Minutes Telecon 2019-05-22 [css-sizing] [mediaqueries-5] [css-overscoll-behavior-1] [css-images] [css-fonts] [css-display] [css-values]

  These are the official CSSWG minutes.
  Unless you're correcting the minutes,
 Please respond by starting a new thread
   with an appropriate subject line.

CSS Sizing

  - The plan for issue #3731 (How should inline-axis intrinsic sizing
      work for 'fit-content' and 'fit-content()'?) is to select option
      #2 (reverse-compute them on their own, where a box with
      max-content size S and width: P (a percentage, expressed so 1.0
      is 100%) has a max-content contribution to its parent of S/P.
      This prevents overlap in block-like layout, but isn't sufficient
      when there's more than one thing per line.) but the appropriate
      people weren't on the call to resolve.
  - RESOLVED: The resolved value of min-size: auto is 0 when there is
              no box (Issue #3557)
  - RESOLVED: Republish WD of css-sizing

Media Queries 5

  - RESOLVED: Publish Media Queries 5 as FPWD, with a pending privacy
              & security section & the resolved edit re UA stylesheets

CSS Overscroll

  - RESOLVED: Publish css-overscroll-behavior-1 FPWD

CSS Images

  - RESOLVED: Make spec match browsers on color hints / positions
              (Issue #3931)

CSS Fonts

  - RESOLVED: Add `font-size: xxx-large` to Fonts level 4 (Issue #3907)
  - Issue #3194 (Font fetching in anonymous mode makes it impossible
      to link to fonts behind authentication) needs further discussion
      on GitHub and those interested are encouraged to comment there.

CSS A11y & Display

  - Some browsers have implemented the changes for display:contents
      ( https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/commit/10d721ddefe82730a712b392eaf8695c75764e30
      and those that have not are encouraged to do so.

CSS Values

  - RESOLVED: No change to URL serialization for fragment-only URLS
              (Issue #3195)


Agenda: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/2019May/0007.html

  Rachel Andrew
  Rossen Atanassov
  Tab Atkins
  Amelia Bellamy-Royds
  Christian Biesinger
  Dave Cramer
  Benjamin De Cock
  Elika Etemad
  Simon Fraser
  Brad Kemper
  Myles Maxfield
  Anton Prowse
  Melanie Richards
  Florian Rivoal
  Jen Simmons
  Majid Valipour

  Daniel Bates
  Oriol Brufau
  Emilio Cobos Álvarez
  Dael Jackson
  Alan Stearns
  Greg Whitworth

Scribe: AmeliaBR

CSS Sizing

How should inline-axis intrinsic sizing work for 'fit-content' and
  github: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/3731

  Rossen: The topic was introduced by David. He sent regrets. Who can
  fantasai: Oriol posted new comments on GitHub. I can introduce, but
            want to follow offline.
  fantasai: Issue is when argument is a percentage, that depends on
            the container. Cyclic resolution.
  fantasai: One option is to ignore components with percentage. Other
            is to treat as zero or auto, same as in other places.
  fantasai: I will probably pick the second & integrate in spec. Let
            me know in the issue if you have concerns.
  Rossen: I'm inclined to agree with being consistent with how
          percentages behave elsewhere.

The resolved value of min-size: auto should also be 0 when there is
    no box
  github: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/3557

  fantasai: Pretty straightforward. Wanted to cover elements with
            display: none, their children, and also elements with
            display: contents
  Rossen: Resolving to 0 makes the most sense. Any disagreements?

  RESOLVED: The resolved value of min-size: auto is 0 when there is no

css-sizing updated WD

  Rossen: With those decisions, can we make an update. It's been a
  Rossen: fantasai, do you want to make those edits we just resolved?
  fantasai: Or we can resolve on the edits that are already there. Or
            wait until I've made the edits.
  Rossen: It's just a WD. We can always republish if there are further
          changes. Lets republish with that one change, don't need to
          wait on the other issue.
  fantasai: OK.

  RESOLVED: Republish WD of css-sizing

Media Queries 5 FPWD

  <fantasai> https://drafts.csswg.org/mediaqueries-5/#contents
  florian: There are two pending edits that have been resolved & I
           still need to add. Privacy & security section & resolved
           change with UA stylesheet.
  florian: I am also wondering whether some of these should be moved
           up to MQ 4.
  fantasai: We should just push level 5 faster.
  florian: But some parts of 4 aren't stable. Difference in maturity
           isn't clear.
  Rossen: Either way, we need a WD to start discussion. These are good
          points, but are you willing to make those edits soon if we
          resolve on FPWD with them included?
  Rossen: Then we can discuss later about shuffling between 4 and 5.
  Rossen: I don't want to move anything from 4 to 5 when 5 isn't yet a
  florian: Most of what's in 5 was previously in 4 and had been
           deferred. Some are new.

  Rossen: So proposed is to publish Media Queries 5 as FPWD, once a
          privacy & security section is added & the resolved edit is
  Rossen: Waiting longer would just put more work on florian
  Rossen: Any objections?

  RESOLVED: publish Media Queries 5 as FPWD, with a pending privacy &
            security section & the resolved edit re UA stylesheets

css-overscroll-behavior-1 FPWD

  majidvp: We discussed at F2F, there were some concerns about
           longhands. I checked with astearns about IPR and it's OK,
           because of CG commitments, but I think I've addressed the
  <florian> sounds good to me
  majidvp: There are two implementations already, in Chrome and

  Rossen: So are you asking for FPWD or CR? A fast path to CR?
  majidvp: Yes.
  Rossen: And you say that you've already confirmed that you don't
          expect major IP concerns. So we can move forward with FPWD.
  Rossen: Any objections/concerns?
  florian: Ship it!

  RESOLVED: Publish css-overscroll-behavior-1 FPWD

CSS Images
  Scribe: fantasai

Color stop fixup: do interpolation hints function as positioned color
  github: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/3931

  AmeliaBR: This issue brought up with someone trying to implement
            gradients with color-hint syntax
  AmeliaBR: His interpretation wasn't matching what browsers do
  AmeliaBR: Issue is to clarify algorithm in spec to match what
            browsers do
  AmeliaBR: All the browsers, or at least majority, all do the same
  AmeliaBR: This has to do with color stops
  AmeliaBR: color-stop consists of color and position
  AmeliaBR: position can be implicit
  AmeliaBR: evenly divide between known positions
  AmeliaBR: color hints are different though
  AmeliaBR: color hints affect the allocation of implicit stop
  AmeliaBR: Pave the cowpath / match reality request

  TabAtkins: While I find the behavior is slightly weird
  TabAtkins: but would have agreed with issue author initially
  TabAtkins: Since everyone agrees, let's just spec that
  florian: Curious about what's weird about it, but if we have
           interop, doesn't really matter
  TabAtkins: Weird because hint isn't a color stop, it is just a hint
             about how to interpret colors between
  TabAtkins: So find it odd that it would affect positions, but eh.
  AmeliaBR: Purpose was to adjust easing between adjacent stops
  AmeliaBR: But because hint is expressed as a fixed position, there's
            interpretation that it's a position value
  AmeliaBR: Same person that opened this opened another issue about
            other ways to talk about gradient easing
  AmeliaBR: That's an interesting way of eventually creating a more
            logical approach in the future
  AmeliaBR: while not conflicting with current browser implementations
  AmeliaBR: So are interesting length issues if people want to follow
  florian: I'm sold
  Rossen: Anyone else?
  Rossen: Objections?

  RESOLVED: Make spec match browsers on color hints / positions

  AmeliaBR: One more point: editors are Tab, fantasai, Lea
  AmeliaBR: Interested in making edits or should I draft up?
  TabAtkins: I can do edits, but if you want to draft something happy
             to review/accept

CSS Fonts
  Scribe: AmeliaBR (with fantasai scribing her comments)

  github: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/3907

  Myles: We have various semantic size keywords in the spec. Webkit
         has a prefixed version, since the beginning of Webkit, for
         xxx-large. It'd be nice to remove the prefix.
  florian: Do you think this is useful? Or is it a compat issue?
  myles: It's useful.
  florian: But there's no need to preserve the prefix?
  myles: We'd keep it in webkit, but I don't think we need to
         standardize the prefix.
  Rossen: And worth mentioning that Gecko has a similar prefix &
          emilio says it sounds reasonable.
  fantasai: We should add it to Fonts 4.
  Rossen: Any objections?

  RESOLVED: Add `font-size: xxx-large` to Fonts level 4

Font fetching in anonymous mode makes it impossible to link to fonts
    behind authentication
  github: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/3194

  myles: Anyone knowledgeable about this? I don't understand it fully.
  florian: I can introduce, but I'm not an expert either.
  Rossen: This issue has been open 6 months. Can we at least
          acknowledge that this is an issue we should be trying to
  Rossen: We need to distinguish whether it's difficult or whether we
          don't care. Encourage engagement on GitHub.

  florian: The font spec requires that when we fetch the font we use
           anonymous mode for fetching. If the font (along with the
           rest of the website) requires authentication cookies, then
           the font is blocked because anonymous makes it look like
           you're not logged in.
  florian: Did we do this on purpose?
  florian: If not can we fix it? Because it's causing problems
  AmeliaBR: This ties into discussion on url modifiers and other
            loading modifiers in CSS
  AmeliaBR: I think it's something we can fix given we'll have a way
            to control cross-origin authentication level
  AmeliaBR: We've talked about upgrading image() to use CORS with or
            without authentication
  AmeliaBR: Another way is for fonts and a few others that we do
            currently say Anonymous
  AmeliaBR: A cross-origin modifier can be used to upgrade to fetch
            with authentication

  florian: Something missing to me is use case for putting the fonts
           behind the login
  AmeliaBR: You covered the use case: when your entire website is
            behind authentication
  Rossen: My ask is that people interested in the area please engage
          with the issue on GH and let's see if we can make some
          progress there
  * fantasai proposes agenda+ f2f

CSS A11y and Display

display: contents and a11y
  github: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/3040

  fantasai: We added warning to the spec from this issue. But we're
            still missing browser fixes.
  florian: I think Chrome has fixed the accessibility tree issue, but
           still not focusability.
  rachelandrew: Yes, Chrome is working on it.
  fremy: Yes, issue is the focusability. So it's not keyboard
  Rossen: In summary, Chrome has made progress but not done yet. Any
          other asks beyond nudging WebKit and Mozilla?
  jensimmons: Mozilla has shipped it per spec. It's Webkit and Chrome.
  jensimmons: This is truly, deeply important that we get this fixed.
  florian: So, it's fixed in Mozilla?
  jensimmons: Yes. But that's not the main reason for the fix. It's
              that this is broken for now & we need to recommend that
              people don't use it.
  fremy: I'm not sure it's entirely fixed in Firefox when it comes to
  <fantasai> Current note in the spec fwiw:
  <fremy> link: https://tabatkins.github.io/bikeshed/ (try to
          tab-navigate the table of contents on the left)

  Rossen: Let's not go too deep into who has or hasn't done what. The
          point is to elevate this issue & get people to raise it in
          your team.
  jensimmons: If there are still issues in Firefox, file a bug &
              please let me know.
  <rachelandrew> this is the Fx issue

CSS Values

Serialization of fragment URLs in image properties
  github: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/3195

  TabAtkins: The question from heycam was whether we want to serialize
             image url fragments the way we do other fragment-only
             URLs. The spec currently doesn't distinguish between
             image types and id reference types.
  TabAtkins: I think it's a theoretical issue. We can't refer to a
             fragment-only image. I suggest no change, keep the
             serialization rules simple.
  AmeliaBR: I agree, because discussion of eventually allowing SVG
            paint servers to be used as image types
  AmeliaBR: In that case we would want them to behave as fragment URLs
  AmeliaBR: Same as referring to mask or filter with a fragment ID
  AmeliaBR: If we had separate serialization rules and then introduced
            that, it would become a huge mess
  Rossen: OK, hearing even more agreement

  RESOLVED: No change to URL serialization for fragment-only URLS

  Rossen: Any other items to discuss?
  Rossen: Ok, we'll reconvene next week.

Received on Thursday, 23 May 2019 11:21:53 UTC