- From: Gérard Talbot <www-style@gtalbot.org>
- Date: Mon, 14 Nov 2016 22:20:37 -0500
- To: W3C www-style mailing list <www-style@w3.org>
- Cc: Felix Miata <mrmazda@earthlink.net>
Hello fellow www-style colleagues, Let's assume that an H1 element is styled like this: <h1 style="color: red!important;">Text sample 2</h1> The origin is author style sheet and the weight (or importance) is !important. How is an user style sheet supposed to override or to take precedence over such author inline style with !importance then? The spec states: { Both author and user style sheets may contain "!important" declarations, and user "!important" rules override author "!important" rules. } 6.4.2 !important rules https://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/cascade.html#important-rules https://www.w3.org/TR/CSS22/cascade.html#important-rules and that requirement does not indicate that the user "!important" rule has to have an equal or higher specificity. In the test http://www.gtalbot.org/BrowserBugsSection/css21testsuite/cascade-felix-013.xht author rule is an inline style !important: <h1 style="color: red!important;">Text sample 2</h1> while the user style sheet has: body h1 { color: green!important; } The respective specificity are: author inline style: a=1 b=0 c=0 d=0 -> specificity = 1,0,0,0 user style sheet: a=0 b=0 c=0 d=2 -> specificity = 0,0,0,2 but again, my understanding is specificity should not matter since user style sheet for that h1 element has !important. What am I missing here? For convenience, people can use one of these extensions for that test: Stylish for Chrome Latest version: 1.5.2 https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/stylish/fjnbnpbmkenffdnngjfgmeleoegfcffe Stylish for Firefox Latest version: 2.0.7 https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/stylish/ userScriptCSS for Chrome Latest version: 1.4 https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/userscriptcss/pdfbjinabdohnegjnbfgdgohlhegamnm The "Text sample 2" is red in Firefox 49.0.2, Firefox 53.0a1, Chrome 54.0.2840.100 when I use one of those extensions. Gérard
Received on Tuesday, 15 November 2016 03:21:13 UTC