Re: text-decoration-skip-ink auto should continue past behavior - 30+ years of underline behavior changed by latest CSS draft

Op 21-2-2018 om 18:27 schreef Myles C. Maxfield:

>> On Feb 21, 2018, at 9:22 AM, Myles C. Maxfield <> wrote:
>> [...]
>>> Underlined text should always have the line over all characters.
>> Nope. This is how computers have historically rendered text. However, historically, most high-typographic-quality examples which include underlines make the underlines skip over the descenders.
> Or, stated differently, underlines cross descenders in existing software because it was convenient for software authors writing code. However, we’ve done research in underlines through the ages (way before computers were invented) and the best typographical samples always use skipping underlines. This is a situation where changing behavior on the Web doesn’t break content and automatically improves typography for everyone. (And it has an opt-out mechanism if for some reason you don’t like good typography.)

“I am a Web developer with a degree in typographic design and I approve 
this message.”

Also, back in the day we used to have tiny aliased serif type on gray 
backgrounds. Almost illegible, but it was a thing. I applaud efforts to 
make type on the Web less terrible (also known as more readable).

My two cents.

Kind Regards,

Alexander Dekker

Received on Wednesday, 21 February 2018 19:05:17 UTC