[CSSWG] Minutes Telecon 2017-01-24 [css-grid] [geometry] [css-masking] [filter-effects] [css-flexbox]

  These are the official CSSWG minutes.
  Unless you're correcting the minutes,
 Please respond by starting a new thread
   with an appropriate subject line.

Grid L2 FPWD

  - The request for FPWD was deferred to next week in order to allow
      time to review the ED.  Proposed draft is available here:

FXTF - Geometry

  - RESOLVED: Remove no interface object from geometry interface.
              (https://github.com/w3c/fxtf-drafts/issues/233 )

FXTF - Filter Effects

  - RESOLVED: Add a second param to blur() in L2 of filter-effects.
              (https://github.com/w3c/fxtf-drafts/issues/229 )
  - RESOLVED: Allow filter functions to work without params. Drop
              shadow aside arguments on filter functions will be
              optional. sepia, grayscale, and invert it would be the
              complete effect and for the others no effect.
(https://github.com/w3c/fxtf-drafts/issues/1 )

FXTF - Masking

  - RESOLVED: Create an ED for Masking L2.
  - RESOLVED: Put mask-position-x/y into the Masking L2 draft.

Flexbox & Grid

  - Rossen informed the group that Edge intends to change their
      implementation for padding and margin percent values of grid/
      flex items to align with the Webkit/Blink implementation.
  - He believed that the group should now consider resolving to one
      behavior in the specs (Issue:
https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/2085 )
      however the Firefox team will review their plans internally
      before resolving.


Agenda: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/2018Jan/0100.html

  Rachel Andrew
  Rossen Atanassov
  David Baron
  Amelia Bellamy-Royds
  Tantek Çelik
  Dave Cramer
  Alex Critchfield
  Benjamin De Cock
  Elika Etemad
  Simon Fraser
  Tony Graham
  Dael Jackson
  Brad Kemper
  Vladimir Levantovsky
  Chris Lilley
  Peter Linss
  Thierry Michel
  Myles Maxfield
  Michael Miller
  Anton Prowse
  Manuel Rego
  Melanie Richards
  Alan Stearns
  Lea Verou
  Eric Willigers

  Liam Quin
  Florian Rivoal
  Greg Whitworth

Scribe: dael

  astearns: Let's get going.
  astearns: FPWD for Grid 2 was added to the agenda.
  <fantasai> related to FPWD is https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/1116

  astearns: Anything else to add?
  Rossen: I wanted to add if we have time to ask on the padding and
          margin % issue for grid and flex. If not we can discuss next
  astearns: Let's do that after fxtf priority issues.
  Rossen: That's fine.

Grid L2 FPWD

  astearns: We have content thanks to fantasai. A bit of the subgrid
  fantasai: Grid 2 proposal has had the subgrid text that was removed
            from L1 and per axis sub grid. I've added a diff against
            grid. I've integrated the duel axis proposal into the main
            body. That's what in the draft.
  <fantasai> https://drafts.csswg.org/css-grid-2/#alignment
  fantasai: There's a 2nd section that's aspect ratio controlled
            gutters. Highly desired. When you have justify content
            setting your gaps to take whatever is left you want the
            same amount of gap in the other axis, but there's no way
            to say that. This proposal will add a number to
            align-content adjust where you can take what is in the
            other axis.
  fantasai: Do we want this also in fpwd?
  Chris: If we can get the stuff into fpwd that's good because we get
         patient out because elsewise we have to wait until CR for
         legal review. I prefer as much as possible in fpwd.

  Rossen: I haven't had a chance to review the stuff that came out of
          grid 1. This isn't an ED yet. I think we should do ED first
          and then do FPWD. I'd prefer first level doesn't have added,
          at least not until we can review.
  Rossen: I would support fpwd in the form we agreed on in Tokyo. I'd
          be fine with that. Then if we need to add anything else we
          can do that.
  astearns: It is an ED in our repo and it is in grid 2
  <Chris> fair enough, if there is not consensus on a feature it
          should not be in the fpwd
  <Rossen> https://drafts.csswg.org/css-grid-2/
  Rossen: I'm looking at the one in css drafts ^
  fantasai: What we have is an outstanding resolution to publish
            subgrid as fpwd with the per axis proposal in as an issue.
            Only question is do we want the gutter stuff as well.
  Rossen: And that's what I was commenting on.

  astearns: You'd prefer not gutter?
  <tantek> +1 to including the gutter stuff
  Rossen: Not in first public.
  Rossen: Or at least we'll need time to review and go from there.
  fantasai: That's fine.
  Rossen: I haven't had a chance to review.
  <rachelandrew> +1 to include the gutter stuff
  astearns: Chris point is reviewing and getting commitment at fpwd is
            preferable to putting in later and only getting legal at
  Rossen: Yes and to do that we have to review.
  fantasai: We can come back next week if that's easier.
  Rossen: Sure. I cannot vote yes right now today.
  tantek: Understandable
  <Chris> rossen, how long to review (a week, a month ...)
  <Chris> to clarify, if we don't have consensus on features I am fine
          with a fpwd without them.

  astearns: To complicate things I'd like the styling grid area stuff
            in too.
  fantasai: I would too but that's much more complicated. We should
            continue to work, but until there's a solid
            proposal...this stuff is a lot more ready to go. There
            isn't a whole lot here and it could go quickly. Subgrid is
            the #1 thing we need to fix. It's needed and an a11y issue.
  fantasai: Then for the styling I would want to work on that but it
            involves pseudo elements and more interactions and there
            isn't a solid proposal. Therefore I don't think it should
            go in here, it would hold everything else up.
  fantasai: If there's a solid proposal I'm happy, but I want to get
            subgrid to CR in 6 months.
  astearns: I have not heard anyone is actively working on impl
            subgrid. So taking it to CR without impl starting is
            premature. If I'm wrong, I'd be happy.
  <Chris> alan +1
  Rossen: There will be a lot more interest from impl on subgrid to
          address all the issues fantasai raised, especially a11y
          where the styling is just another feature.

  tantek: First, I'm okay waiting a week if that's enough time for
          Rossen. Rossen is that enough time to come up with
  tantek: That's what I understood.
  tantek: Second: A lot of the feedback that caused us to move subgrid
          out was from Mozilla so you can count that as impl interest.
  tantek: Once we have fpwd the momentum will build and I'm hoping for
          additional impl interest
  astearns: Let's take a week to allow Rossen and others to review and
            do fpwd next week.

CSS Fonts 3

Default feature list should not require a list of features to turn on
  github: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/1267

  myles: I closed the issue no change.
  Chris: Okay, because an hour ago I was arguing osx was wrong.
  myles: We can take it offline, but no change.



Update WebIDL definition(s) to use new mixin syntax
  github: https://github.com/w3c/fxtf-drafts/issues/233

  astearns: First is WebIDL definitions?
  <krit> https://www.w3.org/TR/geometry-1/#DOMRectList
  krit: Yes and this is geometry interface modal. It doesn't have an
        active editor. The spec removed the no interface term and
        therefore all interfaces need updating. Usually no interface
        was used for mixins.
  krit: In the future authors should always use sequences of DOM. The
        question is why it's a no interface in the first place. The
        suggestion was to remove the object.
  krit: Done in Firefox already.
  krit: My guess is we didn't want JS to create new DOM rec lists with
  krit: WebIDL pointed out it should be safe to remove it. I'm asking
        for approval to change the spec and remove the no interface
        object from the spec.

  astearns: Obj/comments to removing no interface object?
  Chris: sgtm
  <frremy> sounds good to me
  <Rossen> +1

  RESOLVED: Remove no interface object from geometry interface


blur() to take two parameters
  github: https://github.com/w3c/fxtf-drafts/issues/229

  krit: Currently takes one argument, proposal is to take 2 so you can
        blur in horizontal and vertical with a different setting. I
        think this is good, but browsers don't impl. Move to level 2
        or are browsers interested?
  krit: I propose moving it to L2.
  Chris: Agree. Since they all do 1 param it's better to move it and
         get impl interest first.
  smfr: I agree. For webkit I'm happy to impl it in L2.
  krit: Maybe we can also resolve to put it into L2?
  astearns: Do we have a L2?
  krit: Yes.
  astearns: Great.

  astearns: Objections to adding a second param to blur() in L2 of
  Rossen: What was the only impl?
  krit: There is none. It's a proposal from a dev.
  Rossen: Okay.
  dbaron: One thing to do is if it's in L2 to point out it's the new
          feature in a list that's elsewise the same.
  krit: It's already a diff spec so yes.

  RESOLVED: Add a second param to blur() in L2 of filter-effects.

CSS Masking

Add mask-position-{x,y}
  github: https://github.com/w3c/fxtf-drafts/issues/103

  krit: One property at the moment. There was a proposal to add -x and
        -y. It's in webkit, I believe. Request was to spec. We agreed
        to align as much as possible to background spec. If background
        won't do position-x and -y then mask won't. Same for
  fantasai: Background-position-x and -y is in L4 which isn't fpwd but
            it was resolved to add.
  krit: and repeat?
  fantasai: I don't think so.
  krit: Then since this is CR it's probably best not to add yet.
  <Chris> agree, better not to add them *yet*
  fantasai: I think we had a discussion about repeat and we weren't
            going to add unless required for compat since there wasn't
            a use case.
  krit: My concern isn't them having it, but how we handle for masking
        spec. Since the spec is in CR I don't want to add features
        that aren't in L4.
  <Chris> yeah it is more alignment between masking and backgrounds.
  fantasai: I would agree. Adding mask-position-x and -y to L2 might
            make sense. L1 should stay.
  krit: We don't have a L2 yet. Should we wait or create the L2
        already and put the properties in there?

  astearns: I have a question about background-position-x/y. Have
            blink and webkit already impl it?
  krit: As far as I know yes. For mask it was a webkit prefix.
  astearns: Right.
  <smfr> https://webkit.org/css-status/?#?search=background-position

  astearns: For myself I would like to have a next level of masking
            with these features since mask-position-x/y is in a couple
            engines and maybe a third.
  krit: Then we need to resolve to have level 2 and then move it.
  astearns: I think first step is have a resolution to put it into the
            next level. Once an ED has these features we can have
            another call.
  <Chris> +1 to ED
  krit: I wasn't asking for fpwd, just an ED for L2.
  <AmeliaBR> +1 to having a level 2 of Masking
  astearns: Fair.
  astearns: Any objections to creating an ED for Masking L2?

  RESOLVED: Create an ED for Masking L2.

  astearns: Objections to putting mask-position-x/y into that draft?

  RESOLVED: Put mask-position-x/y into that draft

Filter Effects

Make grayscale() work without parameters
  github: https://github.com/w3c/fxtf-drafts/issues/1

  AmeliaBR: The shorthand functions as currently defined all have
            required parameters. For the one prompting this, though it
            applies to a few, to get a grayscale filter you have to
            say 100%. That wasn't how it worked in webkit prefixed and
            when I checked it last June even without the prefix safari
            & chrome support a number of functions without param.
  AmeliaBR: Confusing part is the way the functions are defined in
            some there is an obvious do this all the way, like
            grayscale(100%) is all the way gray scale. Other functions
            have two possible directions. You can make something
            lighter or darker. For those 100% is no effect.
  AmeliaBR: That's the baseline and you need more or less than 100%.
  <Chris> Agree with AmeliaBR grayscale() equivalent to
          grayscale(100%) and same for sepia and invert
  AmeliaBR: I think that's why this spec was defined as it was. For
            the effects like grayscale where there is a clear apply
            this completely it's a nice author convenience to not have
            the 100% on grayscale. We also have existing differences
            in impl.
  krit: I'd like to add webkit and blink do support none arguments for
        everything except drop shadow. It's convenient to have no
        argument for some functions. The other kinds of functions if
        you don't specify it's no effect. If there's no value for
        opacity you don't get opacity
  krit: Do we agree sepia, grayscale and invert don't need a scale and
        would result in complete change. And if yes do we want the
        others to not require a param is that no effect?

  Chris: It seems obvious that if there's no param it does the obvious
         thing. Only down side is the knock on items for
         interpolation. It's not clear that's been sorted, but if we
         can do that yes.
  AmeliaBR: I've never tested safari and chrome for transitions. I'm
            assuming they treat grayscale no param as 100%. There
            would be text about serialization.
  leaverou: I would agree to sensible defaults. I seem to recall being
            confused on grayscale no param, but I just tried it on
            chrome so perhaps it's been fixed.
  <smfr> animations work: https://codepen.io/smfr/pen/PEvZwb

  krit: Also possible to keep as is on L1 and think about good options
        for L2.
  krit: To Chris we think about different initial for normal and
        interpolation so differing between two initial values is fine.
  smfr: I'd prefer we spec L1 in terms of what browsers impl. So I'm
        fine having no arguments in L1. I don't think animations would
        be a problem, so I don't see anything tricky there.
  <fantasai> +1 to smfr
  krit: Only webkit and blink support without arguments with the
        exception of drop shadow.
  smfr: But if spec requires arguments there's compat issues. It seems
        harmless to allow no arguments then require and later on allow
  fantasai: I would agree we should allow no argument where there is
            an obvious default. I'm less convinced for all the others.

  AmeliaBR: I think it would be best to resolve soon because we do
            have browser issues. If the end is allow some and not
            others I'd like to see impl match asap.
  AmeliaBR: Otherwise...right now the other ones are no effect
            independently but if they're in a filter list, like a
            transition, there's a question as to if that's a valid
            parsing sequence. You could suddenly break a site so we
            want to resolve asap.
  krit: And it's a question if safari/webkit and blink are willing to
        change if we change requirements.
  smfr: I think that's too much of a compat risk.
  krit: In this case it makes sense to make arguments optional and we
        need to decide what happens for those that it's not obvious.
        Most are no effect. Brightness it will use 0 and I'm not sure
        that's preferred and if content relies on that.

  krit: smfr would you be willing the change brightness to no effect
        if there's no argument?
  smfr: I don't know. I'm not sure if brightness [missed]
  * fantasai agrees with krit
  AmeliaBR: Logically brightness should behave like contrast or
            saturate because you can increase and decrease. Brightness
            100% is no effect. I'm not sure why no param as 0 was impl.
  <fantasai> +1
  smfr: I don't feel too strongly. But brightness without arguments
        doesn't seem common.
  krit: Would you change brightness w/o arguments to no effect?
  smfr: I think so.
  * bradk agrees with AmeliaBR

  krit: Drop shadow aside we agree we'd have arguments on filter
        functions be option. sepia, grayscale, and invert it would be
        the complete effect and for the others no effect.
  smfr: sgtm
  astearns: Objections?

  RESOLVED: Allow filter functions to work without params. Drop shadow
            aside arguments on filter functions will be optional.
            sepia, grayscale, and invert it would be the complete
            effect and for the others no effect.

  astearns: Chris added a needs test case.
  krit: Agree

  astearns: fxtf issues #221 and #178 need people who understand color
            to look. Please do.


Flexbox & Grid

Choose a single option for resolving padding and margin percent values
    of grid/flex items
  github: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/2085

  Rossen: We discussed ~1 month ago. I raised it before we locked down
          flexbox and grid. I wanted one behavior for resolving the
          block level padding and margins. Current spec allows to
          resolve those from corresponding inline or block axis.
  Rossen: In a little more css 2.1 terms top and bottom margins
          resolve to either height or width. FF and Edge impl that we
          resolve from the same direction as the padding and margin.
          Webkit & Blink impl the similar behavior to block. They
          resolve from width. That enables the hack to have the aspect
          ratio on elements other than replaced.
  Rossen: We've gone by for a couple years. Now that grid usage is
          picking up we're seeing pretty bad compat issues
  <Rossen> https://www.bloomberg.com/pursuits/travel
  <Rossen> https://thepeachtruck.com/blogs/the-peach-truck-kitchen
  <Rossen> https://maps.google.com/localguides/event/summit
  Rossen: ^ here's a couple. If you have FF or Edge you can compare.

  Rossen: A month ago we left that rachelandrew would write a blog.
          She did. Thank you.
  Rossen: We got back quite a bit of opinions. They are kind of split.
          To summarize about 1/2 the people want to be able to spec on
          value and expect that padding and margin is the same.
  [Rossen lost audio]

  <fantasai> https://wiki.csswg.org/planning/berlin-2018
  fantasai: While we wait. If you're planning to come to Berlin please
            put yourself on the wiki. If you're interested in air BnB
            let florian or I know.
  Rossen: I'm back.

  Rossen: Second part of the group advocated for keeping the behavior
  Rossen: They basically were motivated because they don't want to
          learn the wacky way of resolving against something not the
  Rossen: We are where we are. I listed some of those bad compat
  Rossen: One other point brought up is at this point there's quite a
          bit of usage in Chrome so this won't be easy for Chrome to
          back away unless they want the compat issues we have.
  Rossen: Given where we are and the community is split I think the
          better service to the web is align on something which is at
          least consistent. For that reason I'm going to go and impl
          this behavior in the next version to Edge, to align to
          Chrome and Webkit, provided we can resolve to go with that.
  <tantek> I thought we were going to give more time for a proposal
           for the aspect ratio stuff first?
  <tantek> so we could eliminate that as an excuse
  Rossen: Last time we chatted TabAtkins was, I believe, also fine
          with going down to one behavior as long as there's impl
          interest. I'm committing to changing Edge so the only thing
          would be for FF to catch up.
  Rossen: But we are not going to continue to put our users through
          this suboptimal experience.
  Rossen: So I'm sorry I couldn't hold up for the new comers to CSS.
          It is what it is. So for UX we'll align with Chrome and

  Rossen: I want to put it back on the WG to resolve on one behavior
          and I mostly want to hear from FF since they'll be the only
          ones left with the different behavior.
  dbaron: I'd want to hear Mats' comments. I haven't spoken to him on
          this for a bit.
  tantek: I'd like to hear from dholbert as well before FF has an
  Rossen: I don't mind if we hold back, but at this point we're going
          to ship to be interop with webkit and blink behavior on our
          next version.
  Rossen: So this will put more pressure on your folks. But that
          doesn't mean you have to agree right now. Please chat.
  <tantek> basically this is about giving in to compat right?

  fantasai: One pattern I saw in the comments is a lot from the group
            supporting asymmetric is that it initially doesn't make
            sense, but it is more useful more of the time in the end.
  fantasai: I found that convincing.
  Rossen: I also found it convincing. But given that everyone can only
          use that it's hard to argue the opposite.
  rachelandrew: From talking to people I think what you see if
                existing web dev think it's sensible and new people
                will find it strange. But I can understand the compat
  tantek: Only the oldest behavior...those of us that have been around
          15-20 years would say that. Anyone who used positioning or
          flexbox/grid would see it as weird and different.
  rachelandrew: Yeah. I'm just telling you what I'm hearing.

  tantek: I want to go on record to say I'm a little disappointed
          because this is an ex where the WG essentially failed by
          evidence of we're in a compat issue. It's not the first
          time, but I wanted to call it out. Every time we resolve to
          do it some way because a number of browsers do something and
          then websites depend on it and then we hit a threshold where
          other browsers are compelled to change.
  <Rossen> +1 to tantek - this is exactly why I was fighting for so
           long and hard on the issue
  tantek: I fully sympathize. But this is a compat forced change. I
          don't think this is good for the model.
  astearns: I would agree.
  astearns: Given that the discussion was evenly split and that we are
            going in the compat direction it seems this will end up
            with another switch like box sizing where people can opt
            into the more sane way.
  astearns: We're nearly out of time. Rossen do you want to put your
            intent in and tag dholbert and Mats?
  Rossen: I will. I wanted the minutes into the issue before I do it.
          If we can resolve sooner rather then later so we can make
          the spec changes that would be great.

  tantek: I'd like to call this out as a meta issue for the F2F which
          is when we don't act on some ambiguous we spec due to
          compat. I feel this is the latest data point.
  astearns: Can you put it on the F2F agenda?
  tantek: Yep.

  astearns: Thanks everyone for calling in.

Received on Thursday, 25 January 2018 01:10:45 UTC