Re: Should CSS generated contents ::before and ::after really become part of the document?

2017-01-15 5:23 GMT+08:00 Liam R. E. Quin <>:

> I believe that varies between browsers today, as does the behaviour of
> text-transform (e.g. displaying upper case in the input as lower case)
> e.g. on copy and paste.

I understand that the behaviour may vary from browser to browser, but
currently it seems that a standard is not present so that browser implementers
are being unable to check whether their browsers are behaving correctly.

Not sure about others' thoughts, but in my humble opinion, it would be
crystal clear and confusion-free if W3C spec defines a standard for this
matter. Would you mind sharing us your thoughts?

Ian Yang

Received on Sunday, 15 January 2017 02:04:19 UTC