Re: Shorthands resetting properties they cannot set

Le 04/12/2017 à 20:49, François REMY a écrit :

> I furthermore disagree with the statement that says it is confusing that "border: something" resets "border-image", I really like when a property resets all the properties that have the same prefix, and find it confusing otherwise. If as an author you write "border: 3px solid white" you want a "3px solid white" border, and not sometimes this turn into non-white border because another rule in the document did set a border-image previously. 

Ah. Let's take *any* web editor based on CSS OM, not only BlueGriffon:

  1. apply "border-bottom: thin red solid" to an element
  2. apply "border-top: thin red solid" to the same element
  4. same thing with  "border-left" and "border-right"

EXPECTED BEHAVIOUR: web authors expect the "border: thin red solid"
  shorthand to appear in the stylesheet they edit instead of the

ACTUAL BEHAVIOUR: the four properties remain expanded as is... I saw one
  editor serializing 'border-style", 'border-width' and 'border-color',
  not sure it's better in any way...

This is what users complain (loudly) about because and I totally agree
with them. We have changed a 20+ years old behaviour for some of the
most used properties in CSS.


Received on Thursday, 14 December 2017 17:17:10 UTC