[CSSWG] Minutes Sydney F2F 2018-07-03 Part III: CSS Box Styling, Improving Contribution Workflow, Transforms, Web Animation [css-box] [css-transforms] [web-animations]

  These are the official CSSWG minutes.
  Unless you're correcting the minutes,
 Please respond by starting a new thread
   with an appropriate subject line.

CSS Box Styling

  - RESOLVED: New module CSS Box Styling (css-box) to hold margin and
              padding definitions.

Improving Contribution Workflow

  - TabAtkins will add an "Edit this spec" link to specs, once PR
      #2320 has been fixed


  - RESOLVED: Pad the shorter one with identity functions, find the
              common prefix, interpolate common prefix pairwise,
              interpolate the rest matrix-wise. (Issue #927)
  - RESOLVED: Transform establishes a containing block for all
              elements. (Issue #913)
  - RESOLVED: Publish CSS Transforms Level 1 as a CR

Web Animations

  - RESOLVED: Add these new editors of Web Animations [Robert Flack
              immediately; Stephen McGruer and Antoine Quint once they
              join the working group]


Agenda: https://wiki.csswg.org/planning/sydney-2018#schedule
Scribe: heycam

CSS Box Styling
  github: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/2851
  Need a spec for margin/padding

  Rossen: This is something put forward by fantasai and Tab
  fantasai: Basically we ported a lot of CSS 2.1 props to Level 3 spec
  fantasai: Margin and padding properties haven't been copied over,
            though, and don't really have a home in our new specs
  fantasai: It would be useful if we had a spec to put these in
  fantasai: I don't think any particular layout model spec makes
            sense, since they affect every type of box
  fantasai: Suggestion is to create a short spec just about margins,
            paddings, what they are, and defining the terms margin
            box, padding box, etc.
  florian: And content box?
  fantasai: Yes
  TabAtkins: Sizing maybe
  Rossen: Maybe that's in box model
  dbaron: In Backgrounds and Borders?
  fantasai: Yes but margin and padding aren't defined there
  fantasai: Could make that Backgrounds, Borders, Margin and Padding!
  fantasai: Or a new Box Styling module, which is padding, margins,
            and maybe pull borders into there

  florian: I think it would make sense to be in a standalone module
  florian: to ease advancement
  florian: Maybe we pull in border related props in general
  florian: If not, we should have some anchoring terms like corner
  florian: so modules that want to affect these kinds of boxes
  fantasai: With no historical precedent, I would suggest Borders,
            Margin and Padding in one spec
  fantasai: but since Borders already live in B & B...
  fantasai: I don't think it will take long, just going to copy over
            definitions from 2.1, make sure they're in a Bikeshedded
  fantasai: and keep gradually replacing CSS 2.1 with modules
  florian: So all the boxes, and the margin and padding props?
  florian: Margin collapsing?
  fantasai: No, margin collapsing goes in the Block Layout spec
  florian: Sure
  <fantasai> https://www.w3.org/TR/CSS2/box.html 8.1, 8.2, 8.3 (not
             8.3.1), 8.4

  astearns: If not planning on adding anything new, the only purpose
            is to make it easier to write newer specs?
  TabAtkins: And continue on our slow grind to obsolete CSS 2.1
  fantasai: [mentions section numbers in CSS 2 for these definitions]
  ericwilligers: What happens to CSS Box 3?
  fantasai: Kill it
  fantasai: Part of my proposal is to name this new spec css-box, so
            we can overwrite that dangerously outdated spec

  Rossen: Sounds like a good proposal
  Rossen: So CSS Box Styling, overriding css-box
  Rossen: alternate proposals or objections?
  RESOLVED: New module CSS Box Styling (css-box) to hold margin and
            padding definitions.

  TabAtkins: We should re-tag all the old tests to the new spec
  fantasai: Might want to also consider splitting the Borders out of
            B&B to move into here
  florian: Definition of border box should go in there immediately

  <skk> Regarding new CSS Box Styling Module (css-box) is different
        against https://drafts.csswg.org/css-box/ ? The naming sounds
        a bit confusing.
  <astearns> skk that's intentional - we want to replace the old
  <skk> astearns Oh. I see! Thanks

Improving Contribution Workflow: Linking the .bs sources
  github: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/2472

  chris: This is for people proposing wording changes
  chris: some people propose changes to generated files
  chris: I was talking to this guy, asking how can we do it, so we can
         find where the .bs file
  chris: from the spec
  chris: We've already got an ED, with a .bs link
  chris: I want to say "right here, this wording, I want to find that
         text in the .bs file"
  TabAtkins: That's substantially more difficult
  TabAtkins: I can do the first part
  TabAtkins: second part is way harder

  florian: First part, I'm not sure it's a good idea
  florian: makes it easier to propose trivial fixes
  florian: but also easier for PRs when they should be filing issues,
           about more complicated problems
  <fantasai> +1 to what Florian said
  rachelandrew: Some people want to up the github contributions
  rachelandrew: and file lots of trivial fixes
  tantek: As long as this goes through the W3C IPR thing
  tantek: that's actually a win
  iank: For editorial changes it's non IPR required
  tantek: But if that's the default, then serious folks will think, no
  tantek: Might be a barrier to these troublesome fixes

  chris: I agree we do want to encourage issues for discussion
  chris: we can just reply with that
  tantek: If someone shows up proposing new text, it's someone we can
          train to be a new editor!
  florian: Sometimes
  chris: They're already doing that, but just on a generated file

  fantasai: I think we should remove the generated files from the repo
  chris: They're mostly gone, but sometimes pop up
  leaverou: Don't we have a .gitignore in the repo?
  TabAtkins: We do, but if it got manually added, it will still be

  chris: So it's easy to do the straightforward thing?
  fantasai: I don't think it makes that big of a difference
  fantasai: I'm concerned with florian's comment
  fantasai: landing on a page to contribute a page without any
            context, what our processes are
  tantek: They're already doing that but against the generated versions
  fantasai: Only have that for things on Bert's old preprocessor
  chris: Fonts and Colors 3
  florian: CSS 2
  astearns: There are some FX specs too
  fantasai: We should just delete those and solve them that way
  tantek: Does FX still exist?
  florian: As a repo, yes
  tantek: We can assimilate it?
  Rossen: We already have
  plinss: Shaders and Compositing 2 are the only two in there with
          generated files checked in
  TabAtkins: I can add some default boilerplate, with some macros that
             point to a new URL

  florian: Weren't we saying that if the generated specs aren't in the
           repo we don't need that link?
  TabAtkins: No
  florian: Because the purpose of that link is to avoid changing the
           output, and if the output isn't there, it's fine?
  TabAtkins: One benefit is that. another benefit is to encourage
             small changes / typo fixes more easily
  TabAtkins: Less friction for typo PRs the better
  florian: We can try

  Rossen: How many non trivial PRs will we get?
  [some discussion about WHATWG contribution]
  Rossen: Sounds like Tab can add a link to change the original source
  fantasai: I would prefer not to have a link without info/context to
            what editing the spec means
  Rossen: How to add that info?
  fantasai: We can do that if we want to, ways we can do it, but it's
            not a link to "here edit this spec"
  TabAtkins: I would like to try this out without assuming people will
             make substantive changes without discussion
  Rossen: Let's roll it out to a couple of specs
  TabAtkins: I'll do it for all specs
  myles: Let's just try it, get more engagement
  fantasai: No reason to do a subset
  Rossen: ok then

  fantasai: But would like to note the documentation sucks on how the
            WG operates, we need to fix that.
  florian: When you open a PR you get some information right?
  florian: there's on old blog that's a bit outdated
  chris: I know on GitHub you can have issue templates. Can we do that
         for PRs?
  TabAtkins: Yes
  <TabAtkins> `"!Edit This Spec":
  florian: For quick fix, this is welcome, if substantial, don't start
           with a PR
  tantek: I've seen things about code of conduct etc. agreements, so
          presumably we can do this
  rachelandrew: I can write some text that's easy to read about
                contributions if that's helpful

  <fantasai> https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/pull/2320
  fantasai: I would like this ^ fixed up and merged in before doing
  florian: Yes

  ACTION: Tab to add an "Edit this spec" link to specs, once #2320 has
          been fixed

[ At this point a section of the group did a breakout on Transforms,
    Animations, Transitions - all open issues. What follows is the
    minutes from that breakout ]

Scribe: ericwilligers

Smarter interpolation of truncated transform lists
  github: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/927

  birtles: (summarizing) There was a proposal for when we have
           mismatched transform lists to do something smarter than
           matrix interpolation
  birtles: We resolved on some behavior (April 2017) but when
           implementing, spec text did not match what was discussed in
  birtles: We implemented what is in spec text but we want to do
           something smarter: interpolate common prefix and use matrix
           interpolation for the remainder

  krit: Do other implementers also want to change?
  dino: We should do this: go as far as you can, smoosh the rest
  iank: Will have to check with Waterloo team
  rossen: No objection
  [pad the shorter one with identity functions, find the common prefix.
      interpolate common prefix pairwise, interpolate the rest

  krit: Proposal from fantasai to do the same from the right if they
        have a common suffix.
  tabatkins: Don't like it - common to have ambiguous situations
  krit: Agree
  tabatkins: Prefer prefix over suffix, prefer not to try to do both
  <birtles> I agree

  RESOLVED: Pad the shorter one with identity functions, find the
            common prefix, interpolate common prefix pairwise,
            interpolate the rest matrix-wise.

Make transform a containing block for all descendants
  github: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/913

  krit: Because of the compositing model of many browsers, much the
        same reason as for filter effects
  rossen: This means it will also be a containing block for fixed?
  <krit> https://github.com/angular/material2/issues/3031
  rossen: Is there interop?
  <birtles> dbaron has a test for some of these cases

  ericwilligers: Motion path and individual transform properties
                 explicitly create a containing block and stacking
  rossen: Seems like transform in Edge and Chrome and Firefox is
          considered a containing block.
  birtles: transform-style flat creates a stacking context in the spec
           but not implementations.
  krit: Some developers don't like the behavior - some want fixed-pos
        to not create a containing block even if there is a transform.
  dbaron: It is a little late to change that.
  dbaron: I tried this on 4 engines. Notes at the bottom of test
          linked above.
  dbaron: This is testing many different things. Green means it does
          the thing, red means it does not. Sometimes does not
          correspond to pass/fail.
  dbaron: Crossed out means the engine does not implement property.
  krit: Confirm WebKit behaves same as Edge and Chrome and Firefox in
        creating a containing block.
  krit: Will we resolve for filter too?

  RESOLVED: transform establishes a containing block for all elements.

Scribe: dino

  ericwilligers: Didn't we resolve to add a few options for
  ericwilligers: It's already in the spec
  ericwilligers: I'm just noting that there have been differences
                 since the most recent publication

CSS Transforms Last Call

  dbaron: Last call doesn't exist any more. Do you mean CR?
  krit: I don't know what it is called. But I meant Last Call.
  ericwilligers: The concern is that there is no interop for
  dbaron: That's fine for entering CR
  Rossen: We should definitely go to CR
  Rossen: Once the changes are in

  Rossen: krit, are you going to do the work preparing for CR?
  krit: yes
  krit: I'll work with Chris Lilley

  Rossen: any objections to taking transforms level 1 to CR
  RESOLVED: Publish CSS Transforms Level 1 as a CR

Updating Editors for Web Animations

  birtles: Supposedly we need WG approval to change editors
  birtles: shane and doug are currently editors but can no longer
  birtles: I propose adding Robert Flack (Google), Stephen McGruer
           (Google), Antoine Quint (Apple). The latter two need to
           join the WG.
  Rossen: We can't add them while they are not members. Add Flack now.
  Rossen: Objections to adding Flack?
  Rossen: Any objections to adding McGruer and Quint when they become
          CSS members?
  RESOLVED: Add these new editors of Web Animations

Any more animations or transitions issues

  birtles: Not many that are worth discussing
  birtles: I'm blocked on moving definitions into values and units.
           Tab and fantasai offered to help. They can't continue to
           live in transitions.
  birtles: The other issue is I need to redo a lot of WPT because they
           are not very reliable. We've disabled a bunch in gecko due
           to flakiness.
  birtles: This makes it hard to edit the spec and make more tests
  birtles: I need to get those fixed

  krit: Maybe eric wants to discuss filter on root?
  Rossen: We might need simon for this. What is it about?
  <krit> https://github.com/w3c/fxtf-drafts/pull/263
  Rossen: I think we discussed this 2 weeks ago, and we need a lot
          more investigation. It will happen on github.
  Rossen: We are adjourned.

Received on Friday, 20 July 2018 00:27:44 UTC