agenda ---------- - Any items for the F2F agenda need to be added soon so that people can review and come prepared. - The Summer F2F timing will be added to the agenda. Media Queries ------------- - RESOLVED: Remove hyphen from rec2020/rec-2020 in all contexts; everything else (P3/display-P3) stays as is (Issue #4535: color-gamut Keywords) CSS Pseudo Elements ------------------- - RESOLVED: Whatever highlight being applied uses colors from before even if came from pseudo element like ::first-letter/::first-line (Issue #4625: Original color of highlight pseudo inside ::first-letter/::first-line) - Adding an inactive-selection media query wouldn't solve the original use case for ::inactive-selection/::active-selection (Issue #4579), though there may still be use cases for the media query. fantasai will revisit having a selector on the element as well as the other proposals within github to see what works better for the use cases. CSS Sizing ---------- - The group was leaning toward adding a contain-intrinsic-size property to address issue #4531 (intrinsic-size lost the thread), but wasn't quite ready to resolve. TabAtkins will write up proposed spec text and dbaron will add some past examples to the issue. - This will be added to the F2F agenda for resolution. - RESOLVED: Specify Firefox's behavior [Give max-content contribution of replaced only-aspect-ratio elements ICB width and then ratio height] (Issue #4218: max-content contribution of replaced only-ar elements might be improvable) CSSOM ----- - The group agreed that on Issue #4444 (Table row resolved width and height) there needed to have round trip for block axis. Once there is spec text the group will review and resolve. CSS Text Decor -------------- - RESOLVED: Add an 'always' value to 'text-decoration-skip-ink' (Issue #4277: Consider adding an `all` value to `text-decoration-skip-ink`) CSS UI ------ - For issue #3728 (Should mention the possibility to ignore custom cursors that go outside of the viewport) Firefox has been invalidating images that are too large for a custom cursor. Chrome will add its approach to the issue so the group can decide if the spec should change. ===== FULL MINUTES BELOW ====== Agenda: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/2020Jan/0004.html Present: Rachel Andrew Rossen Atanassov Tab Atkins David Baron Christian Biesinger Oriol Brufau Tantek Çelik Emilio Cobos Álvarez Dave Cramer Elika Etemad Simon Fraser Chris Harrelson Dael Jackson Brian Kardell Brad Kemper Chris Lilley Myles Maxfield Anton Prowse Manuel Rego Casasnovas Florian Rivoal Devin Rousso Jen Simmons Regrets: Ravikiran Ramachandra François Remy Christopher Schmitt Lea Verou Scribe: dael F2F Agenda ========== astearns: Does anybody have any changes for the agenda? There's one we'll postpone that's far down on the list astearns: Anything other than that? fantasai: Scheduling? rachelandrew has been asking us for a lot of months to lock down summer dates astearns: I don't think we can get to it on the call. We're waiting on Google people to confirm dates. Let's make sure we get to it at F2F next week astearns: F2F is next week, we could use more agenda items. Please add them as soon as you can so people can be prepared at the meeting Media Queries ============= color-gamut Keywords -------------------- github: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/4535 astearns: chris you commented last chris: I'm of the opinion this is shipped in 2 browsers so large change cost. If we designed now more generic names would be better but fact is Apple and others have shipped P3-gamut. chris: We discussed hyphenation and got consensus on that and I don't want to rename them back. We went to display-P3 and then we'd have to rename and it would become ambiguous again. TabAtkins has a different opinion that they mean the same thing. I don't think they do mean the same TabAtkins: I said they are approximately the same. They're close to meaning same. Especially in rec2020 where one has a hyphen and one does not is extremely bad. p3 and display-p3 are different words. TabAtkins: Still of opinion we should be consistent. We shouldn't change color gamut so we should revert color function keywords because else wise people will ask why are they different florian: I would argue they mean the same. If you understand MQ to ask if gamut is supported by screen with this approximately as large as this color space then it's yes. If screen isn't an exact match it's okay. You're not asking about color space specifically chris: No one suggests re-naming display-P3 to P3? TabAtkins: I'm possibly in that realm. I would like rec2020 to be consistently hyphen-less. P3 and display-P3 sound different. Hyphen difference shouldn't be florian: I would align P3 to the one used in MQ. chris: Remember Apple wanted display-P3. When we reverted to what they wanted and what everyone talks about that's the name TabAtkins: That's why I'm okay with display-P3. A subset of name in color gamut is okay. P3 means approximately any of these. florian: I don't think I would object to different P3. But your question was anyone suggesting we merge and I suggest we do. Won't object to don't TabAtkins: Revert rec2020 in color to be hyphen-less and leave p3/display-p3 alone? chris: Okay with that.... <fantasai> I would strongly object to having the only difference be the presence of hyphens florian: Maybe hear from Apple? smfr: Apple prefer to keep astearns: Proposal: Remove Hyphen from rec2020? astearns: Objections? RESOLVED: Remove hyphen from rec2020 in all context; everything else stays as is CSS Pseudo Elements =================== Original color of highlight pseudo inside ::first-letter/::first-line --------------------------------------------------------------------- github: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/4625 fantasai: Currently specified if author specifies background color and no color we use color of originating element fantasai: With ::first-letter/::first-line it will cause it to change color because look at paragraph. Would be weird for spelling or grammar error. fantasai: Do we make it look up ::first-letter/::first-line color or is that difficult? TabAtkins: While I'm inclined to think it's complicated but heycam thought it was fine so sure. I think it's reasonable astearns: Other impl feedback? astearns: Prop? fantasai: Use the color of the text prior to applying the highlight fantasai: Whatever highlight being applied uses colors from before even if came from pseudo element like ::first-letter/::first-line astearns: Any other pseudo elements effected? fantasai: Not sure, possible ::before or ::after fantasai: Point is make it clear if there's a pseudo element changing the color we use that color not the document element astearns: Objections? RESOLVED: Whatever highlight being applied uses colors from before even if came from pseudo element like ::first-letter/::first-line fantasai: One note is currentColor keyword we'll have to make it resolve to a value for purpose of gCS. Will need to represent multiple colors florian: Why? fantasai: If you have a selection...we attach selections to an element not ::first-letter/::first-line. Could change the model florian: I see fantasai: That's going to be interesting florian: Yeah. For ::before/::after it's not a problem, but weird for ::first-letter/::first-line fantasai: I'll try and spec it out. It will be complicated tantek: Impact on implementations with change? fantasai: No one implements this right now. Would all have to change chrishtr: Backwards compat? fantasai: No one does this. It's difficult to implement I think. That's why I raised it chrishtr: Good to have things not difficult to implement fantasai: But good to have good behavior too. I can spec it TabAtkins: I had same feeling as you but heycam thought it most reasonable to do. Since he doesn't think impl overrides correct behavior I decided to trust him smfr: Is the resolution to accept heycam proposal? TabAtkins: Accept fantasai proposal astearns: heycam was agreeing this is right behavior to spec. We'll try and spec and get implementation experience to say if it's reasonable. We can back out if too complicated to implement tantek: I was reviewing GH and saw fantasai question what to do. I didn't see the proposal. fantasai: I need to write a proposal. Not worth it if no one wants to do it. tantek: Looks like heycam had a proposal. fantasai: There's two possibilities at a high level and heycam said this one. tantek: That's what we resolved on? fantasai: Yes myles: Why is it hard to implement? fantasai: Highlight is attached to element in doc not ::firstline. So you can have a highlight span and have to look up different colors depending on if you're first line even if same element. You have to paint with different colors and have currentColor with presumably multiple colors. fantasai: I don't know how machinery will work; per-element ::selection needs substantial changes to make it work. We'll have to see what happens and how implementations shake out myles: My intuition is this wouldn't be difficult to implement. In MacOS we draw highlight per element so it's just an if for us. iOS is different. I don't think would be hard fantasai: Okay florian: Clarification we resolved on high level principle and fantasai you're going to worry about how to do currentColor later. fantasai: Yep astearns: Next step if fantasai spec this out. Anyone with enough concern that it's a waste of time for her to work on this? astearns: Then we'll let resolution stand ::selection vs ::inactive-selection ----------------------------------- github: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/4579 fantasai: Started discussing last week, came up with...discussion was why not have a MQ instead of two pseudos. Then we ran out of time. fantasai: Do we want to go in that direction and drop ::inactive-selection from spec and add a MQ to MQ5? astearns: Use case for inactive MQ outside of selection? fantasai: Probably. There's some JS methods that allow you to detect that <fantasai> https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/4579#issuecomment-572188785 astearns: Main difference is instead of having to fully spec both styling you can do all your selection styling and have an inactive override which might reduce duplication fantasai: We have to do that anyway because selection is when window is inactive. Whatever way we take it needs to apply. 3 ways to do it, 2 are in the issue and 3rd is do in a MQ where you can do inactive anything AmeliaBR: Selection styles always apply active or not is what we have. Doesn't match browser styles. I like MQ idea and have benefit of being able to do things like pause animations and transitions which is more consistent with request animation frame transitions smfr: Need to be a little careful with window activation. An iframe without focus is inactive color. It's focus state of document maybe. smfr: Wondering case about inactive selection with the same document as active selection. There may be scenarios like that AmeliaBR: Interesting. Then inconsistent with page visibility APIs concept of active/inactive. Useful to have specific examples of which browsers and OS conventions do have those distinguishments between this selection is preserved but not currently active and the cases where that can happen astearns: I'd want to make sure the MQ had as much of same behavior as page visibility API. Doesn't seem like should be a difference if we can manage it fantasai: Then it's not same as ::inactive-selection. When you have ::inactive-selection and ::active-selection in the same page we need the pseudo. fantasai: Other idea taken up during previous call was a selector on the element that says hey this element is focused so make selection this color. Some word that represents being selectable in an active way. Don't know if it would work AmeliaBR: That would cover case of text area preserving selection even when text area doesn't have focus. A pseudo class on text area and then selection style with regular selection element? fantasai: Yeah, I think so. but then...I don't know...need to think about cascading fantasai: That's good points, we should move to another issue. We won't solve now. astearns: I'm still interested to see if an inactive MQ would be useful, but may be out of scope for this problem astearns: Let's continue in GH and maybe on agenda for next week CSS Sizing ========== intrinsic-size lost the thread ------------------------------- github: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/4531 myles: Can we rename the github issue to something that makes more sense? TabAtkins: If you can think of something, sure. TabAtkins: Last month we talked about this and asked for any additional use cases beyond the major one that caused this issue and the minor cases we came up with after. Since then no one has commented. TabAtkins: Suggests it's not important enough to think about over holiday at least TabAtkins: Given there's no additional suggestions our current proposal is revert back to a property with a default size for a contain:size element. Proposed name is content-placeholder-size. Happy to bikeshed. Makes it clear that it's a special case. TabAtkins: Objections or additional ideas on use cases with expanded form of content size please say so. <dbaron> (it wasn't minuted, but I did say above that I wasn't aware of https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/4585 until it was mentioned today) fantasai: I think if specific to contain it should be prefixed with contain. TabAtkins: contain-placeholder is fine myles: Placeholder a term of art for inputs? fantasai: It's used for placeholder in inputs. I'm hesitant to use the word TabAtkins: Where is placeholder in css? <fantasai> ::placeholder and :placeholder-shown dbaron: pseudo element and pseudo class TabAtkins: Yeah, forgot about that one fantasai: contain-size unless you've got a good word in the middle astearns: contain-initial-size TabAtkins: initial or default seems reasonable fantasai: If it's a flex item stretched it won't size to that size. contain-content-size maybe. Initial may not make sense fantasai: I would prefer a word that clarifies in the middle TabAtkins: contain-size sure astearns: Issues with contain-size? astearns: Proposal: Change the current contain:size to contain-size as its own property chrishtr: It's a parameter to contain:size <rego> "contain: size" and "contain-size" chrishtr: contain-size is a parameter to contain:size that indicates non-zero cbiesinger: Rename intrinsic-size to contain-size chrishtr: If contain:size is on an element we look to see if contain-size is set and then set placeholder sizing TabAtkins: Contain-size is none or lengths fantasai: contain-intrinsic-size? astearns: Proposal: Add contain-intrinsic-size property with an initial value of 0 that takes a pair of length cbiesinger: Rename intrinsic-size to contain-intrinsic-size chrishtr: And conditioned on contain:size being present astearns: Proposal: Have a contain-intrinsic-size property dbaron: I missed the request for examples. I'd like to try and do that next week and get examples in the past fantasai: Let's say if we do in this direction we'll do this and waiting on dbaron examples florian: We mentioned initial value. For contain-size it's 0 for non-replaces which isn't always 0. Does initial value = 0 and adds size or is it auto? TabAtkins: Initial value of none. If you specify a size it'll intercept florian: Initial size of 0 it replaces? TabAtkins: Yeah astearns: TabAtkins can you commit to speccing this out so we can have all the details and dbaron examples and see if it fits? TabAtkins: Yes fantasai: TabAtkins maybe spec both and we'll delete the one we don't select astearns: Let's get proposal and examples together and we'll look next week max-content contribution of replaced only-ar elements might be improvable -------------------------------------------------------------- github: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/4218 fantasai: We triaged this last week. Case is we have some box which says I want width max-content fantasai: Something inside it intrinsically sized with an aspect ratio and no size info fantasai: No interop. Chrome is 0x0 as max content. Spec says use 300px width and ratio for height. Resolvable but arbitrary. Firefox uses initial containing block. That seems useful. We suggest spec Firefox behavior. astearns: Concerns? astearns: Objections to Specify Firefox's behavior? RESOLVED: Specify Firefox's behavior CSSOM ===== Table row resolved width and height ----------------------------------- github: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/4444 emilio: Height doesn't apply to table rows depending on writing modes. There was interop issue found by jquery folks. A bunch of discussion on the issue. emilio: Various options. Nice to get an agreement. emilio: Webkit and Chrome behavior doesn't roundtrip. I propose to return computed value which is what we do for other elements that don't support height. People argued against that TabAtkins: I'll proxy Alex and say Firefox is correct and roundtrip should work. Let's roll. astearns: Reading thread. What needs to be done to roundtrip height? emilio: Using the computed value works. FF does give a resolved value it just roundtrips so not what I proposed. emilio: Edge used to report auto emilio: And the computed value emilio: Computed value of auto Firefox gets a roundtrip height and Blink doesn't make sense. Edge returned computed value which is consistent with inlines astearns: Proposal: Return the computed value of height for table rows emilio: When it doesn't apply which is not always. Depends on writing mode emilio: I think that makes most sense. Alex argued for Firefox behavior. There are other comments from fremy and oriol saying computed value may not be most useful emilio: A bunch of use cases for this fantasai: Seems there are two discussions. One is which property applies and therefore has meaningful value. And which is in height axis of table. Then should property of block axis return auto or used value. fantasai: Mapping question should be switching based on writing mode of table. In terms of if we return used value or auto I don't have option other than it should round trip fantasai: Means block axis on row needs to return. Can't default to auto. Inline axis doesn't matter emilio: Used to have stronger opinion but I'm happy to keep discussing and figure out best compromise. If people don't have strong opinion astearns: Leave that intent is to have round trip for block axis and leave it at that until we have actual text? emilio: Fair. astearns: Concerns with having round trip value for block axis of table rows? astearns: Let's work in issue. CSS Text Decor ============== Consider adding an `all` value to `text-decoration-skip-ink` ------------------------------------------------------------ github: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/4277 myles: Right now when you turn on text-decoration-skip-ink you can use auto which is skip everything except cjk. cjk letters usually lower on line and intersect too much with underline. That was a decision I made many years ago; looked at cjk and it was awful so made it not apply myles: Other value was none which is don't skip. myles: Now that there's a property to move underline it's reasonable for an author to want to place underline such that it doesn't intersect. Then having ink-skipping on cjk makes sense. Let's add a 3rd value that does it on everything, even cjk. Makes total sense to me <fantasai> I agree with doing this, would suggest using always rather than all jensimmons: Makes sense to me to give authors rest of power to do what they want. They should have option to force it on even if default for script is off florian: Makes sense to me astearns: fantasai prefers always instead of all? Any other opinion? astearns: Proposal: Add an always value to text-decoration-skip-ink astearns: Objections? RESOLVED: Add an 'always' value to 'text-decoration-skip-ink' CSS UI ====== Should mention the possibility to ignore custom cursors that go outside of the viewport --------------------------------------------------------------- github: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/3728 florian: Can specify an image as cursor. If image is too large browsers expected to shrink florian: Recently Chrome and FF figured out security concern and they wanted to reject instead of shrink. I know they've tried things, reject or crop. I believe what they do is not what spec says. Maybe need to change spec to allow. Maybe experiment points to a right thing. florian: I would like people experimenting to report their findings after doing it for a few months emilio: In FF we fallback to next image or to default. We treat as invalid. You can't shrink b/c you can set a hotpoint and then need to shrink that too. I think Chrome did the same emilio: I could be wrong on Chrome astearns: Anyone know who looked at this on Chrome? chrishtr: Need to follow up florian: I'd appreciate follow up. astearns: Let's see if we can get information on Chrome and continue discussion then astearns: I'm told it's florian birthday so happy birthday <rego> happy birthday florian 🎉 everyone: happy birthday <florian> thank you all! astearns: Safe travels everyone, talk to you then
Received on Thursday, 16 January 2020 00:33:25 UTC