- From: Dael Jackson <daelcss@gmail.com>
- Date: Wed, 26 Aug 2020 19:28:46 -0400
- To: www-style@w3.org
========================================= These are the official CSSWG minutes. Unless you're correcting the minutes, Please respond by starting a new thread with an appropriate subject line. ========================================= Form Controls ------------- - The proposal for accent-color ( https://github.com/mfreed7/accent-color/blob/master/proposal.md ) was updated after last week's discussion to include multiple examples of each form control. - The current proposal's goal is to encourage all implementations to have the same definition of what part of a form control is the accent color given a similar layout but when creating a new layout implementors are free to create a new definition for the a new design while following the spirit of the requirements. - The main concern about is that the proposed level of guidance to standardize will limit the ability to innovate and isn't necessary given the further level of control over form controls being designed in the OpenUI project. - The two viewpoints will need to be balanced to make sure that developers have enough control that they'll use the property but not prevent implementors from being able to iterate on their form controls. - RESOLVED: The group wants to add accent-color and discussion on details will continue (Issue #5187: Allow specifying the "accent color" of a form control element) - The items which still require discussion will be broken into separate github issues in order to create more focused conversations. CSS Cascade ----------- - RESOLVED: Move this proposal ( https://gist.github.com/mirisuzanne/4224caca74a0d4be33a2b565df34b9e7 ) into the spec (Issue #4470: Custom Cascade Layers) CSS Inline ---------- - RESOLVED: Publish new WD of CSS Inline ===== FULL MINUTES BELOW ====== Agenda: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/2020Aug/0027.html Present: Rachel Andrew Adam Argyle Rossen Atanassov Tab Atkins-Bittner Amelia Bellamy-Royds Oriol Brufau Tantek Çelik Daniel Clark Emilio Cobos Álvarez Dave Cramer Elika Etemad Simon Fraser Megan Gardner Chris Harrelson Daniel Holbert Dael Jackson Brian Kardell Jonathan Kew Peter Linss Alison Maher Myles Maxfield Tess O'Connor Melanie Richards Florian Rivoal Jen Simmons Miriam Suzanne Greg Whitworth Regrets: Christian Biesinger Hui Jing Chen Adam Jolicoeur Chris Lilley Lea Verou Scribe: dael Form Controls ============= Allow specifying the "accent color" of a form control element ------------------------------------------------------------- github: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/5187 astearns: Discussed last week, bringing it up first this week. I'm guessing to give masonfreed a chance to give an update masonfreed: I heard a few action items. Main one was people wanted examples of existing form controls across browser/ platform/time periods <masonfreed> https://github.com/mfreed7/accent-color/blob/master/proposal.md masonfreed: Added to the proposal doc ^ masonfreed: You can see 5 different form controls masonfreed: There were several questions discussed on thread masonfreed: One was radio button. Question was on Chrome latest there's a large center blue dot on white, rest are white on blue. Question is doesn't that argue for single color and allow platform to decide. masonfreed: My view is no if color is specified we should follow that masonfreed: Similar for gradients, what does accent color do? masonfreed: My view that is up to implementors but try and respect accent color. Replace gradient with flat fill or integrate into gradient into whatever way makes sense. masonfreed: Only other open item was back to the amount of power to open with API. Single color or more specified with multiple colors. masonfreed: That's all I heard on the thread. Can open for discussion. fantasai: Based on what I've seen starting with one color makes sense since not much evidence of multiple. Figuring out how 2 colors would work together is complicated. fantasai: In terms of handling gradients if you set appearance:none everything is flat. If none is not set try and match platform convention. We can encourage use of accent color but I don't think that should disable platform styling <hober> +1 to fantasai's points masonfreed: single vs 2 color there are a number of controls in proposal. Even the radio button there are at least 2 colors. If you only open one I would say you have to specify which part you control which leaves other uncontrolled. Devs want both controls on the thread masonfreed: appearance:none is a big hammer. It turns off all styling. Radio becomes an empty div. That is a complaint that brought us to this proposal. Radio and checkbox you do appearance:none and have to rebuild everything. This proposal was to give some control without having to rebuild. gregwhitworth: I was initially going to +1 to fantasai in regards to spirit but heard masonfreed on complexity. Maybe have multiple colors but don't play into gradients. Where we leverage primary|contrast proposal we provide one color and allow UA to do what's best to keep spirit of spec masonfreed: You mean take current proposal and chop of contrasting color but keep spec as to where first color should apply? gregwhitworth: No, this started on handling of gradients, correct? masonfreed: And radio. gregwhitworth: Was thinking same accent color applied within mac on focus. That's where I was using as use case to have gradients in future. Didn't want to discount that. gregwhitworth: Contrasting and primary I would keep. Too many scenarios where need to exist. gregwhitworth: Goes into try to follow this and we don't make this normative. So Safari says background is primary stay true to author expectation is what you recommend. gregwhitworth: Radio, I could see Safari say primary is contrast in Chrome. To that end I don't know how you coalesce without lopping them off and hinder feature or get much more prescriptive. gregwhitworth: Basically, I don't know fantasai: Thing with primary vs contrast the way accent color is used varies a lot. Sometimes foreground sometimes background. fantasai: They are sometimes both. Back to Aqua there was a solid color highlight with background color text because it's a dark color vs gradient and lighter gradient is foreground on top fantasai: If intention is set accent colors UA should auto generate variations on color and match against foreground or background as appropriate. fantasai: If you are creating variations on the color the pair of colors may no longer contrast. fantasai: I don't know how you would use the contrasting color in a situation like that masonfreed: I see that point. masonfreed: I did include some language that UA doesn't have to use exact color. That's one of the cases where you take it as input to the algorithm but don't have to use exactly that if it doesn't make sense to the gradient. Rossen: I'm hearing strong dev need that has been sampled over long time. And a good example of document that motivates and explains why we need and how to go about it. I hope all features have this level of detail and consideration when we bring them Rossen: Question is where do we go from here. Discussed over a few weeks. I do see pushback for various reasons. Continuing forward I'm trying to tease out obstacle here. What's the obstacle or are we pushing back just for sake of pushing back hober: Trying to answer. For me I generally like being able to specify accent color. Very important we preserve browser ability to adopt different designs in future and to deploy on different platforms and meet conventions. hober: Pushing back to preserve implementor flexibility to match platform conventions. Platforms have color conventions and want to be able to use those. Rossen: How is this different than what we do with appearance today? The cat is out of bag when introduced -webkit-appearance:none. Agree in principle to preserve browser innovation but I'm not sure taking away this flexibility is warranted here. Can you expand? hober: Don't understand your question masonfreed: I understand what you asked hober but what do you think in proposal is constraining the future developments? hober: Basic, like what if browser wants to use accent for checkmark, not background of checkbox masonfreed: That's why I kept it non-normative. It's guidance but not a constraint. If that makes more sense with a new design there's a good reason so go ahead. hober: Okay, gregwhitworth had said earlier if you didn't want to use accent in where it's specified you shouldn't use at all. Maybe previous call. That's different? masonfreed: Current language is accent colors are spec, guidance for what supposed to mean, but tried to thread needle between constrained and open. That's the intention. Open to clarify language <fantasai> "However, the intention is that if the same or similar accent parts exist on a given form element, it should be associated with the "primary" or "contrasting" colors in the same way across user agents." fantasai: We need to clarify if that's intent. Text says should be same across all browsers astearns: Acceptable to put intent behind text in spec. Be explicit about attempt and then put normative text so people can interpret. <Rossen> hober, re: "Don't understand your question" - How is webkit-appearance:none different in terms of overriding UA native controls compared to this proposal? (besides the fact that we won't force authors to rebuild the entire kitchen around the sink) <hober> Rossen: appearance: none is an escape hatch <Rossen> hober: yes, and if your position is to keep anyone from escaping this hatch is a much worse option <hober> Rossen: sorry, i'm not trying to be dumb, but i don't understand what you're getting at. <Rossen> hober: your pushback was about keeping the ability to ship UAs that can continue comply with the native platform right? <hober> Rossen: my pushback is about making sure that browsers can change their form control designs in the future, and use the author-provided accent color(s) in ways appropriate to their new form control designs. fantasai: I disagree accent color should be on same pieces across browsers. Intent is use as appropriate, not use accent color and try and match web os convention. masonfreed: That sounds like a core disagreement we should discuss. <hober> +1 again to fantasai :) <myles> yep masonfreed: What I was going for is if there's a very good reason, like a brand new checkbox with a completely new thing and no way to apply prior history you shouldn't be constrained. But if we're all building a box with a check we should try and be the same so dev can expect similar across browsers masonfreed: In document all checkboxes are widely the same so we should hope impl uniformly florian: I think there's a tension in requirements. Desire if some platform has check blue and another box blue and you say make a thing pink and we can do that. But if you don't know if it goes to foreground or background it's hard to know it would look right against everything else on the page. florian: Currently you know if it's foreground or background so you can pick other colors but at the expense of forcing the accent on a specific part. Not sure how to satisfy both parts. gregwhitworth: florian hit nail on head gregwhitworth: To circle back in the proposal to masonfreed I put if it computes to auto it's the webdev saying I want OS. gregwhitworth: No one disagrees with hober about forward innovation. But the second someone finds interop differences it will get replaced. That's what we see. I get it and I agree but I don't think it's pragmatic for use. gregwhitworth: If we say this is limited styling and you have outside of border have accent color the outline becomes blue and my background is blue and I won't like it. We can go that route but people will find a barrier. The second we hit that people will replace it gregwhitworth: Worried by making this so loose people will just replace it. We can say you can spec accent color and UA will do best and hope experience is great. We can spec that and say we recommend using these myles: Partially responding- I don't think that is necessarily a bad thing. There are different classes of desire. If web author wants form control same everywhere they have tools for that. Modifying native form controls will be different on every OS. Has to have flexibility florian: Design as is has flexibility, but nudges you in a specific direction. If you say accent color blue and you expect a blue check you'd see that and it's fine, but the background is blue on another browser and you can't see it against your blue background then you can't see it. florian: Having a nudge to say it's this part it gives you more interop to match with the rest of the page. I would be tempted to say spec as proposed probably gets the bias right <hober> I don't think it's helpful to talk about this in isolation; there are other efforts (e.g. Open UI) that will help add form control customization knobs, so the whole "if accent-color is too loose, people will use appearance: none" is a false dichotomy. fantasai: I agree with myles and hober. I think if you're appearance:auto goal should be match platform. One thing we can consider is to handle contrast levels instead of specifying 2 colors say this if contrast with foreground and this if contrast with background. Most of time not using separately for contrast, you're matching foreground or background. florian: You mean specify both with expectation browser uses one? fantasai: Yes. fantasai: And if you give 1 you give permission to browser to modify along brightness however it thinks appropriate. If you give 2 you can be more precise, but you don't get to say which part is used. fantasai: If you want to do that more manually I think we need to make checkboxes more stylable generally. I don't think accent color is place to do that masonfreed: Can we use example from dev in thread which is the time control with glyph and background behind the glyph? Author wanted to control the glyph and background behind to match control. How would they achieve that with your proposal? fantasai: I think that gets into...if there's a time icon on my control there's different ways to impl. glyph could be on text input background or on a button-looking thing. I don't know approach. They are all reasonable for platform. If author wants to control that specifically we need a model for that form control. I don't think accent color is way to control because browser may not be using accent color for that icon masonfreed: I see that but way it is says there might or might not be a glyph. If a glyph may not have backplate. If both use contrast for glyph and accent for backplate. If we impl that author would be happy. Leaves image of glyph to UA but controls colors. fantasai: But if button-like accent color is buttony part so convention would be bg of icon is accent color. Trying to say something different wouldn't work <gregwhitworth> +1 to what fantasai said as it sounds like we need a master switch which appearance is. We should tie the two in some meaningful way and if appearance isn't adjusted we can achieve what hober myles was saying masonfreed: That's what text says. if buttony the bg should be accent. And that's why you need contrast color to control the stuff on the button. Lacking the contrast color the dev would be lost and have to replace the control. <gregwhitworth> +1 to masonfreed point, but there in lies the problem :) Rossen: To hober's point earlier I agree browsers and UA should be able to differentiate or go to native conventions. Question is given that we have webkit-appearance as an escape which forces devs to complain for years because they're tired of having to use that and re-impl everything. My question is how is this better. Is this best way can do as a presentation platform? Rossen: Best we can do is make it appearance:none? Seems like should be better answer and middle ground to allow and expose these parts. hober: I feel like this is a false dichotomy. Talking about this in isolation and not in context of other properties and features. If we think about all together we can see this question is moot. I'm not saying that the only options are appearance:none or accent color. <fantasai> hober++ hober: Hoping openUI will increase customizability in a number of ways which will enable people to use more and not use escape hatch hober: I don't see accent color as alternative but as a complement to those efforts. Platforms with accent color use somewhat similar and somewhat different. hober: Accent color on the spectrum of control is advice to the browser. OpenUI exposing specific parts is more at the full toolbox where we do what dev says. <gregwhitworth> that last point that hober made is what I think we should explore at breakout. florian had noted he thought about this. I'll start whipping up a doc that explores this with concrete examples hober: If dev wants it on a specific part of a control I'm saying use what openUI exposes for that control. Accent color is a more general feature that should be more of a hint to the UA to do the right thing. You should have the extra control which is why openUI is exciting <AmeliaBR> +1 to hober's multi-level model. accent-color as a hint for modifying native styling, other options for more direct piece-by-piece control. hober: I think at root question misses the point. If accent color is the only possible option there's a point. In a world where we'll have other tools like openUI it doesn't hold water <Rossen> hober: thank you for elaborating - that was the answer I was hoping and looking for :) chrishtr: Summary on what I see where we can maybe make progress today. We all agree UAs should have ability to create new UI types over time chrishtr: I think any accent color we agree should be when possible interop in ways it applies so there isn't first mover advantage. chrishtr: I think spelling out non-normative text to do so will also help in making sure corner cases with contrast and darkmode are taken care of chrishtr: accent color is good to add, make sure text doesn't prevent future design, we could encourage interop, and have text that can work the corner cases * fantasai disagrees with "recommend interop" given the way it's being defined chrishtr: Is that a reasonable thing to resolve? astearns: I think it's more than we can currently agree on in part because recommend interop isn't agreed on definition <fantasai> I think that UAs should have ability not just to create new UI types over time, but to alter the design of existing UI types over time and across devices and platforms <hober> fantasai++ astearns: Have consensus this is good to add but details of what's normative and not is good to work out astearns: May be useful to break out current interop goals from future proofing. As we discuss it slides between what people want now and what people imagine in the future. astearns: Might be good to have explicit note that this could all change due to thing we haven't discovered. For current UA this is level of interop to achieve <fantasai> Yeah, I don't agree with that either :) See above masonfreed: Should I take action to further update spec text to try and thread needle? astearns: I think we should have more text to keep up and more discussion on issue. I think we could resolve this is a thing we want to add, but not other details. chrishtr: Could we resolve on other two points? astearns: We've already spent 45 minutes on this jensimmons: Briefly I think there's a lot of reason for optimism. Desire is to make sure this will be complex enough for future rather than drag into past. I'm personally very interested in and haven't been able to be as involved as I want. jensimmons: We can get somewhere great and this is hard because it's hard not because desire to not do it. <fantasai> So far no disagreement that we should have accent-color <fantasai> Just disagreement on how prescriptive its definition is astearns: Can we resolve this is something we want to add? astearns: Objections to continue to work on this? RESOLVED: The group wants to add accent-color and discussion on details will continue astearns: Helpful to break items into separate issues. masonfreed as you update text and look at particular items in contention if you can raise separate issue for each so we can have scoped discussion and resolution on pieces as we good may be good way to make progress. masonfreed: Will do and thank you all <AmeliaBR> FYI, I started a twitter poll on whether authors would actually use this with/without defined browser interop, please retweet into your audiences https://twitter.com/AmeliasBrain/status/1298656779274825728 CSS Cascade =========== Custom Cascade Layers (formerly "custom origins") ------------------------------------------------- github: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/4470 miriam: Take everyone through the proposal? astearns: Yeah. Summary would be helpful <fantasai> Proposal: https://gist.github.com/mirisuzanne/4224caca74a0d4be33a2b565df34b9e7 miriam: Starting at the top, first question is where in cascade would author custom origin layer fit. Felt it could achieve all goals as higher then specificity. Putting it above shadow dom creates additional problems so putting it between solves problems miriam: Question about shadow dom at bottom of doc miriam: Interacting with !important we suggest layers exist entirely within defined origin. They work like origins so reverse in !important layers. miriam: Normal layers styles not explicit are at the top followed by named layers in order set up miriam: Reversed in important so layers are at bottom. miriam: Keeps meaning and intent of !important more clear and working similar but internally miriam: Talked about style attribute and suggestion is it continues to be above these layers. Have to redefine but I think has to anyway with scope being removed. Keeps style attribute like other styles. miriam: Levels for managing layers; does it happen at selector or declaration or block or importing. Suggesting block similar to MQ and as with existing @rules blocks can nest. Then layering based on order of first appearance in code miriam: Example reset-base components reset. Reset lowest, base on top of that. Order they're first discovered is order of layering miriam: In terms of ordering layers there's a way to cheat and declare them all. Could be with empty blocks but also proposing layers shorthand to let you define. That's above imports miriam: Suggesting an import syntax. Way to name and group everything inside a file. Helps with encapsulation. Bootstrap exposes layers but we can create a wrapping layer that keeps all bootstrap inside. Nesting doesn't impact order, just naming miriam: Various discussion on syntax and if it builds on @import or unique miriam: Nesting doesn't change order, just groups. If wrapping layer has name can interact with nested layers by calling that with some syntax for getting to layers within layers. miriam: By allowing unnamed layers allow a tool like bootstrap to have private layers. Wrap in unnamed layer and removes ability to call them later. miriam: More detail in the proposal miriam: Migration path since this is between specificity and style this can be mimicked with specificity so clearest way to show is list of IDs. miriam: Can be more clean using IS to get specificity of IDs. Path to polyfill miriam: Weakness on refactor use case. Since layers reverse in !import not idea but doesn't seem changes are extensive. Have to do something with !import styles in legacy to make sure they don't override in new. Not a perfect solution but works with a little manipulation miriam: Questions from thread, does load order of stylesheet matter so if a sheet is lazyload but lazyload first does it matter? no. miriam: Can you nest layer blocks, yes. Specificity is unchanged inside layers. Just subsuming it. miriam: If stylesheet is in multi layers it's in multi which is true currently miriam: Best syntax is open question still. Are unnamed layers feature or a problem? Allow hiding which is risky but powerful. miriam: Way to revert layers? Do we want that? miriam: How does light dom layers affect shadow dom layers with same name. Complex but think a wrapper may be able to resolve that powerfully emilio: Regarding shadow dom; how does it matter? rules in different trees are sorted different on top of specificity. I don't know how that is a problem. miriam: Comes into play because ordering of names determining the layering order miriam: If there are layers inside shadow dom named main and base and layers outside named base and main which order are they used? <fantasai> +1 to scoping layers to a shadow context <miriam> +1 emilio: I see. I think layers should scope to a tree. Inside a tree is where you sort by specificity. Doesn't make sense to me to have names interact between trees. I think that's what you proposed with anonymous. miriam: Could be interesting to let you access layers inside a shadow dom. emilio: Why would you want? But does seem different discussion astearns: My proposal is get this proposal into the spec and start opening issues to dig through astearns: Objections to move this proposal into the spec? RESOLVED: Move this proposal into the spec astearns: Doesn't mean we're done, means we open separate issues to discuss each bit instead of whole. Thanks so much miriam for putting this together. CSS Inline ========== Publishing ---------- fantasai: Can I publish new WD of inline layout? astearns: Objections? <dauwhe> +1 RESOLVED: publish new WD of CSS Inline astearns: Thanks everyone for calling in bkardell: Please reply to the email about a MathML meeting!
Received on Wednesday, 26 August 2020 23:29:52 UTC