[CSSWG] Minutes A Coruña F2F 2020-01-23 Part V: CSSOM View, CSS Motion, CSS Fonts [cssom-view] [css-motion] [css-fonts]

  These are the official CSSWG minutes.
  Unless you're correcting the minutes,
 Please respond by starting a new thread
   with an appropriate subject line.


  - RESOLVED: Over the border area, doesn't scroll the content area
              (Issue #4680: How does scrolling relate to mouseWheel
              event propagation?)
  - RESOLVED: The scroll behavior propagates through the containing
              block chain (Issue #4680)
  - RESOLVED: Add these rules [above resolutions] to cssom-view, add
              smfr as editor (Issue #4680)
  - Note: None of these resolutions affect DOM event propagation.

CSS Motion

  - RESOLVED: Make an optional keyword with just the two values, and
              default to even-odd or "lookup depending on context"
              (Issue #3468)
  - RESOLVED: All of the offset-path values allow a coordinate box,
              treated the same as today's basic shape (FXTF Issue
              #369: Definition of containing-box for ray())
  - RESOLVED: Move Shane to former editors, add TabAtkins as a current

CSS Fonts (Continued)

  - TabAtkins introduced the re-write of the 'optional' keyword for
      font-display (Issue #4108: font-display: optional without
      relayout). The goal for the re-write was to clarify spec text to
      the end behavior is "make the user's experience smooth even if
      they don't get pretty fonts".
  - The new definition would prevent jank, but it allows
      implementations to pause first load in order to try and get
      resources. Since WebKit prioritizes first load, this would lead
      to authors never getting their fonts when using 'optional'.
      Several people believed this would lead to the keyword never
      being used.
  - Time ran out before consensus could be reached so discussion will
      continue on GitHub.


Agenda: https://wiki.csswg.org/planning/galicia-2020

Scribe: fantasai
Scribe's Scribe: heycam


How does scrolling relate to mouseWheel event propagation?
  github: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/4680

  smfr: Running into some issues with how nesting scrolling works, and
        differences between browsers
  [display fragments into weird pieces]
  smfr: Example showing when the events are received
  <bkardell> https://codepen.io/smfr/pen/RwNvVPj
  <smfr> https://codepen.io/smfr/full/rQZqxo
  smfr: First question is, if your pointer is over the border of the
  smfr: and you initiate scrolling
  smfr: do you scroll that element's overflow region?
  smfr: In WebKit, yes
  smfr: In Firefox, answer is yes
  smfr: In Chrome, answer is no
  smfr: My pointer over the border of the element, I scroll the main
        page in Chrome
  smfr: Difference #1

  smfr: Other interesting thing about Chrome, notice the element is
        still receiving wheel events
  smfr: even though I'm not scrolling it
  smfr: so disconnect between when an element receives scroll events
        and when it actually gets scrolled
  smfr: I think it's reasonable that browsers may have assumed that
        users only want to scroll when the mouse is actually in the

  <bkardell> what about :hover - does it work on the border?
  <fantasai> bkardell, yes

  smfr: Things also get interesting when you start nesting scrollers
  smfr: Now, same thing, parent scroller here-
  smfr: it has two descendant elements, but those elements are
        absolutely-positioned, and the scroller is not their
        containing block
  smfr: When I scroll the left abspos, it's a DOM descendant of the
        big scroller, and the big scroller receives wheel events
        because of DOM propagation
  smfr: but when I reach the end of the little scroller, the big
        scroller does not scroll
  smfr: in WebKit and Chrome
  smfr: but in Firefox, the big scroller scrolls after I reach the end
        of the little scroller
  dbaron: That seems wrong to me
  dbaron: I would expect it to scroll the ancestor only if ...

  smfr: Seems that scroll propagation should follow containing block
  dbaron: I'm not sure
  dbaron: If you have something with overflow: scroll
  dbaron: I'll invent the term "containing block child", to describe
          it more as a tree for this discussion
  dbaron: An element with overflow:scroll might have containing block
          children that move when it scrolls, and containing block
          children that don't move when it scrolls?
  dbaron: or do they all move when it scrolls?
  smfr: I think they all move when it scrolls
  fantasai: I think that's true since I don't know how you'd fix the
            viewport to any scroll port other than that element's
  dbaron: Concerned about sticky
  dbaron: or abspos
  dbaron: Maybe containing-block-ness is right

  dbaron: I would expect scrolling to propagate the scrolling up to
          the next thing that would cause the thing where your mouse
          is to move
  smfr: I think that makes sense
  dbaron: This might be something Mats has an opinion about
  emilio: Following regular box order is more similar to what the
          events do
  smfr: Problem with that is that it's easy to construct content where
        you might mask scroll ... end up scrolling something unrelated
        on the page just because it happens to be in the DOM parentage
  dbaron: With DOM events you also have the ability to look at what
          the event target is

  fantasai: Do we want to resolve the question about borders first?
            Seems simper.
  smfr: Which do people prefer?
  dbaron: I was surprised when you showed me what Firefox does
  heycam: The border should move if I'm hovering over it and try to
  iank: I think that's why we have this behavior
  AmeliaBR: From the DOM perspective, seems reasonable that event
            going to element should cause it to scroll
  AmeliaBR: Maybe from user perspective preferred behavior is different
  AmeliaBR: But if doing it that way, maybe give script some
            affordances to figure out what's happening
  AmeliaBR: because right now would have to evaluate the coords
            against layout and stuff
  AmeliaBR: I think it's weird to have the default behavior that we
            cannot recreate with script, if you want to do something
            else in response to wheel events
  iank: Subtracting borders from the rectangle, lots of libraries for
        these types of calculations
  fantasai: I don't think it's that weird from a user perspective for
            it to scroll
  fantasai: For a similar reason, if hovering over the scrollbar, it
  fantasai: the scrollbar doesn't move
  fantasai: The thumb does but the scrollbar itself doesn't
  fantasai: I'm not convinced from a user perspective it's that
            terrible for the element's contents to scroll when hovered
            over the border
  smfr: If you were interacting through touch rather than pointer
        would you have the same opinion
  smfr: with touch users have an expectation that the thing under the
        finger moves
  smfr: I think it's less obvious then that you want to scroll the
        content rather than everything else
  fantasai: It's less obvious, but unless the border was absolutely
            huge, I probably wouldn't be surprised or notice

  astearns: Not hearing much consensus
  smfr: I would prefer you only scroll over the scrollable part of the
        content, within the padding box
  astearns: I think it's a little weird to scroll when your cursor is
            over the right border, which is outside the scrollbar
            itself, but top / left / bottom seems fine to me. So I'm
  iank: From our perspective, I don't have full back story, but I'm
        guessing that someone did this for a good reason at some point
  smfr: I think you inherited it from WebKit
  iank: We've changed a lot of stuff in this area
  astearns: Thought webkit does scroll over the border area and Blink
            does not
  iank: Right, I expect somebody intentionally made the change
  smfr: Not sure we need to resolve now, but one thing I would like
        maybe to resolve on is that there isn't a simple relationship
        between an element receiving a wheel event and scrolling
        happening in that element
  smfr: both because of the border issue and also the containing block
  astearns: We could resolve on that, but then without the
            particulars, not sure what use that resolution is
  smfr: Maybe that's not something to resolve on, but something to use
        as basis for future discussions

  iank: Sounded like smfr you preferred our behavior?
  iank: Sounded like dbaron and heycam, you also did?
  heycam: I think so. I don't feel super strongly about it
  astearns: OK, then let's try to resolve that when the cursor is over
            the border area, mousewheel events will not scroll the
            content area. Anyone object?
  fantasai: I don't feel strongly about it

  RESOLVED: Over the border area, doesn't scroll the content area

  astearns: Second part
  astearns: has the border case and also the content area case
  iank: ...
  smfr: I've seen some odd behaviors where sometimes scrolling over
        the border of an abspos child causes its parent that's not in
        the containing block chain to scroll....
  bkardell: Should any child, if you're on the border, you're
            technically inside
  bkardell: You're on the border, does it scroll the parent?

  iank: I can try and rationalize what potentially happens
  iank: Wheel events get delivered even when the element isn't
        scrolling, to the element directly under the pointer, and they
        bubble up
  iank: You can create applications which don't necessarily scroll,
        but they do intercept wheel events
  iank: Following that logic, makes sense to still deliver wheel
        events on the border box
  smfr: I think so
  smfr: Nothing I've said is about propagating wheel events. They
        should follow normal DOM propagation and hit-testing rules
  iank: So your concern is mainly around abspos
  smfr: My concern was that when user interaction with mouse wheel
        events triggers scrolling, disassociated with DOM wheel
        events, and different between browsers
  smfr: Would like it to be more specified
  smfr: User interface aspect of when/how scrolls propagate, somewhat
        independent of event propagation
  iank: So concern is where the actual scroll propagates to and when
  smfr: I think there's nothing to change about how wheel events
        change, nothing to do there.

  astearns: So proposed resolution would be that actual scrolling
            behavior only propagates through the DOM tree if the
            pointer is over the content area of the scroller, is that
  <AmeliaBR> astearns version makes the most sense to me. The event
             propagates, but the scroll container checks the mouse
             position before actually scrolling or propagating further.
  smfr: I think it has to be described in terms of containing block
  smfr: Assuming dbaron considers gecko behavior a bug, with ... once
        you reach the end of the ...
  smfr: One thing that does not happen, you don't do a deep hit test,
        and find some ancestor because it happens to be under the
        mouse cursor, but covered by something else
  smfr: You find the most descendant scroller, then ancestors scroll
        depending on whether in the ancestor containing block chain
  smfr: For example, my testcase has the righthand element, which is
        not scrollable
  smfr: If my mouse is over this half of it, scrolling will scroll the
  <AmeliaBR> But what happens if the element that gets the event
             *isn't* a decedent of the scroller that is behind it…
  smfr: webkit has bugs because some parts uses containing block
        chain, and some parts uses DOM ancestry, and when they don't
        match you get bugs

  astearns: Summarize proposed resolution?
  smfr: Scroll propagation between nested overflow: scroll propagates
        through containing block chain
  <fantasai> https://www.w3.org/TR/css-display-3/#containing-block-chain
  iank: Potential nasties
  iank: Scrolling the left box, and cursor for brief amount of time is
        over the big scroller
  iank: and we currently don't scroll that, if that makes sense
  smfr: Talking about latching, decide which element is scrolling at
        the beginning
  smfr: Not scrolling other things even though mouse has moved
  smfr: Next gesture, choose the thing to scroll again
  iank: Right
  smfr: So that's another thing that's completely unspecified, and
        maybe there should be some words in the spec about it
  astearns: So proposed resolution is that scroll behavior propagates
            through the containing block chain
  iank: I think that's fine, I think that's what our current impl does
  astearns: Concerns from other implementers?
  astearns: Alright, now objections? Anyone want to object?

  RESOLVED: Scroll behavior propagates through the containing block

  ACTION smfr File open issue against latching behavior
  -> https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/4696

  smfr: Does this go into cssom-view or what?
  heycam: Seems like most relevant spec
  emilio: Maybe css-overflow?
  fantasai: overflow doesn't do anything with events. cssom view has
            some scrolling stuff, some scroll apis
  fantasai: don't know what extent it really fits in with either, but
            would go with CSSOM since it's talking about DOM stuff
  astearns: OK, we'll put in cssom-view. Which doesn't have an editor.
  astearns: smfr can I add you as editor?

  RESOLVED: Add these rules to cssom-view, add smfr as editor

  heycam: Another question, which element's pointer-events values do
          we look at to decide if it's going to scroll or not?
  heycam: especially wrt looking at ancestors to see what to scroll
  smfr: I think we evaluate pointer-events when we do the hit testing,
        so only when finding the element to scroll
  smfr: unsure about abspos and stuff
  astearns: Good question, maybe open an issue?
  * heycam nods
  astearns: Anything more on scrolling today?
  smfr: That's all I have
  astearns: Thanks for calling in
  astearns: Let's go through Motion issues, because we have Amelia on
            the line

CSS Motion
  Scribe: myles

Decide on final approach for merging all uses of shapes
  github: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/3468

  AmeliaBR: For the various properties that use shape(), some only
            care about the outline of the shape. Others care about the
            actual fill area of the shape
  AmeliaBR: So for motion-path, you only care about the outline, but
            for clip-path, you care about which parts are inside and
            outside. This is an issue when you have polygons or paths
            with criss-crossing lines and inside/outside isn't so clear
  AmeliaBR: Enter fill-rule. even-odd and nonzero.
  AmeliaBR: It was originally defined as polygon(keyword, ...)
  AmeliaBR: path() was defined in motion-path, and didn't include the
  AmeliaBR: Things get complicated with <path> because this had 2
            separate properties for the fill rule. Filling vs what's
            the effect when it's in a clip-path.
  AmeliaBR: How do we deal with this conflict between having a keyword
            as part of the shape function vs having a separate
            property which doesn't make sense for <clipPath>?

  AmeliaBR: I came up with a couple options. The one that seemed to
            have people most support is that the keyword within the
            shape function includes "auto" as the default, and the
            default would look up the other SVG properties. But if you
            set the value otherwise, it would override the old SVG
            properties and we maybe eventually deprecate the SVG
  AmeliaBR: If you specify a fill-rule keyword in motion-path, it's
            ignored, but that's not a problem. The only place where
            it's a problem with <shape> where it gets filled. We're
            specifying where if you set a fill rule in the function,
            it overrules the fill-rule property.
  AmeliaBR: The default behavior is defined in all other cases to
            match the current behavior.

  heycam: I like that. I'm not sure we need an explicit "auto" as
          opposed to just its absence.
  TabAtkins: We do, for ... some case. There is a case related to
  TabAtkins: If path() takes a keyword, where the winding rule is
             determined by context, you need to be able to say "go
             grab from the other property explicitly"
  heycam: This is a component of one value, and it's optional, can we
          just use its optionality?
  <fantasai> +1 to heycam
  AmeliaBR: So the auto behavior is the "no keyword specified" behavior
  TabAtkins: That would work. It just runs into my dislike of having
             omitted values being unwritable
  heycam: There are a lot of properties that have optional keywords
  fantasai: <lists them>
  TabAtkins: Most of them are booleans, but when more than one value -
             I get tetchy
  TabAtkins: I won't fight it
  AmeliaBR: The benefit of heycam's approach is that shipping for
            shapes in clip-path and shape-outside, we don't need to
            change anything, because the change would only come in
            paths where the author behavior is different from the
            current default behavior

  heycam: Are there other elements other than <path> where we might
          want to have a default value that's not "go and look at the
          fill-rule property"?
  AmeliaBR: All the other cases the default value will be to just use
            one of the existing keywords.
  TabAtkins: even-odd is the default
  heycam: There's no value in adding an explicit auto keyword to say
          "look at the fill-rule property" for these other cases?
  TabAtkins: Those other cases don't have a property.
  AmeliaBR: It wouldn't make sense to have a div with both a clip-path
            and a shape-outside and also set a fill-rule in another
            property. That would be confusing
  TabAtkins: There's only the two things that have the information
             defined by another property, and there isn't a use case
             to have arbitrary things rely on those two, it's just due
             to SVG's existing behavior to rely on those two
  TabAtkins: and that's it.

  astearns: The proposed resolution is to make this an optional
            keyword with just the two values, and default to even-odd
            or lookup depending on context
  AmeliaBR: Within the context of it then, not specifying the keyword
            would the the SVG legacy behavior. Specifying the keyword
            behavior would mean "ignore the fill-rule and clip-rule
            properties and use this value"
  astearns: Any objections?

  RESOLVED: Make an optional keyword with just the two values, and
            default to even-odd or "lookup depending on context"

Definition of containing-box for ray()
  github: https://github.com/w3c/fxtf-drafts/issues/369

  TabAtkins: There's not actually a definition of what containing box
             to use for ray(). It just says "the containing box" and
             that's not a term. It doesn't mean any thing. So what's
             the box? So we know how long the ray is. Where the 100%
             point is. There's a few possibilities
  TabAtkins: We could just choose one. Maybe the containing block of
             the abspos. Or we can alter the grammar of the property a
             bit to have its containing box specified like how shape()
  TabAtkins: If we did so, we would be referring to the box of the
             parent element, not the box of the element being
  chris: I prefer the second one
  TabAtkins: Me too

  AmeliaBR: Would this also affect other ways of defining the path? So
            the path shape would also be repositioned to be relative
            to the containing block instead of relative to the initial
            position of the element that you're actually moving?
  TabAtkins: Yes. That's what ewilligers is suggesting. URLs, rays,
             and paths also gain the ability to have an optional box
  AmeliaBR: Is this a breaking change?
  TabAtkins: Shapes already have this, that's part of the grammar. For
             paths, we can choose the default appropriately so paths
             don't change behavior. Whatever value that is, ray()
             should work the same way. IDR which value that is.
  AmeliaBR: How does that apply to SVG if we're going up to the parent
  AmeliaBR: Are we going to the literal parent element like <g>? Or
            relative to the view box?

  heycam: Does this come back to the previous discussion about the box
          keyword that we moved into a different spec?
  TabAtkins: We've already altered this spec for using the box keyword
  heycam: So that should define how this works for SVG
  AmeliaBR: It might not be the most intuitive if the parent is <g>
            then the fill-box of that group might be a bit weird. But
            if we define it early before there's too much content
            using these properties ...
  heycam: Was ray() added for rounded display?
  TabAtkins: Yes
  heycam: If we have control over what box, then that satisfies that
          use case?
  TabAtkins: I believe so.

  astearns: Do we have a way forward here?
  heycam: It feels slightly overkill having these keywords everywhere,
          but it's okay.
  TabAtkins: My own objection to that is that they're all the same,
             shapes and paths and rays are all the same. I would like
             CSS to do it consistently right from the start
  heycam: If you can specify the box in some, then it should be all...
  <fantasai> +1
  TabAtkins: Yeah.
  astearns: Proposed resolution: All of the offset-path values allow a
            coordinate box, treated the same as today's basic shape (
            which I know is under-defined)
  astearns: It is well-defined, it's just in a weird part of the spec,
            I will fix

  RESOLVED: All of the offset-path values allow a coordinate box,
            treated the same as today's basic shape

  TabAtkins: shane is no longer part of CSSWG, can I replace him as an
  astearns: Will you actually be able to spend time on it?
  TabAtkins: I'd like to fix it up. I can spend more than 0 time.
  astearns: okay

  RESOLVED: Move Shane to former editors, add TabAtkins as a current

CSS Fonts (Continued)
  Scribe: fantasai

font-display: optional without relayout
  github: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/4108

  TabAtkins: When I originally drafted the font-display values, the
             last one, optional, I intended to be as much as possible
             "make the user's experience smooth even if they don't get
             pretty fonts"
  TabAtkins: Wasn't super clear in the spec, and implementers came up
             with answers that don't satisfy that goal
  TabAtkins: Within first 100ms or less, still creates a layout jump
  TabAtkins: Jake was running into the same problem
  TabAtkins: wanted smooth page display without any layout jank, and
             wasn't getting it
  TabAtkins: I believe the current text addresses it, perhaps with an
             extra comment
  TabAtkins: Would like some discussion from y'all
  <TabAtkins> https://drafts.csswg.org/css-fonts-4/#valdef-font-face-font-display-optional

  TabAtkins: My text atm, if font can be loaded "immediately", can be
             used, otherwise ignore it
  TabAtkins: can't be used for the rest of the page's lifetime.
             Refresh page, can try again
  TabAtkins: Paired with some additional info
  TabAtkins: MUST NOT cause the layout of the page to jump
  TabAtkins: allowed to delay initial rendering if needed to load the
  TabAtkins: Specifically, we have some issues wrt how to do in
             Chrome, can put more detail in the spec
  TabAtkins: Anyone have comments on details?
  TabAtkins: If in memory cache for tab, use the font. Otherwise we go
             to disk, takes too long, skip it
  TabAtkins: Once loaded, may or may not be present for future
             navigation depending on cache state
  TabAtkins: Cannot depend on font ever being there
  TabAtkins: Want to make sure that all font pre-loads bring the font
             into the memcache
  TabAtkins: track which fonts are there
  TabAtkins: When preloaded font is optional, delay loading to give
             time to get off disk -- or extremely fast network
  TabAtkins: otherwise, don't delay
  TabAtkins: If you don't do anything special on your page, just say
             font is optional
  TabAtkins: Almost guaranteed to not have font on first page load
  TabAtkins: Chance of available on future page loads, but not
             guaranteed, e.g. if on device with small memory
  TabAtkins: If it's a preloaded font, then very likely to be load on
             future navigations because we will delay rendering to
             load into memory cache
  TabAtkins: because preloading is a hint that something is important
             enough to kick of load asap
  TabAtkins: That seems to satisfy the use cases for optional that we
             want to hit
  TabAtkins: allowing people to have completely jank-free
             font-optional experience
  TabAtkins: Try your best to use it, but prioritize no jank

  heycam: Not sure how much is normative vs heuristics
  heycam: but seems a bit weird to me that you have two different
          behaviors wrt disk cache
  heycam: Without preloaded fonts, disk cache is deemed too slow, but
          link rel=preload it's ok?
  TabAtkins: Not so much it's too slow, but don't want to incur cost
             of delaying rendering unless indication that it's
             important to you
  heycam: Is this because checking whether the font is in the disk
          cache is also slow? is it the checking, not the loading?
  TabAtkins: In our implementation, memcache check is fast enough to
             be synchronous, whereas disk cache is async, we kick off
             without loading
  heycam: Disk cache can be very fast when it's not too big
  TabAtkins: Definitely cool to keep things vague enough that UAs can
  TabAtkins: but want preload to cause delay
  heycam: Other thing I was going to say is I'm not really a big fan
          of optional

  myles: I have a lot to say so split into pieces
  myles: Firstly, want to make sure it's clear that WebKit will never
         ever defer first load. So that has to be not a case. That's
         our philosophy
  myles: Can you be super clear about which, you listed like 3 main
  myles: one is deleted number 100ms and replaced with words,
  myles: one is never cause layout jank,
  myles: last one was about preloading,
  myles: which are normative
  TabAtkins: First two are normative, in the spec
  TabAtkins: Third one I would like to put in the spec
  myles: The spec shouldn't use words mem cache and disk cache, those
         are impl details
  myles: Still not guaranteed to get the font even if preload
  myles: there's nothing testable here
  myles: So I think this should be evangelism, not in a spec
  myles: "for our browser, you will get better results if you preload"
  TabAtkins: Talking to internal customers who want no jank on initial
  TabAtkins: if they don't get it, and instead block loading page,
             that's a worse user experience
  TabAtkins: so having some reasonable assurance of similar behavior
             among browsers would be worthwhile
  TabAtkins: Ultimately stochastic, can't depend on it, but difference
             between 80% and 10%
  myles: Are your internal customers only considering Chrome, or also
         other browsers?

  myles: Other piece I want to mention, dbaron brought up a super
         valuable point
  myles: I think it supports what heycam said as is last sentence
  dbaron: One of my concerns with this is that a lot of stuff around
          downloadable fonts is designed to deal with the possibility
          that you have a pretty large number of faces for various
  dbaron: You might have fonts segmented by character range, multiple
          weights 4-6 of them, a lot of the mechanisms around
          downloadable fonts were designed to load lazily
  dbaron: Define a library, fetch the ones you need
  dbaron: so some of this pre-loading stuff...
  dbaron: there are cases where you just use one font
  dbaron: Those cases probably bias towards symbol font hacks, and
          text that is all Latin
  dbaron: and maybe things are more complicated in non-Latin
          languages, or things that use more weights and stuff like

  dbaron: One of my big concerns about font-display is that it is
  dbaron: can have situation where your regular font cached and bold
          font isn't
  dbaron: and using downloadable font permanently for regular weight
          and local font for bold might be worse than all of the other
          cases (including flashing, or fallback for all the fonts)
  TabAtkins: Those can still totally happen is the font load just
             doesn't occur
  dbaron: If you have network failures can happen
  myles: Optional makes it more likely that it fails

  fremy: As an author, at this point, with current proposal for
         optional, I would be very unlikely to use it. Because more
         likely to not get your font than to get it
  fremy: Why bother?
  fremy: Only if user keeps using your site regularly, not going to be
         in memory
  fremy: not unless constantly in use
  myles: No, it's valuable for web sites while you're navigating
         through multiple pages on the site
  TabAtkins: Won't work on single-page app, don't use it in one
  fremy: You're extremely unlikely to get the font, then why bother?
         You are going to download the font anyway.
  TabAtkins: Your case is a single-page app that gets closed and
             reopened every day
  TabAtkins: preload signal intention is that, if it's still in your
             disk cache, it will likely get used the 2nd day and
             subsequent days, because giving it enough time for that
  fremy: Safari said they don't want to block rendering
  myles: Internal clients care that usage gets up to 80%, but we're
         absolutely not going to block rendering
  myles: That's not going to work in Safari
  TabAtkins: Assuming ppl aren't using optional, then comfortable with
             janky 2 frames and then stable layout
  myles: I'm OK with if you've shown the page with fallback font then
         never show the page with loaded fonts
  TabAtkins: ...
  TabAtkins: If it's likely that optional will never give them
             assurance to see font, then they'll use JS to delay
             rendering manually
  TabAtkins: or will use one of the values that will cause jank anyway
  myles: This is an intractable problem. We can't never delay
         rendering and have the disk cache be able to serve these
  myles: Given that these customers will never get what they're aiming
         for, I don't think that the association with preloading makes
  TabAtkins: Want to check understanding
  TabAtkins: Website authors using fallback, getting a couple frames
             in one font and then frames in other font, it's better
             than getting a few frames of nothing and then getting the

  AmeliaBR: I've heard a lot of confusion of what's the purpose of
            this value
  AmeliaBR: Tab said the goal was to avoid jank
  AmeliaBR: If that's the goal then maybe other smarter ways this can
            happen, like waiting until doing a major repaint anyway
            and then block in the font
  AmeliaBR: catches the single-page app update situation
  AmeliaBR: but I don't know if that's the best
  AmeliaBR: As a user, the idea of downloading fonts but then not
            using them unless I happen to close the page and re-open
            it before it gets lost from the cache, that's not a great
            use of my data plan
  TabAtkins: UA is allowed to skip downloading if it thinks that's
             reasonable in the circumstances, and metered data is
             definitely such a circumstance.

  astearns: Done for today

Received on Wednesday, 19 February 2020 00:22:23 UTC