- From: fantasai <fantasai.lists@inkedblade.net>
- Date: Fri, 27 Apr 2018 14:28:36 -0700
- To: www-style@w3.org
========================================= These are the official CSSWG minutes. Unless you're correcting the minutes, Please respond by starting a new thread with an appropriate subject line. ========================================= Spacial Navigation ------------------ - Jihye showed a demonstration of how the spec has progressed so far: https://wicg.github.io/spatial-navigation/demo/blog/ - Much of the current spec isn't about CSS, but it has raised questions about terminology and making it easier to refer to scrolling concepts. - It was suggested that all the definition of terms occur in CSS Overflow to make it easier to reference terms. - There's significant interest in having this spec assist accessibility concerns. - The group did not think that adding information about hit testing would be valuable. - Exposing a new Media Query that would give data on interaction media feature navigation raised concerns about possible fingerprinting. If there are strong use cases the group will reconsider. - RESOLVED: Add the definition of the border shape edge to Borders and Backgrounds L3 (Issue #2324: Missing box terminology). CSS Floats ---------- - Originally there were three proposals to address issue #2452 (What happens when a bfc height grows such that it intersects with a lower-placed float that was not considered when choosing its width): 1) Attempt all possibilities until one fits (what Firefox does) 2) If it doesn't fit you try one more layout 3) Put the BFC under the floats (what Edge does) - Option 3 is the most performant, but option 1 was what users would expect. Option 2 was a compromise, but since no one implements it currently there were objections to resolving on it. - The group agreed on Option 1 and will request more performance data from whomever implements so that they can re-open this if there is a significant performance issue. - RESOLVED: The working group preference is to specify BFC float avoidance behavior to match the guidelines of what is spec in 2.1 for inline layout float avoidance behavior. - RESOLVED: Start a CSS 3 Floats Module with dbaron and fremy as co-editors. ===== FULL MINUTES BELOW ====== Agenda: https://wiki.csswg.org/planning/berlin-2018#schedule Scribe: dael Spatial Navigation ================== Demo link: https://wicg.github.io/spatial-navigation/demo/blog/ Spec Link: https://wicg.github.io/spatial-navigation/ jihye: spatial navigation is the ability to navigate between focusable elements. jihye: florian and I introduced this draft last year. Most browsers have not historically offered these features. Some browsers have allowed it using arrow keys. No browser now provides it by default. Some web apps provide using JS libraries. jihye: We thought to spec basic behavior and provide some overriding APIs of the default behavior. jihye: [shows spec] jihye: florian and I wrote the ED. It includes processing model which is basic browser behavior. We're writing overriding APIs and the CSS property. jihye: I also made a polyfill based on the spec. It's not complete, but supports main behavior florian: This is mostly not a CSS spec right now. From a CSS sense it's as if everything was auto. We need to say what happens when a user tries to do things when everything is auto and then we have some JS for changing auto. florian: We started with CSS properties but with limited data on what authors and users want. We thought it was better to get the basic APIs and then add additional CSS properties based on what people do with JS. This works without JS, but the JS overrides. The questions we have later is things the depend on layouts. jihye: [shows demo] jihye: In the page there are several focusable elements and you can navigate using arrow keys. You can do with tab, but you have to press more times. Web apps using inline layout, spatial nav is very useful. jihye: [shows a page with many examples of layout] jihye: There's many corner cases, including hover cases. florian: One of this thing we're interested in seeing is the long standing questions about re-ordered sequential navigation; we think they want spatial navigation. We're interested to see if people still want the re-ordered sequential after we've done this. tantek: There's always been an a11y desire to make sequential work without a spatial view. florian: This is a side note. Rossen: We've been implementing and shipping spatial nav on Xbox with Edge for a few releases. We've precieved it as a general UI nav, and for that reason we're allowing a generic UI for a11y and anything, including XBox controller or input based on Kinect motion or verbal commands, is just working. We don't have to deal with all modes of input and user input, that's mediated by a11y interface. Rossen: Also, from what tantek said, I've been in the APA WG and that's been their top gripe about flexbox and grid and everything else. I'm very interested in anything we'll do to help those efforts. If we're not solving this for a11y as well I think we're missing out. <tantek> agreed with Rossen florian: We have an open issue saying if you have use cases not solved by spatial nav for reordered sequential please tell us. We haven't heard, but maybe don't have the right eyes. I don't think there's anything incompatible, but I've heard conflicting requests about the sequential navigation, and some of them may be solved here. tantek: It's better to look through mintes for joint CSS WG and a11y meeting at TPAC 2017. florian: I did. There's multiple people saying conflicting things. I suspect that some of these conflicts would go away once we have spatnav. florian: But that's not what we wanted to talk about today. Missing scroll-related anchoring terminology -------------------------------------------- github: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/2322 and https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/2323 florian: For issues, one thing that became apparent is spatial navigation isn't easy. If the first focused button is several pages down you want to scroll until you get to it. When we tried to specify in relation to scrolling, we found it difficult to define in terms of CSS. There's some in overflow, some in scroll snap points, some in CSSOM view which defines APIs. These bits are not well integrated. The more procedural approach in CSSOM view doesn't talk about snap points. florian: We have two issues on the agenda. #2322 and #2323 florian: It's the desire for a scrolling spec to exist. #2322 we found a need to refer to a thing that can be scrolled. fantasai: Do you want something that can be scrolled by the user florian: Yes and that can be manually scrolled. It's not already scrolled all the way in. If it's all the way down it cannot. If it's the last mandatory scroll point you cannot. If a use wants to scroll in this direction, could they? We found a need to try and talk to that. You can describe this, but there's no single term. fantasai: What do you want the WG to do? florian: These two issues call for a scrolling spec that folds all the things in so that we don't have to talk about properties from many specs when talking about scrolling. What's the WG stategy to make scrolling easy to refer to? fantasai: Having terminology defined in Overfow makes sense if it's general. If it's API-based it should be in CSSOM. florian: This is anchoring terminology. fantasai: CSS Overflow florian: We needed a thing that can be manually scrolled in another direction, and the other is scrolling directionally by a UA-defined amount, taking into account all the other properties. fremy: Scroll a single user? florian: If you pressed the down arrow, find an anchoring term fantasai: Scroll in intended direction. <fantasai> https://www.w3.org/TR/css-scroll-snap-1/#scroll-types florian: There's the classification of things in Scroll Snap. fantasai: We can move that section to Overflow. Rossen: I think what fantasai said is CSS Overflow is where terminology should be. If it's not there point it out. In terms of additional features that live on those terminologies, we shouldn't have base definitions in css-snap-points. florian: So propose terms move to Overflow with notes to spec how they affect that term majidvp: Overscroll introduces scroll boundary and that's something you alluded that you needed so it makes sense to refactor. florian: I'll propose the relevent edits. Rossen: For issue #2322 do you need anything for the group? florian: No, I need to propose. Questions from demo discussion ------------------------------ myles: I wanted to ask for clarification on the xbox. Were you talking about logical vs visual ordering or talking about making the API work for a11y? Rossen: Mine was about that we've been asked many times to help a11y WG by defining how the flexbox reordering, or grid, plays nicely with a11y. a11y for all the providers today is still tree-based, and based on content order. If you reorder using flex order or you target visually different grid cells you are disconnecting visual order from content order. Rossen: This has been the #1 issue the a11y WG has been asking us to help them solve. Rossen: They have also been asking in addition for help with general spatial nav. Put aside flexbox and grid, if they have a canvas with a bunch of little things inside, how do the spatially navigate? Like with a map. Then going back to HTML/CSS how do you navigate over a document. Rossen: I sympathize with the effort. I hoped florian and jihye's work would help with both things. I hoped that they wouldn't reinevent the wheel with how it currently works. If this is something that can aid this. florian: Clarification. We're trying not to reinvent. Our model is closer to the one that exists in Chrome. It doesn't exist by default, but you can get it in a console command and it's similar to presto. I don't know the type of spat nav. iank: It's similar to presto when it was in opera. Rossen: myles does that answer? myles: Yes. Missing box terminology ----------------------- github: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/2324 florian: css-backgrounds-3 says border-radius changes the border edge. If you link to “border edge” it doesn't say if it effects it. The spec that does talks about border edge but not the other various boxes. It makes it really awkward to refer to in other specs. If we can define the border edge in level 3 TabAtkins: I like “shaped border edge” to refer to it. florian: And we can add all the things that can be shaped. TabAtkins: We wanted to refer to the things outside. florian: If it effects hit testing it should be there. iank: clip-path yes, but I don't believe share-outside affects it. florian: Editors will do it? I think it's border and backgrounds L3 TabAtkins: Sure. Seems fine. astearns: Since it's just missing testing to go to rec....it's just a term. As long as you don't open hit testing against backgrounds and borders L3 I'll be happy. Rossen: proposal: Add the definition of the border shape edge to Borders and Backgrounds L3 RESOLVED: Add the definition of the border shape edge to Borders and Backgrounds L3 Hit Testing ----------- github: https://github.com/WICG/spatial-navigation/issues/29#issuecomment-378153116 florian: Is this an operation that we can use or is it hard to impl? florian: When you have dialogs or things popping over a page, you can't click on the things behind. Currently tabbed navigation can get behind, but spatial navigation is relatively new. It would be nice that if an item can't be clicked on also can't be navigated to. It could be possible to declare these things as inert, but if we didn't have to ask authors it would be good. Can we or is it hard to implement? tantek: It would require normative reference to “can you click on it”. florian: We haven't defined how hit testing works, so we don't have to depend on it. iank: If there's a 1px edge and you want to test exposed? florian: If it's barely visible then you made it visible. iank: This is asking for hit testing on an area and you have to determine the area? smfr: As you scroll and animations run you have to animate every frame. It's super hard. Rossen: Every implementation layers differently. We layer for perf. We layer things interdependently for painting and hit testing doesn't benefit on that. Mechanics of doing hit testing may suffer, but hit testing isn't highly demanding. Rossen: Thing to point out, though, I would encourage you to take a look at HTML AAM or ARIA AAM and see how they go about it. They define landmarks and all of the sites I've seen with pop ups they have a11y. florian: There are mechanisms to say obscure things aren't interactive. Given our thing doesn't have compat baggage, if it's necessary for authors to make them do it that's okay, but if it could be authors don't have to do anything it's a nicer experience. Rossen: You'd discourage authors to do what's recommended for a11y reasons. florian: I'm hearing hard to implement and possibly not desirable; don't do this. fremy: We have a JS-exposed function called msElementsFromRect where we return all elements that match the rectangle. Rectangles are easy but shapes and SVG things get harder. If you want to define this as there is an element for the entirety of the object. Can you click on some pixel is hard. Rossen: And then you get into the argument of where is the origin of the pixel. fremy: If you want to see if there is one object that completely covers another object that's easier. Rossen: And with this you don't get the order of the rects. florian: So rely on author actively disabling things. Rossen: Which they should do for a11y. I would continue encouraging people to support that a11y agenda. It should work for everyone. tantek: florian you said you saw contradicting items. most comprehensive write-up is from James Craig. I would reach out to him to ask for him to point you to latest thinking Interaction media feature navigation: none | sequential | spatial ----------------------------------------------------------------- github: https://github.com/WICG/spatial-navigation/issues/41 <jihye> https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/pull/2494 florian: We have a few media features that let you test input device to try and help author of page media-query their way into more convenient UI florian: We propose it would be useful for an author to know if user has sequential or spatial navigation available to them. florian: If you're on a thing that lacks a mouse but has spat nav, grid is fine. If you lack a mouse and spat nav you likely want visually linear. Having a ability to know if they match seems useful. florian: Web signage would be an example of having neither. florian: I made a PR, can we add that to MQ L5? fantasai: Reasonable to me. might want to distinguish 4-direction navigation and navigation that can go in any direction (e.g. joystick). florian: I'd suggest opening that as an issue on the feature. fantasai: Okay. Rossen: If you have a mobile device and are connected to a hub that gives you keyboard and mouse, what's the expectation? ... florian: It's also for authors to not be unreasonable. You can query ability to hover when there's a mouse. You could reorder the whole page at that time, but it would not be wise. smfr: I'm slightly opposed to a MQ that exposes a user setting because it's extra fingerprintting. Rossen: I also want to echo smfr concern about user fingerprinting. We're going through extreme efforts to not bleed anything into the user logic level that would ID users with disabilities. <tantek> Also want to echo concerns about fingerprinting florian: I think this is different where devices that provide this always and devices that allow it. If it's an opt-in functionality we can say you're allowed to opt-in. dbaron: I'm a little skeptical to the fingerprinting concerns because the site can tell what the user is using anyway. They'll get mouse events. smfr: True, if those events go to a frame doing detection. Detection without user input is more dangerous. fantasai: I would hope we'd get more browsers implementing spatial nav. myles: Would MQ enable when you press modifier. florian: The MQ would not be on when you press a key, it's on when you're in a browser where spatial navigation is enabled. myles: So every page gets this MQ when you update your browser the internet looks different... being a spatial nav enabled browser is different then saying optimize your site for spatial navigation. florian: I don't think it means prefer spatnav. It's like when hover is on. If I'm about to do a design that would look terrible without that feature, I should rethink when you don't have it available. florian: This isn't meant as a request for preferring design for spatial nav. Design for spatial nav is typically a typical design. myles: So if every major browser ships, what would a web author do with this MQ? florian: If you're on a device with no pointer but there is spatial nav it's reasonable to have the same main layout we see. If there's neither it's not so great. If you're on a TV with no tab key you might want to know. smfr: Are there any UA where tab is only form of nav? We should encourage people to write web content that works everywhere, not content that works with a mouse but is terrible with tab navigation. This feels a bit too far. And we shouldn't assume there's UAs with only terrible tab navigation. Those are bad UAs. smfr: I'd prefer not to have this. florian: Summarize the feedback as "hmm maybe, come back with stronger use cases" smfr: Yeah. Rossen: I'd say "hmm not really but if you come back with something stronger we'll reconsider" Rossen: Anything else for spatial nav? florian: Just a request for people to look at what we've done. <florian> https://wicg.github.io/spatial-navigation/ Rossen: That's jihye and florian CSS Floats ========== Complex float shapes and bfc sizing ----------------------------------- github: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/2452 The diagrams being discussed are funky things like placing a series of floats into configurations like the following, and then trying to flow content (lines or BFCs) into the remaining space in the container. +------------------------------------+ |### ###########| |### ###########| |### ###########| |################ ###########| |################ ###########| |################ | |################ | |################ | |############################ | |############################ | |## | |## | |## | | | | | | | | | |....................................| fremy: [whiteboards] fremy: Issue is pretty simple fremy: When you have a float and another float later that has a different shape constraint. We try and size the BFC in the remaining space in the block. If your BFC is taller than the point where size constraint changes then you have to do something. fremy: In FF every time this happens, a new layout is drawn and we try to resize the BFC. It's repeated as many times as needed. It's an arbitrary number of relayouts. fremy: Chrome looks like some weird behavior where they tried to do it but it broke websites. fremy: We'd like to find something in the middle Rossen: We'll layout in the first available space and then slide the other block down until we find space. We're optimizing for not relayout so we avoid overlap astearns: But you're not using the width of the space. Rossen: We are. The BFC might become wider and shorter so you don't intersect. When I wrote this in like IE9, you do an intersection with all your geometry until you fit the space in your initial BFC and you use that. iank: Did you change recently? Rossen: Maybe but not so much fremy: We do first layout and move the box to the first place you fit. Rossen: We may not do relayout. dbaron: One problem with the description. While making something wider generally makes it shorter, sometimes it makes it taller. Like when you have an overflow:hidden and the image has a fixed width if you make it wider the image gets taller. dbaron: You can't assume that it's going to not overlap. dbaron: Other thing is these overlap cases happen on real websites, especially Wikipedia. Browsers that get this wrong have overlapping content in Wikipedia. dbaron: In wikipedia cases, FF has like 3 layouts. iank: We looked into this. We think our current implementation is a little funky. One thing we can do is you look for next available area that is unbounded and doesn't have a float blocking it off at the bottom. Rossen: You can have a zigzag of floats. If you want to start filling it with a zigzag you'd push the first BFC down in this case. iank: It will skip the zig zag. That's the best 2 pass. fremy: 2 pass option, first we try and use the size. If you overlap with another float you can try to get the smallest distance that you have in the future and try to layout in that narrow space. If that's more then the minimum space you do the usual. Rossen: What do you mean it'll work in 2 passes? fremy: If it doesn't work we do edge behavior, but if it does you find the smallest space in the future. You simplify the geometry and the remaining space is what you try to use. Rossen: Furthest left and furthest right can be disjointed. fremy: To get 2 passes. [missed] <iank> Here is a testcase I created a while ago... https://www.software.hixie.ch/utilities/js/live-dom-viewer/?saved=5370 florian: So furthest left and right, not shortest distance. dbaron: There's one assumption about gecko you made that I think is wrong. I think you assumed we did a layout...let me check... dbaron: I think we're using intrinisic min-content width for checks and not doing layout. dbaron: We're doing a layout to determine the height. Rossen: That's the one we're talking about. The widths are created by the geometry. dbaron: I need to read the code... iank: One thing to point out is when you introduce margin collapsing if the BFC's margin affects position of floats. Rossen: If BFC positions after the floats it will have to be in content order. Only thing that could be effected is BFC position iank: Margins collapsing through in an empty div. Rossen: But they're already committed. iank: Not until you know the final margins. iank: You can have a margin that's further down in the doc that affects where the floats are positioned. Rossen: You'll have to show me the test case. Rune: top margin will collapse through? iank: Yes. Rossen: dbaron did you get this into your head? dbaron: Kinda. There are a set of positions you can reject without layout. Rossen: What does 2.1 spec suggest? astearns: From my recollection when defining shapes, FF has the right behavior where you slide things until it fits. Rossen: What do you mean by slide? In fremy picture, would you consider sliding? astearns: I recall line layout, not BFC. Rossen: Line layout is rigid. dbaron: Line layout has the same problem because the line can also get taller. astearns: And trying them at a lower position can change the width. Rossen: [draws] Rossen: Assuming this geometry is what you have to play with (large multi-tiered box) what do you mean by sliding? Rossen: Let's assume everything above is taken. First place you can position is here. Then you arrive and get to some kind of layout. Is sliding on the x axis? one of the geometries? dbaron: For both line layout and BFC you have 2 nested loops. If you fail to fit....the outer loop is over your y position and the inner is over your reduction in width. dbaron: If you try and place here and fail because it intersects below, you narrow your width to account for the intersection and try again. You go until you fit or you fail but there's no more floats. dbaron: That's the inner loop. Outer loop is we failed to find a width for this vertical position so then we move down to the next vertical position with more room. dbaron: In the simple case what we implement right now is looking for the next position where something changes. dbaron: Traditional floats it's not that bad, in shapes we should loop iank: On shapes we switched shape sizes and BFC, so shape-outside has no effect on a BFC. dbaron: I think you can exclude a decent amount of things. astearns: Changing what you're doing depending on regular float vs shape-outside, I don't think that makes that much sense. Everything you can do with shapes you can do with a sufficient number of floats. iank: We have use counters saying it's not used so we switched it off. astearns: I'm not that concerned with BFCs but everything we're discussing as a problem for BFCs is also a problem for placing first line of non-BFC content next to floats. iank: Slightly different. Rossen: In general what you describe makes sense. I hope there's a spec where we can define this. I failed to find anything when I implemented. astearns: Section 9.5.1 dbaron: 2.1 defines itfor lines but not well for BFC is my memory. dbaron: All float rules in 2.1 are in terms on constraints and this is a case where constraints is a bad way of defining it. fremy: This is potentially a lot of layout. iank: In our new implementation of block layout we went with FF's behavior, going through each opportunity. Rossen: From user POV that's the better behavior. iank: I can describe the 2 pass method. iank: The 2 pass one is layout and the based on I think min-content you lay out in one of the areas. fremy: I proposed you first try the first position. Then you try the furthest right space. If it's bigger then the min-width you put the element there. That's what Edge is doing. I'm fairly confident that'll work almost all the time and then you don't have to layout again and again. As an author you don't expect this to be super expensive, but it can be. <rego> this non-BFC example has overlapping issues on Blink/WebKit http://jsbin.com/yebelixowu/1/edit?html,css,output florian: If I understand dbaron in the case without minimum, the extra part you compress. But if you have the minimum you have to do a re-layout. dbaron: Most expensive case is [whiteboards] a table and you're dealing with a shape that has a really rough uneven edge. dbaron: So you keep having to relayout. iank: This is why we switched this off for shapes. fremy: We only do this a few times and then give up and overflow the floats. fremy: What this would do is it would try to lay it out and if it doesn't work it would clear the table under the shape. [But not relayout in the larger space after clearing] astearns: I'm not sure the example of the narrowest place works for this example. dbaron: Depends on what the shape is. fremy: If the table fits it fits. If it's bigger it goes underneath. myIes: I think the point is it's valid, but not good. astearns: I see the appeal from an implementation side, but as an author I can't imagine wanting this... if an author wants the content as far up in the layout as possible so FF and half of Chrome is what I expect an author would want. astearns: If we have to have a strategy to avoid re-layouts, giving up and going past the float may be better. fremy: Chrome would like to remove this thing. iank: We've removed shapes. We added counters to shapes and barely saw usage. I believe shapes now only effect line-boxes. iank: As people add lots of floats, sure. Shapes is easy to go into every max-length. dbaron: I think saying shape-outside doesn't effect BFC is a reasonable compromise. astearns: We deferred to 2.1 in the spec. fremy: [missed] dbaron: I think wikipedia looks better with the algo. fremy: In most cases you do it in 3 which gets you same result. dbaron: It's reasonably common that the narrowest thing will be something narrow. astearns: Because we counter with shapes and BFCs is small, a different rule for BFC is fine. But I'd hate that to be a precedent for line layout. iank: That's easier because when you do the first pass you know the height. astearns: I don't mind as long as it doesn't apply to line layout. florian: Are you sure problem isn't for lines? dbaron: You don't change height of the line depending on it getting narrower. If you shrink the line it might get shorter, but it won't increase in height. If you shorten the line and it gets shorter in height, but it fits, you leave it. iank: Always works in 2 passes. Rossen: And for BFCs the narrower you make it, the longer it gets usually. dbaron: You can guarantee the shortening look is 2, the moving down can be more loops. fremy: 2 proposal. 1 to say BFC.... Rossen: 1) Do all possible layouts which will optimize for the area. myles: 2) layout to widest. If it doesn't fix calculate some numbers and if it doesn't fix clear it. myles: 3) is always clear it. Rossen: We try and find space for the layout and then clear it. fremy: Reason we're here is we've found 3) is not good on Wikipedia. myles: 1 is what user wants. astearns pointed out option 3 may be better than option 2 for user. fremy: [missed] astearns: Option 1 will often find a > min place to put the BFC. fremy: Not as likely. dbaron: Depends on the floats. dbaron: If your floats are like this (smallest on top right) then you'll be fine on the top. Iank draws two stepped sets of floats, one of decreasing widths on the left, one of increasing widths on the right, leaving a stepped diagonal channel Rossen: Can I make a proposal? I'm not sure we'll be able to resolve without wasting more paper. Holding the whole group on this prob. not very helpful. Let's take this over lunch with the people interested. Rossen: So what we believe is best for user and impl and we'll come back after the break. dbaron: I think one resolution that solves part of the problem is the interaction with shapes and BFC. Prop: BFC flow around floats don't care about shape-outside. fremy: If you do shape-outside and you do a float BFC is wrong. If you do shape outside the entire element floats. florian: For FC it's rare enough it's okay. Rossen: Shapes with BFC is probably not common. Shapes with text is how feature was intended. myles: Why do we want this proposal? iank: Implementation complex. dbaron: Gets rid of worst cases. myles: You just look at mins and maxes Rossen: Whatever you have with shapes you can make with floats. dbaron: Okay, I take back that we might be able to resolve. <br type="lunch" dur="60min"/> Rossen: Let's resume <iank> https://www.software.hixie.ch/utilities/js/live-dom-viewer/?saved=5879 [projector projects a diagram on Rossen's computer] * astearns wonders whether the rainbow layout versus the black gloomy layout with red glowing eyes means anything Rossen: This is the picture we were trying to illustrate on the white board. It's intended to illustrate the 3 proposals. ACTION Rossen send the image of to www-archive@w3.org <trackbot> Created ACTION-872 fremy: Proposal #3 is when you have an image that overflows you just push it down, but that was also leaving a lot of empty space. Edge is doing that right now. Rossen: We do one layout. We're assuming inline is in top left. astearns: BFC tried for full width and intersected with float. Rossen: Right. If we don't fit because we intersect, we try to fit and end up at the bottom (behavior #3) florian: Width is full width of containing block? Rossen: Might not. It doesn't fit. fantasai: That's super weird. Rossen: And super performant! <fantasai> Rossen was explaining that once they've cleared past the floats into a larger-width area, they don't lay out into that larger area but keep the width of the initial layout into the float-impacted area. <fantasai> This is what I thought was super weird astearns: Edge is getting bugs on clearing and leaving the empty space above. Rossen: Say you have a div and a tiny 0 width float and then another small float. In this case there's a 0 width, which we layout the BFC next to the 0 width. But it intesects with the other float. Then we slide the BFC down. Say it doesn't fit and then it's before the small float. Rossen: you can argue we can fix our bug with behavior #2 which has different drawbacks. fremy: Proposal #2 is if it doesn't fit you try one more layout. You try to find first place you can fit the min content of the BFC you're trying to place. If you can fit the min-content you put it there. Downside is you may end up in a situation where it goes down if the min-width is too small. You try to find somewhere you can fit the min-content and there are no floats limiting the height below it. It doesn't require any layout. It's guaranteed valid. Drawback is it could be min width is very small so you get very tall. florian: In this logic if there is several places you can fit do you try all? iank: The first one. In this case there's three areas. You start at the first and if it fits you put it there. fremy: If it doesn't you try the second and then the third. iank: It's a 2 pass layout and you're trying all areas. astearns: It fixes the floated UI issue. fremy: Option 1 is Firefox. It's literally trying all possibilities. fantasai: Nobody gets the rainbow where it is? Rossen: Firefox is rainbow. iank: I posted a link at 1:22 pm of a test case for this. myles: rainbow is FF, 3 is edge, no one does 2. iank: Blink and webkit is undefined. fremy: There's one thing I don't like is that. Rossen: People use zero-width floats to vertically offset other floats. It's the only way to offset floats veritically. fremy: No gap here (position the float, then the BFC) means that someone really wanted that space. astearns: So we have 3 which goes below the floats. 2 which makes an attempt based on heuristics. And 1 which does the best but is expensive. fremy: Also will Chrome disable this for shapes. astearns: Rossen said there was a conclusion. fremy: [missed] group decision: no conclusion fremy: If people won't agree on #2...I think we should resolve on 2. Rossen: 2 is improvement for us and Chrome, and reduced experience in FF. iank: The test case I dumped in IRC we do 2 in. <iank> https://www.software.hixie.ch/utilities/js/live-dom-viewer/?saved=5879 astearns: Would anyone object to specifying the second option? dbaron: Who does it now? many: no one dbaron: I would object to spec something no one does. fremy: We can't spec what Chrome is doing. Firefox is option 1. That's better then our version. astearns: Sounds like we don't agree. iank: We can see how expensive 1 is. Rossen: We can resolve on 1, ask whomever implements it to spec it. If there is a performance concern, we can ask to get some data back. In the meantime other implementations... we'll do something to fix. Rossen: For normative behavior it's hard to argue #1 isn't the best. It's up to us to figure out easy engineering tricks to optimize as much as possible. Rossen: So is there objections to #1? fantasai: Sounds better. astearns: Objections to spec #1 for BFCs? fremy: No special about shapes? Rossen: No, nothing special about shapes. astearns: If we specify this, then we'd need a floats module. Rossen: Let's get a resolution about the behavior we want. astearns: Prop: The working group preference is to specify BFC float avoidance behavior to match what is spec in 2.1 for inline layout float avoidance behavior Rossen: ish. astearns: To follow those guidelines and spec it well. astearns: Objections? RESOLVED: The working group preference is to specify BFC float avoidance behavior to match the guidelines of what is specified in 2.1 for inline layout float avoidance behavior Rossen: Where does this go? florian: 2.1? astearns: I think Floats module. 2.1 is vague on inline. Rossen: In CSS positioning the fork happened for floats and position. fantasai: I'd recommend not in the same module because positioning and floats are quite different. Rossen: That's okay. We can take the line out of 2.1 and start a module. Rossen: A resolution for that? gsnedders: If we're removing a line from 2.1 we should have a resolution. astearns: We're not taking out, we're making a module to refine. astearns: objections to someone creating a css float module at some point? Rossen: I can create the fork and start it. dbaron: I can help, but I don't want to be only person. astearns: objections to rossen and dbaron creating a css float module? smfr: This isn't about float layout, but wrapping behavior. So if shapes trigger same behavior doesn't make sense. astearns: Shape-outside is in relation to floats and exclusions would tie in. fantasai: I think Floats is right place. dbaron: I think if I'm putting it with something, it would be block layout and we don't really have a L3 for that. myles: That's better then proposal. Rather then a new spec we should have someone take up stewardship of the block layout fantasai: It has way more stuff in it than just floats. astearns: Like with any other module the bits and pieces that refer to other specs say it's defined over there. astearns: Can be floats module, can be wrap. They're pretty synonymous for css so I don't care on the name. Rossen: Floats is more specific and targeted. astearns: Prop: Start CSS 3 Floats Module with dbaron & fremy as co-editors RESOLVED: Start a CSS 3 Floats Module with dbaron and fremy as co-editors astearns: We have more layout stuff this afternoon.
Received on Friday, 27 April 2018 21:29:05 UTC