Re: [css-multicol] some formatting problems in the document

Le 2018-01-14 10:01, Dennis Heuer a écrit :
> Hello
> 2. The multi-column model
> The examples format badly because they are neither images nor true
> column-examples

The examples are indeed not true column-examples for several reasons. 
They were created at a time before any browser was supporting and 
implementing the spec which was described in the document. So, an 
alternative CSS code and an alternative CSS method had to be used to 
describe how CSS multi-column properties were working. This was 
unavoidable. And this is also bound to happen again in other CSS 
specifications documents.

> (that should only be shown in extra tabs after
> clicking a button).

I can not speak for Håkon Wium Lie on this but I know I would prefer to 
have all examples shown in CSS specifications documents and not in extra 
tabs and without having to click a button.


Received on Sunday, 14 January 2018 20:49:18 UTC