- From: Dael Jackson <daelcss@gmail.com>
- Date: Wed, 27 Mar 2019 21:57:13 +0300
- To: www-style@w3.org
========================================= These are the official CSSWG minutes. Unless you're correcting the minutes, Please respond by starting a new thread with an appropriate subject line. ========================================= Can we move Easing Functions and Scrollbars to CR? -------------------------------------------------- - There were no objections to moving Easing Functions to CR, however the editors were not on the call so resolution will be called for next week. - Scrollbars was not quite ready for CR. There are still some open issues that need to be resolved and myles said he has some more to file. However, work is definitely progressing toward a CR. Houdini meeting at TPAC? ------------------------ - Houdini will request a room to meet on the Friday of TPAC. CSS Inline ---------- - RESOLVED: Return 'normal' for line-height (Issue #3749: A question for the procedure to compute the resolved value of "line-height") Republishing drafts with dev.w3.org links updated ------------------------------------------------- - RESOLVED: Republish Selectors Nonelement as a note and we are abandoning this work CSS Transforms -------------- - RESOLVED: For SVG Transform attribute there is no requirement for space or comma between transform functions (Issue #3719: SVG transform attributes: transforms don't need to be separated) Selectors 4 ----------- - RESOLVED: Defer complex selectors for all of these selectors [:nth-child()/:nth-of-type()/:is()/:where()/:not()/ :has()] and have a note in the current level mentioning this is an enhancement we'll get to in the next level (Issue #3760: Defer complex selectors inside :nth-child() etc. to L5) CSS Environmental Variables --------------------------- - florian introduced his proposal to be able to reuse the title of the document inline such as making it always present in the header or footer (Issue #3685) . There was concern about if using title was the best way to solve the use case, but there wasn't enough time on the call to dive deeper. ===== FULL MINUTES BELOW ====== Agenda: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/2019Mar/0016.html Present: Rachel Andrew Rossen Atanassov Tab Atkins David Baron Amelia Bellamy-Royds Oriol Brufau Tantek Çelik Emilio Cobos Dave Cramer Alex Critchfield Benjamin De Cock Elika Etemad Simon Fraser Tony Graham Dael Jackson Brad Kemper Brian Kardell Chris Lilley Peter Linss Myles Maxfield Nigel Megitt Anton Prowse Melanie Richards Florian Rivoal Dirk Schulze Lea Verou Sean Voisen Fuqiao Xue Regrets: Manuel Rego Casasnovas Greg Whitworth Scribe: dael Can we move Easing Functions and Scrollbars to CR? ================================================== Easing Functions ---------------- astearns: I don't think we have an Easing Functions editor on call fantasai: I can summarize where we are <smfr> https://drafts.csswg.org/css-easing/ fantasai: Easing spec, aka Timing Funcitons has been stable since last changes went in during the summer. fantasai: Current status is there is no open issues except adjusting wording to be more generic. Aside from that it's implemented, deployed, stable, should be in CR. I think editorial work could happen in CR. WE shouldn't hold it back. fantasai: It's ready for implementation and can encourage implementation astearns: Concerns with direction? <florian> Sounds good to me astearns: I will ping the editors in case they don't read minutes. We can take it up next week with one or both on call Scrollbars ---------- astearns: Scrollbars? Ready for CR? fantasai: No but close. It's impl and deployed in Gecko. Most of the issues feel can be closed with a little editor effort. Nothing contentious open. Not far but can't publish to CR smfr: We'd like 1958 resolved. Scrollbar width as a length <smfr> https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/1958 astearns: Any other concerns with scrollbars? tantek: I'm not seeing that in query fantasai: Was marked as closed <@fantasai> https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/1958#issuecomment-417146619 tantek: What additional are you looking for smfr ? smfr: Reading through. Not sure what resolution was astearns: xidorn put in scrollbar width to spec with auto|thin|none smfr: ED not up to date or am I not looking at it? <@fantasai> https://drafts.csswg.org/css-scrollbars-1/#scrollbar-width smfr: ED still has length value and mentions the note astearns: There is a note in the draft but issue is not open smfr: So spec needs updated tantek: Thanks for pointing out chris: If you use edits needed tag on issue and open it again astearns: Okay, so we can work through that issue and other edits and possible look for CR in near future? tantek: I think there were a few issues that applied to other spec and features that were open regarding scrollbars. Don't know if want to include or resolve or punt to another version tantek: I guess I disagree with fantasai summary for a few issues. I agree for most issues. Some require responding to folks that want more features and saying we're not doing that. tantek: 2899 is a good example fantasai: I think if we need to defer to next level we can do it. Given you are shipping and there's no sign. Issues we should put in CR tantek: Because scrollbar-gutter not ready? fantasai: Not impl. You can try editing it in if you feel there's enough detail. I don't have strong opinion on this level or not. I don't want it to hold back CR because we have stable and shipping <smfr> https://www.w3.org/TR/css-overflow-4/#scollbar-gutter-property florian: We had significant design discussion but no one has tried implement. We can put in as at-risk or just put in next level tantek: Is it ready for implementation? florian: I think so tantek: It's got tests? florian: I don't think it has tests. Should get some. I don't think wait for spec work, we should write tests and impl. Trying to get to CR doesn't sound crazy, but it doesn't have impl. tantek: If we haven't had tests I don't feel good putting in CR myles: I have some issues I haven't filed yet on this spec florian: People looking at impl is good way of getting tests. Signaling it's ready for impl may get tests fantasai: CR means spec is as stable as it will get with us discussing in a room. We're done with design, have to work out details based on experience of impl and writing tests. fantasai: I don't mind either way. If the editing work or issues will hold back CR I'd prefer to hold, but if it's doable we can put it in as at-risk florian: I don't think there are open issues on scrollbar-gutter astearns: May be because no one looked from implementation standpoint florian: Maybe florian: I think it's significantly more stable then other things in overflow 4 tantek: Have implementors indicated interest in scrollbar-gutter? I don't know for Gecko florian: When we discussed significant interest to solve that problem and agreement this would solve. I'm not sure if that's same as impl interest tantek: It's not. Implementor interest is an implementor saying we want to implement. florian: I heard we want to solve a problem and that looks good way astearns: Any implementors on the call want to speak up? astearns: Let's move on. Good to get status. Sounds like conversation is settled where it needs to. tantek: I can go ahead and do edits and put the scrollbar-gutter into current and we can try the at-risk approach to see if it gathers the attention. tantek: Was it myles that said he had more issues? myles: Yep tantek: Those would be good to see as well. That's what we have to do to take toward CR Houdini meeting at TPAC? ======================== astearns: Signed up for Mon and Tues. Interest for a half day Houdini. Do people care if it's Thurs or Fri? astearns: I know krit concerned about overlap on SVG smfr: Prefer contiguous with CSS <AmeliaBR> I'd also prefer not-Thursday because of SVG overlap. astearns: Can't do it entirely because Wed can't pick chris: Prefer Fri leaverou: Me as well. I have interest in participating in SVG chris: Having said that I have conflicts Thurs & Fri leaverou: AmeliaBR would have a problem because she would need both <myles> SVG is on Thursday, right? astearns: Yes, SVG is Thurs. nigel: I did wonder...maybe it's best to do a poll astearns: Definitly possible florian: A doodle or something light <tantek> ok with either day <tantek> Yes Friday makes slightly more sense because it avoids AC meeting conflict on Thursday Rossen: If SVG is on Thursday and so are A/C meetings. Traditionally didn't use Friday but I didn't hear anyone say no Friday because I'm out. How about we pencil in Friday and if we don't hear otherwise we reserve the room and move on. Elsewise we might miss deadline for sign up. astearns: That's true. I wasn't considering deadline chris: It is important to get rooms, they do fill up. astearns: Objections to having Houdini meeting on Fri of F2F? astearns: Alright, I will send in a request for a room on Friday for Houdini <myles> by the way, everyone should remember to re-join the newly rechartered SVG WG astearns: [reads myles IRC comment] chris: Almost everyone needs to rejoin CSS Inline ========== A question for the procedure to compute the resolved value of "line-height" ------------------------------------------------------------- github: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/3749 florian: Bit of discussion in GH was first a suggestion maybe line-height isn't special because many types of boxes that can fragment and we always return first. Two buts: we're talking contiguous runs of text which is poorly defined to say first. This is not what Gecko or WK return, both return more theoretical rather than actual layout florian: But it is similar. florian: I maintain given that we're not providing a post layout usable value we may as well preserve as keyword as Chrome does. But alternative isn't hard to spec so if people feel strongly, why not. I'm not sure there's a use case for it. florian: If we want to drill down to font metrics it's more houdini space. myles: I was reading conversation from last week and I think I didn't make something clear. Philosophically I think you're right. There is no px value that will always be correct. My concern was web compat. If we do keyword and not number and line of JS tries to parse it could cause exceptions myles: I brought up we should do analysis. florian: Question on compat concern. Anything we change from any engine could break amount of web. The fact that Chrome ships other behavior tends to make me think it's probably okay. Do you have a specific reason to worry about this one or is it a general case of changing might break? myles: Why this might be different is line-height and getComputedStyle have been around forever. Changing behavior that's been consistent in engine for decades is scary fantasai: If we want interop someone needs to change. Either Chrome to return px or other engines return 'normal' fantasai: Is that not correct? TabAtkins: myles, given we have real life compat data that Chrome returns keyword, what information do you want obtained? myles: A blunt tool is how many times getComputedStyle called where result is 'normal' TabAtkins: Potentially obtainable, but a fairly invasive use counter florian: Would that data from Chrome help? We know Chrome is fine. If there's a problem it's because websites are build differently perhaps on mobile where Chrome has less market share. So would it help? <@Rossen> https://developer.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-edge/platform/usage/css/line-height/ <@Rossen> in case this helps a bit ^ <@fantasai> http://software.hixie.ch/utilities/js/live-dom-viewer/?%3C!DOCTYPE%20html%3E%0Ax%0A%3Cscript%3E%0Aw(window.getComputedStyle(document.body).lineHeight)%3B%0A%3C%2Fscript%3E emilio: I'm somewhat concerned...result of getComputedStyle on form controls have particularly weird computation. WK and Blink mangle line-height to give computed line-height. I suspect there are cases where if you have a select element if this change impl in Gecko it could return keyword and Blink returns pixel. I recall something where like if the height is fixed it becomes a fixed height value. emilio: Willing to try and change, but that's my concern nigel: Observing this seems a bit of a tie here. Current behavior is return 'normal' and that's closer to computed value. Resolved isn't always computed, but being as close as possible seems a reasonable rule to use to break the tie. fantasai: I think if Gecko is willing to try that should resolve web compat concerns. I agree that's probably the direction to try and go in. myles: If Gecko makes this change and there's no problem that's sufficient. I agree with fantasai. Don't need a use counter in that case astearns: Way forward is spec we return 'normal' have Gecko try it out and hope for the best fantasai: And if problem open issue astearns: Objections to return 'normal' for line-height? RESOLVED: Return 'normal' for line-height astearns: Thanks emilio for being the guinea pig emilio: I'll add a use counter and not blindly change, but happy to give a shot Republishing drafts with dev.w3.org links updated ================================================= astearns: I'm not sure if the republishing in this email thread is required. I'm assuming links will continue to work and we don't have other dependencies on machinery being shut down. Is that correct? xfq: It's not required because the redirection will continue working although it's an old server that will be read-only and some spec haven't been updated for 3, 4, or 5 years on /TR astearns: I agree we should update some specs. I don't know if it's useful to have a mass repub <tantek> does this effect CSS 2.2 publication? what legacy systems are we talking about? xfq: We can do that case by case. Refreshing some old specs I think we can discuss the ones that might need retirement like non-element selectors. Concern in retiring? chris: We should certainly retire at least that. xfq: And page floats we got 2 need editors last year so maybe hold <@fantasai> FTR, the specs xfq has listed are css-lists-3, css-scoping-1, css-gcpm-3, css-ruby-1, css-line-grid-1, css-regions-1, css-exclusions-1, css-page-floats-3, selectors-nonelement-1 florian: Page floats we should not republish because if I am an editor I haven't been able to work for a long time but there are outstanding resolutions that have not been editing in. Publishing when knowing text is wrong is bad <@fantasai> +1 florian: They're difficult edits fantasai: I think line grid spec I don't think much is changed so fine to republish. I would skip announcing it astearns: I think there are enhancements to examples agreed on but I have not made edits. It's in the same boat where republishing is not quite right chris: Some of these spec have changes with PRs so there is outstanding stuff incorporated but not published since astearns: Those PRs are part of the big PR backlog. If you are an editor on one of these specs for the changelog please approve xfq: And thanks to those that reviewed astearns: I think there is no reason not to publish selectors nonelement as a note. astearns: Objections to republish selectors non-element as a note? florian: Gutted note or note with content? chris: With content. But status says not worked on xfq: Agree <tantek> sounds more like abandoned by the WG <tantek> "not worked on" sounds temporary for now astearns: tantek mentioned it sounds abandoned and that's purpose of note chris: Note can say it's retired when you publish. The idea is that people don't get confused by a slew of stuff dbaron: At some point I thought that a bunch of pseudo elements removed from selectors with the thought to move. Where are they? TabAtkins: Pseudo spec. This is just for attr nodes chris: I don't think it's been lost <tantek> Lists would be good to republish, since we're implementing. And realizing looking at it I was formerly an editor 😂 astearns: I'm hearing no objections RESOLVED: Republish Selectors Nonelement as a note and we are abandoning this work astearns: Any other things to talk about with old drafts? astearns: People look at the list. If you are editing anything mentioned or you are a former editor it would be good to update tantek: Good to get Lists repubished. It's almost 5 years out of date and we're impl the current set of resolutions to having it published would be good TabAtkins: Next thing I'm working on so agreed tantek: Thanks CSS Transforms ============== SVG transform attributes: transforms don't need to be separated --------------------------------------------------------------- github: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/3719 krit: There is a historical difference between SVG and CSS. If we just look at SVG there is a case of full interop that's not covered by spec. There's no space or comma between any transform list. Spec requires it but impl don't. I request we relax the syntax to follow impl TabAtkins: This falls out of CSS definition where you don't need spaces if you can distinguish AmeliaBR: Not that simple because rest of syntax can't be desc with CSS syntax. Have special parsing for transform based on SVG1. This happens to be where all browsers don't match SVG1 so might as well match other browsers AmeliaBR: Found other weirdness that's inconsistent but I'm happy to ignore certain browsers allow mangled syntax. But if everyone supports we should include in spec krit: Requested is for SVG Transform attribute there is no requirement for space or comma between transform functions astearns: Just transform attribute? krit: For CSS that falls out with the tokenizer so yes just for transform attribute astearns: Objections? myles: IN SVG transform definition just links to css krit: Correct AmeliaBR: There's a section in css transforms that gives special rules for parsing the attribute <krit> https://drafts.csswg.org/css-transforms/#svg-transforms krit: Link ^ astearns: It's in css draft where this is defined krit: Yep RESOLVED: For SVG Transform attribute there is no requirement for space or comma between transform functions Selectors 4 =========== Defer complex selectors inside :nth-child() etc. to L5 ------------------------------------------------------ astearns: Discussed earlier but didn't resolve fantasai: These selectors have been highly requested for years. We know that WK had implemented the full functionality allowing combinators and everything but no one else has impl. There is a question of should we reduce scope of L4 fantasai: Question I wanted to ask is do we take this back to only allow compound for now and add complex in the future to make impl easier or is that not relevant concern? fantasai: Interop of reduced subset solves most of the problems AmeliaBR: No one would ask WK to rollback it's jsut defer to next level? fantasai: Yes astearns: Concerns from WK? smfr: I think we're okay moving those bits to next level astearns: In issue question of how many selectors we defer complex selectors for. astearns: Question is do we defer complex for :nth set or also the is/where/not/has collection? myles: For specs to get to rec we need two impl so why not start there? astearns: With everything? myles: If not 2 impl and no plan for another one... myles: We have to defer myles: Sooner or later fantasai: I don't want to have someone not impl and push off impl of these features in general because doing all at once is too much. If reducing size gets us an impl fast that's good. fantasai: I want to hear from Gecko and Blink are you planning to impl and if yes would trimming make it faster TabAtkins: I have to ask, I'm not certain. We're not against it but I don't know scheduling AmeliaBR: Comment in issue from Eric W that he started but hasn't worked recently emilio: We don't have immediate plans to impl, but complex selectors really complicate getting invalidation right so it would definitely take more if we had to figure out combinators fantasai: Is that true for the nth set only or also is/where/not emilio: If we solve we have to do for all at once fantasai: That seems like a good argument to refer to next level if can get Gecko impl sooner dbaron: I think if the result you want is finding out...is A encouraging impl and B finding out if extra parts will cause pain I think perhaps best way is add a note to spec that says we're considering dropping. If they make your impl harder please impl without and let us know. Because then there's clear intent WG is interested in feature as a whole but also just those parts fantasai: Could do opposite and just add subset and note we're doing the rest in L5 and these already impl in WK but seemed too complex for others florian: That's harder editorially. Do you think subset is easy to figure out in reading spec? Or is note saying can do subset is enough so don't have to editorially split it up fantasai: If we're doing it for all at once it's quite simple editorially. astearns: For myself it would be clearer reading spec to have complex selectors broken to next level with a note saying intend to add in future level. It's easy to look at production with complex selectors and miss the note and think it's too much astearns: My preference is to defer complex selectors for all of these and have a note in the current level mentioning this is an enhancement we'll get to in the next level astearns: Objections? RESOLVED: Defer complex selectors for all of these selectors and have a note in the current level mentioning this is an enhancement we'll get to in the next level CSS Environmental Variables =========================== Getting access to the document title ------------------------------------ github: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/3685 florian: There is a feature in GCPM that lets you in paged media generate header and footer with repeating document title in box. Interesting, but highly specific so not impl by a mainstream browser. Base feature to take document title and inject somewhere visible is useful. nth function seems like it could achieve that. Proposal is to have nth-doc-title expose the title of the element to be used in generated content <tantek> q+ to note "title of the document" is not necessarily <title> but sometimes (often) <h1> etc. florian: I'm specifically referring to a title element, not an h1. This isn't regions. H1 can have complex markup which wouldn't transfer to nth. HTML title element is just text so it's useful as well. Regions is useful but bigger <tantek> right, I know that. I'm saying your use-case is disconnected from your solution. tantek: Not about extra markup but typical title elements contain things from name of website to author to doc name. If looking to solve use case and you want to repeat the human readable title of document that information is often in first H1. If the use case is the repeating thing that doesn't solve with how people publish on web today. florian: I think will work with most eBooks but you have a point tantek: I would want to double check solution <AmeliaBR> +1 to tantek's argument on practicality. But I like the general idea of env() to access document properties. astearns: We're out of time. Thanks everyone for calling in
Received on Wednesday, 27 March 2019 18:58:07 UTC