Re: [csswg] Agenda conf call 30-August-2017

My regrets as on vacation this week. However

On 30-Aug-17 03:08, Alan Stearns wrote:
> Time/Phone/WebEx details available to WG Members in w3c-css-wg.
> See
> US Toll Number: +1-617-324-0000
> For local times, see:
> 0. Extra agenda items and other digressions
> 1. Spec Rec next steps
> 2. Test Metadata

I think removing the rel=help link turns a useful test into a useless 
one; it saves the test author 5 seconds (don't tell me someone is 
writing a test without reading the spec) and costs everyone who tries to 
understand the test 2 to 10 minutes figuring out what exactly is being 

> 3. [all] Consider policy to ask for web-platform-tests
>     (but particularly for cssom and cssom-view)
In favour, just merge a similar file to the fxtf repo one.

Chris Lilley
Technical Director @ W3C
W3C Strategy Team, Core Web Design
W3C Architecture & Technology Team, Core Web & Media

Received on Wednesday, 30 August 2017 11:57:49 UTC