[CSSWG] Minutes Telecon 2020-04-01 [css-color-adjust-1] [css-lists]

  These are the official CSSWG minutes.
  Unless you're correcting the minutes,
 Please respond by starting a new thread
   with an appropriate subject line.

CSS Color Adjust

  - The definition of forced-color-adjust did not allow a granular
      enough level of control (Issue #4176: Cascade within
      forced-colors MQ). The need was to allow it to be set on a
      specific property or maybe even declaration.
  - On call the suggestion was to leverage the ! syntax and create a
      value like !override-color-adjust to have the override set
      without having to create a new property that overrides existing
      properties. This idea was widely supported and is the direction
      the group wanted to move in.
  - There were two seemingly good ways to specify the behavior of the
      ! syntax and discussion will continue on the github issue to
      work out which is better between the two. Options:
      1. color: blue ! override always beats color: red, even if red
         would normally win the cascade.
      2. color blue ! override and color: red cascade normally, and if
         red wins in the cascade, then there's no longer an override
         and the blue just gets ignored.

  - RESOLVED: Select Option B [Based on its resulting computed color
              value, the [computed|used] background-color of an
              element is forced by matching all channels other than
              alpha to the appropriate forced background color; which
              should be the corresponding system background color if
              color is a system color, and Canvas otherwise.] (Issue
              #4175: background-color in forced color modes needs more
              than a simple unset)
  - RESOLVED: Publish updated WD of css-color-adjust-1

CSS Lists

  - There were three potential solutions for issue #4891 (Should
      collapsible space after inside ::marker be preserved?):
      1. Keep white-space: pre. Firefox is correct, changing Chromium
         will be trivial.
      2. Keep white-space: pre but add some magic that if a text
         ::marker has a trailing space and is followed by collapsible
         spaces, then these collapsible spaces are removed, even if
         the ::marker space is not collapsible. This will keep
         Chromium's behavior but implementing this magic would be
      3. Say that inside markers don't get assigned white-space: pre
         in UA origin. This is close to what Chromium does right now.
         But I guess doing this properly would need pseudo-classes
         like ::marker:inside and ::marker:outside, even if just for
         internal use, but that would create a circularity if in the
         future we allow setting list-style-position in the ::marker
  - On the call the group was inclined toward option 3 but needed to
      define how to do it before resolving as there were concerns
      about doing it with a pseudo-class.
  - After the call discussion continued and those conversations lead
      to support of option 2 by using ::marker { text-space-trim:
      discard-after; } to achieve the behavior without magic.


Agenda: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/2020Apr/0000.html

  Rossen Atanassov
  Tab Atkins
  David Baron
  Oriol Brufau
  Dave Cramer
  Elika Etemad
  Simon Fraser
  Megan Gardner
  Chris Harrelson
  Daniel Holbert
  Dael Jackson
  Dean Jackson
  Brian Kardell
  Peter Linss
  Cameron McCormack
  Alan Stearns
  Miriam Suzanne

  Chris Lilley
  Manuel Rego Casasnovas
  Lea Verou

Scribe: dael

  astearns: Let's get started. Any changes to the agenda? We will skip
            item 4
  chrishtr: Did hober request move to F2F?
  astearns: Just next week.

CSS Color Adjust

Cascade within forced-colors MQ
  github: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/4178

  Rossen: Is fantasai on?
  Rossen: I'll introduce.
  Rossen: Brought up by some framework devs when starting to adopt new
          forced colors MQ and forced-color-adjust properties
  Rossen: Feedback is in contrast to previous impl in IE and Edge when
          used high-contrast and high-contrast-adjust the MQ and the
          way properties inside MQ evaluate is significantly different
  Rossen: Boils down to it's currently...ergonomics are such that if
          you decide to adjust a single color property inside a forced
          color MQ you have to take over entire styling of elements
  astearns: Because the forced color wins for MQ declaration?
  Rossen: No. Current way to do it is you have to set
          forced-color-adjust to none inside the selector in the MQ.
          Once selected your elements, set it to none. Means you're
          taking the entire element and its subtree from forced color
          being applied
  astearns: Why need to say none?
  Rossen: To change border color for example
  astearns: Because forced color will otherwise override?
  Rossen: Correct.
  Rossen: We have a MQ that detects forced-color-adjust. Just like in
          example. When forced colors evaluates active inside MQ you
          do whatever you want. In this case select disabled = true
          elements. Wants to set the color of those to gray
  Rossen: To do this today you have to set forced-color-adjust to
          none. Otherwise color would be window color
  Rossen: Making sense?
  astearns: Yes
  Rossen: Previous to that high contrast impl we had we allowed
          individual property to apply to individual elements. Color
          for that one property would override.
  Rossen: That's the proposal of this change when it started. Since
          there was discussion between AmeliaBR, emilio, and fantasai.
  Rossen: fantasai's proposal which I want to understand better is to
          do it other way around. Spec properties except ones you want
          to adjust. So forced colors except in this case border-stroke
  Rossen: Some support to this, but not seeing it recorded
  astearns: Not sure anyone is agreeing with fantasai proposal except
            something like it needs to happen

  dbaron: Was going to say I think a way to frame this is what we want
          is more granular way to override forced colors. A property
          that's everything or nothing isn't granular enough. People
          care about properties or maybe declarations. Maybe makes
          sense to re-title issue?
  dbaron: I think there's a 3rd option, complex, but have it in value
          of property rather than separate property. In hindsight when
          we have a property that modifies how another works we end up
          regretting. I think this is like box sizing in that way. But
          that's a lot of syntaxes to modify. Not sure if there's a
          more elegant way to do it.

  heycam: I wanted to agree with emilio's initial comment finding it
          confusing if we change depending on what properties are
          inside. In favor of some option that makes it more explicit
          be that fantasai proposed or something like dbaron
  heycam: Question on the MQ itself. Does it respond to value of
          [missed]. Forced color property determines if MQ matches?
  chrishtr: I believe proposal is not MQ but another property or value
            that overrides instead.
  astearns: It's an alternative we're discussing but so far no one on
            thread has liked proposal to having MQ allow override

  <TabAtkins> So a possible "adjust the value" option is to finally
              jump into using new ! options. Like
              `!override-forced-color`, so that *if* this declaration
              wins the cascade, it's allowed to override a forced
  <TabAtkins> Then we switch forced-colors mode to, rather than using
              the cascade and UA-!important rules, instead just use
              magic to win the cascade automatically, *unless* the
              cascade-winning declaration has the appropriate ! on it.
  <TabAtkins> (And because we're using magic, this allows us to handle
              multiple such override modes in the future, if we
              introduce them, by internally handling conflicts, rather
              than trying to rely on the cascade to resolve them.)

  heycam: Question is what determines if the MQ matches. Is it the
          property that enables forced-color-adjusting on a subtree?
  Rossen: Request is to enable single properties on selected items to
          take precedence over forced color
  Rossen: Target BG color which is set to canvas. If you select a
          given element within forced color active MQ we would have
          allowed background color to take precedence over forced
  Rossen: Now to do it you have to first set forced-color-adjust to
          none and take over everything by your self
  heycam: Property to turn it to none would that make MQ not match?
  Rossen: Not really. Mode of browser is still active
  heycam: MQ is the overall mode, not individual sub trees where you
          set that property?
  Rossen: Yeah.
  heycam: Cool.
  astearns: Anything else heycam?
  heycam: No

  chrishtr: When you enforce colors mode I think there is no defined
            spec for what UA does. Right?
  Rossen: Not correct. Spec defining this is css-color-adjustment
  chrishtr: Spells out exact stylesheets applied?
  <astearns> https://www.w3.org/TR/css-color-adjust-1/#forced
  <Rossen> https://drafts.csswg.org/css-color-adjust-1/#forced-color-adjust-prop
  Rossen: We have the exact stylsheet? Asking if we define UA
  Rossen: No, we define colors are reverted to system colors. System
          colors are defined in Colors module
  chrishtr: Different than heuristic darkening of page
  Rossen: Yes
  <dbaron> https://drafts.csswg.org/css-color-adjust-1/#forced-colors-properties
           is somewhat well-defined, I think
  chrishtr: Any override is predictable to dev
  Rossen: Yep
  chrishtr: Got it, thank you

  TabAtkins: I wrote stuff in IRC.
  TabAtkins: Revisiting dbaron's comment about building functionality
             into property value space. We do have a spot to do that
             in syntax with guaranteed compat. Using stuff after !
             which we only use for one thing. Syntax specification
             allows for more
  TabAtkins: Possible way to address particular properties overriding
             forced color and to simplify is first switch forced color
             to magically win cascade regardless of author. Then allow
             author spec after a ! they override forced color. Say
             it's explicitly meant even if forced. If it wins cascade
             it doesn't get overwritten
  TabAtkins: Same as figuring out how to insert a new keyword but
             allows completely consistent regardless of value space.
             Auto-extensible to future things. As well having forced
             colors apply magically gives more flexibility if we have
             to add more things like this
  TabAtkins: Then can have resolution rules based on whatever
             arbitrary requirements we need. Without having to worry
             about cascade we let ! and author cascade determine
  Rossen: Question. Your proposal is !override after property?
  TabAtkins: Yeah
  Rossen: Like it. Pretty cool
  TabAtkins: ! value space is allowed multi value so you can do
             !important override so we're not limiting authors
  astearns: Talking about a generic !override or
  TabAtkins: More specific one

  florian: On one hand what TabAtkins description makes sense for this
           and has future extensibility. Does feel a lot like
           additional cascade origins. Not long ago had proposal from
           Miriam about having control over these things. I wonder if
           we shouldn't try harder to figure out that story. Various
           levels of cascade origin feels like what we're doing here.
           Worth exploring before being sure that's not it
  TabAtkins: Don't believe it's similar. While UA provided forced
             colors live on a high cascade, cascade-origins doesn't
             allow selective override unless we allow opt into even
             higher cascade. I like my proposal because doesn't have
             author cascade finagling. They have existing rules and if
             they happen to be rules that should apply even in case of
             forced colors you add an indicator vs having a different
             cascade that auto-wins over another cascade that auto-wins
  TabAtkins: You have one instance auto-winning all the time in that
             case and that may not be what you want
  miriam: Agree with TabAtkins. Feels different use case. I'd be
          willing to dig in further to see if overlap but offhand
          seems not same problem

  astearns: Other opinions?
  dbaron: Reference to custom cascade brought an interesting question.
          If an author has rules they want to override forced colors
          and other rules that would normally override them what
          happens? Do we want that to be possible? Maybe one argument
          is if author says this overrides forced color it overrides
          all the other rules.
  dbaron: Maybe want authors to do that. Some of these have confusing
          outcomes. Might think someone wants it, but may be 1 person
          wants and 99 are confused. Makes me think maybe more like
          custom-cascade origins. Maybe this is a little more like
          cascade. Worth thinking about what we want to allow and
          what's too confusing
  florian: I think we can do 3 things. One is you set super override
           and always wins. Another is super override doesn't win if
           you've overwritten it with the normal cascade. Asking for
           trouble b/c people won't test with forced colors
  dbaron: 3 is horrible
  TabAtkins: Writing down 1, 2, and 3 would be good
  <dbaron> 1. color: blue ! override always beats color: red, even if
           red would normally win the cascade
  <dbaron> 2. color blue ! override and color: red cascade normally,
           and if red wins in the cascade, then there's no longer an
           override and the blue just gets ignored
  florian: If you have blue in your normal cascade which wins then
           !red with specificity that doesn't win it's still blue. The
           red lost already. That's 1
  florian: 2 is !override makes red more important than forced color
           and more important than blue. Implicitly important
  florian: 3 which is bad is if !override-red loses to blue in normal
           and override to blue and system is forced.
  TabAtkins: Agree. 1st is per declaration. 2nd is mega-important. 3rd
             is bad
  dbaron: I think first is mega important

  TabAtkins: Do we want to take this with the two good options to the
             issue? Or decide now?
  astearns: Rossen?
  <dbaron> Issue discussion, I think -- there's a ton of stuff to sort
           out here.
  <dbaron> This 1/2/3 thing is a discussion within a discussion.
  Rossen: It's easy to discount option 3. Exploring 2 is interesting
          but I'm hesitant on mega-important.
  <TabAtkins> I mean, !mega-important is just Custom Cascade Origins
  Rossen: If we can agree on 1 vs 2 that's a path forward to
          experiment and see how it works
  dbaron: Feel like 1 vs 2 is a discussion in a discussion and there's
          large points to sort out. Better in the issue
  astearns: Can resolve that we'll solve this issue in the value space
  TabAtkins: As opposed to properties, yeah
  dbaron: When I said value space I wouldn't have counted TabAtkins
          proposal as there, but I like TabAtkins proposal
  Rossen: I like it as well
  astearns: Let's take it back to the issue for now since we have
            alternatives and people like emilio and fremy with strong
            opinions. Then we can hopefully resolve soon.
  <heycam> if there are many properties to override to adapt to the
           forced color mode I wonder if it will be onerous to write
           an !override on every property declaration
  <TabAtkins> (Given a time machine, I'd have proposed adding
              `!border-box` to the sizing properties, rather than
              box-sizing. ^_^)
  astearns: Any last words?

background-color in forced color modes needs more than a simple unset
  github: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/4175#issuecomment-603965581
  spec link: https://drafts.csswg.org/css-color-adjust-1/#forced-colors-properties
    Option A
        For elements that have a background specified in the UA style
        sheet, the background color is forced via:
        background-color: revert !important;
        Whereas for all other elements, the background-color is
        instead adjusted by forcing all channels other than alpha to
        match Canvas.
    Option B
        Based on its resulting computed color value, the
        [computed|used] background-color of an element is forced by
        matching all channels other than alpha to the appropriate
        forced background color; which should be the corresponding
        system background color if color is a system color, and Canvas

  astearns: fantasai put 2 options into the draft
  astearns: She asked us to choose between option A and B. Opinions?
  AmeliaBR: I realized looking at...one thing requested was examples
            so I did just post a reply with an example.
  <astearns> https://codepen.io/AmeliaBR/pen/dyoLMGd
  AmeliaBR: There are screenshots in the issue of what this looks like
            in a couple high contrast modes.
  AmeliaBR: Including ones that look broken currently in Edge
  AmeliaBR: Main issue comes up when you have paired colors in high
            contrast mode for button. Designed to work together but
            because cascade you get a bg from normal text used with
            your button text color and contrast falls apart
  AmeliaBR: Other complications are transparency. I've got examples of
            where we need to say opaque and where we need transparent
            because if opaque obscures things it shouldn't
  AmeliaBR: There are cases where option B fixes and option A causes
  AmeliaBR: If we follow option A [reads]
  AmeliaBR: In my example I have an svg element inside a button that
            doesn't have a ua background color and I have a custom
            style div in a button. These would not get reverted
            colors...Option A forces to canvas color which would be
            very bad for some schemes.
  AmeliaBR: In option B bg color is calc after inheriting out
            foreground and finding all elements have button foreground
            and therefore if they get a bg it needs to be button. Also
            extra magic about if author supplied foreground was opaque
            or transparent
  astearns: So one vote for option B.
  AmeliaBR: Option B for me. Option A would cause problems
  Rossen: Did you try with non-buttons?
  AmeliaBR: No, but it's child elements inside. Child in link is only
            other case where you'd see it.
  astearns: Argument for option A Rossen?
  Rossen: Just trying to understand more.

  astearns: Any arguments for option A?
  <TabAtkins> I'm thinking B.
  Rossen: Curious if fantasai has caught up
  fantasai: I think AmeliaBR's proposal gets better results where this
            matters. It's up to WG. Interested in hearing from
            implementors. That's main concern is how impl would
  florian: Implicit argument for option A is simpler
  AmeliaBR: Both are complex because neither described by cascade.
            Both need to look at author stylesheet and then do fixup.
            Just a case of if they factor in current color

  heycam: Rossen was your question if previous issue could be a
          mechanism to solve this?
  Rossen: No....I agree complexity of one or the other is not deciding
  Rossen: Trying to work through AmeliaBR test cases.
  Rossen: Not opposed to B if WG feels it's better. We can implement
          and see what it looks like
  astearns: Not hearing clamoring for A so inclined to resolve on B
            and see how it goes
  astearns: Objections to resolve on option B?

  RESOLVED: Select Option B [Based on its resulting computed color
            value, the [computed|used] background-color of an element
            is forced by matching all channels other than alpha to the
            appropriate forced background color; which should be the
            corresponding system background color if color is a system
            color, and Canvas otherwise.]

  [agenda wrangling]

  fantasai: Can we publish an updated working draft?
  <fantasai> https://drafts.csswg.org/css-color-adjust-1/#changes
  astearns: Objections to publish update WD of css color-adjust-1?
  AmeliaBR: Nice to do other issue before, but we're publishing often.
  fantasai: We should publish early and often
  AmeliaBR: 4883 changes are mostly in color so yeah. no objections

  RESOLVED: Publish updated WD of css-color-adjust-1

CSS Lists

Should collapsible space after inside ::marker be preserved?
  github: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/4891

  oriol: Follow up of #4448 where we resolved ::marker is
         white-space:pre in user origin. Because outside markers are a
         block constrain and we wanted to preserve these.
  oriol: When tried to impl some tests failed.
  oriol: Problem is that [missed] usually doesn't matter if you add
         trailing or leading spaces
  oriol: If you write open tag, text, closing tag or open tag, new
         line, text, another line, close tag it should look same
  oriol: If we assign white-space:pre to ::marker the spaces are no
         longer at beginning. They collapse as a space but not
         completely removed.
  oriol: If no space at beginning of list item you get one space. If
         there's additional space you get 2 spaces. There no interop.
         In FF you get two spaces if there's space in the beginning.
         Other browsers it doesn't matter
  oriol: Not sure which we want. 3 options. 1) keep resolution and say
         FF is right there should be 2 spaces. 2) Keep white-space:pre
         and add some magic which says if you have sequence of
         collapsible spaces just inside you remove the spaces even if
         trailing space of marker is not collapsible. This is behavior
         of non-FF but magic is annoying and error prone
  oriol: 3) Only set white-space:pre to outside markers but not inside
         ones. Closer to what Chromium is doing though how Chromium
         assigns it kind of hacky. Proper way with selectors is
         defining marker-outside and marker-inside. If in future we
         say that the list style position property applies to ::marker
         instead of originating list item we have a circularity.
  oriol: Leaning option 1 which is do what FF is doing right now.
         Maybe less intuitive to authors but more consistent

  TabAtkins: Option 3 was discarded for circularity but I don't think
             need to be concerned. Only reason to allow is set within
             a single list some markers outside and some inside and I
             don't know why we would make that easy. I don't think
             that will ever be the case. Never be a circularity for
             ::marker so we could through magic or pseudo let you
             style inside and outside different
  <dbaron> +1 to TabAtkins
  TabAtkins: I think that's reasonable because I don't like display FF
             gives. I think Chrome behavior is good, but need to solve
             it a good way

  fantasai: I'm wondering if FF behavior is regression from earlier
            FF. Switch between inside and outside is old feature. I
            wonder if it has always been that you would get double
            whitespace in past or if relatively new since re-write
            marker code
  astearns: Anyone know?
  [several] no

  dbaron: TabAtkins covered part of what I would say. Other thing is I
          think having white-space in markup in block matter is bad so
          I think option 1 is bad. Little surprised FF does that
  <fantasai> +1 to option 1 being bad
  <dbaron> I think my preferences are probably 3 > 1 > 2, but that's
           not a very strong opinion.

  florian: I agree with TabAtkins. I prefer 3 between 1 and 3. There's
           also option 2 and I would like to not do this. CSS 3 text
           is already sufficiently complicated. It's hard to spec and
           complicated and I would prefer not to add

  smfr: Compat question- make any difference what we choose for compat?
  florian: If it's similar to chrome and safari even with different
           logic it should be fine
  smfr: Was this bugs on webpages or just seen in testing?
  oriol: Me implementing ::marker. Currently Chromium sets it in style
         adjuster. For outside it sets white-space to pre and for
         inside it's the list item. When I tried to impl the previous
         resolution some internal tests failed and I noticed this. I
         don't know any webpages in wild
  fantasai: Space between li and content is not uncommon. I do imagine
            there's a number of web pages effected.
  florian: But list inside is not common
  fantasai: Yes, but it is used. Unlikely to break badly but won't
            look as intended

  astearns: Not hearing consensus except no not 2. Split between 1 and
            3. Is that the case or can resolve on 3?
  oriol: Fine with 3
  astearns: Objections to resolve on option 3

  heycam: Are those internal pseudo classes?
  florian: Start there and bikeshed later
  TabAtkins: Until a use case I don't think need to expose. But safe
             to do so if someone is motivated to champion that
  florian: Wondering if folks like glazou will be unhappy about things
           happening that can't be replicated in an editor
  astearns: We're out of time for the day.
  astearns: I suggest we resolve on 3 so oriol can try and perhaps
            come back with results. People can raise new objections if
            they like
  astearns: objections to option 3?
  fantasai: I'm happy to put in spec there's a magic difference but
            not sure we want to spec it's with pseudo classes. If we
            want to say some kind of magic and UA can figure it out we
            can. If we're doing a pseudo class we should draw that up
  <dbaron> +1 to fantasai, no need to add pseudo-classes right now.
           (Also, we'd had a totally different ::inside and ::outside
  astearns: Not resolving on option 3 today but that's the direction
            we want to head in.
  florian: Is difference observable fantasai?
  fantasai: I don't know. But don't want more detail in spec then
            needed in case UA wants to think of a way to do it
  TabAtkins: Agree. Should say it happens and have a note
  astearns: Thanks everyone
  astearns: We'll go back to the issue and add spec text there

  [after meeting discussion]

  fantasai: There was a proposal that eats whitespace. We could use
  astearns: whitespace-trim or something like that?
  fantasai: Yeah. That's another option. We can re-use that and set it
            on the marker and it's pretty normal.
  <fantasai> https://www.w3.org/TR/css-text-4/#white-space-trim
  astearns: Interesting
  florian: Magic is bad but a generic system is fine
  <dbaron> github: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/4891
  fantasai: That's my recommendation. Use that property to do magic.
  oriol: Is it implemented?
  fantasai: No
  TabAtkins: Not certain it works. We want to preserve whitespace but
             we don't want whitespace from marker and content start to
             both preserve.
  dbaron: Don't think that's the case. Shouldn't have different mark
          up depending on spaces after li. Not collapsing 2 things,
          get rid of one
  TabAtkins: How with trim?
  fantasai: Set it on after ::marker
  <fantasai> ::marker { text-space-trim: discard-after }

  Scribe: fantasai

  <florian> https://drafts.csswg.org/css-text-4/#white-space-trim
  florian: Interesting approach to solving it, would also be useful
           for other things
  florian: My concern with option 2 was I didn't want a special
           magical kind of white space, avoids having to define all
           the weird cases like does it hang at the end of a line etc.
  florian: Probably need to define how the discarding interacts with
           bidi, but needs to be defined either way for the feature ...
  <TabAtkins> florian: I believe that text-space-trim would collapse
              away the space after re-ordering; I don't see how
              anything else would make sense, right?
  <TabAtkins> Its point is "if I end up with collapsible space before/
              after me, kill it", and that decision can only be made
              after bidi.
  <aja> Unicode Character 'NO-BREAK SPACE' (U+00A0) isn't considered
        collapsible, is it?
  <TabAtkins> correct, it's non-collapsible (and has some complicated
              rules for infecting surrounding spaces with

Received on Thursday, 2 April 2020 10:37:43 UTC