Re: [css-transforms] Individual transform properties, stacking contexts, containing blocks

Having a default 'none' (and every other value establishing a stacking
context) is probably best so that animations that sweep through the zeroes
(translate: 0px, rotate: 0deg, and scale: 1) don't pop in and out of
stacking context/containing block.

Tracked here:

On Sat, Jun 25, 2016 at 10:32 AM Matt Rakow <> wrote:

> Hi all,
> Any non-"none" value for the transform property causes the element to
> establish a stacking context and containing block.  The individual
> transform properties are not currently specified as establishing either of
> these; should they (I think yes)?
> If yes, when?  Do these properties also need a "none" value as the default?
> Thanks,
> -Matt

Received on Sunday, 26 June 2016 11:22:51 UTC