Re: [css3-selectors]: Proposal: Adop the ::wrap pseudo element

On 09/29/2016 03:33 AM, Christoph Päper wrote:
> fantasai <>:
>> While I totally agree with you on this, I believe this is a bug in HTML and not
>> in CSS. The wrapper element is useful for much more than just styling: it allows
>> anchors to target the term-definition set, and JS to operate on it as a single
>> element.
>> (Also from a practical point of view, I get the impression from implementers that
>> it is much easier to implement parsing of a new HTML element than to implement a
>> new CSS pseudo-class that warps the element tree, so if one of your motivations
>> for trying to solve the problem in CSS instead of HTML is speed-to-market...
>> you're targetting the wrong place. ;)
> You’d need to convince Hixie et al., though.
> <>
> <>
> This FAQ says:
>> This is a styling problem and should be fixed in CSS. There's no reason to add a grouping element to HTML, as the semantics are already unambiguous.

Inasmuch as Hixie has a superhuman track record of being correct,
I think this is one case in which his opinion is wrong. Notice
also that his premise is incorrect: it is, as I mentioned before,
not only a styling problem.


Received on Thursday, 24 November 2016 06:21:19 UTC