- From: Dael Jackson <daelcss@gmail.com>
- Date: Wed, 23 Aug 2017 19:26:19 -0400
- To: www-style@w3.org
========================================= These are the official CSSWG minutes. Unless you're correcting the minutes, Please respond by starting a new thread with an appropriate subject line. ========================================= Intrinsic sizing algorithm seems to produce 0 for many common cases ------------------------------------------------------------------- - RESOLVED: Change the spec to treat width and height as input for the max content size. Definiteness of flex items' main size depend on flex-basis's definiteness ------------------------------------------------------------ - RESOLVED: Allow percentages to resolve, re-open issue if dholbert or others want to re-discuss. Spec for cursor during selection? --------------------------------- - RESOLVED: Add the proposed text from the github issue https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/1691 (Text: "User agents may also ignore the cursor property and display a cursor of their choice to indicate various states of the UA's user interface, such as a busy cursor when the page is not responding, or a text cursor when the user is performing text selection.") fit-content() vs 'stretch' alignment ------------------------------------ - There was initial leaning toward having 'stretch' affect fit-content() up to the max size, but several people wanted more time to review before resolving. Clarify that ::before/etc allowed after ::slotted() --------------------------------------------------- - RESOLVED: Allow ::before/after after ::slotted() but not opening it to general stacking of elements. ===== FULL MINUTES BELOW ====== Agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/2017Aug/0025.html Present: Rachel Andrew Tab Atkins (IRC only for most of the call) David Baron Bert Bos Alex Critchfield Benjamin De Cock Elika Etemad Tony Graham Dael Jackson Brad Kemper Myles Maxfield Anton Prowse Melanie Richards Florian Rivoal Jen Simmons Greg Whitworth Regrets: Rossen Atanassov Alan Stearns Lea Verou Scribe: dael Bert: Let's get started Bert: Extra items. Anything we need to talk about? myles: The set of people on the call is small. Bert: It is August, but we do normally have more people. [discussion about quorum, more people arrive] Bert: I don't hear extra topics. Spec Rec Next Steps ------------------- Florian: Question. Based on recent resolution I sent transition for MQ4 to CR. I know it's possible to do it myself or ask staff contact. I tried to do myself, but I haven't heard back. If you know something, let me know. If not can you look? Bert: It's making its way. It's not often the editor sends the request so people are looking at it as odd. Florian: We'd done that in the past. I was mandated to do it for CSS UI and document it. I forgot to document so I figured I'd do it this time and document. Bert: It's fine. plh is on holiday and he assigned his role to other people who aren't as experienced. They found the resolution. Florian: As long as it's not lost we're good. Bert: I have news: scroll snap is going to publish tomorrow. Bert: Anything else? Intrinsic sizing algorithm seems to produce 0 for many common cases ------------------------------------------------------------------- Github topic: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/1435 fantasai: There is an issue filed by dholbert pointing out max-content of a flex container is only defined by max-content size of its content and flex-basis isn't taken into account. Empty elements in flex with a basis it shrinks to 0. fantasai: dholbert pointed out this is unintuitive. We did give it a size. <fantasai> Options: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/1435#issuecomment-321098718 fantasai: We have options here. No one has a good argument for one over another. We need WG or community opinion. We could do nothing and leave as-is. We could treat specified width or height as a size that needs honor and ignore flex-basis. We could do flex-basis and ignore width and height. We could take max(flex-basis, width/height) as a floor on the max-content size. And this would all be inflated by max-content. fantasai: If I was going to pick randomly I would say use width and height but not flex-basis. Bert: Sounds like it's not a serious problem, but I may be misreading. Any opinions? gregwhitworth: I'd agree with width and height but not flex-basis. My only worry is, I don't expect people to hit this on web but they probably wouldn't know they have empty flex. gregwhitworth: Any compat issues? rachelandrew: As an author it's not an issue I've seen. rachelandrew: I'd probably agree width/height not flex-basis makes sense. Bert: That's one in support. Other opinions? Bert: Other options...flex-basis as well as width/height and take the max, they are less desirable. Did we not want to discuss those? fantasai: flex-basis is a start place for flexing, it's an input. Width and height are set. In that case you're setting something explicit and everywhere else in CSS we take that. Bert: Anybody want to argue in favor of flex-basis or max of that and width? Bert: Maybe we drop those. Bert: So only no change or look at width/height. Florian: Sounds like a good change, but is anyone rushing to impl? fantasai: I'm not sure but dholbert is planning to look at flex box. gregwhitworth: Looking at the test case we have interop. It's a worthwhile change, we should make it. Bert: Okay, they we need buy in from more impl. Florian: We have 2 at least. That's a good start. Bert: Is TabAtkins on? fantasai: He's just IRC. <bradk> Is there existing content that depends on current interop behavior? Bert: I'm hearing some support for looking at width/height but not flex-basis which is a change in spec. fantasai: Yes. Bert: Do we put that up? Change the spec to treat width and height as input for the max content size. Bert: Who is in favor, who is against? Florian: In favor <rachelandrew> +1 Bert: I only hear in favor. RESOLVED: Change the spec to treat width and height as input for the max content size. Bert: fantasai will you write text? or TabAtkins ? Bert: Whose action? <TabAtkins> We'll take care of it, don't worry fantasai: We'll do it, don't worry. <TabAtkins> As long as it shows up in the issue <dbaron> I guess I'm surprised they weren't already an input to the max-content contribution, given that they're an input for other layout modes. <fantasai> dbaron, yup, that's why dholbert filed the issue :) Should last-baseline's fallback alignment be safe or unsafe? ------------------------------------------------------------ Github topic: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/1611 fantasai: I didn't post a blog post. I did ask jensimmons and her opinion was unsafe. That's as far as I got. Bert: You want to continue that action. fantasai: Yeah. Bert: Keep that open? fantasai: Yep. Definiteness of flex items' main size depend on flex-basis's definiteness ------------------------------------------------------------ Github topic: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/1679 Bert: I think gregwhitworth wanted to look at code he had to compare. gregwhitworth: Is anybody from FF on? dbaron: I don't know if I'll be helpful. gregwhitworth: I put my information in the notes. I sat with our dev. We could figure out the same thing as dholbert. We haven't impl this aspect. I pushed him to see if this is right approach. dholbert seemed to say he thought it was the right approach. gregwhitworth: We do because everything is auto we do layout and then a second pass to resolve percentages. That's what authors also expect. I'm wondering if we should remove the constraining on #2 of 9.8. If you set definite flex-basis and fixed height it does the extra work. I see a lot of authors doing this though it's not what they're expecting. fantasai: Bigger argument is we have introp on 2 impl and the authors expect that behavior. Spec says something else so we should change spec. gregwhitworth: And what dholbert posted to the list, we originally said 'hey performance'. It's odd for authors to know that to set flex-basis to 0 is what you need to do for chrome to look like edge and ff. gregwhitworth: Let's just remove the constraints of #2 under 9.8 <fremy> fwiw I discussed this with gregwhitworth yesterday, and I totally +1 his request to remove the constraints on #2 fantasai: Reasonable to me. Bert: Me too, but I'm not expert. Other opinions? dbaron: I'm not sure how well performance bugs get tied back to this. I'm not sure if we would have heard if there were performance bugs. gregwhitworth: That's a valid argument. I feel like we're going to argue a theory. Now that we have grid we'll be able to have less nested flexes is my guess so I'm not as worried about the circular problem. fantasai: In grid percentage always resolved because grid sizing creates sizes for the tracks. Conceptually grid algo resolves the equivalent code the way FF and Edge do flex right now. Bert: I'm hearing, fantasai, that there are impl that do and some that don't do the layout based sizing? gregwhitworth: Chrome and I believe I saw webkit and blink would have to change. As we stated the people on the thread aren't on the call. <gsnedders> FF and Edge agree, Chrome and Safari agree (but are one impl now again) <gsnedders> WebKit's implementation of flex was literally copied over from Blink a few months ago Bert: Are we confident enough to decide? Do we need more input? fantasai: Christian is away for the next couple months. We can ask dholbert that we want this resolution and ask for approval. From dholbert and whomever people want to tag. Bert: Sounds like a good way forward. If we document it in the issue is that enough? Do we need to contact personally? gregwhitworth: I say we just resolve since we discussed it. We can re-discuss if they want to get on a call. Bert: Okay. Bert: Wording for proposed resolution? gregwhitworth: It's what I said in the issue. Basically re-write #2 of section 9.8 to percentage would resolve. fantasai: Allow percentage to resolve, re-open issue if dholbert or others want to re-discuss. Bert: Okay, that's the proposal. Objections? RESOLVED: Allow percentages to resolve, re-open issue if dholbert or others want to re-discuss. Spec for cursor during selection? --------------------------------- Github topic: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/1691 Florian: We discussed and reaffirmed that we want cursor:auto to only do limited switching. All other types of adjustment are through UA stylesheet. Chrome is fixing their impl to change that and they found another thing they can't do in the stylesheet. While user is dragging mouse they change cursor to text cursor if it's auto. Florian: This is chrome only behavior. Safari changes always, not just auto. Florian: My feeling is this is sort of out of scope. We already said UA can ignore cursor if you're doing something like hovering over scrollbars. We originally suggested that way the UA does to reflect state of UI is out of scope. Florian: My suggestion is changing the cursor to reflect selection is an indication of the browsers UI is out of scope. I propose an editorial clarification to say that. Is that sounding sane? Bert: Does to me. myles: On mac there's already system behavior. It's valuable to be able to match platform. <fremy> +1 Bert: That's support for Florian jensimmons: I'd add that I have no see authors desiring the ability to control at this level of detail so sounds good to me. Bert: Anybody else? Bert: Proposal is add a note? Florian: I'm doing this as a may. Proposal is in issue. [reads: "User agents may also ignore the cursor property and display a cursor of their choice to indicate various states of the UA's user interface, such as a busy cursor when the page is not responding, or a text cursor when the user is performing text selection."] Florian: Resolution would be adopt the wording in the issue. Bert: Okay, proposal is add the text as is in the issue. Bert: Objections? RESOLVED: Add the proposed text from the github issue https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/1691 ACTION Florian add the proposed text in https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/1691 to the spec <trackbot> Created ACTION-862 Metadata -------- Github topic: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/1730 Florian: May be better for fuller attendance, but in brief. Florian: While submitting tests recently I found a difference between what I understand the policy on how to write test and what the web platform tests is. I think there's a mis-match and how we decided to relax our metadata and how the tooling is based. Florian: I want to confirm if I'm the only one confused or if others have the misunderstanding. Florian: I'm not convinced this is useful without more people. Bert: We can keep for the next time. Anyone else want to say something today? Bert: Okay, we'll wait for more people. fit-content() vs 'stretch' alignment ------------------------------------ Github topic: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/1732 fantasai: rachelandrew and rego found spec issues about 'stretch' and fit-content() and 'stretch' will stretch past the specified limit and that doesn't make sense. <rachelandrew> the interop issue is described here https://github.com/rachelandrew/gridbugs#14-fit-content-is-stretching fantasai: There's 2 options. 1) Only have stretch stretch auto tracks but not fit-content. 2) Have stretch work on fit-content() up to the limit. fantasai: 2 is more complex to impl but may be more expected. Bert: I'm having trouble visualizing. Other people understand? fantasai: I'm happy to defer if people want more time. gregwhitworth: I prefer to wait. I didn't review in depth. Bert: How much time? gregwhitworth: Just a week. I want to run Rego's comment on impl past our devs. fantasai: There's also two options for if we do stretch...do we stretch other tracks once these have reached their limit or just say nope. jensimmons: From author side having a track with fit-content grow and shrink would be expected. And I think that once the fit-content limit is hit having additional space appear get distributed through the rest of the grid would also make sense, not have the grid stop growing. jensimmons: I don't know the implication for impl. Super quick issue reading from rachelandrew's github of grid bugs it looks like that's what other authors expect. Correct me if I'm wrong rachelandrew rachelandrew: I think the author that raised it thought stretching was correct, but I found authors assume Chrome is correct. They tend to assume the browser they use the most is correct so I take it with a pinch of salt. Bert: So if we come back next week that's enough time to investigate? jensimmons: Is what I tried to articulate what FF does? rachelandrew: FF doesn't stretch. If you align to start you get the same with everything. Chrome is stretching. jensimmons: It would be nice...Oh there's a demo here. jensimmons: I'm fine punting to next week. fantasai: If people have opinions or thoughts please add comments to the issue. <gregwhitworth> Edge doesn't stretch either in the case provided Bert: So there are impl difference so at least one will have to change. Bert: Please add your thoughts to the issue and we'll come back next week. Clarify that ::before/etc allowed after ::slotted() --------------------------------------------------- Github topic: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/1747 Bert: It's raised by TabAtkins. Anyone else know this topic? Bert: I don't think I've seen ::slotted() before. gregwhitworth: I think we should wait for TabAtkins. I think their implementation is the furthest along. <TabAtkins> I can call now, one sec fantasai: I think...issue seems straightforward. There's ::slotted pseudo element. They want to attach ::before/after and what's the syntax for that. Obvious is TabAtkins suggestion. I think we just need confirmation from WG this is acceptable. Bert: It's only syntax? I thought it was if it was even possible. Bert: If it's only syntax this is easier. TabAtkins: I'm here now. TabAtkins: Simply, is everyone else okay with allowing this syntax. ::slotted lets a shadow dom element select whatever light dom was. There is a real element being pointed to by the pseudo element. So should we allow structural pseudos on that element. Should you be able to modify before and after from the ::slotted pseudo. TabAtkins: It's fine from an impl perspective. afaict it's not problem and it's not a problem from spec side. I need WG sign off and then a small change to selectors grammar to allow it. Bert: Now it makes sense to me. fantasai: Syntax change makes sense. If you should be allowed to access is separate question. Is slotted how light dom accesses shadow? TabAtkins: No. Other way around. slotted accesses light dom. myles: This isn't arbitrary, just these two. TabAtkins: ::slotted with ::before and ::after only. We can look at further combos later. fantasai: We're doing this similar with pseudo classes on pseudo elements. Currently only this set is allowed and all others are disallowed unless explicitly specified. Bert: So ::slotted is a special kind of pseudo element. TabAtkins: Yeah. Special part is is refers to a real element in to dom that's not accessible by standard combinators. Bert: Have you thought about other syntaxes that avoid stacking? TabAtkins: We've tried. We talked about the deep combinator taking elements. It ends up awkward. In general these to act like pseudo elements. They just happen to be back by a real element that's not normally accessible. Bert: I'm ready to propose allow ::before/after after ::slotted() but not opening it to general stacking of elements. Bert: Any support or arguments against? RESOLVED: Allow ::before/after after ::slotted() but not opening it to general stacking of elements. Bert: TabAtkins you're making the changes? TabAtkins: Yeah. Bert: That's the agenda. Other things to discuss? Bert: Hearing nothing, thanks everybody!
Received on Wednesday, 23 August 2017 23:27:15 UTC